Can some one help

Luiz Rafael Culik Guimaraes
Sun Apr 20 17:02:00 GMT 2003

Dear Friends

I has an c++ code that worked properly with gcc 2.95.3.
Now i updated to gcc 3.2.2 and i get this errors

ZipException.h:187: looser throw specifier for `virtual 
/usr/include/c++/3.2.2/exception:54:   overriding `virtual 
   std::exception::~exception() throw ()'
ZipException.h:187: looser throw specifier for `virtual 
/usr/include/c++/3.2.2/exception:54:   overriding `virtual 
   std::exception::~exception() throw ()'
ZipException.h:187: looser throw specifier for `virtual 
/usr/include/c++/3.2.2/exception:54:   overriding `virtual 
   std::exception::~exception() throw ()'

Code is

#include <exception>
typedef std::exception CZipBaseException
class ZIP_API CZipException : public CZipBaseException

		CZipException(int iCause = generic, LPCTSTR lpszZipName = NULL);

		CZipException::CZipException(CZipException& e)
			m_szFileName = e.m_szFileName;
			m_iCause = e.m_iCause;

	static void Throw(int iZipError = CZipException::generic, LPCTSTR
lpszZipName = NULL)
		#ifdef _MFC_VER
			throw new CZipException(iZipError, lpszZipName);
			CZipException e(iZipError, lpszZipName);
			throw e;

	enum ZipErrors
		noError,			///< no error 
// 			 1 - 42 reserved for errno (from STL) values - used only in
non-MFC versions
// 			 43 - 99 reserved
		generic		= 100,	///< unknown error
		badZipFile,			///< damaged or not a zip file
		badCrc,				///< crc mismatched
		noCallback,			///< no disk-spanning callback functor set
		aborted,			///< callback functor's method Callback returned \c false
while disk change in the disk-spanning archive
		abortedAction,		///< callback functor's method Callback returned \c
false in CZipArchive class members: AddNewFile, ExtractFile, TestFile,
DeleteFile or DeleteFiles 
		abortedSafely,		///< the same as above, you may be sure that the
operation was successfully completed before or it didn't cause any
damage in the archive (break when counting before deleting files; see
		nonRemovable,		///< the disk selected for pkzipSpan archive is non
		tooManyVolumes,		///< limit of the maximum volumes reached (999)
		tooLongFileName,	///< the filename of the file added to the archive is
too long
		badPassword,		///< incorrect password set for the file being decrypted
		dirWithSize,		///< during testing: found the directory with the size
greater than 0
		internal,			///< internal error
		notRemoved,			///< error while removing a file (under Windows call
GetLastError() to find out more)
		notRenamed,			///< error while renaming a file (under Windows call
GetLastError() to find out more)
		platfNotSupp,		///< the platform that the zip file is being created
for is not supported
		cdirNotFound,		///< the central directory was not found in the archive
(it is thrown also when the last disk of multi-disk archive is not in
the drive when opening the archive)
		streamEnd	= 500,	///< zlib library error
		needDict,			///< zlib library error
		errNo,				///< zlib library error
		streamError,		///< zlib library error
		dataError,			///< zlib library error
		memError,			///< zlib library error thrown by CZipMemFile as well
		bufError,			///< zlib library error
		versionError,		///< zlib library error

		A cause of the error - takes one of the #ZipErrors enumeration codes.
	int m_iCause;

	virtual ~CZipException();

#ifdef _MFC_VER
	#pragma warning( pop )



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