[gcc(refs/users/marxin/heads/sphinx-v4)] Ada: port to Sphinx.
Martin Liska
Mon Jun 28 11:38:19 GMT 2021
commit 9de302ef000c6ef6ee801181bdbb5ed2a6851ef9
Author: Martin Liska <mliska@suse.cz>
Date: Fri Jun 25 14:28:44 2021 +0200
Ada: port to Sphinx.
* doc/baseconf.py: Rename function.
* doc/gnat-style.rst: Moved to...
* doc/gnat-style/index.rst: ...here.
* doc/gnat_rm.rst: Moved to...
* doc/gnat_rm/index.rst: ...here.
* doc/gnat_ugn.rst: Moved to...
* doc/gnat_ugn/index.rst: ...here.
* doc/share/latex_elements.py: Moved to...
* doc/share/ada_latex_elements.py: ...here.
* gcc-interface/Make-lang.in:
* doc/Makefile: Removed.
* doc/share/conf.py: Removed.
* doc/share/gnu_free_documentation_license.rst: Removed.
* gnat-style.texi: Removed.
* gnat_rm.texi: Removed.
* gnat_ugn.texi: Removed.
* doc/gnat-style/conf.py: New file.
* doc/gnat-style/gnu_free_documentation_license.rst: New file.
* doc/gnat_rm/conf.py: New file.
* doc/gnat_rm/gnu_free_documentation_license.rst: New file.
* doc/gnat_ugn/conf.py: New file.
* doc/gnat_ugn/gnu_free_documentation_license.rst: New file.
* doc/share/adabaseconf.py: New file.
doc/baseconf.py | 10 +-
gcc/ada/doc/Makefile | 87 -
gcc/ada/doc/gnat-style/conf.py | 24 +
.../gnat-style/gnu_free_documentation_license.rst | 1 +
.../doc/{gnat-style.rst => gnat-style/index.rst} | 2 +-
gcc/ada/doc/gnat_rm/conf.py | 24 +
.../doc/gnat_rm/gnu_free_documentation_license.rst | 1 +
gcc/ada/doc/{gnat_rm.rst => gnat_rm/index.rst} | 38 +-
gcc/ada/doc/gnat_ugn/conf.py | 24 +
.../gnat_ugn/gnu_free_documentation_license.rst | 1 +
gcc/ada/doc/{gnat_ugn.rst => gnat_ugn/index.rst} | 22 +-
.../{latex_elements.py => ada_latex_elements.py} | 6 +-
gcc/ada/doc/share/adabaseconf.py | 84 +
gcc/ada/doc/share/conf.py | 148 -
.../doc/share/gnu_free_documentation_license.rst | 458 -
gcc/ada/gcc-interface/Make-lang.in | 90 +-
gcc/ada/gnat-style.texi | 954 -
gcc/ada/gnat_rm.texi | 29822 -------------------
gcc/ada/gnat_ugn.texi | 29232 ------------------
19 files changed, 243 insertions(+), 60785 deletions(-)
diff --git a/doc/baseconf.py b/doc/baseconf.py
index 3e8b832ef52..46c2b29cf2e 100644
--- a/doc/baseconf.py
+++ b/doc/baseconf.py
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ folder = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
gcc_srcdir = os.path.join(folder, '..', 'gcc')
-def __read_file(name):
+def read_file(name):
path = os.path.join(gcc_srcdir, name)
if os.path.exists(path):
return open(path).read().strip()
@@ -32,10 +32,10 @@ def __read_file(name):
return ''
-gcc_BASEVER = __read_file('BASE-VER')
-gcc_DEVPHASE = __read_file('DEV-PHASE')
-gcc_DATESTAMP = __read_file('DATESTAMP')
-gcc_REVISION = __read_file('REVISION')
+gcc_BASEVER = read_file('BASE-VER')
+gcc_DEVPHASE = read_file('DEV-PHASE')
+gcc_DATESTAMP = read_file('DATESTAMP')
+gcc_REVISION = read_file('REVISION')
BUGURL = os.getenv('BUGURL')
diff --git a/gcc/ada/doc/Makefile b/gcc/ada/doc/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 4adfd368cc8..00000000000
--- a/gcc/ada/doc/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-# Makefile for Sphinx documentation
-# You can set these variables from the command line.
-SPHINXBUILD = DOC_NAME=$* sphinx-build
-BUILDDIR = build
-# Internal variables.
-PAPEROPT_a4 = -D latex_paper_size=a4
-PAPEROPT_letter = -D latex_paper_size=letter
- -c $(SOURCEDIR)/share \
- -d $(BUILDDIR)/$*/doctrees \
-DOC_LIST=gnat_rm gnat_ugn gnat-style
-FMT_LIST=html pdf txt info
-.PHONY: help clean
- @echo "Please use \`make <target>' where <target> is one of"
- @echo " DOC_NAME.html to make standalone HTML files"
- @echo " DOC_NAME.pdf to make LaTeX files and run them through pdflatex"
- @echo " DOC_NAME.txt to make text files"
- @echo " DOC_NAME.info to make info files"
- @echo " DOC_NAME.texinfo to make Texinfo files"
- @echo " DOC_NAME.all to build DOC_NAME for all previous formats"
- @echo " all to build all documentations in all formats"
- @echo " html-all same as previous rule but only for HTML format"
- @echo " pdf-all same as previous rule but only for PDF format"
- @echo " txt-all same as previous rule but only for text format"
- @echo " info-all same as previous rule but only for info format"
- @echo " texinfo-all same as previous rule but only for texinfo format"
- @echo ""
- @echo "DOC_NAME should be a documentation name in the following list:"
- @echo " $(DOC_LIST)"
- @echo ""
- @echo "source and location can be overridden using SOURCEDIR and BUILDDIR variables"
- -rm -rf $(BUILDDIR)
-.PHONY: mk_empty_dirs
- mkdir -p share/_static
-%.html: mk_empty_dirs
-%.pdf: mk_empty_dirs
- $(MAKE) -C $(BUILDDIR)/$*/pdf all-pdf LATEXOPTS="-interaction=nonstopmode"
-%.txt: mk_empty_dirs
- $(MAKE) -C $(BUILDDIR)/$*/txt plaintext
-%.info: mk_empty_dirs
- $(SPHINXBUILD) -b texinfo $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/$*/info
- $(MAKE) -C $(BUILDDIR)/$*/info info
-%.texinfo: mk_empty_dirs
- $(SPHINXBUILD) -b texinfo $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/$*/texinfo
- sed -e 's/^@dircategory/@dircategory GNU Ada Tools/g' < $(BUILDDIR)/$*/texinfo/$*.texi > $(BUILDDIR)/../../$*.texi
-.PHONY: html-all
-html-all: $(foreach doc, $(DOC_LIST), $(doc).html)
-.PHONY: pdf-all
-pdf-all: $(foreach doc, $(DOC_LIST), $(doc).pdf)
-.PHONY: txt-all
-txt-all: $(foreach doc, $(DOC_LIST), $(doc).txt)
-.PHONY: info-all
-info-all: $(foreach doc, $(DOC_LIST), $(doc).info)
-.PHONY: texinfo-all
-texinfo-all: $(foreach doc, $(DOC_LIST), $(doc).texinfo)
- $(MAKE) $(foreach fmt, $(FMT_LIST), $*.$(fmt))
-.PHONY: all
-all: $(foreach fmt, $(FMT_LIST), $(fmt)-all)
diff --git a/gcc/ada/doc/gnat-style/conf.py b/gcc/ada/doc/gnat-style/conf.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ab2edf58968
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gcc/ada/doc/gnat-style/conf.py
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+# Configuration file for the Sphinx documentation builder.
+import sys
+from adabaseconf import *
+project = 'GNAT Coding Style: A Guide for GNAT Developers'
+authors = 'AdaCore'
+# Grouping the document tree into Texinfo files. List of tuples
+# (source start file, target name, title, author,
+# dir menu entry, description, category)
+latex_documents = [
+ ('index', 'gnat-style.tex', project, authors, 'manual'),
+texinfo_documents = [
+ ('index', 'gnat-style', project, authors, None, None, None, True)
diff --git a/gcc/ada/doc/gnat-style/gnu_free_documentation_license.rst b/gcc/ada/doc/gnat-style/gnu_free_documentation_license.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..33c62cf7fde
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gcc/ada/doc/gnat-style/gnu_free_documentation_license.rst
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+.. include:: ../../../../doc/gnu_free_documentation_license.rst
diff --git a/gcc/ada/doc/gnat-style.rst b/gcc/ada/doc/gnat-style/index.rst
similarity index 99%
rename from gcc/ada/doc/gnat-style.rst
rename to gcc/ada/doc/gnat-style/index.rst
index 527e7ba2a66..b9428749f1f 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/doc/gnat-style.rst
+++ b/gcc/ada/doc/gnat-style/index.rst
@@ -688,4 +688,4 @@ Program Structure and Compilation Issues
.. index:: krunch.ads file
.. toctree::
- share/gnu_free_documentation_license
+ gnu_free_documentation_license
diff --git a/gcc/ada/doc/gnat_rm/conf.py b/gcc/ada/doc/gnat_rm/conf.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..2d04d40c344
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gcc/ada/doc/gnat_rm/conf.py
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+# Configuration file for the Sphinx documentation builder.
+import sys
+from adabaseconf import *
+project = 'GNAT Reference Manual'
+authors = 'AdaCore'
+# Grouping the document tree into Texinfo files. List of tuples
+# (source start file, target name, title, author,
+# dir menu entry, description, category)
+latex_documents = [
+ ('index', 'gnat_rm.tex', project, authors, 'manual'),
+texinfo_documents = [
+ ('index', 'gnat_rm', project, authors, None, None, None, True)
diff --git a/gcc/ada/doc/gnat_rm/gnu_free_documentation_license.rst b/gcc/ada/doc/gnat_rm/gnu_free_documentation_license.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..33c62cf7fde
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gcc/ada/doc/gnat_rm/gnu_free_documentation_license.rst
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+.. include:: ../../../../doc/gnu_free_documentation_license.rst
diff --git a/gcc/ada/doc/gnat_rm.rst b/gcc/ada/doc/gnat_rm/index.rst
similarity index 55%
rename from gcc/ada/doc/gnat_rm.rst
rename to gcc/ada/doc/gnat_rm/index.rst
index 97f7e4d4570..db029776bc9 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/doc/gnat_rm.rst
+++ b/gcc/ada/doc/gnat_rm/index.rst
@@ -39,24 +39,24 @@ GNAT Reference Manual
:maxdepth: 3
- gnat_rm/about_this_guide
- gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas
- gnat_rm/implementation_defined_aspects
- gnat_rm/implementation_defined_attributes
- gnat_rm/standard_and_implementation_defined_restrictions
- gnat_rm/implementation_advice
- gnat_rm/implementation_defined_characteristics
- gnat_rm/intrinsic_subprograms
- gnat_rm/representation_clauses_and_pragmas
- gnat_rm/standard_library_routines
- gnat_rm/the_implementation_of_standard_i_o
- gnat_rm/the_gnat_library
- gnat_rm/interfacing_to_other_languages
- gnat_rm/specialized_needs_annexes
- gnat_rm/implementation_of_specific_ada_features
- gnat_rm/implementation_of_ada_2012_features
- gnat_rm/obsolescent_features
- gnat_rm/compatibility_and_porting_guide
+ about_this_guide
+ implementation_defined_pragmas
+ implementation_defined_aspects
+ implementation_defined_attributes
+ standard_and_implementation_defined_restrictions
+ implementation_advice
+ implementation_defined_characteristics
+ intrinsic_subprograms
+ representation_clauses_and_pragmas
+ standard_library_routines
+ the_implementation_of_standard_i_o
+ the_gnat_library
+ interfacing_to_other_languages
+ specialized_needs_annexes
+ implementation_of_specific_ada_features
+ implementation_of_ada_2012_features
+ obsolescent_features
+ compatibility_and_porting_guide
.. raw:: latex
@@ -65,4 +65,4 @@ GNAT Reference Manual
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 3
- share/gnu_free_documentation_license
+ gnu_free_documentation_license
diff --git a/gcc/ada/doc/gnat_ugn/conf.py b/gcc/ada/doc/gnat_ugn/conf.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f4a4a058156
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gcc/ada/doc/gnat_ugn/conf.py
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+# Configuration file for the Sphinx documentation builder.
+import sys
+from adabaseconf import *
+project = "GNAT User's Guide for Native Platforms"
+authors = 'AdaCore'
+# Grouping the document tree into Texinfo files. List of tuples
+# (source start file, target name, title, author,
+# dir menu entry, description, category)
+latex_documents = [
+ ('index', 'gnat_ugn.tex', project, authors, 'manual'),
+texinfo_documents = [
+ ('index', 'gnat_ugn', project, authors, None, None, None, True)
diff --git a/gcc/ada/doc/gnat_ugn/gnu_free_documentation_license.rst b/gcc/ada/doc/gnat_ugn/gnu_free_documentation_license.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..33c62cf7fde
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gcc/ada/doc/gnat_ugn/gnu_free_documentation_license.rst
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+.. include:: ../../../../doc/gnu_free_documentation_license.rst
diff --git a/gcc/ada/doc/gnat_ugn.rst b/gcc/ada/doc/gnat_ugn/index.rst
similarity index 63%
rename from gcc/ada/doc/gnat_ugn.rst
rename to gcc/ada/doc/gnat_ugn/index.rst
index 0ac68763760..d3d1dac3569 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/doc/gnat_ugn.rst
+++ b/gcc/ada/doc/gnat_ugn/index.rst
@@ -40,12 +40,12 @@ GNAT User's Guide for Native Platforms
:maxdepth: 3
- gnat_ugn/about_this_guide
- gnat_ugn/getting_started_with_gnat
- gnat_ugn/the_gnat_compilation_model
- gnat_ugn/building_executable_programs_with_gnat
- gnat_ugn/gnat_utility_programs
- gnat_ugn/gnat_and_program_execution
+ about_this_guide
+ getting_started_with_gnat
+ the_gnat_compilation_model
+ building_executable_programs_with_gnat
+ gnat_utility_programs
+ gnat_and_program_execution
.. raw:: latex
@@ -54,10 +54,10 @@ GNAT User's Guide for Native Platforms
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 3
- A. Platform-Specific Information <gnat_ugn/platform_specific_information>
- B. Example of Binder Output <gnat_ugn/example_of_binder_output>
- C. Elaboration Order Handling in GNAT <gnat_ugn/elaboration_order_handling_in_gnat>
- D. Inline Assembler <gnat_ugn/inline_assembler>
- E. GNU Free Documentation License <share/gnu_free_documentation_license>
+ A. Platform-Specific Information <platform_specific_information>
+ B. Example of Binder Output <example_of_binder_output>
+ C. Elaboration Order Handling in GNAT <elaboration_order_handling_in_gnat>
+ D. Inline Assembler <inline_assembler>
+ E. GNU Free Documentation License <gnu_free_documentation_license>
diff --git a/gcc/ada/doc/share/latex_elements.py b/gcc/ada/doc/share/ada_latex_elements.py
similarity index 91%
rename from gcc/ada/doc/share/latex_elements.py
rename to gcc/ada/doc/share/ada_latex_elements.py
index f23b2aff6be..85a270158de 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/doc/share/latex_elements.py
+++ b/gcc/ada/doc/share/ada_latex_elements.py
@@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
# define some latex elements to be used for PDF output
+import os
+folder = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
@@ -46,7 +50,7 @@ TOC_CMD = r'''
-with open('copyright.tex', 'r') as fd:
+with open(os.path.join(folder, 'copyright.tex'), 'r') as fd:
copyright = fd.read()
TOC = r'''
diff --git a/gcc/ada/doc/share/adabaseconf.py b/gcc/ada/doc/share/adabaseconf.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d7269d95b8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gcc/ada/doc/share/adabaseconf.py
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+# GNAT build configuration file
+import sys
+from baseconf import *
+import os
+import re
+import sys
+import time
+import ada_latex_elements
+import ada_pygments
+texi_fsf = True # Set to False when FSF doc is switched to sphinx by default
+gnatvsn_content = read_file('ada/gnatvsn.ads')
+def get_gnat_version():
+ m = re.search(r'Gnat_Static_Version_String : ' +
+ r'constant String := "([^\(\)]+)\(.*\)?";',
+ gnatvsn_content)
+ if m:
+ return m.group(1).strip()
+ else:
+ if texi_fsf:
+ return ''
+ else:
+ return gcc_BASEVER
+def get_gnat_build_type():
+ m = re.search(r'Build_Type : constant Gnat_Build_Type := (.+);',
+ gnatvsn_content)
+ if m:
+ return {'Gnatpro': 'PRO',
+ 'FSF': 'FSF',
+ 'GPL': 'GPL'}[m.group(1).strip()]
+ else:
+ print('cannot compute GNAT build type')
+ sys.exit(1)
+copyright = '2008-%s, Free Software Foundation' % YEAR
+version = get_gnat_version()
+release = get_gnat_version()
+if os.path.isfile('adacore_transparent.png'):
+ html_logo = 'adacore_transparent.png'
+if os.path.isfile('favicon.ico'):
+ html_favicon = 'favicon.ico'
+latex_additional_files = ['gnat.sty']
+copyright_macros = {
+ 'date': time.strftime('%b %d, %Y'),
+ 'edition': 'GNAT %s Edition' % 'Pro' if get_gnat_build_type() == 'PRO'
+ else 'GPL',
+ 'name': 'GNU Ada',
+ 'tool': 'GNAT',
+ 'version': version}
+def set_latex_elements(title):
+ global latex_elements
+ latex_elements = {
+ 'preamble': '\\usepackage{gnat}\n' +
+ ada_latex_elements.TOC_DEPTH +
+ ada_latex_elements.PAGE_BLANK +
+ ada_latex_elements.TOC_CMD +
+ ada_latex_elements.LATEX_HYPHEN +
+ ada_latex_elements.doc_settings(title, get_gnat_version()),
+ 'tableofcontents': ada_latex_elements.TOC % copyright_macros
+ }
+def setup(app):
+ app.add_lexer('ada', ada_pygments.AdaLexer)
+ app.add_lexer('gpr', ada_pygments.GNATProjectLexer)
diff --git a/gcc/ada/doc/share/conf.py b/gcc/ada/doc/share/conf.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f7f963d3c7..00000000000
--- a/gcc/ada/doc/share/conf.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Style_Check:Python_Fragment (meaning no pyflakes check)
-# GNAT build configuration file
-import sys
-import os
-import time
-import re
-import ada_pygments
-import latex_elements
-# Some configuration values for the various documentation handled by
-# this conf.py
-DOCS = {
- 'gnat_rm': {
- 'title': 'GNAT Reference Manual'},
- 'gnat_ugn': {
- 'title': 'GNAT User\'s Guide for Native Platforms'},
- 'gnat-style': {
- 'title': 'GNAT Coding Style: A Guide for GNAT Developers'}}
-# Then retrieve the source directory
-root_source_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))
-gnatvsn_spec = os.path.join(root_source_dir, '..', 'gnatvsn.ads')
-basever = os.path.join(root_source_dir, '..', '..', 'BASE-VER')
-texi_fsf = True # Set to False when FSF doc is switched to sphinx by default
-with open(gnatvsn_spec, 'r') as fd:
- gnatvsn_content = fd.read()
-def get_copyright():
- return '2008-%s, Free Software Foundation' % time.strftime('%Y')
-def get_gnat_version():
- m = re.search(r'Gnat_Static_Version_String : ' +
- r'constant String := "([^\(\)]+)\(.*\)?";',
- gnatvsn_content)
- if m:
- return m.group(1).strip().decode()
- else:
- if texi_fsf and os.path.exists(basever):
- return ''
- try:
- with open(basever) as fd:
- return fd.read()
- except Exception:
- pass
- print('cannot find GNAT version in gnatvsn.ads or in ' + basever)
- sys.exit(1)
-def get_gnat_build_type():
- m = re.search(r'Build_Type : constant Gnat_Build_Type := (.+);',
- gnatvsn_content)
- if m:
- return {'Gnatpro': 'PRO',
- 'FSF': 'FSF',
- 'GPL': 'GPL'}[m.group(1).strip()]
- else:
- print('cannot compute GNAT build type')
- sys.exit(1)
-# First retrieve the name of the documentation we are building
-doc_name = os.environ.get('DOC_NAME', None)
-if doc_name is None:
- print('DOC_NAME environment variable should be set')
- sys.exit(1)
-if doc_name not in DOCS:
- print('%s is not a valid documentation name' % doc_name)
- sys.exit(1)
-# Exclude sources that are not part of the current documentation
-exclude_patterns = []
-for d in os.listdir(root_source_dir):
- if d not in ('share', doc_name, doc_name + '.rst'):
- exclude_patterns.append(d)
- print('ignoring %s' % d)
-if doc_name == 'gnat_rm':
- exclude_patterns.append('share/gnat_project_manager.rst')
- print('ignoring share/gnat_project_manager.rst')
-extensions = []
-templates_path = ['_templates']
-source_suffix = '.rst'
-master_doc = doc_name
-# General information about the project.
