braces warning in DJGPP

Mon Dec 6 06:04:00 GMT 1999

I've solved the problem. I looked at the compiler
souce to find "-Wno-missing-braces".

Blackbear ( wrote:
: Hello everyone.

: I like to compile using the `-Wall' flag so that
: the compiler can catch possible errors for me. 

: For warnings that I don't want to see, I then
: put "-Wno-xxxxx" options after "-Wall" on
: the command line -- to turn off those warnings.

: But there is one warning that I can't disable. When I
: create a structure like so:

: struct decoder {
:         int             value;
:         const char *    name;
: };

: static struct decoder   basic_msgs [] = {
:         1,              "first",
:         2,              "second",
:         3,              "third",
:         .
:         .
:         .
: };

: The compiler issues a warning: 

: histbase.m:36: warning: missing braces around initializer
: histbase.m:36: warning: (near initialization for `basic_msgs[0]')

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