GCC Binaries

Maurizio Loreti loreti@pd.infn.it
Tue Dec 21 05:14:00 GMT 1999

Anwar Sayid <anwar.sayid@gecm.com> writes:

> Hi All,
>  I'm trying to install GCC (and eventually other
> GNU goodies) on a SUN SPARC 10 which has no resident
> compiler, or anything else for that matter.  Its brand new!
> Does anyone know from where I can download the binaries
> for GCC (and any other binaries that you might know are
> stored somewhere).
> Thanks in advance, Anwar

There are a zillion sites around; e.g. sunsite.cnlab-switch.ch, under
/mirror/solaris-freeware/sparc/8/ (change "8" to the version of your
Solaris OS).

Maurizio Loreti                         http://www.pd.infn.it/~loreti/mlo.html
Univ. of Padova, Dept. of Physics - Padova, Italy            loreti@pd.infn.it

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