-project = DOCS[doc_name]['title']
-copyright = get_copyright()
-version = get_gnat_version()
-release = get_gnat_version()
-pygments_style = None
-html_theme = 'sphinxdoc'
-if os.path.isfile('adacore_transparent.png'):
- html_logo = 'adacore_transparent.png'
-if os.path.isfile('favicon.ico'):
- html_favicon = 'favicon.ico'
-html_static_path = ['_static']
-latex_additional_files = ['gnat.sty']
-copyright_macros = {
- 'date': time.strftime("%b %d, %Y"),
- 'edition': 'GNAT %s Edition' % 'Pro' if get_gnat_build_type() == 'PRO'
- else 'GPL',
- 'name': 'GNU Ada',
- 'tool': 'GNAT',
- 'version': version}
-latex_elements = {
- 'preamble': '\\usepackage{gnat}\n' +
- latex_elements.TOC_DEPTH +
- latex_elements.PAGE_BLANK +
- latex_elements.TOC_CMD +
- latex_elements.LATEX_HYPHEN +
- latex_elements.doc_settings(DOCS[doc_name]['title'],
- get_gnat_version()),
- 'tableofcontents': latex_elements.TOC % copyright_macros}
-latex_documents = [
- (master_doc, '%s.tex' % doc_name, project, 'AdaCore', 'manual')]
-texinfo_documents = [
- (master_doc, doc_name, project,
- 'AdaCore', doc_name, doc_name, '')]
-def setup(app):
- app.add_lexer('ada', ada_pygments.AdaLexer)
- app.add_lexer('gpr', ada_pygments.GNATProjectLexer)
diff --git a/gcc/ada/doc/share/gnu_free_documentation_license.rst b/gcc/ada/doc/share/gnu_free_documentation_license.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index c18cf6673c5..00000000000
--- a/gcc/ada/doc/share/gnu_free_documentation_license.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,458 +0,0 @@
-.. _gnu_fdl:
-GNU Free Documentation License
-Version 1.3, 3 November 2008
-Copyright 2000, 2001, 2002, 2007, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc
-Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this
-license document, but changing it is not allowed.
-The purpose of this License is to make a manual, textbook, or other
-functional and useful document "free" in the sense of freedom: to
-assure everyone the effective freedom to copy and redistribute it,
-with or without modifying it, either commercially or noncommercially.
-Secondarily, this License preserves for the author and publisher a way
-to get credit for their work, while not being considered responsible
-for modifications made by others.
-This License is a kind of "copyleft", which means that derivative
-works of the document must themselves be free in the same sense. It
-complements the GNU General Public License, which is a copyleft
-license designed for free software.
-We have designed this License in order to use it for manuals for free
-software, because free software needs free documentation: a free
-program should come with manuals providing the same freedoms that the
-software does. But this License is not limited to software manuals;
-it can be used for any textual work, regardless of subject matter or
-whether it is published as a printed book. We recommend this License
-principally for works whose purpose is instruction or reference.
-This License applies to any manual or other work, in any medium, that
-contains a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it can be
-distributed under the terms of this License. Such a notice grants a
-world-wide, royalty-free license, unlimited in duration, to use that
-work under the conditions stated herein. The **Document**, below,
-refers to any such manual or work. Any member of the public is a
-licensee, and is addressed as "**you**". You accept the license if you
-copy, modify or distribute the work in a way requiring permission
-under copyright law.
-A "**Modified Version**" of the Document means any work containing the
-Document or a portion of it, either copied verbatim, or with
-modifications and/or translated into another language.
-A "**Secondary Section**" is a named appendix or a front-matter section of
-the Document that deals exclusively with the relationship of the
-publishers or authors of the Document to the Document's overall subject
-(or to related matters) and contains nothing that could fall directly
-within that overall subject. (Thus, if the Document is in part a
-textbook of mathematics, a Secondary Section may not explain any
-mathematics.) The relationship could be a matter of historical
-connection with the subject or with related matters, or of legal,
-commercial, philosophical, ethical or political position regarding
-The "**Invariant Sections**" are certain Secondary Sections whose titles
-are designated, as being those of Invariant Sections, in the notice
-that says that the Document is released under this License. If a
-section does not fit the above definition of Secondary then it is not
-allowed to be designated as Invariant. The Document may contain zero
-Invariant Sections. If the Document does not identify any Invariant
-Sections then there are none.
-The "**Cover Texts**" are certain short passages of text that are listed,
-as Front-Cover Texts or Back-Cover Texts, in the notice that says that
-the Document is released under this License. A Front-Cover Text may
-be at most 5 words, and a Back-Cover Text may be at most 25 words.
-A "**Transparent**" copy of the Document means a machine-readable copy,
-represented in a format whose specification is available to the
-general public, that is suitable for revising the document
-straightforwardly with generic text editors or (for images composed of
-pixels) generic paint programs or (for drawings) some widely available
-drawing editor, and that is suitable for input to text formatters or
-for automatic translation to a variety of formats suitable for input
-to text formatters. A copy made in an otherwise Transparent file
-format whose markup, or absence of markup, has been arranged to thwart
-or discourage subsequent modification by readers is not Transparent.
-An image format is not Transparent if used for any substantial amount
-of text. A copy that is not "Transparent" is called **Opaque**.
-Examples of suitable formats for Transparent copies include plain
-ASCII without markup, Texinfo input format, LaTeX input format, SGML
-or XML using a publicly available DTD, and standard-conforming simple
-HTML, PostScript or PDF designed for human modification. Examples of
-transparent image formats include PNG, XCF and JPG. Opaque formats
-include proprietary formats that can be read and edited only by
-proprietary word processors, SGML or XML for which the DTD and/or
-processing tools are not generally available, and the
-machine-generated HTML, PostScript or PDF produced by some word
-processors for output purposes only.
-The "**Title Page**" means, for a printed book, the title page itself,
-plus such following pages as are needed to hold, legibly, the material
-this License requires to appear in the title page. For works in
-formats which do not have any title page as such, "Title Page" means
-the text near the most prominent appearance of the work's title,
-preceding the beginning of the body of the text.
-The "**publisher**" means any person or entity that distributes
-copies of the Document to the public.
-A section "**Entitled XYZ**" means a named subunit of the Document whose
-title either is precisely XYZ or contains XYZ in parentheses following
-text that translates XYZ in another language. (Here XYZ stands for a
-specific section name mentioned below, such as "**Acknowledgements**",
-"**Dedications**", "**Endorsements**", or "**History**".)
-To "**Preserve the Title**"
-of such a section when you modify the Document means that it remains a
-section "Entitled XYZ" according to this definition.
-The Document may include Warranty Disclaimers next to the notice which
-states that this License applies to the Document. These Warranty
-Disclaimers are considered to be included by reference in this
-License, but only as regards disclaiming warranties: any other
-implication that these Warranty Disclaimers may have is void and has
-no effect on the meaning of this License.
-You may copy and distribute the Document in any medium, either
-commercially or noncommercially, provided that this License, the
-copyright notices, and the license notice saying this License applies
-to the Document are reproduced in all copies, and that you add no other
-conditions whatsoever to those of this License. You may not use
-technical measures to obstruct or control the reading or further
-copying of the copies you make or distribute. However, you may accept
-compensation in exchange for copies. If you distribute a large enough
-number of copies you must also follow the conditions in section 3.
-You may also lend copies, under the same conditions stated above, and
-you may publicly display copies.
-If you publish printed copies (or copies in media that commonly have
-printed covers) of the Document, numbering more than 100, and the
-Document's license notice requires Cover Texts, you must enclose the
-copies in covers that carry, clearly and legibly, all these Cover
-Texts: Front-Cover Texts on the front cover, and Back-Cover Texts on
-the back cover. Both covers must also clearly and legibly identify
-you as the publisher of these copies. The front cover must present
-the full title with all words of the title equally prominent and
-visible. You may add other material on the covers in addition.
-Copying with changes limited to the covers, as long as they preserve
-the title of the Document and satisfy these conditions, can be treated
-as verbatim copying in other respects.
-If the required texts for either cover are too voluminous to fit
-legibly, you should put the first ones listed (as many as fit
-reasonably) on the actual cover, and continue the rest onto adjacent
-If you publish or distribute Opaque copies of the Document numbering
-more than 100, you must either include a machine-readable Transparent
-copy along with each Opaque copy, or state in or with each Opaque copy
-a computer-network location from which the general network-using
-public has access to download using public-standard network protocols
-a complete Transparent copy of the Document, free of added material.
-If you use the latter option, you must take reasonably prudent steps,
-when you begin distribution of Opaque copies in quantity, to ensure
-that this Transparent copy will remain thus accessible at the stated
-location until at least one year after the last time you distribute an
-Opaque copy (directly or through your agents or retailers) of that
-edition to the public.
-It is requested, but not required, that you contact the authors of the
-Document well before redistributing any large number of copies, to give
-them a chance to provide you with an updated version of the Document.
-You may copy and distribute a Modified Version of the Document under
-the conditions of sections 2 and 3 above, provided that you release
-the Modified Version under precisely this License, with the Modified
-Version filling the role of the Document, thus licensing distribution
-and modification of the Modified Version to whoever possesses a copy
-of it. In addition, you must do these things in the Modified Version:
-A. Use in the Title Page (and on the covers, if any) a title distinct
- from that of the Document, and from those of previous versions
- (which should, if there were any, be listed in the History section
- of the Document). You may use the same title as a previous version
- if the original publisher of that version gives permission.
-B. List on the Title Page, as authors, one or more persons or entities
- responsible for authorship of the modifications in the Modified
- Version, together with at least five of the principal authors of the
- Document (all of its principal authors, if it has fewer than five),
- unless they release you from this requirement.
-C. State on the Title page the name of the publisher of the
- Modified Version, as the publisher.
-D. Preserve all the copyright notices of the Document.
-E. Add an appropriate copyright notice for your modifications
- adjacent to the other copyright notices.
-F. Include, immediately after the copyright notices, a license notice
- giving the public permission to use the Modified Version under the
- terms of this License, in the form shown in the Addendum below.
-G. Preserve in that license notice the full lists of Invariant Sections
- and required Cover Texts given in the Document's license notice.
-H. Include an unaltered copy of this License.
-I. Preserve the section Entitled "History", Preserve its Title, and add
- to it an item stating at least the title, year, new authors, and
- publisher of the Modified Version as given on the Title Page. If
- there is no section Entitled "History" in the Document, create one
- stating the title, year, authors, and publisher of the Document as
- given on its Title Page, then add an item describing the Modified
- Version as stated in the previous sentence.
-J. Preserve the network location, if any, given in the Document for
- public access to a Transparent copy of the Document, and likewise
- the network locations given in the Document for previous versions
- it was based on. These may be placed in the "History" section.
- You may omit a network location for a work that was published at
- least four years before the Document itself, or if the original
- publisher of the version it refers to gives permission.
-K. For any section Entitled "Acknowledgements" or "Dedications",
- Preserve the Title of the section, and preserve in the section all
- the substance and tone of each of the contributor acknowledgements
- and/or dedications given therein.
-L. Preserve all the Invariant Sections of the Document,
- unaltered in their text and in their titles. Section numbers
- or the equivalent are not considered part of the section titles.
-M. Delete any section Entitled "Endorsements". Such a section
- may not be included in the Modified Version.
-N. Do not retitle any existing section to be Entitled "Endorsements"
- or to conflict in title with any Invariant Section.
-O. Preserve any Warranty Disclaimers.
-If the Modified Version includes new front-matter sections or
-appendices that qualify as Secondary Sections and contain no material
-copied from the Document, you may at your option designate some or all
-of these sections as invariant. To do this, add their titles to the
-list of Invariant Sections in the Modified Version's license notice.
-These titles must be distinct from any other section titles.
-You may add a section Entitled "Endorsements", provided it contains
-nothing but endorsements of your Modified Version by various
-parties---for example, statements of peer review or that the text has
-been approved by an organization as the authoritative definition of a
-You may add a passage of up to five words as a Front-Cover Text, and a
-passage of up to 25 words as a Back-Cover Text, to the end of the list
-of Cover Texts in the Modified Version. Only one passage of
-Front-Cover Text and one of Back-Cover Text may be added by (or
-through arrangements made by) any one entity. If the Document already
-includes a cover text for the same cover, previously added by you or
-by arrangement made by the same entity you are acting on behalf of,
-you may not add another; but you may replace the old one, on explicit
-permission from the previous publisher that added the old one.
-The author(s) and publisher(s) of the Document do not by this License
-give permission to use their names for publicity for or to assert or
-imply endorsement of any Modified Version.
-You may combine the Document with other documents released under this
-License, under the terms defined in section 4 above for modified
-versions, provided that you include in the combination all of the
-Invariant Sections of all of the original documents, unmodified, and
-list them all as Invariant Sections of your combined work in its
-license notice, and that you preserve all their Warranty Disclaimers.
-The combined work need only contain one copy of this License, and
-multiple identical Invariant Sections may be replaced with a single
-copy. If there are multiple Invariant Sections with the same name but
-different contents, make the title of each such section unique by
-adding at the end of it, in parentheses, the name of the original
-author or publisher of that section if known, or else a unique number.
-Make the same adjustment to the section titles in the list of
-Invariant Sections in the license notice of the combined work.
-In the combination, you must combine any sections Entitled "History"
-in the various original documents, forming one section Entitled
-"History"; likewise combine any sections Entitled "Acknowledgements",
-and any sections Entitled "Dedications". You must delete all sections
-Entitled "Endorsements".
-You may make a collection consisting of the Document and other documents
-released under this License, and replace the individual copies of this
-License in the various documents with a single copy that is included in
-the collection, provided that you follow the rules of this License for
-verbatim copying of each of the documents in all other respects.
-You may extract a single document from such a collection, and distribute
-it individually under this License, provided you insert a copy of this
-License into the extracted document, and follow this License in all
-other respects regarding verbatim copying of that document.
-A compilation of the Document or its derivatives with other separate
-and independent documents or works, in or on a volume of a storage or
-distribution medium, is called an "aggregate" if the copyright
-resulting from the compilation is not used to limit the legal rights
-of the compilation's users beyond what the individual works permit.
-When the Document is included in an aggregate, this License does not
-apply to the other works in the aggregate which are not themselves
-derivative works of the Document.
-If the Cover Text requirement of section 3 is applicable to these
-copies of the Document, then if the Document is less than one half of
-the entire aggregate, the Document's Cover Texts may be placed on
-covers that bracket the Document within the aggregate, or the
-electronic equivalent of covers if the Document is in electronic form.
-Otherwise they must appear on printed covers that bracket the whole
-Translation is considered a kind of modification, so you may
-distribute translations of the Document under the terms of section 4.
-Replacing Invariant Sections with translations requires special
-permission from their copyright holders, but you may include
-translations of some or all Invariant Sections in addition to the
-original versions of these Invariant Sections. You may include a
-translation of this License, and all the license notices in the
-Document, and any Warranty Disclaimers, provided that you also include
-the original English version of this License and the original versions
-of those notices and disclaimers. In case of a disagreement between
-the translation and the original version of this License or a notice
-or disclaimer, the original version will prevail.
-If a section in the Document is Entitled "Acknowledgements",
-"Dedications", or "History", the requirement (section 4) to Preserve
-its Title (section 1) will typically require changing the actual
-You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Document
-except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt
-otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute it is void, and
-will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
-However, if you cease all violation of this License, then your license
-from a particular copyright holder is reinstated (a) provisionally,
-unless and until the copyright holder explicitly and finally
-terminates your license, and (b) permanently, if the copyright holder
-fails to notify you of the violation by some reasonable means prior to
-60 days after the cessation.
-Moreover, your license from a particular copyright holder is
-reinstated permanently if the copyright holder notifies you of the
-violation by some reasonable means, this is the first time you have
-received notice of violation of this License (for any work) from that
-copyright holder, and you cure the violation prior to 30 days after
-your receipt of the notice.
-Termination of your rights under this section does not terminate the
-licenses of parties who have received copies or rights from you under
-this License. If your rights have been terminated and not permanently
-reinstated, receipt of a copy of some or all of the same material does
-not give you any rights to use it.
-The Free Software Foundation may publish new, revised versions
-of the GNU Free Documentation License from time to time. Such new
-versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may
-differ in detail to address new problems or concerns. See
-Each version of the License is given a distinguishing version number.
-If the Document specifies that a particular numbered version of this
-License "or any later version" applies to it, you have the option of
-following the terms and conditions either of that specified version or
-of any later version that has been published (not as a draft) by the
-Free Software Foundation. If the Document does not specify a version
-number of this License, you may choose any version ever published (not
-as a draft) by the Free Software Foundation. If the Document
-specifies that a proxy can decide which future versions of this
-License can be used, that proxy's public statement of acceptance of a
-version permanently authorizes you to choose that version for the
-"Massive Multiauthor Collaboration Site" (or "MMC Site") means any
-World Wide Web server that publishes copyrightable works and also
-provides prominent facilities for anybody to edit those works. A
-public wiki that anybody can edit is an example of such a server. A
-"Massive Multiauthor Collaboration" (or "MMC") contained in the
-site means any set of copyrightable works thus published on the MMC
-"CC-BY-SA" means the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0
-license published by Creative Commons Corporation, a not-for-profit
-corporation with a principal place of business in San Francisco,
-California, as well as future copyleft versions of that license
-published by that same organization.
-"Incorporate" means to publish or republish a Document, in whole or
-in part, as part of another Document.
-An MMC is "eligible for relicensing" if it is licensed under this
-License, and if all works that were first published under this License
-somewhere other than this MMC, and subsequently incorporated in whole
-or in part into the MMC, (1) had no cover texts or invariant sections,
-and (2) were thus incorporated prior to November 1, 2008.
-The operator of an MMC Site may republish an MMC contained in the site
-under CC-BY-SA on the same site at any time before August 1, 2009,
-provided the MMC is eligible for relicensing.
-**ADDENDUM: How to use this License for your documents**
-To use this License in a document you have written, include a copy of
-the License in the document and put the following copyright and
-license notices just after the title page:
- Copyright © YEAR YOUR NAME.
- Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document
- under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3
- or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation;
- with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts.
- A copy of the license is included in the section entitled "GNU
- Free Documentation License".
-If you have Invariant Sections, Front-Cover Texts and Back-Cover Texts,
-replace the "with ... Texts." line with this:
- with the Invariant Sections being LIST THEIR TITLES, with the
- Front-Cover Texts being LIST, and with the Back-Cover Texts being LIST.
-If you have Invariant Sections without Cover Texts, or some other
-combination of the three, merge those two alternatives to suit the
-If your document contains nontrivial examples of program code, we
-recommend releasing these examples in parallel under your choice of
-free software license, such as the GNU General Public License,
-to permit their use in free software.
diff --git a/gcc/ada/gcc-interface/Make-lang.in b/gcc/ada/gcc-interface/Make-lang.in
index b68081ed065..e42ae3abda2 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/gcc-interface/Make-lang.in
