incompatibility between g++ and vc++

Vincent Torri
Wed Jun 9 09:06:00 GMT 2004


one of my friend is writing a c++ program and compile it with vc++ on
windows. He has no compilation error.

I wanted to test it on linux, but g++ report an error.

Here is a part of the source code : 

template <class Clock> class timer : boost::noncopyable

  static Clock const clock_;   //Clock instance

  // methods



//instantation of the clock_ static member
template <class Clock>
Clock const timer<Clock>::clock_;

And g++ reports this error:
l98: uninitialized const                                                        

I have tried to understand why g++ reduses to initialize clock_, without

Does someone know where (what) is the error ? If you want more code, tell

Thank you !

Vincent TORRI

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