Using a cross-comp to build the native

Kerr Shannon-SKERR1
Fri Dec 20 14:26:00 GMT 2002


Does anyone have information on building a native i686-pc-linux-gnu GCC 3.2
using a cross compiler on a SunOS 2.6 machine?  We're having problems
because "the cross-compiler would correctly generate elf32-i386 objects but
unfortunately, the compiler also needs to run some of the objects it
compiled to generate dependencies for the succeeding compiles."

Any help would be great.  We are doing this to help us get closer to being
able to build binarily equivalent objects using a cross-compiler on a SunOS
2.6 machine and a native compiler i686-pc-linux-gnu (GCC 3.2 for both with
same binutils, libs and headers).


Mr. Shannon C. Kerr

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