+++ b/gcc/ada/gcc-interface/Make-lang.in
@@ -799,32 +799,24 @@ ada.tags: force
# Generate documentation.
-doc/gnat_ugn.info: ada/gnat_ugn.texi \
- $(gcc_docdir)/include/fdl.texi $(gcc_docdir)/include/gcc-common.texi \
- gcc-vers.texi
- if [ x$(BUILD_INFO) = xinfo ]; then \
- rm -f $(@)*; \
- $(MAKEINFO) $(MAKEINFOFLAGS) -I$(gcc_docdir)/include \
- -I$(srcdir)/ada -o $@ $<; \
+doc/gnat_ugn/info/texinfo/gnat_ugn.info: $(SPHINX_FILES)
+ + if [ x$(SPHINX_BUILD) = xsphinx-build ]; then \
+ make -C $(srcdir)/../doc info SOURCEDIR=$(srcdir)/ada/doc/gnat_ugn BUILDDIR=$(objdir)/doc/gnat_ugn/info; \
else true; fi
-doc/gnat_rm.info: ada/gnat_rm.texi $(gcc_docdir)/include/fdl.texi \
- $(gcc_docdir)/include/gcc-common.texi gcc-vers.texi
- if [ x$(BUILD_INFO) = xinfo ]; then \
- rm -f $(@)*; \
- $(MAKEINFO) $(MAKEINFOFLAGS) -I$(gcc_docdir)/include \
- -I$(srcdir)/ada -o $@ $<; \
+doc/gnat_rm/info/texinfo/gnat_rm.info: $(SPHINX_FILES)
+ + if [ x$(SPHINX_BUILD) = xsphinx-build ]; then \
+ make -C $(srcdir)/../doc info SOURCEDIR=$(srcdir)/ada/doc/gnat_rm BUILDDIR=$(objdir)/doc/gnat_rm/info; \
else true; fi
-doc/gnat-style.info: ada/gnat-style.texi $(gcc_docdir)/include/fdl.texi \
- $(gcc_docdir)/include/gcc-common.texi gcc-vers.texi
- if [ x$(BUILD_INFO) = xinfo ]; then \
- rm -f $(@)*; \
- $(MAKEINFO) $(MAKEINFOFLAGS) -I$(gcc_docdir)/include \
- -I$(srcdir)/ada -o $@ $<; \
+doc/gnat-style/info/texinfo/gnat-style.info: $(SPHINX_FILES)
+ + if [ x$(SPHINX_BUILD) = xsphinx-build ]; then \
+ make -C $(srcdir)/../doc info SOURCEDIR=$(srcdir)/ada/doc/gnat-style BUILDDIR=$(objdir)/doc/gnat-style/info; \
else true; fi
-ADA_INFOFILES = doc/gnat_ugn.info doc/gnat_rm.info doc/gnat-style.info
+ADA_INFOFILES = doc/gnat_ugn/info/texinfo/gnat_ugn.info \
+ doc/gnat_rm/info/texinfo/gnat_rm.info \
+ doc/gnat-style/info/texinfo/gnat-style.info
ada.info: $(ADA_INFOFILES)
@@ -835,14 +827,33 @@ ada.install-info: $(DESTDIR)$(infodir)/gnat_ugn.info \
$(DESTDIR)$(infodir)/gnat_rm.info \
-ada.dvi: doc/gnat_ugn.dvi \
- doc/gnat_rm.dvi doc/gnat-style.dvi
+$(DESTDIR)$(infodir)/gnat_ugn.info: doc/gnat_ugn/info/texinfo/gnat_ugn.info installdirs
+ -rm -f $@
+ -$(INSTALL_DATA) $< $@
-ADA_PDFFILES = doc/gnat_ugn.pdf \
- doc/gnat_rm.pdf doc/gnat-style.pdf
+$(DESTDIR)$(infodir)/gnat_rm.info: doc/gnat_rm/info/texinfo/gnat_rm.info installdirs
+ -rm -f $@
+ -$(INSTALL_DATA) $< $@
+$(DESTDIR)$(infodir)/gnat-style.info: doc/gnat-style/info/texinfo/gnat-style.info installdirs
+ -rm -f $@
+ -$(INSTALL_DATA) $< $@
+ADA_PDFFILES = doc/gnat_ugn/pdf/latex/gnat_ugn.pdf\
+ doc/gnat_rm/pdf/latex/gnat_rm.pdf \
+ doc/gnat-style/pdf/latex/gnat-style.pdf
ada.pdf: $(ADA_PDFFILES)
+doc/gnat_ugn/pdf/latex/gnat_ugn.pdf: $(SPHINX_FILES)
+ + make -C $(srcdir)/../doc latexpdf SOURCEDIR=$(srcdir)/ada/doc/gnat_ugn BUILDDIR=$(objdir)/doc/gnat_ugn/pdf
+doc/gnat_rm/pdf/latex/gnat_rm.pdf: $(SPHINX_FILES)
+ + make -C $(srcdir)/../doc latexpdf SOURCEDIR=$(srcdir)/ada/doc/gnat_rm BUILDDIR=$(objdir)/doc/gnat_rm/pdf
+doc/gnat-style/pdf/latex/gnat-style.pdf: $(SPHINX_FILES)
+ + make -C $(srcdir)/../doc latexpdf SOURCEDIR=$(srcdir)/ada/doc/gnat-style BUILDDIR=$(objdir)/doc/gnat-style/pdf
ada.install-pdf: $(ADA_PDFFILES)
test -z "$(pdfdir)/gcc" || $(mkinstalldirs) "$(DESTDIR)$(pdfdir)/gcc"
@@ -853,33 +864,18 @@ ada.install-pdf: $(ADA_PDFFILES)
$(INSTALL_DATA) "$$d$$p" "$(DESTDIR)$(pdfdir)/gcc/$$f"; \
+ada.html: doc/gnat_ugn/html/html/index.html doc/gnat_rm/html/html/index.html doc/gnat-style/html/html/index.html
-doc/gnat_ugn.dvi: ada/gnat_ugn.texi \
- $(gcc_docdir)/include/fdl.texi \
- $(gcc_docdir)/include/gcc-common.texi gcc-vers.texi
- $(TEXI2DVI) -c -I $(abs_docdir)/include -o $@ $<
-doc/gnat_rm.dvi: ada/gnat_rm.texi $(gcc_docdir)/include/fdl.texi \
- $(gcc_docdir)/include/gcc-common.texi gcc-vers.texi
- $(TEXI2DVI) -c -I $(abs_docdir)/include -o $@ $<
+doc/gnat_ugn/html/html/index.html: $(SPHINX_FILES)
+ + make -C $(srcdir)/../doc html SOURCEDIR=$(srcdir)/ada/doc/gnat_ugn BUILDDIR=$(objdir)/doc/gnat_ugn/html
-doc/gnat-style.dvi: ada/gnat-style.texi $(gcc_docdir)/include/fdl.texi
- $(TEXI2DVI) -c -I $(abs_docdir)/include -o $@ $<
+doc/gnat_rm/html/html/index.html: $(SPHINX_FILES)
+ + make -C $(srcdir)/../doc html SOURCEDIR=$(srcdir)/ada/doc/gnat_rm BUILDDIR=$(objdir)/doc/gnat_rm/html
-doc/gnat_ugn.pdf: ada/gnat_ugn.texi \
- $(gcc_docdir)/include/fdl.texi \
- $(gcc_docdir)/include/gcc-common.texi gcc-vers.texi
- $(TEXI2PDF) -c -I $(abs_docdir)/include -o $@ $<
+doc/gnat-style/html/html/index.html: $(SPHINX_FILES)
+ + make -C $(srcdir)/../doc html SOURCEDIR=$(srcdir)/ada/doc/gnat-style BUILDDIR=$(objdir)/doc/gnat-style/html
-doc/gnat_rm.pdf: ada/gnat_rm.texi $(gcc_docdir)/include/fdl.texi \
- $(gcc_docdir)/include/gcc-common.texi gcc-vers.texi
- $(TEXI2PDF) -c -I $(abs_docdir)/include -o $@ $<
-doc/gnat-style.pdf: ada/gnat-style.texi $(gcc_docdir)/include/fdl.texi
- $(TEXI2PDF) -c -I $(abs_docdir)/include -o $@ $<
# Install hooks:
# gnat1 is installed elsewhere as part of $(COMPILERS).
diff --git a/gcc/ada/gnat-style.texi b/gcc/ada/gnat-style.texi
deleted file mode 100644
index 50adaabc993..00000000000
--- a/gcc/ada/gnat-style.texi
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,954 +0,0 @@
-\input texinfo @c -*-texinfo-*-
-@c %**start of header
-@c oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
-@c o
-@c o
-@c G N A T C O D I N G S T Y L E o
-@c o
-@c Copyright (C) 1992-2012, AdaCore o
-@c o
-@c oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
-@setfilename gnat-style.info
-Copyright @copyright{} 1992-2012, AdaCore
-Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document
-under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3 or
-any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no
-Invariant Sections, with no Front-Cover Texts and with no Back-Cover
-Texts. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled
-``GNU Free Documentation License''.
-@end copying
-@settitle GNAT Coding Style
-@setchapternewpage odd
-@include gcc-common.texi
-@dircategory Software development
-* gnat-style: (gnat-style). GNAT Coding Style
-@end direntry
-@macro syntax{element}
-@end macro
-@c %**end of header
-@titlefont{GNAT Coding Style:}
-@sp 1
-@title A Guide for GNAT Developers
-@subtitle GNAT, The GNU Ada Compiler
-@author Ada Core Technologies, Inc.
-@vskip 0pt plus 1filll
-@end titlepage
-@node Top, General, , (dir)
-@comment node-name, next, previous, up
-GNAT Coding Style@*
-A Guide for GNAT Developers
-@sp 2
-GNAT, The GNU Ada Compiler@*
-@end ifnottex
-* General::
-* Lexical Elements::
-* Declarations and Types::
-* Expressions and Names::
-* Statements::
-* Subprograms::
-* Packages::
-* Program Structure::
-* GNU Free Documentation License::
-* Index::
-@end menu
-@c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-@node General, Lexical Elements, Top, Top
-@section General
-@c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-Most of GNAT is written in Ada using a consistent style to ensure
-readability of the code. This document has been written to help
-maintain this consistent style, while having a large group of developers
-work on the compiler.
-For the coding style in the C parts of the compiler and run time,
-see the GNU Coding Guidelines.
-This document is structured after the @cite{Ada Reference Manual}.
-Those familiar with that document should be able to quickly
-lookup style rules for particular constructs.
-@c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-@node Lexical Elements, Declarations and Types, General, Top
-@section Lexical Elements
-@c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-@cindex Lexical elements
-@subsection Character Set and Separators
-@c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-@cindex Character set
-@cindex ASCII
-@cindex Separators
-@cindex End-of-line
-@cindex Line length
-@cindex Indentation
-@itemize @bullet
-The character set used should be plain 7-bit ASCII@.
-The only separators allowed are space and the end-of-line sequence.
-No other control character or format effector (such as @code{HT},
-@code{VT}, @code{FF})
-should be used.
-The normal end-of-line sequence is used, which may be
-@code{LF}, @code{CR/LF} or @code{CR},
-depending on the host system. An optional @code{SUB}
-(@code{16#1A#}) may be present as the
-last character in the file on hosts using that character as file terminator.
-Files that are checked in or distributed should be in host format.
-A line should never be longer than 79 characters, not counting the line
-Lines must not have trailing blanks.
-Indentation is 3 characters per level for @code{if} statements, loops, and
-@code{case} statements.
-For exact information on required spacing between lexical
-elements, see file @file{style.adb}.
-@cindex @file{style.adb} file
-@end itemize
-@subsection Identifiers
-@c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-@itemize @bullet
-@cindex Identifiers
-Identifiers will start with an upper case letter, and each letter following
-an underscore will be upper case.
-@cindex Casing (for identifiers)
-Short acronyms may be all upper case.
-All other letters are lower case.
-An exception is for identifiers matching a foreign language. In particular,
-we use all lower case where appropriate for C@.
-Use underscores to separate words in an identifier.
-@cindex Underscores
-@item Try to limit your use of abbreviations in identifiers.
-It is ok to make a few abbreviations, explain what they mean, and then
-use them frequently, but don't use lots of obscure abbreviations. An
-example is the @code{ALI} word which stands for Ada Library
-Information and is by convention always written in upper-case when
-used in entity names.
-@smallexample @c adanocomment
- procedure Find_ALI_Files;
-@end smallexample
-Don't use the variable name @code{I}, use @code{J} instead; @code{I} is too
-easily confused with @code{1} in some fonts. Similarly don't use the
-variable @code{O}, which is too easily mistaken for the number @code{0}.
-@end itemize
-@subsection Numeric Literals
-@c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-@cindex Numeric literals
-@itemize @bullet
-Numeric literals should include underscores where helpful for
-@cindex Underscores
- 1_000_000
- 16#8000_0000#
- 3.14159_26535_89793_23846
-@end smallexample
-@end itemize
-@subsection Reserved Words
-@c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-@cindex Reserved words
-@itemize @bullet
-Reserved words use all lower case.
-@cindex Casing (for reserved words)
-@smallexample @c adanocomment
- return else
-@end smallexample
-The words @code{Access}, @code{Delta} and @code{Digits} are
-capitalized when used as @syntax{attribute_designator}.
-@end itemize
-@subsection Comments
-@c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-@cindex Comments
-@itemize @bullet
-A comment starts with @code{--} followed by two spaces.
-The only exception to this rule (i.e.@: one space is tolerated) is when the
-comment ends with a single space followed by @code{--}.
-It is also acceptable to have only one space between @code{--} and the start
-of the comment when the comment is at the end of a line,
-after some Ada code.
-Every sentence in a comment should start with an upper-case letter (including
-the first letter of the comment).
-@cindex Casing (in comments)
-When declarations are commented with ``hanging'' comments, i.e.@:
-comments after the declaration, there is no blank line before the
-comment, and if it is absolutely necessary to have blank lines within
-the comments, e.g. to make paragraph separations within a single comment,
-these blank lines @emph{do} have a @code{--} (unlike the
-normal rule, which is to use entirely blank lines for separating
-comment paragraphs). The comment starts at same level of indentation
-as code it is commenting.
-@cindex Blank lines (in comments)
-@cindex Indentation
-@smallexample @c adanocomment
- z : Integer;
- -- Integer value for storing value of z
- --
- -- The previous line was a blank line.
-@end smallexample
-Comments that are dubious or incomplete, or that comment on possibly
-wrong or incomplete code, should be preceded or followed by @code{???}@.
-Comments in a subprogram body must generally be surrounded by blank lines.
-An exception is a comment that follows a line containing a single keyword
-(@code{begin}, @code{else}, @code{loop}):
-@smallexample @c adanocomment
- begin
- -- Comment for the next statement
- A := 5;
- -- Comment for the B statement
- B := 6;
- end;
-@end group
-@end smallexample
-In sequences of statements, comments at the end of the lines should be
-@cindex Alignment (in comments)
-@smallexample @c adanocomment
- My_Identifier := 5; -- First comment
- Other_Id := 6; -- Second comment
-@end smallexample
-Short comments that fit on a single line are @emph{not} ended with a
-period. Comments taking more than a line are punctuated in the normal
-Comments should focus on @emph{why} instead of @emph{what}.
-Descriptions of what subprograms do go with the specification.
-Comments describing a subprogram spec should specifically mention the
-formal argument names. General rule: write a comment that does not
-depend on the names of things. The names are supplementary, not
-sufficient, as comments.
-@emph{Do not} put two spaces after periods in comments.
-@end itemize
-@c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-@node Declarations and Types, Expressions and Names, Lexical Elements,Top
-@section Declarations and Types
-@c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-@cindex Declarations and Types
-@itemize @bullet
-In entity declarations, colons must be surrounded by spaces. Colons
-should be aligned.
-@cindex Alignment (in declarations)
-@smallexample @c adanocomment
- Entity1 : Integer;
- My_Entity : Integer;
-@end smallexample
-Declarations should be grouped in a logical order.
-Related groups of declarations may be preceded by a header comment.
-All local subprograms in a subprogram or package body should be declared
-before the first local subprogram body.
-Do not declare local entities that hide global entities.
-@cindex Hiding of outer entities
-Do not declare multiple variables in one declaration that spans lines.
-Start a new declaration on each line, instead.
-The @syntax{defining_identifier}s of global declarations serve as
-comments of a sort. So don't choose terse names, but look for names
-that give useful information instead.
-Local names can be shorter, because they are used only within
-one context, where comments explain their purpose.
-When starting an initialization or default expression on the line that follows
-the declaration line, use 2 characters for indentation.
-@smallexample @c adanocomment
- Entity1 : Integer :=
- Function_Name (Parameters, For_Call);
-@end smallexample
-If an initialization or default expression needs to be continued on subsequent
-lines, the continuations should be indented from the start of the expression.
-@smallexample @c adanocomment
- Entity1 : Integer := Long_Function_Name
- (parameters for call);
-@end smallexample
-@end itemize
-@c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-@node Expressions and Names, Statements, Declarations and Types, Top
-@section Expressions and Names
-@c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-@cindex Expressions and names
-@itemize @bullet
-Every operator must be surrounded by spaces. An exception is that
-this rule does not apply to the exponentiation operator, for which
-there are no specific layout rules. The reason for this exception
-is that sometimes it makes clearer reading to leave out the spaces
-around exponentiation.
-@cindex Operators
-@smallexample @c adanocomment
- E := A * B**2 + 3 * (C - D);
-@end smallexample
-Use parentheses where they clarify the intended association of operands
-with operators:
-@cindex Parenthesization of expressions
-@smallexample @c adanocomment
- (A / B) * C
-@end smallexample
-@end itemize
-@c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-@node Statements, Subprograms, Expressions and Names, Top
-@section Statements
-@c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-@cindex Statements
-@subsection Simple and Compound Statements
-@c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-@cindex Simple and compound statements
-@itemize @bullet
-Use only one statement or label per line.
-A longer @syntax{sequence_of_statements} may be divided in logical
-groups or separated from surrounding code using a blank line.
-@end itemize
-@subsection If Statements
-@c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-@cindex @code{if} statement
-@itemize @bullet
-When the @code{if}, @code{elsif} or @code{else} keywords fit on the
-same line with the condition and the @code{then} keyword, then the
-statement is formatted as follows:
-@cindex Alignment (in an @code{if} statement)
-@smallexample @c adanocomment
- if @var{condition} then
- ...
- elsif @var{condition} then
- ...
- else
- ...
- end if;
-@end group
-@end smallexample
-When the above layout is not possible, @code{then} should be aligned
-with @code{if}, and conditions should preferably be split before an
-@code{and} or @code{or} keyword a follows:
-@smallexample @c adanocomment
- if @var{long_condition_that_has_to_be_split}
- and then @var{continued_on_the_next_line}
- then
- ...
- end if;
-@end group
-@end smallexample
-The @code{elsif}, @code{else} and @code{end if} always line up with
-the @code{if} keyword. The preferred location for splitting the line
-is before @code{and} or @code{or}. The continuation of a condition is
-indented with two spaces or as many as needed to make nesting clear.
-As an exception, if conditions are closely related either of the
-following is allowed:
- if x = lakdsjfhlkashfdlkflkdsalkhfsalkdhflkjdsahf
- or else
- x = asldkjhalkdsjfhhfd
- or else
- x = asdfadsfadsf
- then
- ...
- end if;
-@end group
- if x = lakdsjfhlkashfdlkflkdsalkhfsalkdhflkjdsahf or else
- x = asldkjhalkdsjfhhfd or else
- x = asdfadsfadsf
- then
- ...
- end if;
-@end group
-@end smallexample
-Conditions should use short-circuit forms (@code{and then},
-@code{or else}), except when the operands are boolean variables
-or boolean constants.
-@cindex Short-circuit forms
-Complex conditions in @code{if} statements are indented two characters:
-@cindex Indentation (in @code{if} statements)
-@smallexample @c adanocomment
- if @var{this_complex_condition}
- and then @var{that_other_one}
- and then @var{one_last_one}
- then
- ...
- end if;
-@end group
-@end smallexample
-There are some cases where complex conditionals can be laid out
-in manners that do not follow these rules to preserve better
-parallelism between branches, e.g.
-@smallexample @c adanocomment
- if xyz.abc (gef) = 'c'
- or else
- xyz.abc (gef) = 'x'
- then
- ...
- end if;
-@end group
-@end smallexample
-Every @code{if} block is preceded and followed by a blank line, except
-where it begins or ends a @syntax{sequence_of_statements}.
-@cindex Blank lines (in an @code{if} statement)
-@smallexample @c adanocomment
- A := 5;
- if A = 5 then
- null;
- end if;
- A := 6;
-@end group
-@end smallexample
-@end itemize
-@subsection Case Statements
-@cindex @code{case} statements
-@itemize @bullet
-Layout is as below. For long @code{case} statements, the extra indentation
-can be saved by aligning the @code{when} clauses with the opening @code{case}.
-@smallexample @c adanocomment
- case @var{expression} is
- when @var{condition} =>
- ...
- when @var{condition} =>
- ...
- end case;
-@end group
-@end smallexample
-@end itemize
-@subsection Loop Statements
-@cindex Loop statements
-@itemize @bullet
-When possible, have @code{for} or @code{while} on one line with the
-condition and the @code{loop} keyword.
-@smallexample @c adanocomment
- for J in S'Range loop
- ...
- end loop;
-@end group
-@end smallexample
-If the condition is too long, split the condition (see ``If
-statements'' above) and align @code{loop} with the @code{for} or
-@code{while} keyword.
-@cindex Alignment (in a loop statement)
-@smallexample @c adanocomment
- while @var{long_condition_that_has_to_be_split}
- and then @var{continued_on_the_next_line}
- loop
- ...
- end loop;
-@end group
-@end smallexample
-If the @syntax{loop_statement} has an identifier, it is laid out as follows:
-@smallexample @c adanocomment
- Outer : while not @var{condition} loop
- ...
- end Outer;
-@end group
-@end smallexample
-@end itemize
-@subsection Block Statements
-@cindex Block statement
-@itemize @bullet
-The @code{declare} (optional), @code{begin} and @code{end} words
-are aligned, except when the @syntax{block_statement} is named. There
-is a blank line before the @code{begin} keyword:
-@cindex Alignment (in a block statement)
-@smallexample @c adanocomment
- Some_Block : declare
- ...
- begin
- ...
- end Some_Block;
-@end group
-@end smallexample
-@end itemize
-@c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-@node Subprograms, Packages, Statements, Top
-@section Subprograms
-@c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-@cindex Subprograms
-@subsection Subprogram Declarations
-@c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-@itemize @bullet
-Do not write the @code{in} for parameters.
-@smallexample @c adanocomment
- function Length (S : String) return Integer;
-@end smallexample
-When the declaration line for a procedure or a function is too long to fit
-the entire declaration (including the keyword procedure or function) on a
-single line, then fold it, putting a single parameter on a line, aligning
-the colons, as in:
-@smallexample @c adanocomment
- procedure Set_Heading
- (Source : String;
- Count : Natural;
- Pad : Character := Space;
- Fill : Boolean := True);
-@end group
-@end smallexample
-In the case of a function, if the entire spec does not fit on one line, then
-the return may appear after the last parameter, as in:
-@smallexample @c adanocomment
- function Head
- (Source : String;
- Count : Natural;
- Pad : Character := Space) return String;
-@end group
-@end smallexample
-Or it may appear on its own as a separate line. This form is preferred when
-putting the return on the same line as the last parameter would result in
-an overlong line. The return type may optionally be aligned with the types
-of the parameters (usually we do this aligning if it results only in a small
-number of extra spaces, and otherwise we don't attempt to align). So two
-alternative forms for the above spec are:
-@smallexample @c adanocomment
- function Head
- (Source : String;
- Count : Natural;
- Pad : Character := Space)
- return String;
- function Head
- (Source : String;
- Count : Natural;
- Pad : Character := Space)
- return String;
-@end group
-@end smallexample
-@end itemize
-@subsection Subprogram Bodies
-@c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-@cindex Subprogram bodies
-@itemize @bullet
-Function and procedure bodies should usually be sorted alphabetically. Do
-not attempt to sort them in some logical order by functionality. For a
-sequence of subprogram specs, a general alphabetical sorting is also
-usually appropriate, but occasionally it makes sense to group by major
-function, with appropriate headers.
-All subprograms have a header giving the function name, with the following
-@smallexample @c adanocomment
- -----------------
- -- My_Function --
- -----------------
- procedure My_Function is
- begin
- ...
- end My_Function;
-@end group
-@end smallexample
-Note that the name in the header is preceded by a single space,
-not two spaces as for other comments. These headers are used on
-nested subprograms as well as outer level subprograms. They may
-also be used as headers for sections of comments, or collections
-of declarations that are related.
-Every subprogram body must have a preceding @syntax{subprogram_declaration},
-which includes proper client documentation so that you do not need to
-read the subprogram body in order to understand what the subprogram does and
-how to call it. All subprograms should be documented, without exceptions.
-@cindex Blank lines (in subprogram bodies)
-A sequence of declarations may optionally be separated from the following
-begin by a blank line. Just as we optionally allow blank lines in general
-between declarations, this blank line should be present only if it improves
-readability. Generally we avoid this blank line if the declarative part is
-small (one or two lines) and the body has no blank lines, and we include it
-if the declarative part is long or if the body has blank lines.
-If the declarations in a subprogram contain at least one nested
-subprogram body, then just before the @code{begin} of the enclosing
-subprogram, there is a comment line and a blank line:
-@smallexample @c adanocomment
- -- Start of processing for @var{Enclosing_Subprogram}
- begin
- ...
- end @var{Enclosing_Subprogram};
-@end group
-@end smallexample
-When nested subprograms are present, variables that are referenced by any
-nested subprogram should precede the nested subprogram specs. For variables
-that are not referenced by nested procedures, the declarations can either also
-be before any of the nested subprogram specs (this is the old style, more
-generally used). Or then can come just before the begin, with a header. The
-following example shows the two possible styles:
-@smallexample @c adanocomment
- procedure Style1 is
- Var_Referenced_In_Nested : Integer;
- Var_Referenced_Only_In_Style1 : Integer;
- proc Nested;
- -- Comments ...
