Which version of bison needed to build gcc2.95(ish)

Iain Woolf iainw@nortelnetworks.com
Tue Aug 17 17:19:00 GMT 2004


  I'm trying to build gcc2.96 on a linux box (redhat with kernel 
2.4.18-27.7.x) from the source provided by WindRiver and have run into a 
problem with the bison stage of the build.

Initially it was giving me errors missing semi-colons. I saw from 
various mailing list archives that this was a common error when building 
gcc pre-v3.0 using bison post-v1.34, so I installed bison v1.33.

Now bison will process the file, but finds a different number of 
shift/reduce conflicts than expected:

cd ../../gcc/objc; \
bison  -o objc-parse.c objc-parse.y
objc-parse.y contains 72 shift/reduce conflicts.
expected 66 shift/reduce conflicts
make[1]: *** [../../gcc/objc/objc-parse.c] Error 1

Does anyone know what version of bison will give the right number?

Alternatively is there any other way to get past this? (I've tried 
commenting out the "%expect 66" line, but run into another error later 
on which I suspect is related to me bypassing this parsing issue)

Any help appreciated.



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