August 2005 Archives by author
Starting: Mon Aug 1 00:04:00 GMT 2005
Ending: Wed Aug 31 22:44:00 GMT 2005
Messages: 340
- Linker problem
Jakub Horn (jakuhorn)
- gcc 4.0.1 Memory error during make on AIX using gcc 3.3.3
- Problem compiling gcc 4.0.1 on AIX
- malloc and casts
Manu Abraham
- malloc and casts
Manu Abraham
- Help gcc4 on GNU/Linux AMD64: Error: suffix or operands invalid
Davide Anchisi
- Files - Help gcc4 on GNU/Linux AMD64...
Davide Anchisi
- Help gcc4 on GNU/Linux AMD64: Error: suffix or operands invalid
Davide Anchisi
- Problem with GCC 3.2 Compiler for 64bit mode compilation on solaris8
Miguel Angel
- gcc's x86 "RET"-machine instruction optimization
Josef Angermeier
- gcc's x86 "RET"-machine instruction optimization
Josef Angermeier
- ld script: defining symbols
Josef Angermeier
- ld script: defining symbols
Josef Angermeier
- default code section
Josef Angermeier
- Some help
Sergio Bacchi
- "variable-size type declared" error for const sized array
Bahadir Balban
- Conversion from int to bool
Marc Barisch
- binutils and gcc 2.95
Rolando Bazoalto
- Installing gcc
Nelson H. F. Beebe
- MIPS calling conventions
Nelson H. F. Beebe
- gcc and small command line tasks
Nelson H. F. Beebe
- Debugging GCC
Andrey Belevantsev
- gcc-3.3.2 on darwin 8.0.1
Rebecca Bendick
- more gcc 3.3.2 on darwin 8.0.1
Rebecca Bendick
- libintl
Rebecca Bendick
- installing 3.3.2
Rebecca Bendick
- Is is possible to use the name of a variable in the constructor?
Daniel Berlin
- More fun with aliasing - removing assignments?
Daniel Berlin
- volatile const structure members in C++
Daniel Berlin
- volatile const structure members in C++
Daniel Berlin
- does GCC support __assume, __noop and _ReturnAddress?
Daniel Berlin
- calculated static constant cannot be used as a constant template parameter
James Bruce
- Linking issue using ld scripts
Remy Bruno
- software floating point and templates
Dan Burke
- Building GCC on LynxOS
Roberto Cabral
- Building GCC on LynxOS
Roberto Cabral
- Building GCC on LynxOS
Roberto Cabral
- GCC as crosscompiler for LynxOS
Roberto Cabral
- GCC as crosscompiler for LynxOS
Roberto Cabral
- Optimizing a Switch
Nicolas Cannasse
- Cross Compiler Unix - Windows
Eric Christopher
- Can I disable the "-Werror" compile flag for some code blocks?
Jules Colding
- Can I disable the "-Werror" compile flag for some code blocks?
Jules Colding
- Configurable error messages?
Jules Colding
- strange linker warnings
Antonio Coralles
- GNU C compiler options
Alessandro Madruga Correia
- Debugging GCC
Brendon Costa
- Installing gcc
Mario DeMiguel
- catching linux output in C|C++ variable.
Brian Dessent
- Linker problem
Brian Dessent
- Warning about uninitialized members in initializer list
Peter Doerfler
- -Woverloaded-virtual : why ?
Peter Doerfler
- Defaulting Compilations to 32-bit on a 64-bit system
Jeremy Dreese
- More fun with aliasing - removing assignments?
Harald van Dijk
- More fun with aliasing - removing assignments?
Harald van Dijk
- More fun with aliasing - removing assignments?
Harald van Dijk
- Problem compiling gcc 4.0.1 on AIX
David Edelsohn
- Linking on AIX
David Edelsohn
- Linking on AIX
David Edelsohn
- Linking on AIX
David Edelsohn
- Linking on AIX
David Edelsohn
- Installing gcc
Dan Falabella
- elements of array have incomplete type
Charles L. Farbstein
- with gcc v3.4.4
Charles L. Farbstein
- Minimum GCC version to safely compile 64-bit binaries for AMD64?