- ------------
- -- Nested --
- ------------
- procedure Nested is
- begin
- ...
- end Nested;
- -- Start of processing for Style1
- begin
- ...
- end Style1;
-@end group
- procedure Style2 is
- Var_Referenced_In_Nested : Integer;
- proc Nested;
- -- Comments ...
- ------------
- -- Nested --
- ------------
- procedure Nested is
- begin
- ...
- end Nested;
- -- Local variables
- Var_Referenced_Only_In_Style2 : Integer;
- -- Start of processing for Style2
- begin
- ...
- end Style2;
-@end group
-@end smallexample
-For new code, we generally prefer Style2, but we do not insist on
-modifying all legacy occurrences of Style1, which is still much
-more common in the sources.
-@end itemize
-@c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-@node Packages, Program Structure, Subprograms, Top
-@section Packages and Visibility Rules
-@c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-@cindex Packages
-@itemize @bullet
-All program units and subprograms have their name at the end:
-@smallexample @c adanocomment
- package P is
- ...
- end P;
-@end group
-@end smallexample
-We will use the style of @code{use}-ing @code{with}-ed packages, with
-the context clauses looking like:
-@cindex @code{use} clauses
-@smallexample @c adanocomment
- with A; use A;
- with B; use B;
-@end group
-@end smallexample
-Names declared in the visible part of packages should be
-unique, to prevent name clashes when the packages are @code{use}d.
-@cindex Name clash avoidance
-@smallexample @c adanocomment
- package Entity is
- type Entity_Kind is ...;
- ...
- end Entity;
-@end group
-@end smallexample
-After the file header comment, the context clause and unit specification
-should be the first thing in a @syntax{program_unit}.
-Preelaborate, Pure and Elaborate_Body pragmas should be added right after the
-package name, indented an extra level and using the parameterless form:
-@smallexample @c adanocomment
- package Preelaborate_Package is
- pragma Preelaborate;
- ...
- end Preelaborate_Package;
-@end group
-@end smallexample
-@end itemize
-@c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-@node Program Structure, GNU Free Documentation License, Packages, Top
-@section Program Structure and Compilation Issues
-@c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-@cindex Program structure
-@itemize @bullet
-Every GNAT source file must be compiled with the @option{-gnatg}
-switch to check the coding style.
-(Note that you should look at
-@file{style.adb} to see the lexical rules enforced by
-@cindex @option{-gnatg} option (to gcc)
-@cindex @file{style.adb} file
-Each source file should contain only one compilation unit.
-Filenames should be 8 or fewer characters, followed by the @code{.adb}
-extension for a body or @code{.ads} for a spec.
-@cindex File name length
-Unit names should be distinct when ``krunch''ed to 8 characters
-(see @file{krunch.ads}) and the filenames should match the unit name,
-except that they are all lower case.
-@cindex @file{krunch.ads} file
-@end itemize
-@c **********************************
-@c * GNU Free Documentation License *
-@c **********************************
-@node GNU Free Documentation License,Index, Program Structure, Top
-@unnumberedsec GNU Free Documentation License
-@set nodefaultgnufreedocumentationlicensenode
-@include fdl.texi
-@c GNU Free Documentation License
-@cindex GNU Free Documentation License
-@node Index,,GNU Free Documentation License, Top
-@unnumberedsec Index
-@printindex cp
diff --git a/gcc/ada/gnat_rm.texi b/gcc/ada/gnat_rm.texi
deleted file mode 100644
index 79f8bb354ee..00000000000
--- a/gcc/ada/gnat_rm.texi
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29822 +0,0 @@
-\input texinfo @c -*-texinfo-*-
-@c %**start of header
-@setfilename gnat_rm.info
-@documentencoding UTF-8
-@*Generated by Sphinx 1.4.6.@*
-@end ifinfo
-@settitle GNAT Reference Manual
-@defindex ge
-@paragraphindent 0
-@exampleindent 4
-@dircategory GNU Ada Tools
-* gnat_rm: (gnat_rm.info). gnat_rm
-@end direntry
-@definfoenclose strong,`,'
-@definfoenclose emph,`,'
-@c %**end of header
-GNAT Reference Manual , Apr 12, 2021
-Copyright @copyright{} 2008-2021, Free Software Foundation
-@end quotation
-@end copying
-@title GNAT Reference Manual
-@end titlepage
-@c %** start of user preamble
-@c %** end of user preamble
-@node Top
-@top GNAT Reference Manual
-@end ifnottex
-@c %**start of body
-@anchor{gnat_rm doc}@anchor{0}
-@emph{GNAT, The GNU Ada Development Environment}
-@include gcc-common.texi
-GCC version @value{version-GCC}@*
-Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document
-under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3 or
-any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no
-Invariant Sections, with the Front-Cover Texts being "GNAT Reference
-Manual", and with no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is
-included in the section entitled @ref{1,,GNU Free Documentation License}.
-* About This Guide::
-* Implementation Defined Pragmas::
-* Implementation Defined Aspects::
-* Implementation Defined Attributes::
-* Standard and Implementation Defined Restrictions::
-* Implementation Advice::
-* Implementation Defined Characteristics::
-* Intrinsic Subprograms::
-* Representation Clauses and Pragmas::
-* Standard Library Routines::
-* The Implementation of Standard I/O::
-* The GNAT Library::
-* Interfacing to Other Languages::
-* Specialized Needs Annexes::
-* Implementation of Specific Ada Features::
-* Implementation of Ada 2012 Features::
-* Obsolescent Features::
-* Compatibility and Porting Guide::
-* GNU Free Documentation License::
-* Index::
- --- The Detailed Node Listing ---
-About This Guide
-* What This Reference Manual Contains::
-* Conventions::
-* Related Information::
-Implementation Defined Pragmas
-* Pragma Abort_Defer::
-* Pragma Abstract_State::
-* Pragma Ada_83::
-* Pragma Ada_95::
-* Pragma Ada_05::
-* Pragma Ada_2005::
-* Pragma Ada_12::
-* Pragma Ada_2012::
-* Pragma Aggregate_Individually_Assign::
-* Pragma Allow_Integer_Address::
-* Pragma Annotate::
-* Pragma Assert::
-* Pragma Assert_And_Cut::
-* Pragma Assertion_Policy::
-* Pragma Assume::
-* Pragma Assume_No_Invalid_Values::
-* Pragma Async_Readers::
-* Pragma Async_Writers::
-* Pragma Attribute_Definition::
-* Pragma C_Pass_By_Copy::
-* Pragma Check::
-* Pragma Check_Float_Overflow::
-* Pragma Check_Name::
-* Pragma Check_Policy::
-* Pragma Comment::
-* Pragma Common_Object::
-* Pragma Compile_Time_Error::
-* Pragma Compile_Time_Warning::
-* Pragma Compiler_Unit::
-* Pragma Compiler_Unit_Warning::
-* Pragma Complete_Representation::
-* Pragma Complex_Representation::
-* Pragma Component_Alignment::
-* Pragma Constant_After_Elaboration::
-* Pragma Contract_Cases::
-* Pragma Convention_Identifier::
-* Pragma CPP_Class::
-* Pragma CPP_Constructor::
-* Pragma CPP_Virtual::
-* Pragma CPP_Vtable::
-* Pragma CPU::
-* Pragma Deadline_Floor::
-* Pragma Default_Initial_Condition::
-* Pragma Debug::
-* Pragma Debug_Policy::
-* Pragma Default_Scalar_Storage_Order::
-* Pragma Default_Storage_Pool::
-* Pragma Depends::
-* Pragma Detect_Blocking::
-* Pragma Disable_Atomic_Synchronization::
-* Pragma Dispatching_Domain::
-* Pragma Effective_Reads::
-* Pragma Effective_Writes::
-* Pragma Elaboration_Checks::
-* Pragma Eliminate::
-* Pragma Enable_Atomic_Synchronization::
-* Pragma Export_Function::
-* Pragma Export_Object::
-* Pragma Export_Procedure::
-* Pragma Export_Valued_Procedure::
-* Pragma Extend_System::
-* Pragma Extensions_Allowed::
-* Pragma Extensions_Visible::
-* Pragma External::
-* Pragma External_Name_Casing::
-* Pragma Fast_Math::
-* Pragma Favor_Top_Level::
-* Pragma Finalize_Storage_Only::
-* Pragma Float_Representation::
-* Pragma Ghost::
-* Pragma Global::
-* Pragma Ident::
-* Pragma Ignore_Pragma::
-* Pragma Implementation_Defined::
-* Pragma Implemented::
-* Pragma Implicit_Packing::
-* Pragma Import_Function::
-* Pragma Import_Object::
-* Pragma Import_Procedure::
-* Pragma Import_Valued_Procedure::
-* Pragma Independent::
-* Pragma Independent_Components::
-* Pragma Initial_Condition::
-* Pragma Initialize_Scalars::
-* Pragma Initializes::
-* Pragma Inline_Always::
-* Pragma Inline_Generic::
-* Pragma Interface::
-* Pragma Interface_Name::
-* Pragma Interrupt_Handler::
-* Pragma Interrupt_State::
-* Pragma Invariant::
-* Pragma Keep_Names::
-* Pragma License::
-* Pragma Link_With::
-* Pragma Linker_Alias::
-* Pragma Linker_Constructor::
-* Pragma Linker_Destructor::
-* Pragma Linker_Section::
-* Pragma Lock_Free::
-* Pragma Loop_Invariant::
-* Pragma Loop_Optimize::
-* Pragma Loop_Variant::
-* Pragma Machine_Attribute::
-* Pragma Main::
-* Pragma Main_Storage::
-* Pragma Max_Queue_Length::
-* Pragma No_Body::
-* Pragma No_Caching::
-* Pragma No_Component_Reordering::
-* Pragma No_Elaboration_Code_All::
-* Pragma No_Heap_Finalization::
-* Pragma No_Inline::
-* Pragma No_Return::
-* Pragma No_Strict_Aliasing::
-* Pragma No_Tagged_Streams::
-* Pragma Normalize_Scalars::
-* Pragma Obsolescent::
-* Pragma Optimize_Alignment::
-* Pragma Ordered::
-* Pragma Overflow_Mode::
-* Pragma Overriding_Renamings::
-* Pragma Partition_Elaboration_Policy::
-* Pragma Part_Of::
-* Pragma Passive::
-* Pragma Persistent_BSS::
-* Pragma Post::
-* Pragma Postcondition::
-* Pragma Post_Class::
-* Pragma Rename_Pragma::
-* Pragma Pre::
-* Pragma Precondition::
-* Pragma Predicate::
-* Pragma Predicate_Failure::
-* Pragma Preelaborable_Initialization::
-* Pragma Prefix_Exception_Messages::
-* Pragma Pre_Class::
-* Pragma Priority_Specific_Dispatching::
-* Pragma Profile::
-* Pragma Profile_Warnings::
-* Pragma Propagate_Exceptions::
-* Pragma Provide_Shift_Operators::
-* Pragma Psect_Object::
-* Pragma Pure_Function::
-* Pragma Rational::
-* Pragma Ravenscar::
-* Pragma Refined_Depends::
-* Pragma Refined_Global::
-* Pragma Refined_Post::
-* Pragma Refined_State::
-* Pragma Relative_Deadline::
-* Pragma Remote_Access_Type::
-* Pragma Restricted_Run_Time::
-* Pragma Restriction_Warnings::
-* Pragma Reviewable::
-* Pragma Secondary_Stack_Size::
-* Pragma Share_Generic::
-* Pragma Shared::
-* Pragma Short_Circuit_And_Or::
-* Pragma Short_Descriptors::
-* Pragma Simple_Storage_Pool_Type::
-* Pragma Source_File_Name::
-* Pragma Source_File_Name_Project::
-* Pragma Source_Reference::
-* Pragma SPARK_Mode::
-* Pragma Static_Elaboration_Desired::
-* Pragma Stream_Convert::
-* Pragma Style_Checks::
-* Pragma Subtitle::
-* Pragma Suppress::
-* Pragma Suppress_All::
-* Pragma Suppress_Debug_Info::
-* Pragma Suppress_Exception_Locations::
-* Pragma Suppress_Initialization::
-* Pragma Task_Name::
-* Pragma Task_Storage::
-* Pragma Test_Case::
-* Pragma Thread_Local_Storage::
-* Pragma Time_Slice::
-* Pragma Title::
-* Pragma Type_Invariant::
-* Pragma Type_Invariant_Class::
-* Pragma Unchecked_Union::
-* Pragma Unevaluated_Use_Of_Old::
-* Pragma Unimplemented_Unit::
-* Pragma Universal_Aliasing::
-* Pragma Unmodified::
-* Pragma Unreferenced::
-* Pragma Unreferenced_Objects::
-* Pragma Unreserve_All_Interrupts::
-* Pragma Unsuppress::
-* Pragma Use_VADS_Size::
-* Pragma Unused::
-* Pragma Validity_Checks::
-* Pragma Volatile::
-* Pragma Volatile_Full_Access::
-* Pragma Volatile_Function::
-* Pragma Warning_As_Error::
-* Pragma Warnings::
-* Pragma Weak_External::
-* Pragma Wide_Character_Encoding::
-Implementation Defined Aspects
-* Aspect Abstract_State::
-* Aspect Annotate::
-* Aspect Async_Readers::
-* Aspect Async_Writers::
-* Aspect Constant_After_Elaboration::
-* Aspect Contract_Cases::
-* Aspect Depends::
-* Aspect Default_Initial_Condition::
-* Aspect Dimension::
-* Aspect Dimension_System::
-* Aspect Disable_Controlled::
-* Aspect Effective_Reads::
-* Aspect Effective_Writes::
-* Aspect Extensions_Visible::
-* Aspect Favor_Top_Level::
-* Aspect Ghost::
-* Aspect Global::
-* Aspect Initial_Condition::
-* Aspect Initializes::
-* Aspect Inline_Always::
-* Aspect Invariant::
-* Aspect Invariant'Class::
-* Aspect Iterable::
-* Aspect Linker_Section::
-* Aspect Lock_Free::
-* Aspect Max_Queue_Length::
-* Aspect No_Caching::
-* Aspect No_Elaboration_Code_All::
-* Aspect No_Inline::
-* Aspect No_Tagged_Streams::
-* Aspect No_Task_Parts::
-* Aspect Object_Size::
-* Aspect Obsolescent::
-* Aspect Part_Of::
-* Aspect Persistent_BSS::
-* Aspect Predicate::
-* Aspect Pure_Function::
-* Aspect Refined_Depends::
-* Aspect Refined_Global::
-* Aspect Refined_Post::
-* Aspect Refined_State::
-* Aspect Relaxed_Initialization::
-* Aspect Remote_Access_Type::
-* Aspect Secondary_Stack_Size::
-* Aspect Scalar_Storage_Order::
-* Aspect Shared::
-* Aspect Simple_Storage_Pool::
-* Aspect Simple_Storage_Pool_Type::
-* Aspect SPARK_Mode::
-* Aspect Suppress_Debug_Info::
-* Aspect Suppress_Initialization::
-* Aspect Test_Case::
-* Aspect Thread_Local_Storage::
-* Aspect Universal_Aliasing::
-* Aspect Unmodified::
-* Aspect Unreferenced::
-* Aspect Unreferenced_Objects::
-* Aspect Value_Size::
-* Aspect Volatile_Full_Access::
-* Aspect Volatile_Function::
-* Aspect Warnings::
-Implementation Defined Attributes
-* Attribute Abort_Signal::
-* Attribute Address_Size::
-* Attribute Asm_Input::
-* Attribute Asm_Output::
-* Attribute Atomic_Always_Lock_Free::
-* Attribute Bit::
-* Attribute Bit_Position::
-* Attribute Code_Address::
-* Attribute Compiler_Version::
-* Attribute Constrained::
-* Attribute Default_Bit_Order::
-* Attribute Default_Scalar_Storage_Order::
-* Attribute Deref::
-* Attribute Descriptor_Size::
-* Attribute Elaborated::
-* Attribute Elab_Body::
-* Attribute Elab_Spec::
-* Attribute Elab_Subp_Body::
-* Attribute Emax::
-* Attribute Enabled::
-* Attribute Enum_Rep::
-* Attribute Enum_Val::
-* Attribute Epsilon::
-* Attribute Fast_Math::
-* Attribute Finalization_Size::
-* Attribute Fixed_Value::
-* Attribute From_Any::
-* Attribute Has_Access_Values::
-* Attribute Has_Discriminants::
-* Attribute Has_Tagged_Values::
-* Attribute Img::
-* Attribute Initialized::
-* Attribute Integer_Value::
-* Attribute Invalid_Value::
-* Attribute Iterable::
-* Attribute Large::
-* Attribute Library_Level::
-* Attribute Lock_Free::
-* Attribute Loop_Entry::
-* Attribute Machine_Size::
-* Attribute Mantissa::
-* Attribute Maximum_Alignment::
-* Attribute Max_Integer_Size::
-* Attribute Mechanism_Code::
-* Attribute Null_Parameter::
-* Attribute Object_Size::
-* Attribute Old::
-* Attribute Passed_By_Reference::
-* Attribute Pool_Address::
-* Attribute Range_Length::
-* Attribute Restriction_Set::
-* Attribute Result::
-* Attribute Safe_Emax::
-* Attribute Safe_Large::
-* Attribute Safe_Small::
-* Attribute Scalar_Storage_Order::
-* Attribute Simple_Storage_Pool::
-* Attribute Small::
-* Attribute Small_Denominator::
-* Attribute Small_Numerator::
-* Attribute Storage_Unit::
-* Attribute Stub_Type::
-* Attribute System_Allocator_Alignment::
-* Attribute Target_Name::
-* Attribute To_Address::
-* Attribute To_Any::
-* Attribute Type_Class::
-* Attribute Type_Key::
-* Attribute TypeCode::
-* Attribute Unconstrained_Array::
-* Attribute Universal_Literal_String::
-* Attribute Unrestricted_Access::
-* Attribute Update::
-* Attribute Valid_Image::
-* Attribute Valid_Scalars::
-* Attribute VADS_Size::
-* Attribute Value_Size::
-* Attribute Wchar_T_Size::
-* Attribute Word_Size::
-Standard and Implementation Defined Restrictions
-* Partition-Wide Restrictions::
-* Program Unit Level Restrictions::
-Partition-Wide Restrictions
-* Immediate_Reclamation::
-* Max_Asynchronous_Select_Nesting::
-* Max_Entry_Queue_Length::
-* Max_Protected_Entries::
-* Max_Select_Alternatives::
-* Max_Storage_At_Blocking::
-* Max_Task_Entries::
-* Max_Tasks::
-* No_Abort_Statements::
-* No_Access_Parameter_Allocators::
-* No_Access_Subprograms::
-* No_Allocators::
-* No_Anonymous_Allocators::
-* No_Asynchronous_Control::
-* No_Calendar::
-* No_Coextensions::
-* No_Default_Initialization::
-* No_Delay::
-* No_Dependence::
-* No_Direct_Boolean_Operators::
-* No_Dispatch::
-* No_Dispatching_Calls::
-* No_Dynamic_Attachment::
-* No_Dynamic_Priorities::
-* No_Entry_Calls_In_Elaboration_Code::
-* No_Enumeration_Maps::
-* No_Exception_Handlers::
-* No_Exception_Propagation::
-* No_Exception_Registration::
-* No_Exceptions::
-* No_Finalization::
-* No_Fixed_Point::
-* No_Floating_Point::
-* No_Implicit_Conditionals::
-* No_Implicit_Dynamic_Code::
-* No_Implicit_Heap_Allocations::
-* No_Implicit_Protected_Object_Allocations::
-* No_Implicit_Task_Allocations::
-* No_Initialize_Scalars::
-* No_IO::
-* No_Local_Allocators::
-* No_Local_Protected_Objects::
-* No_Local_Timing_Events::
-* No_Long_Long_Integers::
-* No_Multiple_Elaboration::
-* No_Nested_Finalization::
-* No_Protected_Type_Allocators::
-* No_Protected_Types::
-* No_Recursion::
-* No_Reentrancy::
-* No_Relative_Delay::
-* No_Requeue_Statements::
-* No_Secondary_Stack::
-* No_Select_Statements::
-* No_Specific_Termination_Handlers::
-* No_Specification_of_Aspect::
-* No_Standard_Allocators_After_Elaboration::
-* No_Standard_Storage_Pools::
-* No_Stream_Optimizations::
-* No_Streams::
-* No_Task_Allocators::
-* No_Task_At_Interrupt_Priority::
-* No_Task_Attributes_Package::
-* No_Task_Hierarchy::
-* No_Task_Termination::
-* No_Tasking::
-* No_Terminate_Alternatives::
-* No_Unchecked_Access::
-* No_Unchecked_Conversion::
-* No_Unchecked_Deallocation::
-* No_Use_Of_Entity::
-* Pure_Barriers::
-* Simple_Barriers::
-* Static_Priorities::
-* Static_Storage_Size::
-Program Unit Level Restrictions
-* No_Elaboration_Code::
-* No_Dynamic_Sized_Objects::
-* No_Entry_Queue::
-* No_Implementation_Aspect_Specifications::
-* No_Implementation_Attributes::
-* No_Implementation_Identifiers::
-* No_Implementation_Pragmas::
-* No_Implementation_Restrictions::
-* No_Implementation_Units::
-* No_Implicit_Aliasing::
-* No_Implicit_Loops::
-* No_Obsolescent_Features::
-* No_Wide_Characters::
-* Static_Dispatch_Tables::
-* SPARK_05::
-Implementation Advice
-* RM 1.1.3(20); Error Detection: RM 1 1 3 20 Error Detection.
-* RM 1.1.3(31); Child Units: RM 1 1 3 31 Child Units.
-* RM 1.1.5(12); Bounded Errors: RM 1 1 5 12 Bounded Errors.
-* RM 2.8(16); Pragmas: RM 2 8 16 Pragmas.
-* RM 2.8(17-19); Pragmas: RM 2 8 17-19 Pragmas.
