Fgets is not working on linux/gcc3.2.1

Ajay Bansal Ajay_Bansal@infosys.com
Thu Apr 10 06:30:00 GMT 2003

Hi All

Following program is not working on linux. Ideally it should read all
the lines from "/tmp/log.txt" and print them on to the screen. Instead
it breals after it encounters fgets for the first time.

Pleas tell me where I am going wrong!!!! This program is working as
expected on a Solaris machine.


Entries in log.txt

Output of the program
[ajay@linux1 test]$ ./a.out 
Fileno is :3
Error no is : 0
Error is : Success
Line read is : 
 after fgets break outside while loop

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
using namespace std;
int main()
    char * pszFileName = "/tmp/log.txt";
    char * pszMode = "a+";
    char lpsz[4096];
    FILE *pFile = fopen(pszFileName, pszMode);

    while (!feof(pFile)) {
        if (! fgets(lpsz, 4096, pFile))
            cout<<"Error no is : "<<errno<<endl;
            cout<<"Error is : "<<strerror(errno)<<endl;
            cout<<"Line read is : "<<lpsz<<endl;
	   cout<<"Line read is : "<<lpsz<<endl; 
    	   cout <<" after fgets break inside while loop"<<endl;

    cout <<" after fgets break outside while loop"<<endl;

    return 1;

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