Neil Ferguson
- error: zero or negative size array '__JCR_LIST__'
Bernhard Fischer
- GCC 4.0.1 -fvisibility=hidden option does nothing
Brian Foster
- GCC 4.0.1 -fvisibility=hidden option does nothing
Brian Foster
- libffi and java (jni)
Thomas Friese
- error: static declaration of '...' follows non-static declaration
Arik Funke
- error: static declaration of '...' follows non-static declaration
Arik Funke
- error: static declaration of '...' follows non-static declaration
Arik Funke
- Error in "vfprintf"
Pavan G
- Cant find headers. GCC 4.0.1/Mingw
Chris Garrett
- Cant find headers. GCC 4.0.1/Mingw
Chris Garrett
- help: about enum
Gaurav Gautam, Noida
- Preissenkung bei Get-Time!!
Preissenkung bei Get-Time!!
- Need help installing gcc-3.4.4 on opteron
Graham Mark, CCN-12
- multiple destructors
Andy Green
- More fun with aliasing - removing assignments?
Richard Guenther
- More fun with aliasing - removing assignments?
Richard Guenther
- help: about enum
Vidyasagara Guntaka
- Compiling c but not c++ on HPUXv11 (resource.h)
François HILLION
- problem on compiling nios2-gcc on cygwin with --prefix
Liu Haibin
- nios2-gcc ld cannot open crt0.o after recompiling
Liu Haibin
- Incompatible pointer type warning issued for pointers to structures with compatible first element
Ryan Hajdaj
- How do I join this list?
Andrew Hardy
- Problem linking object with extern "C"
Andrew Hardy
- malloc and casts
Andrew Hardy
- More fun with aliasing - removing assignments?
Richard Henderson
- java calling C
Ray Holme
- libgcc documentation problems?
Brian Hurt
- libgcc documentation problems?
Brian Hurt
- Minimal gcc installation
Vijaya Kishore Idimadakala
- Can i Compile gcc for PowerPC
Vijaya Kishore Idimadakala
- System Hangs during installation
Vijaya Kishore Idimadakala
- Help with GCC
Balaji V. Iyer
- Help needed
- More fun with aliasing - removing assignments?
Daniel Jacobowitz
- More fun with aliasing - removing assignments?
Daniel Jacobowitz
- Cross Compiler Unix - Windows
Daniel Jacobowitz
- Warning about overrides hiding base class methods ?
Matthew Jones
- bit shifting doesn't work as expected
Matthew Jones
- -Woverloaded-virtual : why ?
Matthew Jones
- How to make g++ be less strict with standart/third-party headers
- Problems with temporaries and C++ spec
Garrett Kajmowicz
- Compiling for Motorola 68360 processor
Joshua Karstendick
- Cross Compiler Unix - Windows
Dave Korn
- C++ header files not found after installing in a non standart path
Ingo Krabbe
- C++ header files not found after installing in a non standart path
Ingo Krabbe
- Why this difference ?
Dileep Krishnan
- Why is iconv needed inside gcc/g++/...
Matthias Kurz
- gcc-3.4.4 fails to install on RH 7.3: i686-pc-linux-gnu/bits/stdc++.h.gch/ is empty
Ed Leaver
- gcc-3.4.4 fails to install on RH 7.3: etc, problem solved
Ed Leaver
- Is std::tr1::unordered_map supposed to be working yet?
Paul C. Leopardi
- Is std::tr1::unordered_map supposed to be working yet?
Paul C. Leopardi
- Is std::tr1::unordered_map supposed to be working yet?
Paul C. Leopardi
- Is std::tr1::unordered_map supposed to be working yet?
Paul C. Leopardi
- operator should be followed by a macro argument name
John Ling
- operator should be followed by a macro argument name
John Ling
- Linking on AIX
John Ling
- Linking on AIX
John Ling
- Linking on AIX
John Ling
- Linking on AIX
John Ling
- Linking on AIX
John Ling
- Is is possible to use the name of a variable in the constructor?
