ia64 cross compiler on ia32 system

hiren_mehta@agilent.com hiren_mehta@agilent.com
Thu Dec 13 18:47:00 GMT 2001


I am trying to build ia64 linux cross compiler on ia32 linux system using 
gcc-3.0.2 sources.

I followed the instructions given on

I built the binutils-2.11.2 also for ia64. I did the following steps :
1. create build-binutils-2.11.2.
2. cd to build-binutils-2.11.2 and run 
   ../binutils-2.11.2/configure --target=ia64-linux
3. run make all install.
4. cd ..
5. create a directory build-gcc-3.0.2
6. cd to build-gcc-3.0.2 and run
   ../gcc-3.0.2/configure --target=ia64-linux
7. run make all install.

The build for gcc-3.0.2 is failing. Are the above steps correct or am I
something ? Somewhere I read about glibc and include files for ia64. From
do I get those files ? compilation of gcc-3.0.2 complains saying that I need
glibc 2.2.4 or later for ia64.  If somebody is really interested, I can 
probably send the tail output of the make. I would appreciate if somebody
can advise on how to go about building the cross compiler for ia64. 

I tried building glibc 2.2.4 for ia64 on ia32 system using --build and
options. But that also seems to be generating ia32 crti.o file instead of
ia64. I believe that I need to make configure of glibc point to the right
ia64 compiler. But before I do that, I need to have ia64 compiler which I am
to build. And if building of gcc needs glibc than that is a race which I
know how to fix(egg-chicken situation).


Hiren Mehta
Software Design Engineer
Agilent Technologies

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