gcc can't find libstdc++

Pat Allen pat@pmf.unsa.ba
Tue Nov 21 11:55:00 GMT 2000

I'm trying to install gcc as a teaching platform for students here at 
the University of Sarajevo.

I've installed gcc 2.95.2 on Solaris 7 (sparc), using the pre-
compiled version available from Sun freeware.

Whenever I try to run the executable file produced by g++, I get

ld.so.1: a.out: fatal: libstdc++.so.2.10.0: open failed: No such file 
or directory

The file libstdc++.so.2.10.0 exists, in the directory /usr/local/lib. 
I've tried changing the value of the environment variable 
LIBRARY_PATH, to no avail, and I've run out of ideas.

I'd be extremely grateful for any help!


Pat Allen
Dr Pat Allen
Prirodno-matematicki fakultet
Zmaja od Bosne 33-35

Tel: +387 (0)33 651245
Fax: +387 (0)33 649342

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