problems compile

Fri Apr 2 12:11:00 GMT 2004

I am working with gcc on cygwin adn it is working well,
but it doesn't compile a C program to test the leds of
AT91EB40A board arm7, I can't compile it.

This is the command line:

$ /gnuarm/bin/arm-elf-
gcc /home/admin/gcctest/gcctest1/gcctest1.c

This is the error message:

In file included
from /home/admin/gcctest/gcctest1/gcctest1.c:18:
error: syntax error before "e
/home/admin/gcctest/gcctest1/gcctest1.c:19: error:
syntax error before "typedef"

And this is the C program code:

#include <io.h>
typedef unsigned u08;
	u08 led, i, j, k, DDRB, PORTB;

	outp(0xff,DDRB);            /* use all pins on
PortB for output */

	led = 1;                    /* init variable
representing the LED state */

	for (;;) {
		 outp(~led, PORTB);      /* invert the
output since a zero means: LED on */
		 led <<= 1;              /* move to 
next LED */
		 if (!led)               /* overflow:
start with Port B0 again */
			  led = 1;
		 for (i=0; i<255; i++)   /* outer delay
loop */
			  for(j=0; j<255;j++) /* inner
delay loop */

	k++;            /* just do something - could
also be a NOP */

Can somebody help me?
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