gcc 3.2.2 error message
LLeweLLyn Reese
Tue Apr 1 16:21:00 GMT 2003
Philip Cheng <cheng@pcigeomatics.com> writes:
> Dear List:
> I just updated to use gcc 3.2.2. and Red 8.0 to build a share library.
> It came back with the message
> undefined versioned symbol name
> _ZNSs15_M_replace_safeIPKcEERSsN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPcSsEES6_T_S7_@@GLIBCPP_3.2
> ld: failed to set dynamic section sizes: Bad value
Please post a short (but complete) example program which reproduces the problem.
> I could build it successfully with gcc 3.1 and Red Hat 7.2.
> Is this a GCC bug?
Without example code which reproduces the problem, no-one can tell.
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