trying to compile

Claudio Bley
Fri Oct 12 00:52:00 GMT 2001

>>>>> "YGR" == Grosu, Yair <> writes:

    YGR> Hi, I am new with GCC and Linux. I am trying to compile and link a
    YGR> program and do not manage to link it since I do not know how to
    YGR> specify for it the location of the directory where the iostream
    YGR> (cout/cin) library is located.

    YGR> Can you please help me?

    YGR> Thanks

    YGR> YGR

Just use the g++ command to compile/link your program - it will take care
to include the stdc++ library which contains cout, cin etc.  Otherwise,
read the manual of gcc and the linker on how to specify library and include


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