-* RM 3.5.2(5); Alternative Character Sets: RM 3 5 2 5 Alternative Character Sets.
-* RM 3.5.4(28); Integer Types: RM 3 5 4 28 Integer Types.
-* RM 3.5.4(29); Integer Types: RM 3 5 4 29 Integer Types.
-* RM 3.5.5(8); Enumeration Values: RM 3 5 5 8 Enumeration Values.
-* RM 3.5.7(17); Float Types: RM 3 5 7 17 Float Types.
-* RM 3.6.2(11); Multidimensional Arrays: RM 3 6 2 11 Multidimensional Arrays.
-* RM 9.6(30-31); Duration'Small: RM 9 6 30-31 Duration'Small.
-* RM 10.2.1(12); Consistent Representation: RM 10 2 1 12 Consistent Representation.
-* RM 11.4.1(19); Exception Information: RM 11 4 1 19 Exception Information.
-* RM 11.5(28); Suppression of Checks: RM 11 5 28 Suppression of Checks.
-* RM 13.1 (21-24); Representation Clauses: RM 13 1 21-24 Representation Clauses.
-* RM 13.2(6-8); Packed Types: RM 13 2 6-8 Packed Types.
-* RM 13.3(14-19); Address Clauses: RM 13 3 14-19 Address Clauses.
-* RM 13.3(29-35); Alignment Clauses: RM 13 3 29-35 Alignment Clauses.
-* RM 13.3(42-43); Size Clauses: RM 13 3 42-43 Size Clauses.
-* RM 13.3(50-56); Size Clauses: RM 13 3 50-56 Size Clauses.
-* RM 13.3(71-73); Component Size Clauses: RM 13 3 71-73 Component Size Clauses.
-* RM 13.4(9-10); Enumeration Representation Clauses: RM 13 4 9-10 Enumeration Representation Clauses.
-* RM 13.5.1(17-22); Record Representation Clauses: RM 13 5 1 17-22 Record Representation Clauses.
-* RM 13.5.2(5); Storage Place Attributes: RM 13 5 2 5 Storage Place Attributes.
-* RM 13.5.3(7-8); Bit Ordering: RM 13 5 3 7-8 Bit Ordering.
-* RM 13.7(37); Address as Private: RM 13 7 37 Address as Private.
-* RM 13.7.1(16); Address Operations: RM 13 7 1 16 Address Operations.
-* RM 13.9(14-17); Unchecked Conversion: RM 13 9 14-17 Unchecked Conversion.
-* RM 13.11(23-25); Implicit Heap Usage: RM 13 11 23-25 Implicit Heap Usage.
-* RM 13.11.2(17); Unchecked Deallocation: RM 13 11 2 17 Unchecked Deallocation.
-* RM 13.13.2(1.6); Stream Oriented Attributes: RM 13 13 2 1 6 Stream Oriented Attributes.
-* RM A.1(52); Names of Predefined Numeric Types: RM A 1 52 Names of Predefined Numeric Types.
-* RM A.3.2(49); Ada.Characters.Handling: RM A 3 2 49 Ada Characters Handling.
-* RM A.4.4(106); Bounded-Length String Handling: RM A 4 4 106 Bounded-Length String Handling.
-* RM A.5.2(46-47); Random Number Generation: RM A 5 2 46-47 Random Number Generation.
-* RM A.10.7(23); Get_Immediate: RM A 10 7 23 Get_Immediate.
-* RM A.18; Containers: RM A 18 Containers.
-* RM B.1(39-41); Pragma Export: RM B 1 39-41 Pragma Export.
-* RM B.2(12-13); Package Interfaces: RM B 2 12-13 Package Interfaces.
-* RM B.3(63-71); Interfacing with C: RM B 3 63-71 Interfacing with C.
-* RM B.4(95-98); Interfacing with COBOL: RM B 4 95-98 Interfacing with COBOL.
-* RM B.5(22-26); Interfacing with Fortran: RM B 5 22-26 Interfacing with Fortran.
-* RM C.1(3-5); Access to Machine Operations: RM C 1 3-5 Access to Machine Operations.
-* RM C.1(10-16); Access to Machine Operations: RM C 1 10-16 Access to Machine Operations.
-* RM C.3(28); Interrupt Support: RM C 3 28 Interrupt Support.
-* RM C.3.1(20-21); Protected Procedure Handlers: RM C 3 1 20-21 Protected Procedure Handlers.
-* RM C.3.2(25); Package Interrupts: RM C 3 2 25 Package Interrupts.
-* RM C.4(14); Pre-elaboration Requirements: RM C 4 14 Pre-elaboration Requirements.
-* RM C.5(8); Pragma Discard_Names: RM C 5 8 Pragma Discard_Names.
-* RM C.7.2(30); The Package Task_Attributes: RM C 7 2 30 The Package Task_Attributes.
-* RM D.3(17); Locking Policies: RM D 3 17 Locking Policies.
-* RM D.4(16); Entry Queuing Policies: RM D 4 16 Entry Queuing Policies.
-* RM D.6(9-10); Preemptive Abort: RM D 6 9-10 Preemptive Abort.
-* RM D.7(21); Tasking Restrictions: RM D 7 21 Tasking Restrictions.
-* RM D.8(47-49); Monotonic Time: RM D 8 47-49 Monotonic Time.
-* RM E.5(28-29); Partition Communication Subsystem: RM E 5 28-29 Partition Communication Subsystem.
-* RM F(7); COBOL Support: RM F 7 COBOL Support.
-* RM F.1(2); Decimal Radix Support: RM F 1 2 Decimal Radix Support.
-* RM G; Numerics: RM G Numerics.
-* RM G.1.1(56-58); Complex Types: RM G 1 1 56-58 Complex Types.
-* RM G.1.2(49); Complex Elementary Functions: RM G 1 2 49 Complex Elementary Functions.
-* RM G.2.4(19); Accuracy Requirements: RM G 2 4 19 Accuracy Requirements.
-* RM G.2.6(15); Complex Arithmetic Accuracy: RM G 2 6 15 Complex Arithmetic Accuracy.
-* RM H.6(15/2); Pragma Partition_Elaboration_Policy: RM H 6 15/2 Pragma Partition_Elaboration_Policy.
-Intrinsic Subprograms
-* Intrinsic Operators::
-* Compilation_ISO_Date::
-* Compilation_Date::
-* Compilation_Time::
-* Enclosing_Entity::
-* Exception_Information::
-* Exception_Message::
-* Exception_Name::
-* File::
-* Line::
-* Shifts and Rotates::
-* Source_Location::
-Representation Clauses and Pragmas
-* Alignment Clauses::
-* Size Clauses::
-* Storage_Size Clauses::
-* Size of Variant Record Objects::
-* Biased Representation::
-* Value_Size and Object_Size Clauses::
-* Component_Size Clauses::
-* Bit_Order Clauses::
-* Effect of Bit_Order on Byte Ordering::
-* Pragma Pack for Arrays::
-* Pragma Pack for Records::
-* Record Representation Clauses::
-* Handling of Records with Holes::
-* Enumeration Clauses::
-* Address Clauses::
-* Use of Address Clauses for Memory-Mapped I/O::
-* Effect of Convention on Representation::
-* Conventions and Anonymous Access Types::
-* Determining the Representations chosen by GNAT::
-The Implementation of Standard I/O
-* Standard I/O Packages::
-* FORM Strings::
-* Direct_IO::
-* Sequential_IO::
-* Text_IO::
-* Wide_Text_IO::
-* Wide_Wide_Text_IO::
-* Stream_IO::
-* Text Translation::
-* Shared Files::
-* Filenames encoding::
-* File content encoding::
-* Open Modes::
-* Operations on C Streams::
-* Interfacing to C Streams::
-* Stream Pointer Positioning::
-* Reading and Writing Non-Regular Files::
-* Get_Immediate::
-* Treating Text_IO Files as Streams::
-* Text_IO Extensions::
-* Text_IO Facilities for Unbounded Strings::
-* Stream Pointer Positioning: Stream Pointer Positioning<2>.
-* Reading and Writing Non-Regular Files: Reading and Writing Non-Regular Files<2>.
-* Stream Pointer Positioning: Stream Pointer Positioning<3>.
-* Reading and Writing Non-Regular Files: Reading and Writing Non-Regular Files<3>.
-The GNAT Library
-* Ada.Characters.Latin_9 (a-chlat9.ads): Ada Characters Latin_9 a-chlat9 ads.
-* Ada.Characters.Wide_Latin_1 (a-cwila1.ads): Ada Characters Wide_Latin_1 a-cwila1 ads.
-* Ada.Characters.Wide_Latin_9 (a-cwila1.ads): Ada Characters Wide_Latin_9 a-cwila1 ads.
-* Ada.Characters.Wide_Wide_Latin_1 (a-chzla1.ads): Ada Characters Wide_Wide_Latin_1 a-chzla1 ads.
-* Ada.Characters.Wide_Wide_Latin_9 (a-chzla9.ads): Ada Characters Wide_Wide_Latin_9 a-chzla9 ads.
-* Ada.Containers.Formal_Doubly_Linked_Lists (a-cfdlli.ads): Ada Containers Formal_Doubly_Linked_Lists a-cfdlli ads.
-* Ada.Containers.Formal_Hashed_Maps (a-cfhama.ads): Ada Containers Formal_Hashed_Maps a-cfhama ads.
-* Ada.Containers.Formal_Hashed_Sets (a-cfhase.ads): Ada Containers Formal_Hashed_Sets a-cfhase ads.
-* Ada.Containers.Formal_Ordered_Maps (a-cforma.ads): Ada Containers Formal_Ordered_Maps a-cforma ads.
-* Ada.Containers.Formal_Ordered_Sets (a-cforse.ads): Ada Containers Formal_Ordered_Sets a-cforse ads.
-* Ada.Containers.Formal_Vectors (a-cofove.ads): Ada Containers Formal_Vectors a-cofove ads.
-* Ada.Containers.Formal_Indefinite_Vectors (a-cfinve.ads): Ada Containers Formal_Indefinite_Vectors a-cfinve ads.
-* Ada.Containers.Functional_Vectors (a-cofuve.ads): Ada Containers Functional_Vectors a-cofuve ads.
-* Ada.Containers.Functional_Sets (a-cofuse.ads): Ada Containers Functional_Sets a-cofuse ads.
-* Ada.Containers.Functional_Maps (a-cofuma.ads): Ada Containers Functional_Maps a-cofuma ads.
-* Ada.Containers.Bounded_Holders (a-coboho.ads): Ada Containers Bounded_Holders a-coboho ads.
-* Ada.Command_Line.Environment (a-colien.ads): Ada Command_Line Environment a-colien ads.
-* Ada.Command_Line.Remove (a-colire.ads): Ada Command_Line Remove a-colire ads.
-* Ada.Command_Line.Response_File (a-clrefi.ads): Ada Command_Line Response_File a-clrefi ads.
-* Ada.Direct_IO.C_Streams (a-diocst.ads): Ada Direct_IO C_Streams a-diocst ads.
-* Ada.Exceptions.Is_Null_Occurrence (a-einuoc.ads): Ada Exceptions Is_Null_Occurrence a-einuoc ads.
-* Ada.Exceptions.Last_Chance_Handler (a-elchha.ads): Ada Exceptions Last_Chance_Handler a-elchha ads.
-* Ada.Exceptions.Traceback (a-exctra.ads): Ada Exceptions Traceback a-exctra ads.
-* Ada.Sequential_IO.C_Streams (a-siocst.ads): Ada Sequential_IO C_Streams a-siocst ads.
-* Ada.Streams.Stream_IO.C_Streams (a-ssicst.ads): Ada Streams Stream_IO C_Streams a-ssicst ads.
-* Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Text_IO (a-suteio.ads): Ada Strings Unbounded Text_IO a-suteio ads.
-* Ada.Strings.Wide_Unbounded.Wide_Text_IO (a-swuwti.ads): Ada Strings Wide_Unbounded Wide_Text_IO a-swuwti ads.
-* Ada.Strings.Wide_Wide_Unbounded.Wide_Wide_Text_IO (a-szuzti.ads): Ada Strings Wide_Wide_Unbounded Wide_Wide_Text_IO a-szuzti ads.
-* Ada.Task_Initialization (a-tasini.ads): Ada Task_Initialization a-tasini ads.
-* Ada.Text_IO.C_Streams (a-tiocst.ads): Ada Text_IO C_Streams a-tiocst ads.
-* Ada.Text_IO.Reset_Standard_Files (a-tirsfi.ads): Ada Text_IO Reset_Standard_Files a-tirsfi ads.
-* Ada.Wide_Characters.Unicode (a-wichun.ads): Ada Wide_Characters Unicode a-wichun ads.
-* Ada.Wide_Text_IO.C_Streams (a-wtcstr.ads): Ada Wide_Text_IO C_Streams a-wtcstr ads.
-* Ada.Wide_Text_IO.Reset_Standard_Files (a-wrstfi.ads): Ada Wide_Text_IO Reset_Standard_Files a-wrstfi ads.
-* Ada.Wide_Wide_Characters.Unicode (a-zchuni.ads): Ada Wide_Wide_Characters Unicode a-zchuni ads.
-* Ada.Wide_Wide_Text_IO.C_Streams (a-ztcstr.ads): Ada Wide_Wide_Text_IO C_Streams a-ztcstr ads.
-* Ada.Wide_Wide_Text_IO.Reset_Standard_Files (a-zrstfi.ads): Ada Wide_Wide_Text_IO Reset_Standard_Files a-zrstfi ads.
-* GNAT.Altivec (g-altive.ads): GNAT Altivec g-altive ads.
-* GNAT.Altivec.Conversions (g-altcon.ads): GNAT Altivec Conversions g-altcon ads.
-* GNAT.Altivec.Vector_Operations (g-alveop.ads): GNAT Altivec Vector_Operations g-alveop ads.
-* GNAT.Altivec.Vector_Types (g-alvety.ads): GNAT Altivec Vector_Types g-alvety ads.
-* GNAT.Altivec.Vector_Views (g-alvevi.ads): GNAT Altivec Vector_Views g-alvevi ads.
-* GNAT.Array_Split (g-arrspl.ads): GNAT Array_Split g-arrspl ads.
-* GNAT.AWK (g-awk.ads): GNAT AWK g-awk ads.
-* GNAT.Bind_Environment (g-binenv.ads): GNAT Bind_Environment g-binenv ads.
-* GNAT.Branch_Prediction (g-brapre.ads): GNAT Branch_Prediction g-brapre ads.
-* GNAT.Bounded_Buffers (g-boubuf.ads): GNAT Bounded_Buffers g-boubuf ads.
-* GNAT.Bounded_Mailboxes (g-boumai.ads): GNAT Bounded_Mailboxes g-boumai ads.
-* GNAT.Bubble_Sort (g-bubsor.ads): GNAT Bubble_Sort g-bubsor ads.
-* GNAT.Bubble_Sort_A (g-busora.ads): GNAT Bubble_Sort_A g-busora ads.
-* GNAT.Bubble_Sort_G (g-busorg.ads): GNAT Bubble_Sort_G g-busorg ads.
-* GNAT.Byte_Order_Mark (g-byorma.ads): GNAT Byte_Order_Mark g-byorma ads.
-* GNAT.Byte_Swapping (g-bytswa.ads): GNAT Byte_Swapping g-bytswa ads.
-* GNAT.Calendar (g-calend.ads): GNAT Calendar g-calend ads.
-* GNAT.Calendar.Time_IO (g-catiio.ads): GNAT Calendar Time_IO g-catiio ads.
-* GNAT.CRC32 (g-crc32.ads): GNAT CRC32 g-crc32 ads.
-* GNAT.Case_Util (g-casuti.ads): GNAT Case_Util g-casuti ads.
-* GNAT.CGI (g-cgi.ads): GNAT CGI g-cgi ads.
-* GNAT.CGI.Cookie (g-cgicoo.ads): GNAT CGI Cookie g-cgicoo ads.
-* GNAT.CGI.Debug (g-cgideb.ads): GNAT CGI Debug g-cgideb ads.
-* GNAT.Command_Line (g-comlin.ads): GNAT Command_Line g-comlin ads.
-* GNAT.Compiler_Version (g-comver.ads): GNAT Compiler_Version g-comver ads.
-* GNAT.Ctrl_C (g-ctrl_c.ads): GNAT Ctrl_C g-ctrl_c ads.
-* GNAT.Current_Exception (g-curexc.ads): GNAT Current_Exception g-curexc ads.
-* GNAT.Debug_Pools (g-debpoo.ads): GNAT Debug_Pools g-debpoo ads.
-* GNAT.Debug_Utilities (g-debuti.ads): GNAT Debug_Utilities g-debuti ads.
-* GNAT.Decode_String (g-decstr.ads): GNAT Decode_String g-decstr ads.
-* GNAT.Decode_UTF8_String (g-deutst.ads): GNAT Decode_UTF8_String g-deutst ads.
-* GNAT.Directory_Operations (g-dirope.ads): GNAT Directory_Operations g-dirope ads.
-* GNAT.Directory_Operations.Iteration (g-diopit.ads): GNAT Directory_Operations Iteration g-diopit ads.
-* GNAT.Dynamic_HTables (g-dynhta.ads): GNAT Dynamic_HTables g-dynhta ads.
-* GNAT.Dynamic_Tables (g-dyntab.ads): GNAT Dynamic_Tables g-dyntab ads.
-* GNAT.Encode_String (g-encstr.ads): GNAT Encode_String g-encstr ads.
-* GNAT.Encode_UTF8_String (g-enutst.ads): GNAT Encode_UTF8_String g-enutst ads.
-* GNAT.Exception_Actions (g-excact.ads): GNAT Exception_Actions g-excact ads.
-* GNAT.Exception_Traces (g-exctra.ads): GNAT Exception_Traces g-exctra ads.
-* GNAT.Exceptions (g-except.ads): GNAT Exceptions g-except ads.
-* GNAT.Expect (g-expect.ads): GNAT Expect g-expect ads.
-* GNAT.Expect.TTY (g-exptty.ads): GNAT Expect TTY g-exptty ads.
-* GNAT.Float_Control (g-flocon.ads): GNAT Float_Control g-flocon ads.
-* GNAT.Formatted_String (g-forstr.ads): GNAT Formatted_String g-forstr ads.
-* GNAT.Heap_Sort (g-heasor.ads): GNAT Heap_Sort g-heasor ads.
-* GNAT.Heap_Sort_A (g-hesora.ads): GNAT Heap_Sort_A g-hesora ads.
-* GNAT.Heap_Sort_G (g-hesorg.ads): GNAT Heap_Sort_G g-hesorg ads.
-* GNAT.HTable (g-htable.ads): GNAT HTable g-htable ads.
-* GNAT.IO (g-io.ads): GNAT IO g-io ads.
-* GNAT.IO_Aux (g-io_aux.ads): GNAT IO_Aux g-io_aux ads.
-* GNAT.Lock_Files (g-locfil.ads): GNAT Lock_Files g-locfil ads.
-* GNAT.MBBS_Discrete_Random (g-mbdira.ads): GNAT MBBS_Discrete_Random g-mbdira ads.
-* GNAT.MBBS_Float_Random (g-mbflra.ads): GNAT MBBS_Float_Random g-mbflra ads.
-* GNAT.MD5 (g-md5.ads): GNAT MD5 g-md5 ads.
-* GNAT.Memory_Dump (g-memdum.ads): GNAT Memory_Dump g-memdum ads.
-* GNAT.Most_Recent_Exception (g-moreex.ads): GNAT Most_Recent_Exception g-moreex ads.
-* GNAT.OS_Lib (g-os_lib.ads): GNAT OS_Lib g-os_lib ads.
-* GNAT.Perfect_Hash_Generators (g-pehage.ads): GNAT Perfect_Hash_Generators g-pehage ads.
-* GNAT.Random_Numbers (g-rannum.ads): GNAT Random_Numbers g-rannum ads.
-* GNAT.Regexp (g-regexp.ads): GNAT Regexp g-regexp ads.
-* GNAT.Registry (g-regist.ads): GNAT Registry g-regist ads.
-* GNAT.Regpat (g-regpat.ads): GNAT Regpat g-regpat ads.
-* GNAT.Rewrite_Data (g-rewdat.ads): GNAT Rewrite_Data g-rewdat ads.
-* GNAT.Secondary_Stack_Info (g-sestin.ads): GNAT Secondary_Stack_Info g-sestin ads.
-* GNAT.Semaphores (g-semaph.ads): GNAT Semaphores g-semaph ads.
-* GNAT.Serial_Communications (g-sercom.ads): GNAT Serial_Communications g-sercom ads.
-* GNAT.SHA1 (g-sha1.ads): GNAT SHA1 g-sha1 ads.
-* GNAT.SHA224 (g-sha224.ads): GNAT SHA224 g-sha224 ads.
-* GNAT.SHA256 (g-sha256.ads): GNAT SHA256 g-sha256 ads.
-* GNAT.SHA384 (g-sha384.ads): GNAT SHA384 g-sha384 ads.
-* GNAT.SHA512 (g-sha512.ads): GNAT SHA512 g-sha512 ads.
-* GNAT.Signals (g-signal.ads): GNAT Signals g-signal ads.
-* GNAT.Sockets (g-socket.ads): GNAT Sockets g-socket ads.
-* GNAT.Source_Info (g-souinf.ads): GNAT Source_Info g-souinf ads.
-* GNAT.Spelling_Checker (g-speche.ads): GNAT Spelling_Checker g-speche ads.
-* GNAT.Spelling_Checker_Generic (g-spchge.ads): GNAT Spelling_Checker_Generic g-spchge ads.
-* GNAT.Spitbol.Patterns (g-spipat.ads): GNAT Spitbol Patterns g-spipat ads.
-* GNAT.Spitbol (g-spitbo.ads): GNAT Spitbol g-spitbo ads.
-* GNAT.Spitbol.Table_Boolean (g-sptabo.ads): GNAT Spitbol Table_Boolean g-sptabo ads.
-* GNAT.Spitbol.Table_Integer (g-sptain.ads): GNAT Spitbol Table_Integer g-sptain ads.