Eljay Love-Jensen
- elements of array have incomplete type
Eljay Love-Jensen
- Problem linking object with extern "C"
Eljay Love-Jensen
- order of headers lookup
Eljay Love-Jensen
- Unicode and C++ (GCC 4.0)
Eljay Love-Jensen
- error: static declaration of '...' follows non-static declaration
Eljay Love-Jensen
- Unicode and C++ (GCC 4.0)
Eljay Love-Jensen
- Error in "vfprintf"
Eljay Love-Jensen
- pointer subtraction
Eljay Love-Jensen
- Array to array assignment
Eljay Love-Jensen
- Why this difference ?
Eljay Love-Jensen
- bug?
Eljay Love-Jensen
- "variable-size type declared" error for const sized array
Eljay Love-Jensen
- How to install man pages for gcc 3.4.2?
Eljay Love-Jensen
- help: about enum
Eljay Love-Jensen
- Incompatible pointer type warning issued for pointers to structures with compatible first element
Eljay Love-Jensen
- Easy error compiling with gcc
Eljay Love-Jensen
- Class Object layout in memory
Joe Lovelace
- maximum number of variables?
Lexington Luthor
- SoftFloat in building gcc
Praveen K M
- Problem linking using static libraries
Ali Majdzadeh
- seg fault in __tcf_0 in 4.0.1 not in 4.0.0
William F. Mann
- binutils and gcc 2.95
Brian D. McGrew
- -finline-limit=????
Brian D. McGrew
- Strange malloc Error
Mike McWilliam
- Compiling GCC 4.0.0 for mips r4000
Meissner, Michael
- mips calling conventions
Meissner, Michael
- MIPS calling conventions
Meissner, Michael
- gcc and small command line tasks
Meissner, Michael
- Minimal gcc installation
Meissner, Michael
- GCC port for M16C
Mistry, Shailesh - UK
- Compiling c but not c++ on HPUXv11 (resource.h)
Marcel Moolenaar
- Cant find headers. GCC 4.0.1/Mingw
Arturas Moskvinas
- gcc and small command line tasks
Arturas Moskvinas
- Error while loading shared libraries.
Arturas Moskvinas
- Where can I get gcc for Super-H to compile Linux2.6 kernel?
Arturas Moskvinas
- java calling C
Arturas Moskvinas
- Help needed
Arturas Moskvinas
- Install help needed
Arturas Moskvinas
- java compilling and running
Arturas Moskvinas
- Problem with compiling source code that includes headers with GTY markers
Moritz Muehlenhoff
- Problem with compiling source code that includes headers with GTY markers
Moritz Muehlenhoff
- gcc and small command line tasks
James Nickson
- gcc and small command line tasks
James Nickson
- gcc and small command line tasks
James Nickson
- Cross Compiler Unix - Windows
- Cross Compiler Unix - Windows
- pointer subtraction
Ivan Novick
- verbose messages
Ivan Novick
- Cross Compiler Unix - Windows
Ivan Novick
- Cross Compiler Unix - Windows
Ivan Novick
- prefix
Ivan Novick
- More fun with aliasing - removing assignments?
Diego Novillo
- More fun with aliasing - removing assignments?
Diego Novillo
- More fun with aliasing - removing assignments?
Diego Novillo
- More fun with aliasing - removing assignments?
Diego Novillo
- More fun with aliasing - removing assignments?
Diego Novillo
- maximum number of variables?
Miguel A. Nuñez
- maximum number of variables?
Nicolas Ouellette
- maximum number of variables?
Nicolas Ouellette
- GCJ problem with org.xml.sax package
S. Park
- Unicode and C++ (GCC 4.0)
Christian Parpart
- [gcc 3.3.2] std::numeric_limits<long double>::singaling_NaN() bug?
Christian Parpart
- Cross Compiler Unix - Windows
Gerald Pfeifer
- Is is possible to use the name of a variable in the constructor?
Gunther Piez
- Is is possible to use the name of a variable in the constructor?
Gunther Piez
- Array to array assignment
Peter Pravda
- Question on accessing and using binfos
- mips calling conventions
Mad Props
- How do I join this list?
Bob Proulx
- Problem linking object with extern "C"
Bob Proulx
- verbose messages
Bob Proulx
- Strange malloc Error
Bob Proulx
- Help me plz
Jahirman Purba
- Thanks Ian
Jahirman Purba
- <help>How to install an old version of GCC?
