[gcc r14-10121] modula2: issue the parameter incompatibility error message based on dialect

Gaius Mulley gaius@gcc.gnu.org
Thu Apr 25 14:23:35 GMT 2024


commit r14-10121-g070dd5c883ec2c0be542f448bd82d0f7f0ead390
Author: Gaius Mulley <gaiusmod2@gmail.com>
Date:   Thu Apr 25 15:19:30 2024 +0100

    modula2: issue the parameter incompatibility error message based on dialect
    This tiny patch improves the parameter incompatibility error message by
    having a different message for the dialect chosen mentioning the specific
    violation.  PIM uses assignment rules for pass by value and expression
    rules for pass by reference.  ISO uses expression type checking for
    pass by value and pass by reference.
            * gm2-compiler/M2FileName.def (CalculateFileName): Remove
            quoted string in comment.
            * gm2-compiler/M2Range.mod (FoldTypeParam): Generate dialect
            specific parameter incompatibility error message.
    Signed-off-by: Gaius Mulley <gaiusmod2@gmail.com>

 gcc/m2/gm2-compiler/M2FileName.def |  2 +-
 gcc/m2/gm2-compiler/M2Range.mod    | 32 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
 2 files changed, 28 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

diff --git a/gcc/m2/gm2-compiler/M2FileName.def b/gcc/m2/gm2-compiler/M2FileName.def
index 02413593003..01acb9b48d5 100644
--- a/gcc/m2/gm2-compiler/M2FileName.def
+++ b/gcc/m2/gm2-compiler/M2FileName.def
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ EXPORT QUALIFIED CalculateFileName, CalculateStemName, ExtractExtension ;
                        given a module and an extension. This file name
                        length will be operating system specific.
                        String, Extension, is concatenated onto
-                       Module and thus it is safe to `Mark' the extension
+                       Module and thus it is safe to Mark the extension
                        for garbage collection.
diff --git a/gcc/m2/gm2-compiler/M2Range.mod b/gcc/m2/gm2-compiler/M2Range.mod
index 4b8e5fadfe7..7686620a247 100644
--- a/gcc/m2/gm2-compiler/M2Range.mod
+++ b/gcc/m2/gm2-compiler/M2Range.mod
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ FROM M2Debug IMPORT Assert ;
 FROM Indexing IMPORT Index, InitIndex, InBounds, PutIndice, GetIndice ;
 FROM M2ALU IMPORT PushIntegerTree, PushInt, ConvertToInt, Equ, Gre, Less, GreEqu ;
-FROM M2Options IMPORT VariantValueChecking, CaseEnumChecking ;
+FROM M2Options IMPORT VariantValueChecking, CaseEnumChecking, GetPIM ;
 FROM M2Error IMPORT Error, InternalError, ErrorFormat0, ErrorFormat1, ErrorFormat2, FlushErrors,
                     GetAnnounceScope ;
@@ -1693,14 +1693,36 @@ END FoldTypeAssign ;
-   FoldTypeParam -
+   FoldTypeParam - performs a parameter check between actual and formal.
+                   The quad is removed if the check succeeds.
 PROCEDURE FoldTypeParam (q: CARDINAL; tokenNo: CARDINAL; formal, actual, procedure: CARDINAL; paramNo: CARDINAL) ;
+   compatible: BOOLEAN ;
-   IF ParameterTypeCompatible (tokenNo,
-                               '{%4EN} parameter type failure between actual parameter type {%3ad} and the formal type {%2ad}',
-                               procedure, formal, actual, paramNo, IsVarParam (procedure, paramNo))
+   compatible := FALSE ;
+   IF IsVarParam (procedure, paramNo)
+   THEN
+      (* Expression type compatibility rules for pass by reference parameters.  *)
+      compatible := ParameterTypeCompatible (tokenNo,
+                                             '{%4EN} parameter failure due to expression incompatibility ' +
+                                             'between actual parameter {%3ad} and the {%4N} formal {%2ad} parameter in procedure {%1ad}',
+                                             procedure, formal, actual, paramNo, TRUE)
+   ELSIF GetPIM ()
+   THEN
+      (* Assignment type compatibility rules for pass by value PIM parameters.  *)
+      compatible := ParameterTypeCompatible (tokenNo,
+                                             '{%4EN} parameter failure due to assignment incompatibility ' +
+                                             'between actual parameter {%3ad} and the {%4N} formal {%2ad} parameter in procedure {%1ad}',
+                                             procedure, formal, actual, paramNo, FALSE)
+   ELSE
+      compatible := ParameterTypeCompatible (tokenNo,
+                                             '{%4EN} parameter failure due to parameter incompatibility ' +
+                                             'between actual parameter {%3ad} and the {%4N} formal {%2ad} parameter in procedure {%1ad}',
+                                             procedure, formal, actual, paramNo, FALSE)
+   END ;
+   IF compatible

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