GCC 3.2 on Playstation 2 mips

J. Scott Edwards sedwards@xmission.com
Wed Oct 30 10:00:00 GMT 2002


I'm trying to upgrade the compiler on Linux Playstation 2 from 2.95.2 to
3.2.  I've tried the ./configure; make bootstrap with some minor
variations and it always seems to fail when it gets to compiling libgcc2.c
-> _divdi3.o with ./xgcc with complaining that  BFD_RELOC_32_PCREL won't
fit in the object file format.

I ran it with -S to get an assembly file and tried to assemble it with the
old assembler, but it failed in the same way.  So I concluded that the
problem must lie in the generated assembly code.

I looked at the code it was complaining about and I thought it was perhaps


that was causing the problem.

However if I compile it to assembly with the 2.95 compiler the assembly
code has that same code in it.

So now I'm not sure exactly what the problem is?

Next I installed the sources and patches for the 2.95 compiler to see what
it looked like and the patch file is pretty large.

So now I'm wondering what the best approach would be to get GCC 3.2
running?  Would it be better to keep messing around with GCC 3.2 and try
to get it to work or would it be better to study the old 2.95 changes and
try to do the same things to 3.2?

Thanks for any advice

P.S. If I can get this to work is it possible to submit the files back
into GCC so that 3.3 won't be as much work to build on PS2?

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