Zhuang Qiuguang
- Suppressing warnings about "valid preprocessing token"
Kovarththanan Rajaratnam
- GNU C compiler options
Ishwar Rattan
- Trying to compile for mips-r4000-linux-gnu target machine Failing.... Please Help...
Ousama Rawas
- Trying to compile for mips-r4000-linux-gnu target machine Failing.... Please Help...
Ousama Rawas
- Trying to compile for mips-r4000-linux-gnu target machine Failing.... Please Help...
Ousama Rawas
- Internal Behavior of G++
Aoun Raza
- How to install man pages for gcc 3.4.2?
M Ranga Swami Reddy
- Object generation file using arm-elf, differences between gcc 3.2.1 and 4.1.0
Francesco Regazzoni
- FW: gcc/g++ Support For "namespace" Keyword
Jerry Richards
- Easy error compiling with gcc
- Warning about uninitialized members in initializer list
Mike Rolish
- maximum number of variables?
Bob Rossi
- maximum number of variables?
Bob Rossi
- maximum number of variables?
Bob Rossi
- maximum number of variables?
Bob Rossi
- Cross Compiler Unix - Windows
Kai Ruottu
- Cross Compiler Unix - Windows
Kai Ruottu
- Cross Compiler Unix - Windows
Kai Ruottu
- GC Warning: Insufficient space for /proc read
Pawel Sabina
- -O2 issue with g++ version 3.3.3
Pierre Sangouard
- SUNW,Ultra-4 Vs. SUNW,Sun-Fire-480R Architecture
- SUNW,Ultra-4 Vs. SUNW,Sun-Fire-480R Architecture
- How to install man pages for gcc 3.4.2?
- How to install man pages for gcc 3.4.2?
- Linker problem on AIX
Michael Savisko
- Branches
Frank Schafer
- More fun with aliasing - removing assignments?
Andreas Schwab
- Problem with GCC 3.2 Compiler for 64bit mode compilation on solaris8
Mahaboob Saida Shaik
- how to make with the special gcc as i wanted
Petter Shappen
- Gcov for user level application
Nathan Sidwell
- mips calling conventions
Nathan Sidwell
- Cross Compiler Unix - Windows
Andy Smith
- [g++ 3.4.4] Problem with reading file into string
Danny Smith
- bug?
Alexey Sokolov
- target type
Yuan Song
- sending messages to this list
Dima Sorkin
- order of headers lookup
Dima Sorkin
- traits of this list
Dima Sorkin
- order of headers lookup
Dima Sorkin
- builtin isinf in v4 causing linking problem on Solaris
Sigmund Straumsnes
- Cross Compiler Unix - Windows
Mike Stump
- Cross Compiler Unix - Windows
Mike Stump
- Cross Compiler Unix - Windows
Mike Stump
- Cross Compiler Unix - Windows
Mike Stump
- Cross Compiler Unix - Windows
Mike Stump
- fortran compiler in Fedora 4
Klein Sun
- Is is possible to use the name of a variable in the constructor?
Ian Lance Taylor
- Is is possible to use the name of a variable in the constructor?
Ian Lance Taylor
- Trying to compile for mips-r4000-linux-gnu target machine Failing.... Please Help...
Ian Lance Taylor
- gcc's x86 "RET"-machine instruction optimization
Ian Lance Taylor
- More fun with aliasing - removing assignments?
Ian Lance Taylor
- More fun with aliasing - removing assignments?
Ian Lance Taylor
- Help gcc4 on GNU/Linux AMD64: Error: suffix or operands invalid
Ian Lance Taylor
- sending messages to this list
Ian Lance Taylor
- traits of this list
Ian Lance Taylor
- Question on accessing and using binfos
Ian Lance Taylor
- GNU C compiler options
Ian Lance Taylor
- Trying to compile for mips-r4000-linux-gnu target machine Failing.... Please Help...
Ian Lance Taylor
- operator should be followed by a macro argument name
Ian Lance Taylor
- Trying to compile for mips-r4000-linux-gnu target machine Failing.... Please Help...
