iostream question

Robert Schweikert
Thu Nov 7 02:34:00 GMT 2002

Somewhere between gcc 2.95 and gcc 3.2 gcc started to support the 
standrds compliant iostream, rather than the historic iostream.h. Since 
iostream is based on templates rather then the classes

class ostream;

forward declarations obviously do not work anymore and I have some 
converting to do. Two questions with respect  to iostream.

- is there anyway to make gcc 3.2 use the old model, i.e. the class 
based iostream.h stuff?

The reason is that I am dealing with a large amount of code and since 
the template model also changed gcc 3.2 vs. gcc 2.95 I'd like to deal 
with one issue at a time, i.e. first deal with all the template stuff 
and then the iostream.

next question.

- how is the performance of iostream compared to iostream.h?

I am working on an application were performance is very critical and a 
drop in performance due to switching to iostream is going to be a tough 
pill to swallow.

Thanks for any advice.

Robert Schweikert                   MAY THE SOURCE BE WITH YOU                               LINUX

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