Which Package installs the gcc header/include files in SuSe?

marshall28@juno.com marshall28@juno.com
Sun Nov 23 05:29:00 GMT 2003

hello all,

I was trying to compile a few files in C when I noticed how the header files which the C file needed weren't found by gcc. What I did w/o thinking was copy over the lccwin32 compiler header files into my /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i586-suse-linux/3.3.1/include directory, over-writing the existing headers which gcc uses and making my gcc application virtually useless. Well this is where you guys come in. After doing that I uninstalled gcc and uninstalled the gcc-libs that I could find, and then re-installed each of these using yast. This didn't work so I'm still left with a faulty gcc program. 

Does anyone know how to fix this kind of problem using SuSe 9.0 or earlier? Where can I find and re-install these gcc headers? What package does SuSe use for these?


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