Undefined function problem...

Mumit Khan khan@xraylith.wisc.edu
Sat Dec 11 22:52:00 GMT 1999

In article < 385313DB.9ED190E3@colba.net >,
Lina Musallam  <guardian@colba.net> wrote:
>I am trying to recompile a program which has been written in C a while
>back.  Unfortunatly, the programmer is no longer with us (got a better
>job) and I am having a compilation problem : I am getting a message
>about undefined function call at the end of the compilation.  I presume
>its the part when the compiler starts linking the libraries.  The
>function in question is "sprintf" or some other basic function to C.  I
>verified that the include statement is correct and that the header file
>exists in the path that the compiler is looking for; all checked out

sprintf is an ANSI C function, and is quite likely sitting in your
C runtime library. If you provide a bit more info, perhaps we can

1. What platform and what version of gcc?
   $ gcc -v

2. What libraries are being linked in automatically?
   $ cat foo.c
   #include <string.h>

   main ()
     char buf[1024];
     sprintf (buf, "%d", 10);
     return 0;

   $ gcc -o foo foo.c -v

3. Add -lc and see what happens?
   $ gcc -o foo foo.c -lc

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