-* GNAT.Spitbol.Table_VString (g-sptavs.ads): GNAT Spitbol Table_VString g-sptavs ads.
-* GNAT.SSE (g-sse.ads): GNAT SSE g-sse ads.
-* GNAT.SSE.Vector_Types (g-ssvety.ads): GNAT SSE Vector_Types g-ssvety ads.
-* GNAT.String_Hash (g-strhas.ads): GNAT String_Hash g-strhas ads.
-* GNAT.Strings (g-string.ads): GNAT Strings g-string ads.
-* GNAT.String_Split (g-strspl.ads): GNAT String_Split g-strspl ads.
-* GNAT.Table (g-table.ads): GNAT Table g-table ads.
-* GNAT.Task_Lock (g-tasloc.ads): GNAT Task_Lock g-tasloc ads.
-* GNAT.Time_Stamp (g-timsta.ads): GNAT Time_Stamp g-timsta ads.
-* GNAT.Threads (g-thread.ads): GNAT Threads g-thread ads.
-* GNAT.Traceback (g-traceb.ads): GNAT Traceback g-traceb ads.
-* GNAT.Traceback.Symbolic (g-trasym.ads): GNAT Traceback Symbolic g-trasym ads.
-* GNAT.UTF_32 (g-table.ads): GNAT UTF_32 g-table ads.
-* GNAT.Wide_Spelling_Checker (g-u3spch.ads): GNAT Wide_Spelling_Checker g-u3spch ads.
-* GNAT.Wide_Spelling_Checker (g-wispch.ads): GNAT Wide_Spelling_Checker g-wispch ads.
-* GNAT.Wide_String_Split (g-wistsp.ads): GNAT Wide_String_Split g-wistsp ads.
-* GNAT.Wide_Wide_Spelling_Checker (g-zspche.ads): GNAT Wide_Wide_Spelling_Checker g-zspche ads.
-* GNAT.Wide_Wide_String_Split (g-zistsp.ads): GNAT Wide_Wide_String_Split g-zistsp ads.
-* Interfaces.C.Extensions (i-cexten.ads): Interfaces C Extensions i-cexten ads.
-* Interfaces.C.Streams (i-cstrea.ads): Interfaces C Streams i-cstrea ads.
-* Interfaces.Packed_Decimal (i-pacdec.ads): Interfaces Packed_Decimal i-pacdec ads.
-* Interfaces.VxWorks (i-vxwork.ads): Interfaces VxWorks i-vxwork ads.
-* Interfaces.VxWorks.Int_Connection (i-vxinco.ads): Interfaces VxWorks Int_Connection i-vxinco ads.
-* Interfaces.VxWorks.IO (i-vxwoio.ads): Interfaces VxWorks IO i-vxwoio ads.
-* System.Address_Image (s-addima.ads): System Address_Image s-addima ads.
-* System.Assertions (s-assert.ads): System Assertions s-assert ads.
-* System.Atomic_Counters (s-atocou.ads): System Atomic_Counters s-atocou ads.
-* System.Memory (s-memory.ads): System Memory s-memory ads.
-* System.Multiprocessors (s-multip.ads): System Multiprocessors s-multip ads.
-* System.Multiprocessors.Dispatching_Domains (s-mudido.ads): System Multiprocessors Dispatching_Domains s-mudido ads.
-* System.Partition_Interface (s-parint.ads): System Partition_Interface s-parint ads.
-* System.Pool_Global (s-pooglo.ads): System Pool_Global s-pooglo ads.
-* System.Pool_Local (s-pooloc.ads): System Pool_Local s-pooloc ads.
-* System.Restrictions (s-restri.ads): System Restrictions s-restri ads.
-* System.Rident (s-rident.ads): System Rident s-rident ads.
-* System.Strings.Stream_Ops (s-ststop.ads): System Strings Stream_Ops s-ststop ads.
-* System.Unsigned_Types (s-unstyp.ads): System Unsigned_Types s-unstyp ads.
-* System.Wch_Cnv (s-wchcnv.ads): System Wch_Cnv s-wchcnv ads.
-* System.Wch_Con (s-wchcon.ads): System Wch_Con s-wchcon ads.
-Interfacing to Other Languages
-* Interfacing to C::
-* Interfacing to C++::
-* Interfacing to COBOL::
-* Interfacing to Fortran::
-* Interfacing to non-GNAT Ada code::
-Implementation of Specific Ada Features
-* Machine Code Insertions::
-* GNAT Implementation of Tasking::
-* GNAT Implementation of Shared Passive Packages::
-* Code Generation for Array Aggregates::
-* The Size of Discriminated Records with Default Discriminants::
-* Strict Conformance to the Ada Reference Manual::
-GNAT Implementation of Tasking
-* Mapping Ada Tasks onto the Underlying Kernel Threads::
-* Ensuring Compliance with the Real-Time Annex::
-* Support for Locking Policies::
-Code Generation for Array Aggregates
-* Static constant aggregates with static bounds::
-* Constant aggregates with unconstrained nominal types::
-* Aggregates with static bounds::
-* Aggregates with nonstatic bounds::
-* Aggregates in assignment statements::
-Obsolescent Features
-* pragma No_Run_Time::
-* pragma Ravenscar::
-* pragma Restricted_Run_Time::
-* pragma Task_Info::
-* package System.Task_Info (s-tasinf.ads): package System Task_Info s-tasinf ads.
-Compatibility and Porting Guide
-* Writing Portable Fixed-Point Declarations::
-* Compatibility with Ada 83::
-* Compatibility between Ada 95 and Ada 2005::
-* Implementation-dependent characteristics::
-* Compatibility with Other Ada Systems::
-* Representation Clauses::
-* Compatibility with HP Ada 83::
-Compatibility with Ada 83
-* Legal Ada 83 programs that are illegal in Ada 95::
-* More deterministic semantics::
-* Changed semantics::
-* Other language compatibility issues::
-Implementation-dependent characteristics
-* Implementation-defined pragmas::
-* Implementation-defined attributes::
-* Libraries::
-* Elaboration order::
-* Target-specific aspects::
-@end detailmenu
-@end menu
-@node About This Guide,Implementation Defined Pragmas,Top,Top
-@anchor{gnat_rm/about_this_guide about-this-guide}@anchor{2}@anchor{gnat_rm/about_this_guide doc}@anchor{3}@anchor{gnat_rm/about_this_guide gnat-reference-manual}@anchor{4}@anchor{gnat_rm/about_this_guide id1}@anchor{5}
-@chapter About This Guide
-This manual contains useful information in writing programs using the
-GNAT compiler. It includes information on implementation dependent
-characteristics of GNAT, including all the information required by
-Annex M of the Ada language standard.
-GNAT implements Ada 95, Ada 2005 and Ada 2012, and it may also be
-invoked in Ada 83 compatibility mode.
-By default, GNAT assumes Ada 2012,
-but you can override with a compiler switch
-to explicitly specify the language version.
-(Please refer to the @emph{GNAT User's Guide} for details on these switches.)
-Throughout this manual, references to 'Ada' without a year suffix
-apply to all the Ada versions of the language.
-Ada is designed to be highly portable.
-In general, a program will have the same effect even when compiled by
-different compilers on different platforms.
-However, since Ada is designed to be used in a
-wide variety of applications, it also contains a number of system
-dependent features to be used in interfacing to the external world.
-@geindex Implementation-dependent features
-@geindex Portability
-Note: Any program that makes use of implementation-dependent features
-may be non-portable. You should follow good programming practice and
-isolate and clearly document any sections of your program that make use
-of these features in a non-portable manner.
-* What This Reference Manual Contains::
-* Conventions::
-* Related Information::
-@end menu
-@node What This Reference Manual Contains,Conventions,,About This Guide
-@anchor{gnat_rm/about_this_guide what-this-reference-manual-contains}@anchor{6}
-@section What This Reference Manual Contains
-This reference manual contains the following chapters:
-@itemize *
-@ref{7,,Implementation Defined Pragmas}, lists GNAT implementation-dependent
-pragmas, which can be used to extend and enhance the functionality of the
-@ref{8,,Implementation Defined Attributes}, lists GNAT
-implementation-dependent attributes, which can be used to extend and
-enhance the functionality of the compiler.
-@ref{9,,Standard and Implementation Defined Restrictions}, lists GNAT
-implementation-dependent restrictions, which can be used to extend and
-enhance the functionality of the compiler.
-@ref{a,,Implementation Advice}, provides information on generally
-desirable behavior which are not requirements that all compilers must
-follow since it cannot be provided on all systems, or which may be
-undesirable on some systems.
-@ref{b,,Implementation Defined Characteristics}, provides a guide to
-minimizing implementation dependent features.
-@ref{c,,Intrinsic Subprograms}, describes the intrinsic subprograms
-implemented by GNAT, and how they can be imported into user
-application programs.
-@ref{d,,Representation Clauses and Pragmas}, describes in detail the
-way that GNAT represents data, and in particular the exact set
-of representation clauses and pragmas that is accepted.
-@ref{e,,Standard Library Routines}, provides a listing of packages and a
-brief description of the functionality that is provided by Ada's
-extensive set of standard library routines as implemented by GNAT.
-@ref{f,,The Implementation of Standard I/O}, details how the GNAT
-implementation of the input-output facilities.
-@ref{10,,The GNAT Library}, is a catalog of packages that complement
-the Ada predefined library.
-@ref{11,,Interfacing to Other Languages}, describes how programs
-written in Ada using GNAT can be interfaced to other programming
-@ref{12,,Specialized Needs Annexes}, describes the GNAT implementation of all
-of the specialized needs annexes.
-@ref{13,,Implementation of Specific Ada Features}, discusses issues related
-to GNAT's implementation of machine code insertions, tasking, and several
-other features.
-@ref{14,,Implementation of Ada 2012 Features}, describes the status of the
-GNAT implementation of the Ada 2012 language standard.
-@ref{15,,Obsolescent Features} documents implementation dependent features,
-including pragmas and attributes, which are considered obsolescent, since
-there are other preferred ways of achieving the same results. These
-obsolescent forms are retained for backwards compatibility.
-@ref{16,,Compatibility and Porting Guide} presents some guidelines for
-developing portable Ada code, describes the compatibility issues that
-may arise between GNAT and other Ada compilation systems (including those
-for Ada 83), and shows how GNAT can expedite porting applications
-developed in other Ada environments.
-@ref{1,,GNU Free Documentation License} contains the license for this document.
-@end itemize
-@geindex Ada 95 Language Reference Manual
-@geindex Ada 2005 Language Reference Manual
-This reference manual assumes a basic familiarity with the Ada 95 language, as
-described in the
-@cite{International Standard ANSI/ISO/IEC-8652:1995}.
-It does not require knowledge of the new features introduced by Ada 2005 or
-Ada 2012.
-All three reference manuals are included in the GNAT documentation
-@node Conventions,Related Information,What This Reference Manual Contains,About This Guide
-@anchor{gnat_rm/about_this_guide conventions}@anchor{17}
-@section Conventions
-@geindex Conventions
-@geindex typographical
-@geindex Typographical conventions
-Following are examples of the typographical and graphic conventions used
-in this guide:
-@itemize *
-@code{Functions}, @code{utility program names}, @code{standard names},
-and @code{classes}.
-@code{Option flags}
-@code{File names}
-[optional information or parameters]
-Examples are described by text
-and then shown this way.
-@end example
-Commands that are entered by the user are shown as preceded by a prompt string
-comprising the @code{$} character followed by a space.
-@end itemize
-@node Related Information,,Conventions,About This Guide
-@anchor{gnat_rm/about_this_guide related-information}@anchor{18}
-@section Related Information
-See the following documents for further information on GNAT:
-@itemize *
-@cite{GNAT User's Guide for Native Platforms},
-which provides information on how to use the
-GNAT development environment.
-@cite{Ada 95 Reference Manual}, the Ada 95 programming language standard.
-@cite{Ada 95 Annotated Reference Manual}, which is an annotated version
-of the Ada 95 standard. The annotations describe
-detailed aspects of the design decision, and in particular contain useful
-sections on Ada 83 compatibility.
-@cite{Ada 2005 Reference Manual}, the Ada 2005 programming language standard.
-@cite{Ada 2005 Annotated Reference Manual}, which is an annotated version
-of the Ada 2005 standard. The annotations describe
-detailed aspects of the design decision.
-@cite{Ada 2012 Reference Manual}, the Ada 2012 programming language standard.
-@cite{DEC Ada@comma{} Technical Overview and Comparison on DIGITAL Platforms},
-which contains specific information on compatibility between GNAT and
-DEC Ada 83 systems.
-@cite{DEC Ada@comma{} Language Reference Manual}, part number AA-PYZAB-TK, which
-describes in detail the pragmas and attributes provided by the DEC Ada 83
-compiler system.
-@end itemize
-@node Implementation Defined Pragmas,Implementation Defined Aspects,About This Guide,Top
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas implementation-defined-pragmas}@anchor{7}@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas doc}@anchor{19}@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas id1}@anchor{1a}
-@chapter Implementation Defined Pragmas
-Ada defines a set of pragmas that can be used to supply additional
-information to the compiler. These language defined pragmas are
-implemented in GNAT and work as described in the Ada Reference Manual.
-In addition, Ada allows implementations to define additional pragmas
-whose meaning is defined by the implementation. GNAT provides a number
-of these implementation-defined pragmas, which can be used to extend
-and enhance the functionality of the compiler. This section of the GNAT
-Reference Manual describes these additional pragmas.
-Note that any program using these pragmas might not be portable to other
-compilers (although GNAT implements this set of pragmas on all
-platforms). Therefore if portability to other compilers is an important
-consideration, the use of these pragmas should be minimized.
-* Pragma Abort_Defer::
-* Pragma Abstract_State::
-* Pragma Ada_83::
-* Pragma Ada_95::
-* Pragma Ada_05::
-* Pragma Ada_2005::
-* Pragma Ada_12::
-* Pragma Ada_2012::
-* Pragma Aggregate_Individually_Assign::
-* Pragma Allow_Integer_Address::
-* Pragma Annotate::
-* Pragma Assert::
-* Pragma Assert_And_Cut::
-* Pragma Assertion_Policy::
-* Pragma Assume::
-* Pragma Assume_No_Invalid_Values::
-* Pragma Async_Readers::
-* Pragma Async_Writers::
-* Pragma Attribute_Definition::
-* Pragma C_Pass_By_Copy::
-* Pragma Check::
-* Pragma Check_Float_Overflow::
-* Pragma Check_Name::
-* Pragma Check_Policy::
-* Pragma Comment::
-* Pragma Common_Object::
-* Pragma Compile_Time_Error::
-* Pragma Compile_Time_Warning::
-* Pragma Compiler_Unit::
-* Pragma Compiler_Unit_Warning::
-* Pragma Complete_Representation::
-* Pragma Complex_Representation::
-* Pragma Component_Alignment::
-* Pragma Constant_After_Elaboration::
-* Pragma Contract_Cases::
-* Pragma Convention_Identifier::
-* Pragma CPP_Class::
-* Pragma CPP_Constructor::
-* Pragma CPP_Virtual::
-* Pragma CPP_Vtable::
-* Pragma CPU::
-* Pragma Deadline_Floor::
-* Pragma Default_Initial_Condition::
-* Pragma Debug::
-* Pragma Debug_Policy::
-* Pragma Default_Scalar_Storage_Order::
-* Pragma Default_Storage_Pool::
-* Pragma Depends::
-* Pragma Detect_Blocking::
-* Pragma Disable_Atomic_Synchronization::
-* Pragma Dispatching_Domain::
-* Pragma Effective_Reads::
-* Pragma Effective_Writes::
-* Pragma Elaboration_Checks::
-* Pragma Eliminate::
-* Pragma Enable_Atomic_Synchronization::
-* Pragma Export_Function::
-* Pragma Export_Object::
-* Pragma Export_Procedure::
-* Pragma Export_Valued_Procedure::
-* Pragma Extend_System::
-* Pragma Extensions_Allowed::
-* Pragma Extensions_Visible::
-* Pragma External::
-* Pragma External_Name_Casing::
-* Pragma Fast_Math::
-* Pragma Favor_Top_Level::
-* Pragma Finalize_Storage_Only::
-* Pragma Float_Representation::
-* Pragma Ghost::
-* Pragma Global::
-* Pragma Ident::
-* Pragma Ignore_Pragma::
-* Pragma Implementation_Defined::
-* Pragma Implemented::
-* Pragma Implicit_Packing::
-* Pragma Import_Function::
-* Pragma Import_Object::
-* Pragma Import_Procedure::
-* Pragma Import_Valued_Procedure::
-* Pragma Independent::
-* Pragma Independent_Components::
-* Pragma Initial_Condition::
-* Pragma Initialize_Scalars::
-* Pragma Initializes::
-* Pragma Inline_Always::
-* Pragma Inline_Generic::
-* Pragma Interface::
-* Pragma Interface_Name::
-* Pragma Interrupt_Handler::
-* Pragma Interrupt_State::
-* Pragma Invariant::
-* Pragma Keep_Names::
-* Pragma License::
-* Pragma Link_With::
-* Pragma Linker_Alias::
-* Pragma Linker_Constructor::
-* Pragma Linker_Destructor::
-* Pragma Linker_Section::
-* Pragma Lock_Free::
-* Pragma Loop_Invariant::
-* Pragma Loop_Optimize::
-* Pragma Loop_Variant::
-* Pragma Machine_Attribute::
-* Pragma Main::
-* Pragma Main_Storage::
-* Pragma Max_Queue_Length::
-* Pragma No_Body::
-* Pragma No_Caching::
-* Pragma No_Component_Reordering::
-* Pragma No_Elaboration_Code_All::
-* Pragma No_Heap_Finalization::
-* Pragma No_Inline::
-* Pragma No_Return::
-* Pragma No_Strict_Aliasing::
-* Pragma No_Tagged_Streams::
-* Pragma Normalize_Scalars::
-* Pragma Obsolescent::
-* Pragma Optimize_Alignment::
-* Pragma Ordered::
-* Pragma Overflow_Mode::
-* Pragma Overriding_Renamings::
-* Pragma Partition_Elaboration_Policy::
-* Pragma Part_Of::
-* Pragma Passive::
-* Pragma Persistent_BSS::
-* Pragma Post::
-* Pragma Postcondition::
-* Pragma Post_Class::
-* Pragma Rename_Pragma::
-* Pragma Pre::
-* Pragma Precondition::
-* Pragma Predicate::
-* Pragma Predicate_Failure::
-* Pragma Preelaborable_Initialization::
-* Pragma Prefix_Exception_Messages::
-* Pragma Pre_Class::
-* Pragma Priority_Specific_Dispatching::
-* Pragma Profile::
-* Pragma Profile_Warnings::
-* Pragma Propagate_Exceptions::
-* Pragma Provide_Shift_Operators::
-* Pragma Psect_Object::
-* Pragma Pure_Function::
-* Pragma Rational::
-* Pragma Ravenscar::
-* Pragma Refined_Depends::
-* Pragma Refined_Global::
-* Pragma Refined_Post::
-* Pragma Refined_State::
-* Pragma Relative_Deadline::
-* Pragma Remote_Access_Type::
-* Pragma Restricted_Run_Time::
-* Pragma Restriction_Warnings::
-* Pragma Reviewable::
-* Pragma Secondary_Stack_Size::
-* Pragma Share_Generic::
-* Pragma Shared::
-* Pragma Short_Circuit_And_Or::
-* Pragma Short_Descriptors::
-* Pragma Simple_Storage_Pool_Type::
-* Pragma Source_File_Name::
-* Pragma Source_File_Name_Project::
-* Pragma Source_Reference::
-* Pragma SPARK_Mode::
-* Pragma Static_Elaboration_Desired::
-* Pragma Stream_Convert::
-* Pragma Style_Checks::
-* Pragma Subtitle::
-* Pragma Suppress::
-* Pragma Suppress_All::
-* Pragma Suppress_Debug_Info::
-* Pragma Suppress_Exception_Locations::
-* Pragma Suppress_Initialization::
-* Pragma Task_Name::
-* Pragma Task_Storage::
-* Pragma Test_Case::
-* Pragma Thread_Local_Storage::
-* Pragma Time_Slice::
-* Pragma Title::
-* Pragma Type_Invariant::
-* Pragma Type_Invariant_Class::
-* Pragma Unchecked_Union::
-* Pragma Unevaluated_Use_Of_Old::
-* Pragma Unimplemented_Unit::
-* Pragma Universal_Aliasing::
-* Pragma Unmodified::
-* Pragma Unreferenced::
-* Pragma Unreferenced_Objects::
-* Pragma Unreserve_All_Interrupts::
-* Pragma Unsuppress::
-* Pragma Use_VADS_Size::
-* Pragma Unused::
-* Pragma Validity_Checks::
-* Pragma Volatile::
-* Pragma Volatile_Full_Access::
-* Pragma Volatile_Function::
-* Pragma Warning_As_Error::
-* Pragma Warnings::
-* Pragma Weak_External::
-* Pragma Wide_Character_Encoding::
-@end menu
-@node Pragma Abort_Defer,Pragma Abstract_State,,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-abort-defer}@anchor{1b}
-@section Pragma Abort_Defer
-@geindex Deferring aborts
-pragma Abort_Defer;
-@end example
-This pragma must appear at the start of the statement sequence of a
-handled sequence of statements (right after the @code{begin}). It has
-the effect of deferring aborts for the sequence of statements (but not
-for the declarations or handlers, if any, associated with this statement
-sequence). This can also be useful for adding a polling point in Ada code,
-where asynchronous abort of tasks is checked when leaving the statement
-sequence, and is lighter than, for example, using @code{delay 0.0;}, since with
-zero-cost exception handling, propagating exceptions (implicitly used to
-implement task abort) cannot be done reliably in an asynchronous way.
