Problem distributing shared libraries for different distributions for Linux

Oscar Fuentes
Sun Apr 13 21:46:00 GMT 2003

Jaap Haitsma <> writes:


> The shared library we write in C++
> The shared library it self is has a couple of threads
> and does some socket communcation
> We are having problems getting this to work under
> different Linux distributions and even different
> versions of the same distribution. We're compiling
> everything under Redhat Linux 7.1 with gcc 2.95.3
> If we then for example  write and compile an
> application on Redhat 7.1 or 7.3 (On Redhat 7.3 gcc
> 2.96 is installed, I know it's not an official gcc
> version) and link with the shared library we created 
> everything works. But if we compile the same code on
> redhat 8.0 with gcc 3.2 the program even fails to
> link.
> The linker is complaining about undefined references
> to   a number of static functions inside a C++ class 
> we use.

The C++ ABI changed with gcc 3.x. This means you can not mix C++ code
compiled with gcc 3.x with older C++ binaries.



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