Bootsrap comparison failure
Thu Dec 14 08:51:00 GMT 2000

>On Dec 14, 2000, wrote:
>> Should I maybe build the latest binutils ?
>Well, it *might* help.  Or it might make matters worse :-)

Per doc, all it takes for it to build binutils is to put them at the top
level of gcc source tree and run gcc configure /make ? And they would be
automagically built and used ? Just want to make sure I read it right

>make bootstrap4 is probably worth a try.  If there's a bug in the
>bootstrap compiler, stage1 may miss some optimizations so that stage2
>ends up different from stage3 but, if you're lucky, stage3 will be
>working fine and will compile stage4 exactly as stage2 did compile
>stage3, then compare will succeed.

 Alternatively, you may `make all'
>to build the target libraries, install this compiler regardless of the
>compare failures, and use it as the bootstrap compiler for another
>round of bootstrapping.

I tried 'make all' - it died in libgcc++-v3 with some "no rule to make
target" - I forgot which
I'll try make bootstrap4 for starters.

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