-An example of usage would be:
--- Add a polling point to check for task aborts
- pragma Abort_Defer;
-@end example
-@node Pragma Abstract_State,Pragma Ada_83,Pragma Abort_Defer,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-abstract-state}@anchor{1c}@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas id2}@anchor{1d}
-@section Pragma Abstract_State
-pragma Abstract_State (ABSTRACT_STATE_LIST);
- null
-SIMPLE_OPTION ::= Ghost | Synchronous
- Async_Readers [=> boolean_EXPRESSION]
- | Async_Writers [=> boolean_EXPRESSION]
- | Effective_Reads [=> boolean_EXPRESSION]
- | Effective_Writes [=> boolean_EXPRESSION]
- others => boolean_EXPRESSION
-STATE_NAME ::= defining_identifier
-@end example
-For the semantics of this pragma, see the entry for aspect @code{Abstract_State} in
-the SPARK 2014 Reference Manual, section 7.1.4.
-@node Pragma Ada_83,Pragma Ada_95,Pragma Abstract_State,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-ada-83}@anchor{1e}
-@section Pragma Ada_83
-pragma Ada_83;
-@end example
-A configuration pragma that establishes Ada 83 mode for the unit to
-which it applies, regardless of the mode set by the command line
-switches. In Ada 83 mode, GNAT attempts to be as compatible with
-the syntax and semantics of Ada 83, as defined in the original Ada
-83 Reference Manual as possible. In particular, the keywords added by Ada 95
-and Ada 2005 are not recognized, optional package bodies are allowed,
-and generics may name types with unknown discriminants without using
-the @code{(<>)} notation. In addition, some but not all of the additional
-restrictions of Ada 83 are enforced.
-Ada 83 mode is intended for two purposes. Firstly, it allows existing
-Ada 83 code to be compiled and adapted to GNAT with less effort.
-Secondly, it aids in keeping code backwards compatible with Ada 83.
-However, there is no guarantee that code that is processed correctly
-by GNAT in Ada 83 mode will in fact compile and execute with an Ada
-83 compiler, since GNAT does not enforce all the additional checks
-required by Ada 83.
-@node Pragma Ada_95,Pragma Ada_05,Pragma Ada_83,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-ada-95}@anchor{1f}
-@section Pragma Ada_95
-pragma Ada_95;
-@end example
-A configuration pragma that establishes Ada 95 mode for the unit to which
-it applies, regardless of the mode set by the command line switches.
-This mode is set automatically for the @code{Ada} and @code{System}
-packages and their children, so you need not specify it in these
-contexts. This pragma is useful when writing a reusable component that
-itself uses Ada 95 features, but which is intended to be usable from
-either Ada 83 or Ada 95 programs.
-@node Pragma Ada_05,Pragma Ada_2005,Pragma Ada_95,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-ada-05}@anchor{20}
-@section Pragma Ada_05
-pragma Ada_05;
-pragma Ada_05 (local_NAME);
-@end example
-A configuration pragma that establishes Ada 2005 mode for the unit to which
-it applies, regardless of the mode set by the command line switches.
-This pragma is useful when writing a reusable component that
-itself uses Ada 2005 features, but which is intended to be usable from
-either Ada 83 or Ada 95 programs.
-The one argument form (which is not a configuration pragma)
-is used for managing the transition from
-Ada 95 to Ada 2005 in the run-time library. If an entity is marked
-as Ada_2005 only, then referencing the entity in Ada_83 or Ada_95
-mode will generate a warning. In addition, in Ada_83 or Ada_95
-mode, a preference rule is established which does not choose
-such an entity unless it is unambiguously specified. This avoids
-extra subprograms marked this way from generating ambiguities in
-otherwise legal pre-Ada_2005 programs. The one argument form is
-intended for exclusive use in the GNAT run-time library.
-@node Pragma Ada_2005,Pragma Ada_12,Pragma Ada_05,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-ada-2005}@anchor{21}
-@section Pragma Ada_2005
-pragma Ada_2005;
-@end example
-This configuration pragma is a synonym for pragma Ada_05 and has the
-same syntax and effect.
-@node Pragma Ada_12,Pragma Ada_2012,Pragma Ada_2005,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-ada-12}@anchor{22}
-@section Pragma Ada_12
-pragma Ada_12;
-pragma Ada_12 (local_NAME);
-@end example
-A configuration pragma that establishes Ada 2012 mode for the unit to which
-it applies, regardless of the mode set by the command line switches.
-This mode is set automatically for the @code{Ada} and @code{System}
-packages and their children, so you need not specify it in these
-contexts. This pragma is useful when writing a reusable component that
-itself uses Ada 2012 features, but which is intended to be usable from
-Ada 83, Ada 95, or Ada 2005 programs.
-The one argument form, which is not a configuration pragma,
-is used for managing the transition from Ada
-2005 to Ada 2012 in the run-time library. If an entity is marked
-as Ada_2012 only, then referencing the entity in any pre-Ada_2012
-mode will generate a warning. In addition, in any pre-Ada_2012
-mode, a preference rule is established which does not choose
-such an entity unless it is unambiguously specified. This avoids
-extra subprograms marked this way from generating ambiguities in
-otherwise legal pre-Ada_2012 programs. The one argument form is
-intended for exclusive use in the GNAT run-time library.
-@node Pragma Ada_2012,Pragma Aggregate_Individually_Assign,Pragma Ada_12,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-ada-2012}@anchor{23}
-@section Pragma Ada_2012
-pragma Ada_2012;
-@end example
-This configuration pragma is a synonym for pragma Ada_12 and has the
-same syntax and effect.
-@node Pragma Aggregate_Individually_Assign,Pragma Allow_Integer_Address,Pragma Ada_2012,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-aggregate-individually-assign}@anchor{24}
-@section Pragma Aggregate_Individually_Assign
-pragma Aggregate_Individually_Assign;
-@end example
-Where possible, GNAT will store the binary representation of a record aggregate
-in memory for space and performance reasons. This configuration pragma changes
-this behavior so that record aggregates are instead always converted into
-individual assignment statements.
-@node Pragma Allow_Integer_Address,Pragma Annotate,Pragma Aggregate_Individually_Assign,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-allow-integer-address}@anchor{25}
-@section Pragma Allow_Integer_Address
-pragma Allow_Integer_Address;
-@end example
-In almost all versions of GNAT, @code{System.Address} is a private
-type in accordance with the implementation advice in the RM. This
-means that integer values,
-in particular integer literals, are not allowed as address values.
-If the configuration pragma
-@code{Allow_Integer_Address} is given, then integer expressions may
-be used anywhere a value of type @code{System.Address} is required.
-The effect is to introduce an implicit unchecked conversion from the
-integer value to type @code{System.Address}. The reverse case of using
-an address where an integer type is required is handled analogously.
-The following example compiles without errors:
-pragma Allow_Integer_Address;
-with System; use System;
-package AddrAsInt is
- X : Integer;
- Y : Integer;
- for X'Address use 16#1240#;
- for Y use at 16#3230#;
- m : Address := 16#4000#;
- n : constant Address := 4000;
- p : constant Address := Address (X + Y);
- v : Integer := y'Address;
- w : constant Integer := Integer (Y'Address);
- type R is new integer;
- RR : R := 1000;
- Z : Integer;
- for Z'Address use RR;
-end AddrAsInt;
-@end example
-Note that pragma @code{Allow_Integer_Address} is ignored if @code{System.Address}
-is not a private type. In implementations of @code{GNAT} where
-System.Address is a visible integer type,
-this pragma serves no purpose but is ignored
-rather than rejected to allow common sets of sources to be used
-in the two situations.
-@node Pragma Annotate,Pragma Assert,Pragma Allow_Integer_Address,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-annotate}@anchor{26}@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas id3}@anchor{27}
-@section Pragma Annotate
-pragma Annotate (IDENTIFIER [, IDENTIFIER @{, ARG@}] [, entity => local_NAME]);
-@end example
-This pragma is used to annotate programs. IDENTIFIER identifies
-the type of annotation. GNAT verifies that it is an identifier, but does
-not otherwise analyze it. The second optional identifier is also left
-unanalyzed, and by convention is used to control the action of the tool to
-which the annotation is addressed. The remaining ARG arguments
-can be either string literals or more generally expressions.
-String literals (and concatenations of string literals) are assumed to be
-either of type
-@code{Standard.String} or else @code{Wide_String} or @code{Wide_Wide_String}
-depending on the character literals they contain.
-All other kinds of arguments are analyzed as expressions, and must be
-unambiguous. The last argument if present must have the identifier
-@code{Entity} and GNAT verifies that a local name is given.
-The analyzed pragma is retained in the tree, but not otherwise processed
-by any part of the GNAT compiler, except to generate corresponding note
-lines in the generated ALI file. For the format of these note lines, see
-the compiler source file lib-writ.ads. This pragma is intended for use by
-external tools, including ASIS. The use of pragma Annotate does not
-affect the compilation process in any way. This pragma may be used as
-a configuration pragma.
-@node Pragma Assert,Pragma Assert_And_Cut,Pragma Annotate,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-assert}@anchor{28}
-@section Pragma Assert
-pragma Assert (
- boolean_EXPRESSION
- [, string_EXPRESSION]);
-@end example
-The effect of this pragma depends on whether the corresponding command
-line switch is set to activate assertions. The pragma expands into code
-equivalent to the following:
-if assertions-enabled then
- if not boolean_EXPRESSION then
- System.Assertions.Raise_Assert_Failure
- (string_EXPRESSION);
- end if;
-end if;
-@end example
-The string argument, if given, is the message that will be associated
-with the exception occurrence if the exception is raised. If no second
-argument is given, the default message is @code{file}:@code{nnn},
-where @code{file} is the name of the source file containing the assert,
-and @code{nnn} is the line number of the assert.
-Note that, as with the @code{if} statement to which it is equivalent, the
-type of the expression is either @code{Standard.Boolean}, or any type derived
-from this standard type.
-Assert checks can be either checked or ignored. By default they are ignored.
-They will be checked if either the command line switch @emph{-gnata} is
-used, or if an @code{Assertion_Policy} or @code{Check_Policy} pragma is used
-to enable @code{Assert_Checks}.
-If assertions are ignored, then there
-is no run-time effect (and in particular, any side effects from the
-expression will not occur at run time). (The expression is still
-analyzed at compile time, and may cause types to be frozen if they are
-mentioned here for the first time).
-If assertions are checked, then the given expression is tested, and if
-it is @code{False} then @code{System.Assertions.Raise_Assert_Failure} is called
-which results in the raising of @code{Assert_Failure} with the given message.
-You should generally avoid side effects in the expression arguments of
-this pragma, because these side effects will turn on and off with the
-setting of the assertions mode, resulting in assertions that have an
-effect on the program. However, the expressions are analyzed for
-semantic correctness whether or not assertions are enabled, so turning
-assertions on and off cannot affect the legality of a program.
-Note that the implementation defined policy @code{DISABLE}, given in a
-pragma @code{Assertion_Policy}, can be used to suppress this semantic analysis.
-Note: this is a standard language-defined pragma in versions
-of Ada from 2005 on. In GNAT, it is implemented in all versions
-of Ada, and the DISABLE policy is an implementation-defined
-@node Pragma Assert_And_Cut,Pragma Assertion_Policy,Pragma Assert,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-assert-and-cut}@anchor{29}
-@section Pragma Assert_And_Cut
-pragma Assert_And_Cut (
- boolean_EXPRESSION
- [, string_EXPRESSION]);
-@end example
-The effect of this pragma is identical to that of pragma @code{Assert},
-except that in an @code{Assertion_Policy} pragma, the identifier
-@code{Assert_And_Cut} is used to control whether it is ignored or checked
-(or disabled).
-The intention is that this be used within a subprogram when the
-given test expresion sums up all the work done so far in the
-subprogram, so that the rest of the subprogram can be verified
-(informally or formally) using only the entry preconditions,
-and the expression in this pragma. This allows dividing up
-a subprogram into sections for the purposes of testing or
-formal verification. The pragma also serves as useful
-@node Pragma Assertion_Policy,Pragma Assume,Pragma Assert_And_Cut,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-assertion-policy}@anchor{2a}
-@section Pragma Assertion_Policy
-pragma Assertion_Policy (CHECK | DISABLE | IGNORE | SUPPRESSIBLE);
-pragma Assertion_Policy (
- Static_Predicate |
- Dynamic_Predicate |
- Pre |
- Pre'Class |
- Post |
- Post'Class |
- Type_Invariant |
- Type_Invariant'Class |
- Default_Initial_Condition
-ID_ASSERTION_KIND ::= Assertions |
- Assert_And_Cut |
- Assume |
- Contract_Cases |
- Debug |
- Ghost |
- Initial_Condition |
- Invariant |
- Invariant'Class |
- Loop_Invariant |
- Loop_Variant |
- Postcondition |
- Precondition |
- Predicate |
- Refined_Post |
- Statement_Assertions |
- Subprogram_Variant
-POLICY_IDENTIFIER ::= Check | Disable | Ignore | Suppressible
-@end example
-This is a standard Ada 2012 pragma that is available as an
-implementation-defined pragma in earlier versions of Ada.
-The assertion kinds @code{RM_ASSERTION_KIND} are those defined in
-the Ada standard. The assertion kinds @code{ID_ASSERTION_KIND}
-are implementation defined additions recognized by the GNAT compiler.
-The pragma applies in both cases to pragmas and aspects with matching
-names, e.g. @code{Pre} applies to the Pre aspect, and @code{Precondition}
-applies to both the @code{Precondition} pragma
-and the aspect @code{Precondition}. Note that the identifiers for
-pragmas Pre_Class and Post_Class are Pre'Class and Post'Class (not
-Pre_Class and Post_Class), since these pragmas are intended to be
-identical to the corresponding aspects).
-If the policy is @code{CHECK}, then assertions are enabled, i.e.
-the corresponding pragma or aspect is activated.
-If the policy is @code{IGNORE}, then assertions are ignored, i.e.
-the corresponding pragma or aspect is deactivated.
-This pragma overrides the effect of the @emph{-gnata} switch on the
-command line.
-If the policy is @code{SUPPRESSIBLE}, then assertions are enabled by default,
-however, if the @emph{-gnatp} switch is specified all assertions are ignored.
-The implementation defined policy @code{DISABLE} is like
-@code{IGNORE} except that it completely disables semantic
-checking of the corresponding pragma or aspect. This is
-useful when the pragma or aspect argument references subprograms
-in a with'ed package which is replaced by a dummy package
-for the final build.
-The implementation defined assertion kind @code{Assertions} applies to all
-assertion kinds. The form with no assertion kind given implies this
-choice, so it applies to all assertion kinds (RM defined, and
-implementation defined).
-The implementation defined assertion kind @code{Statement_Assertions}
-applies to @code{Assert}, @code{Assert_And_Cut},
-@code{Assume}, @code{Loop_Invariant}, and @code{Loop_Variant}.
-@node Pragma Assume,Pragma Assume_No_Invalid_Values,Pragma Assertion_Policy,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-assume}@anchor{2b}
-@section Pragma Assume
-pragma Assume (
- boolean_EXPRESSION
- [, string_EXPRESSION]);
-@end example
-The effect of this pragma is identical to that of pragma @code{Assert},
-except that in an @code{Assertion_Policy} pragma, the identifier
-@code{Assume} is used to control whether it is ignored or checked
-(or disabled).
-The intention is that this be used for assumptions about the
-external environment. So you cannot expect to verify formally
-or informally that the condition is met, this must be
-established by examining things outside the program itself.
-For example, we may have code that depends on the size of
-@code{Long_Long_Integer} being at least 64. So we could write:
-pragma Assume (Long_Long_Integer'Size >= 64);
-@end example
-This assumption cannot be proved from the program itself,
-but it acts as a useful run-time check that the assumption
-is met, and documents the need to ensure that it is met by
-reference to information outside the program.
-@node Pragma Assume_No_Invalid_Values,Pragma Async_Readers,Pragma Assume,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-assume-no-invalid-values}@anchor{2c}
-@section Pragma Assume_No_Invalid_Values
-@geindex Invalid representations
-@geindex Invalid values
-pragma Assume_No_Invalid_Values (On | Off);
-@end example
-This is a configuration pragma that controls the assumptions made by the
-compiler about the occurrence of invalid representations (invalid values)
-in the code.
-The default behavior (corresponding to an Off argument for this pragma), is
-to assume that values may in general be invalid unless the compiler can
-prove they are valid. Consider the following example:
-V1 : Integer range 1 .. 10;
-V2 : Integer range 11 .. 20;
-for J in V2 .. V1 loop
- ...
-end loop;
-@end example
-if V1 and V2 have valid values, then the loop is known at compile
-time not to execute since the lower bound must be greater than the
-upper bound. However in default mode, no such assumption is made,
-and the loop may execute. If @code{Assume_No_Invalid_Values (On)}
-is given, the compiler will assume that any occurrence of a variable
-other than in an explicit @code{'Valid} test always has a valid
-value, and the loop above will be optimized away.
-The use of @code{Assume_No_Invalid_Values (On)} is appropriate if
-you know your code is free of uninitialized variables and other
-possible sources of invalid representations, and may result in
-more efficient code. A program that accesses an invalid representation
-with this pragma in effect is erroneous, so no guarantees can be made
-about its behavior.
-It is peculiar though permissible to use this pragma in conjunction
-with validity checking (-gnatVa). In such cases, accessing invalid
-values will generally give an exception, though formally the program
-is erroneous so there are no guarantees that this will always be the
-case, and it is recommended that these two options not be used together.
-@node Pragma Async_Readers,Pragma Async_Writers,Pragma Assume_No_Invalid_Values,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-async-readers}@anchor{2d}@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas id4}@anchor{2e}
-@section Pragma Async_Readers
-pragma Async_Readers [ (boolean_EXPRESSION) ];
-@end example
-For the semantics of this pragma, see the entry for aspect @code{Async_Readers} in
-the SPARK 2014 Reference Manual, section 7.1.2.
-@node Pragma Async_Writers,Pragma Attribute_Definition,Pragma Async_Readers,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas id5}@anchor{2f}@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-async-writers}@anchor{30}
-@section Pragma Async_Writers
-pragma Async_Writers [ (boolean_EXPRESSION) ];
-@end example
-For the semantics of this pragma, see the entry for aspect @code{Async_Writers} in
-the SPARK 2014 Reference Manual, section 7.1.2.
-@node Pragma Attribute_Definition,Pragma C_Pass_By_Copy,Pragma Async_Writers,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-attribute-definition}@anchor{31}
-@section Pragma Attribute_Definition
-pragma Attribute_Definition
- [Entity =>] LOCAL_NAME,
- [Expression =>] EXPRESSION | NAME);
-@end example
-If @code{Attribute} is a known attribute name, this pragma is equivalent to
-the attribute definition clause:
-for Entity'Attribute use Expression;
-@end example
-If @code{Attribute} is not a recognized attribute name, the pragma is
-ignored, and a warning is emitted. This allows source
-code to be written that takes advantage of some new attribute, while remaining
-compilable with earlier compilers.
-@node Pragma C_Pass_By_Copy,Pragma Check,Pragma Attribute_Definition,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-c-pass-by-copy}@anchor{32}
-@section Pragma C_Pass_By_Copy
-@geindex Passing by copy
-pragma C_Pass_By_Copy
- ([Max_Size =>] static_integer_EXPRESSION);
-@end example
-Normally the default mechanism for passing C convention records to C
-convention subprograms is to pass them by reference, as suggested by RM
-B.3(69). Use the configuration pragma @code{C_Pass_By_Copy} to change
-this default, by requiring that record formal parameters be passed by
-copy if all of the following conditions are met:
-@itemize *
-The size of the record type does not exceed the value specified for
-The record type has @code{Convention C}.
-The formal parameter has this record type, and the subprogram has a
-foreign (non-Ada) convention.
-@end itemize
-If these conditions are met the argument is passed by copy; i.e., in a
-manner consistent with what C expects if the corresponding formal in the
-C prototype is a struct (rather than a pointer to a struct).
-You can also pass records by copy by specifying the convention
-@code{C_Pass_By_Copy} for the record type, or by using the extended
-@code{Import} and @code{Export} pragmas, which allow specification of
-passing mechanisms on a parameter by parameter basis.
-@node Pragma Check,Pragma Check_Float_Overflow,Pragma C_Pass_By_Copy,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-check}@anchor{33}
-@section Pragma Check
-@geindex Assertions
-@geindex Named assertions
-pragma Check (
- [Name =>] CHECK_KIND,
- [Check =>] Boolean_EXPRESSION
- [, [Message =>] string_EXPRESSION] );
- Pre'Class |
- Post'Class |
- Type_Invariant'Class |
- Invariant'Class
-@end example
-This pragma is similar to the predefined pragma @code{Assert} except that an
-extra identifier argument is present. In conjunction with pragma
-@code{Check_Policy}, this can be used to define groups of assertions that can
-be independently controlled. The identifier @code{Assertion} is special, it
-refers to the normal set of pragma @code{Assert} statements.
-Checks introduced by this pragma are normally deactivated by default. They can
-be activated either by the command line option @emph{-gnata}, which turns on
-all checks, or individually controlled using pragma @code{Check_Policy}.
-The identifiers @code{Assertions} and @code{Statement_Assertions} are not
-permitted as check kinds, since this would cause confusion with the use
-of these identifiers in @code{Assertion_Policy} and @code{Check_Policy}
-pragmas, where they are used to refer to sets of assertions.
-@node Pragma Check_Float_Overflow,Pragma Check_Name,Pragma Check,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-check-float-overflow}@anchor{34}
-@section Pragma Check_Float_Overflow
-@geindex Floating-point overflow
-pragma Check_Float_Overflow;
-@end example
-In Ada, the predefined floating-point types (@code{Short_Float},
-@code{Float}, @code{Long_Float}, @code{Long_Long_Float}) are
-defined to be @emph{unconstrained}. This means that even though each
-has a well-defined base range, an operation that delivers a result
-outside this base range is not required to raise an exception.
-This implementation permission accommodates the notion
-of infinities in IEEE floating-point, and corresponds to the
-efficient execution mode on most machines. GNAT will not raise
-overflow exceptions on these machines; instead it will generate
-infinities and NaN's as defined in the IEEE standard.
-Generating infinities, although efficient, is not always desirable.
