gcc for OpenServer...

Eljay Love-Jensen eljay@adobe.com
Fri Sep 19 12:19:00 GMT 2003

Hi V,

That was probably a "No" because of SCO's litiguous assault on GNU, FSF, OSI, IBM, and anyone who's name contains a vowel.  All your base code are belong to us.

The downloadedable pre-compiled GCC tarballs used to be available at <<http://www.caldera.com/skunkware/devtools/inex.html>http://www.caldera.com/skunkware/devtools/inex.html >.  But, surprise surprise, they are no longer available.

I think you'll have to build them yourself.  A quick Google indiciates that downloadable pre-compiled GCC tarballs for SCO OpenServer are not available (but I haven't checked under every URL).

If you are unaware of the backstory, please read <http://www.linuxworld.com/story/32687.htm>.

Have you considered the merits of alternative operating system options, like FreeBSD, Darwin, SuSE Linux, RedHat Linux, Mandrake Linux, et cetera?


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