unneeded stuff when call

RomikB romikb@mail.ru
Thu Jul 3 20:21:00 GMT 2003


I have a source:

  long var_x;

  void func()
       var_x = 55;

compile it (-S -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer file.c), and get

  movl $55, _var_x

after I append some lines:

  long var_x;
  typedef void (*functype)();

  void func()
       var_x = 55;

compile it (-S -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer file.c), and get

  subl  $12, %esp         (1)
  movl  $55, %eax
  movl  $55, _var_x
  call  *%eax
  addl  $12, %esp         (1)

WHY compiler add lines (1)? It don't needed there!
Can compiler don't generate this lines?
gcc -v
gcc version 3.2.3 (mingw special 20030504-1)

Best regards,
 RomikB                          mailto:romikb@mail.ru

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