how to add the 'hash_map' and 'hash_set'

Brian Budge
Thu Mar 10 15:50:00 GMT 2005

Despite the fact that it's not official STL, it is included with gcc. 
If you look in the standard spot (..../include/g++-v3), you won't find
them, but if you look in (..../include/g++-v3/ext), you'll find them.


On Thu, 10 Mar 2005 07:06:45 -0600, Eljay Love-Jensen <> wrote:
> Hi Xiaoshan,
>  >I'am doing some work that equires me to use the stl's hash_map and hash_set
> There is no STL hash_map and hash_set.
> I recommend using BOOST <>, which is a group working to expand
> STL and other general purpose tools for C++2008 (or thereabouts).  Without
> looking, I'm guessing they have a hash_map and hash_set you could use.
> Quite a few of the BOOST contributors are also C++ committee members.
> HTH,
> --Eljay

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