Ian Lance Taylor
- Branches
Ian Lance Taylor
- operator should be followed by a macro argument name
Ian Lance Taylor
- gcc-3.4.3 build fails for i386-pc-linux-gnu target
Ian Lance Taylor
- Building GCC on LynxOS
Ian Lance Taylor
- Help me plz
Ian Lance Taylor
- Compiling for Motorola 68360 processor
Ian Lance Taylor
- C++ header files not found after installing in a non standart path
Ian Lance Taylor
- gcc-3.4.3 build fails for i386 target
Ian Lance Taylor
- Linking issue using ld scripts
Ian Lance Taylor
- Class Object layout in memory
Ian Lance Taylor
- Class Object layout in memory
Ian Lance Taylor
- Using the -l option
Ian Lance Taylor
- libgcc documentation problems?
Ian Lance Taylor
- gcc -> a.out
Ian Lance Taylor
- volatile const structure members in C++
Ian Lance Taylor
- target type
Ian Lance Taylor
- Can I disable the "-Werror" compile flag for some code blocks?
Ian Lance Taylor
- does GCC support __assume, __noop and _ReturnAddress?
Ian Lance Taylor
- does GCC support __assume, __noop and _ReturnAddress?
Ian Lance Taylor
- maximum number of variables?
Ian Lance Taylor
- gff makefile flag
- [g++ 3.4.4] Problem with reading file into string
Alex Vinokur
- [g++ 3.4.4] Problem with reading file into string
Alex Vinokur
- Help with GCC
James E Wilson
- does GCC support __assume, __noop and _ReturnAddress?
Jonathan Wilson
- How do I join this list?
Rupert Wood
- <help>How to install an old version of GCC?
Rupert Wood
- fortran compiler in Fedora 4
Rupert Wood
- Microsoft SFU3.5 and g++ 4.0.1
Rupert Wood
- with gcc v3.4.4
Rupert Wood
- does GCC support __assume, __noop and _ReturnAddress?
Rupert Wood
- Ask for help!
Wang Wuxing
- Ask for help!
Wang Wuxing
- volatile const structure members in C++
Steve Zook
- volatile const structure members in C++
Steve Zook
- volatile const structure members in C++
Steven L. Zook
- volatile const structure members in C++
Steven L. Zook
- How do you build GCC 4.0.1 statically?
Zachary Zuwodny
- How do you build GCC 4.0.1 statically?
Zachary Zuwodny
- Is std::tr1::unordered_map supposed to be working yet?
- m64
ji an
- Install help needed
- Problem linking
- Using the -l option
- Antonio Ramon Gonzalez Gonzalez/UN12322/ING. SOFTWARE Y PLANIFICACION/TSM está ausente de la oficina.
- gcc -> a.out
- prefix
- Incompatible pointer type warning issued for pointers to structures with compatible first element
- Microsoft SFU3.5 and g++ 4.0.1
oran johnson
- Linker problem on AIX
kenneth kahn
- java compilling and running
hari kt
- GNU C compiler options
- catching linux output in C|C++ variable.
hans nieuwenhuizen
- Branches
- Branches
- gcc and small command line tasks
- gcc-3.4.3 build fails for i386-pc-linux-gnu target
- gcc-3.4.3 build fails for i386-pc-linux-gnu target
- gcc-3.4.3 build fails for i386-pc-linux-gnu target
- gcc-3.4.3 build fails for i386 target
- Error while loading shared libraries.
- [C++] Derive a class from a tamplate
- Minimal gcc installation
- Is std::tr1::unordered_map supposed to be working yet?
- Is std::tr1::unordered_map supposed to be working yet?
- Message Notify
- turning off __extension and all
- Trying to compile for mips-r4000-linux-gnu target machine Failing.... Please Help...
corey taylor
- Some help
corey taylor
- Class Object layout in memory
corey taylor
- Using the -l option
corey taylor
- bug?
corey taylor
- Problems with temporaries and C++ spec
corey taylor
- maximum number of variables?
corey taylor
- Regardig gcc in windows.
- Where can I get gcc for Super-H to compile Linux2.6 kernel?
- Can i Compile gcc for PowerPC
- System Hangs during installation
- How do you build GCC 4.0.1 statically?
Last message date:
Wed Aug 31 22:44:00 GMT 2005
Archived on: Wed Apr 29 23:16:06 GMT 2020
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).