Int cast / floating point isuses

Joe Hughes
Mon Jul 26 20:02:00 GMT 2004

Thanks Brian this does indeed seem to be the root cause of my int cast 

The following sample code returns the proper results now.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <fpu_control.h>

double latLng[] = 

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int iLat,iLng;

    //change FPU to double precision so results
    //are consistent across platforms
    fpu_control_t cw;
    cw &= ~_FPU_EXTENDED;
    cw |= _FPU_DOUBLE;

    for(int iCount=0;iCount<99;iCount+=2)
       printf("original %.6f,%.6f\n",latLng[iCount],latLng[iCount+1]);

       iLat = (int)(latLng[iCount]  * 1000000.0);
       iLng = (int)(latLng[iCount+1] * 1000000.0);

       printf("int cast: %d,%d\n",iLat,iLng);
    }//end for(int iCount=0;iCount<99;iCount++)
}//end int main(int argc, char *argv[])


Brian Gough wrote on 7/25/2004, 5:56 AM:

 > Yes, getting the standard IEEE behavior for comparing results across
 > platforms is really useful.  On x86 systems it is possible to put the
 > processor into the standard IEEE double precision mode by setting the
 > floating point control word.
 > For GNU/Linux the header file /usr/include/fpu_control.h has macros
 > _FPU_GETCW and _FPU_SETCW for changing the settings.  These macros are
 > internal (I haven't seen a documented interface to them) but you can
 > see how they work there anyway -- it is one line of inline assembly.
 > If you look in the IEEE chapter of the GNU Scientific Library
 > Reference Manual ( there is some
 > discussion about this and a function which allows you to set all the
 > parameters of the fpu mode from an enviroment variable.

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