-Often the preferable approach is to check for overflow, even at the
-(perhaps considerable) expense of run-time performance.
-This can be accomplished by defining your own constrained floating-point subtypes -- i.e., by supplying explicit
-range constraints -- and indeed such a subtype
-can have the same base range as its base type. For example:
-subtype My_Float is Float range Float'Range;
-@end example
-Here @code{My_Float} has the same range as
-@code{Float} but is constrained, so operations on
-@code{My_Float} values will be checked for overflow
-against this range.
-This style will achieve the desired goal, but
-it is often more convenient to be able to simply use
-the standard predefined floating-point types as long
-as overflow checking could be guaranteed.
-The @code{Check_Float_Overflow}
-configuration pragma achieves this effect. If a unit is compiled
-subject to this configuration pragma, then all operations
-on predefined floating-point types including operations on
-base types of these floating-point types will be treated as
-though those types were constrained, and overflow checks
-will be generated. The @code{Constraint_Error}
-exception is raised if the result is out of range.
-This mode can also be set by use of the compiler
-switch @emph{-gnateF}.
-@node Pragma Check_Name,Pragma Check_Policy,Pragma Check_Float_Overflow,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-check-name}@anchor{35}
-@section Pragma Check_Name
-@geindex Defining check names
-@geindex Check names
-@geindex defining
-pragma Check_Name (check_name_IDENTIFIER);
-@end example
-This is a configuration pragma that defines a new implementation
-defined check name (unless IDENTIFIER matches one of the predefined
-check names, in which case the pragma has no effect). Check names
-are global to a partition, so if two or more configuration pragmas
-are present in a partition mentioning the same name, only one new
-check name is introduced.
-An implementation defined check name introduced with this pragma may
-be used in only three contexts: @code{pragma Suppress},
-@code{pragma Unsuppress},
-and as the prefix of a @code{Check_Name'Enabled} attribute reference. For
-any of these three cases, the check name must be visible. A check
-name is visible if it is in the configuration pragmas applying to
-the current unit, or if it appears at the start of any unit that
-is part of the dependency set of the current unit (e.g., units that
-are mentioned in @code{with} clauses).
-Check names introduced by this pragma are subject to control by compiler
-switches (in particular -gnatp) in the usual manner.
-@node Pragma Check_Policy,Pragma Comment,Pragma Check_Name,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-check-policy}@anchor{36}
-@section Pragma Check_Policy
-@geindex Controlling assertions
-@geindex Assertions
-@geindex control
-@geindex Check pragma control
-@geindex Named assertions
-pragma Check_Policy
- ([Name =>] CHECK_KIND,
-pragma Check_Policy (
- Pre'Class |
- Post'Class |
- Type_Invariant'Class |
- Invariant'Class
-The identifiers Name and Policy are not allowed as CHECK_KIND values. This
-avoids confusion between the two possible syntax forms for this pragma.
-@end example
-This pragma is used to set the checking policy for assertions (specified
-by aspects or pragmas), the @code{Debug} pragma, or additional checks
-to be checked using the @code{Check} pragma. It may appear either as
-a configuration pragma, or within a declarative part of package. In the
-latter case, it applies from the point where it appears to the end of
-the declarative region (like pragma @code{Suppress}).
-The @code{Check_Policy} pragma is similar to the
-predefined @code{Assertion_Policy} pragma,
-and if the check kind corresponds to one of the assertion kinds that
-are allowed by @code{Assertion_Policy}, then the effect is identical.
-If the first argument is Debug, then the policy applies to Debug pragmas,
-disabling their effect if the policy is @code{OFF}, @code{DISABLE}, or
-@code{IGNORE}, and allowing them to execute with normal semantics if
-the policy is @code{ON} or @code{CHECK}. In addition if the policy is
-@code{DISABLE}, then the procedure call in @code{Debug} pragmas will
-be totally ignored and not analyzed semantically.
-Finally the first argument may be some other identifier than the above
-possibilities, in which case it controls a set of named assertions
-that can be checked using pragma @code{Check}. For example, if the pragma:
-pragma Check_Policy (Critical_Error, OFF);
-@end example
-is given, then subsequent @code{Check} pragmas whose first argument is also
-@code{Critical_Error} will be disabled.
-The check policy is @code{OFF} to turn off corresponding checks, and @code{ON}
-to turn on corresponding checks. The default for a set of checks for which no
-@code{Check_Policy} is given is @code{OFF} unless the compiler switch
-@emph{-gnata} is given, which turns on all checks by default.
-The check policy settings @code{CHECK} and @code{IGNORE} are recognized
-as synonyms for @code{ON} and @code{OFF}. These synonyms are provided for
-compatibility with the standard @code{Assertion_Policy} pragma. The check
-policy setting @code{DISABLE} causes the second argument of a corresponding
-@code{Check} pragma to be completely ignored and not analyzed.
-@node Pragma Comment,Pragma Common_Object,Pragma Check_Policy,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-comment}@anchor{37}
-@section Pragma Comment
-pragma Comment (static_string_EXPRESSION);
-@end example
-This is almost identical in effect to pragma @code{Ident}. It allows the
-placement of a comment into the object file and hence into the
-executable file if the operating system permits such usage. The
-difference is that @code{Comment}, unlike @code{Ident}, has
-no limitations on placement of the pragma (it can be placed
-anywhere in the main source unit), and if more than one pragma
-is used, all comments are retained.
-@node Pragma Common_Object,Pragma Compile_Time_Error,Pragma Comment,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-common-object}@anchor{38}
-@section Pragma Common_Object
-pragma Common_Object (
- [Internal =>] LOCAL_NAME
- [, [External =>] EXTERNAL_SYMBOL]
- [, [Size =>] EXTERNAL_SYMBOL] );
-| static_string_EXPRESSION
-@end example
-This pragma enables the shared use of variables stored in overlaid
-linker areas corresponding to the use of @code{COMMON}
-in Fortran. The single
-object @code{LOCAL_NAME} is assigned to the area designated by
-the @code{External} argument.
-You may define a record to correspond to a series
-of fields. The @code{Size} argument
-is syntax checked in GNAT, but otherwise ignored.
-@code{Common_Object} is not supported on all platforms. If no
-support is available, then the code generator will issue a message
-indicating that the necessary attribute for implementation of this
-pragma is not available.
-@node Pragma Compile_Time_Error,Pragma Compile_Time_Warning,Pragma Common_Object,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-compile-time-error}@anchor{39}@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas compile-time-error}@anchor{3a}
-@section Pragma Compile_Time_Error
-pragma Compile_Time_Error
- (boolean_EXPRESSION, static_string_EXPRESSION);
-@end example
-This pragma can be used to generate additional compile time
-error messages. It
-is particularly useful in generics, where errors can be issued for
-specific problematic instantiations. The first parameter is a boolean
-expression. The pragma ensures that the value of an expression
-is known at compile time, and has the value False. The set of expressions
-whose values are known at compile time includes all static boolean
-expressions, and also other values which the compiler can determine
-at compile time (e.g., the size of a record type set by an explicit
-size representation clause, or the value of a variable which was
-initialized to a constant and is known not to have been modified).
-If these conditions are not met, an error message is generated using
-the value given as the second argument. This string value may contain
-embedded ASCII.LF characters to break the message into multiple lines.
-@node Pragma Compile_Time_Warning,Pragma Compiler_Unit,Pragma Compile_Time_Error,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-compile-time-warning}@anchor{3b}
-@section Pragma Compile_Time_Warning
-pragma Compile_Time_Warning
- (boolean_EXPRESSION, static_string_EXPRESSION);
-@end example
-Same as pragma Compile_Time_Error, except a warning is issued instead
-of an error message. If switch @emph{-gnatw_C} is used, a warning is only issued
-if the value of the expression is known to be True at compile time, not when
-the value of the expression is not known at compile time.
-Note that if this pragma is used in a package that
-is with'ed by a client, the client will get the warning even though it
-is issued by a with'ed package (normally warnings in with'ed units are
-suppressed, but this is a special exception to that rule).
-One typical use is within a generic where compile time known characteristics
-of formal parameters are tested, and warnings given appropriately. Another use
-with a first parameter of True is to warn a client about use of a package,
-for example that it is not fully implemented.
-In previous versions of the compiler, combining @emph{-gnatwe} with
-Compile_Time_Warning resulted in a fatal error. Now the compiler always emits
-a warning. You can use @ref{3a,,Pragma Compile_Time_Error} to force the generation of
-an error.
-@node Pragma Compiler_Unit,Pragma Compiler_Unit_Warning,Pragma Compile_Time_Warning,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-compiler-unit}@anchor{3c}
-@section Pragma Compiler_Unit
-pragma Compiler_Unit;
-@end example
-This pragma is obsolete. It is equivalent to Compiler_Unit_Warning. It is
-retained so that old versions of the GNAT run-time that use this pragma can
-be compiled with newer versions of the compiler.
-@node Pragma Compiler_Unit_Warning,Pragma Complete_Representation,Pragma Compiler_Unit,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-compiler-unit-warning}@anchor{3d}
-@section Pragma Compiler_Unit_Warning
-pragma Compiler_Unit_Warning;
-@end example
-This pragma is intended only for internal use in the GNAT run-time library.
-It indicates that the unit is used as part of the compiler build. The effect
-is to generate warnings for the use of constructs (for example, conditional
-expressions) that would cause trouble when bootstrapping using an older
-version of GNAT. For the exact list of restrictions, see the compiler sources
-and references to Check_Compiler_Unit.
-@node Pragma Complete_Representation,Pragma Complex_Representation,Pragma Compiler_Unit_Warning,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-complete-representation}@anchor{3e}
-@section Pragma Complete_Representation
-pragma Complete_Representation;
-@end example
-This pragma must appear immediately within a record representation
-clause. Typical placements are before the first component clause
-or after the last component clause. The effect is to give an error
-message if any component is missing a component clause. This pragma
-may be used to ensure that a record representation clause is
-complete, and that this invariant is maintained if fields are
-added to the record in the future.
-@node Pragma Complex_Representation,Pragma Component_Alignment,Pragma Complete_Representation,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-complex-representation}@anchor{3f}
-@section Pragma Complex_Representation
-pragma Complex_Representation
- ([Entity =>] LOCAL_NAME);
-@end example
-The @code{Entity} argument must be the name of a record type which has
-two fields of the same floating-point type. The effect of this pragma is
-to force gcc to use the special internal complex representation form for
-this record, which may be more efficient. Note that this may result in
-the code for this type not conforming to standard ABI (application
-binary interface) requirements for the handling of record types. For
-example, in some environments, there is a requirement for passing
-records by pointer, and the use of this pragma may result in passing
-this type in floating-point registers.
-@node Pragma Component_Alignment,Pragma Constant_After_Elaboration,Pragma Complex_Representation,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-component-alignment}@anchor{40}
-@section Pragma Component_Alignment
-@geindex Alignments of components
-@geindex Pragma Component_Alignment
-pragma Component_Alignment (
- [, [Name =>] type_LOCAL_NAME]);
- Component_Size
-| Component_Size_4
-| Storage_Unit
-| Default
-@end example
-Specifies the alignment of components in array or record types.
-The meaning of the @code{Form} argument is as follows:
-@geindex Component_Size (in pragma Component_Alignment)
-@end quotation
-@table @asis
-@item @emph{Component_Size}
-Aligns scalar components and subcomponents of the array or record type
-on boundaries appropriate to their inherent size (naturally
-aligned). For example, 1-byte components are aligned on byte boundaries,
-2-byte integer components are aligned on 2-byte boundaries, 4-byte
-integer components are aligned on 4-byte boundaries and so on. These
-alignment rules correspond to the normal rules for C compilers on all
-machines except the VAX.
-@geindex Component_Size_4 (in pragma Component_Alignment)
-@item @emph{Component_Size_4}
-Naturally aligns components with a size of four or fewer
-bytes. Components that are larger than 4 bytes are placed on the next
-4-byte boundary.
-@geindex Storage_Unit (in pragma Component_Alignment)
-@item @emph{Storage_Unit}
-Specifies that array or record components are byte aligned, i.e.,
-aligned on boundaries determined by the value of the constant
-@geindex Default (in pragma Component_Alignment)
-@item @emph{Default}
-Specifies that array or record components are aligned on default
-boundaries, appropriate to the underlying hardware or operating system or
-both. The @code{Default} choice is the same as @code{Component_Size} (natural
-@end table
-If the @code{Name} parameter is present, @code{type_LOCAL_NAME} must
-refer to a local record or array type, and the specified alignment
-choice applies to the specified type. The use of
-@code{Component_Alignment} together with a pragma @code{Pack} causes the
-@code{Component_Alignment} pragma to be ignored. The use of
-@code{Component_Alignment} together with a record representation clause
-is only effective for fields not specified by the representation clause.
-If the @code{Name} parameter is absent, the pragma can be used as either
-a configuration pragma, in which case it applies to one or more units in
-accordance with the normal rules for configuration pragmas, or it can be
-used within a declarative part, in which case it applies to types that
-are declared within this declarative part, or within any nested scope
-within this declarative part. In either case it specifies the alignment
-to be applied to any record or array type which has otherwise standard
-If the alignment for a record or array type is not specified (using
-pragma @code{Pack}, pragma @code{Component_Alignment}, or a record rep
-clause), the GNAT uses the default alignment as described previously.
-@node Pragma Constant_After_Elaboration,Pragma Contract_Cases,Pragma Component_Alignment,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas id6}@anchor{41}@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-constant-after-elaboration}@anchor{42}
-@section Pragma Constant_After_Elaboration
-pragma Constant_After_Elaboration [ (boolean_EXPRESSION) ];
-@end example
-For the semantics of this pragma, see the entry for aspect
-@code{Constant_After_Elaboration} in the SPARK 2014 Reference Manual, section 3.3.1.
-@node Pragma Contract_Cases,Pragma Convention_Identifier,Pragma Constant_After_Elaboration,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas id7}@anchor{43}@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-contract-cases}@anchor{44}
-@section Pragma Contract_Cases
-@geindex Contract cases
-pragma Contract_Cases ((CONTRACT_CASE @{, CONTRACT_CASE));
-CASE_GUARD ::= boolean_EXPRESSION | others
-@end example
-The @code{Contract_Cases} pragma allows defining fine-grain specifications
-that can complement or replace the contract given by a precondition and a
-postcondition. Additionally, the @code{Contract_Cases} pragma can be used
-by testing and formal verification tools. The compiler checks its validity and,
-depending on the assertion policy at the point of declaration of the pragma,
-it may insert a check in the executable. For code generation, the contract
-pragma Contract_Cases (
- Cond1 => Pred1,
- Cond2 => Pred2);
-@end example
-are equivalent to
-C1 : constant Boolean := Cond1; -- evaluated at subprogram entry
-C2 : constant Boolean := Cond2; -- evaluated at subprogram entry
-pragma Precondition ((C1 and not C2) or (C2 and not C1));
-pragma Postcondition (if C1 then Pred1);
-pragma Postcondition (if C2 then Pred2);
-@end example
-The precondition ensures that one and only one of the case guards is
-satisfied on entry to the subprogram.
-The postcondition ensures that for the case guard that was True on entry,
-the corresponding consequence is True on exit. Other consequence expressions
-are not evaluated.
-A precondition @code{P} and postcondition @code{Q} can also be
-expressed as contract cases:
-pragma Contract_Cases (P => Q);
-@end example
-The placement and visibility rules for @code{Contract_Cases} pragmas are
-identical to those described for preconditions and postconditions.
-The compiler checks that boolean expressions given in case guards and
-consequences are valid, where the rules for case guards are the same as
-the rule for an expression in @code{Precondition} and the rules for
-consequences are the same as the rule for an expression in
-@code{Postcondition}. In particular, attributes @code{'Old} and
-@code{'Result} can only be used within consequence expressions.
-The case guard for the last contract case may be @code{others}, to denote
-any case not captured by the previous cases. The
-following is an example of use within a package spec:
-package Math_Functions is
- ...
- function Sqrt (Arg : Float) return Float;
- pragma Contract_Cases (((Arg in 0.0 .. 99.0) => Sqrt'Result < 10.0,
- Arg >= 100.0 => Sqrt'Result >= 10.0,
- others => Sqrt'Result = 0.0));
- ...
-end Math_Functions;
-@end example
-The meaning of contract cases is that only one case should apply at each
-call, as determined by the corresponding case guard evaluating to True,
-and that the consequence for this case should hold when the subprogram
-@node Pragma Convention_Identifier,Pragma CPP_Class,Pragma Contract_Cases,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-convention-identifier}@anchor{45}
-@section Pragma Convention_Identifier
-@geindex Conventions
-@geindex synonyms
-pragma Convention_Identifier (
- [Name =>] IDENTIFIER,
- [Convention =>] convention_IDENTIFIER);
-@end example
-This pragma provides a mechanism for supplying synonyms for existing
-convention identifiers. The @code{Name} identifier can subsequently
-be used as a synonym for the given convention in other pragmas (including
-for example pragma @code{Import} or another @code{Convention_Identifier}
-pragma). As an example of the use of this, suppose you had legacy code
-which used Fortran77 as the identifier for Fortran. Then the pragma:
-pragma Convention_Identifier (Fortran77, Fortran);
-@end example
-would allow the use of the convention identifier @code{Fortran77} in
-subsequent code, avoiding the need to modify the sources. As another
-example, you could use this to parameterize convention requirements
-according to systems. Suppose you needed to use @code{Stdcall} on
-windows systems, and @code{C} on some other system, then you could
-define a convention identifier @code{Library} and use a single
-@code{Convention_Identifier} pragma to specify which convention
-would be used system-wide.
-@node Pragma CPP_Class,Pragma CPP_Constructor,Pragma Convention_Identifier,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-cpp-class}@anchor{46}
-@section Pragma CPP_Class
-@geindex Interfacing with C++
-pragma CPP_Class ([Entity =>] LOCAL_NAME);
-@end example
-The argument denotes an entity in the current declarative region that is
-declared as a record type. It indicates that the type corresponds to an
-externally declared C++ class type, and is to be laid out the same way
-that C++ would lay out the type. If the C++ class has virtual primitives
-then the record must be declared as a tagged record type.
-Types for which @code{CPP_Class} is specified do not have assignment or
-equality operators defined (such operations can be imported or declared
-as subprograms as required). Initialization is allowed only by constructor
-functions (see pragma @code{CPP_Constructor}). Such types are implicitly
-limited if not explicitly declared as limited or derived from a limited
-type, and an error is issued in that case.
-See @ref{47,,Interfacing to C++} for related information.
-Note: Pragma @code{CPP_Class} is currently obsolete. It is supported
-for backward compatibility but its functionality is available
-using pragma @code{Import} with @code{Convention} = @code{CPP}.
-@node Pragma CPP_Constructor,Pragma CPP_Virtual,Pragma CPP_Class,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-cpp-constructor}@anchor{48}
-@section Pragma CPP_Constructor
-@geindex Interfacing with C++
-pragma CPP_Constructor ([Entity =>] LOCAL_NAME
- [, [External_Name =>] static_string_EXPRESSION ]
- [, [Link_Name =>] static_string_EXPRESSION ]);
-@end example
-This pragma identifies an imported function (imported in the usual way
-with pragma @code{Import}) as corresponding to a C++ constructor. If
-@code{External_Name} and @code{Link_Name} are not specified then the
-@code{Entity} argument is a name that must have been previously mentioned
-in a pragma @code{Import} with @code{Convention} = @code{CPP}. Such name
-must be of one of the following forms:
-@itemize *
-@strong{function} @code{Fname} @strong{return} T`
-@strong{function} @code{Fname} @strong{return} T'Class
-@strong{function} @code{Fname} (...) @strong{return} T`
-@strong{function} @code{Fname} (...) @strong{return} T'Class
-@end itemize
-where @code{T} is a limited record type imported from C++ with pragma
-@code{Import} and @code{Convention} = @code{CPP}.
-The first two forms import the default constructor, used when an object
-of type @code{T} is created on the Ada side with no explicit constructor.
-The latter two forms cover all the non-default constructors of the type.
-See the GNAT User's Guide for details.
-If no constructors are imported, it is impossible to create any objects
-on the Ada side and the type is implicitly declared abstract.
-Pragma @code{CPP_Constructor} is intended primarily for automatic generation
-using an automatic binding generator tool (such as the @code{-fdump-ada-spec}
-GCC switch).
-See @ref{47,,Interfacing to C++} for more related information.
-Note: The use of functions returning class-wide types for constructors is
-currently obsolete. They are supported for backward compatibility. The
-use of functions returning the type T leave the Ada sources more clear
-because the imported C++ constructors always return an object of type T;
-that is, they never return an object whose type is a descendant of type T.
-@node Pragma CPP_Virtual,Pragma CPP_Vtable,Pragma CPP_Constructor,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-cpp-virtual}@anchor{49}
-@section Pragma CPP_Virtual
-@geindex Interfacing to C++
-This pragma is now obsolete and, other than generating a warning if warnings
-on obsolescent features are enabled, is completely ignored.
-It is retained for compatibility
-purposes. It used to be required to ensure compoatibility with C++, but
-is no longer required for that purpose because GNAT generates
-the same object layout as the G++ compiler by default.
-See @ref{47,,Interfacing to C++} for related information.
-@node Pragma CPP_Vtable,Pragma CPU,Pragma CPP_Virtual,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-cpp-vtable}@anchor{4a}
-@section Pragma CPP_Vtable
-@geindex Interfacing with C++
-This pragma is now obsolete and, other than generating a warning if warnings
-on obsolescent features are enabled, is completely ignored.
-It used to be required to ensure compatibility with C++, but
-is no longer required for that purpose because GNAT generates
-the same object layout as the G++ compiler by default.
-See @ref{47,,Interfacing to C++} for related information.
-@node Pragma CPU,Pragma Deadline_Floor,Pragma CPP_Vtable,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-cpu}@anchor{4b}
-@section Pragma CPU
-@end example
-This pragma is standard in Ada 2012, but is available in all earlier
-versions of Ada as an implementation-defined pragma.
-See Ada 2012 Reference Manual for details.
-@node Pragma Deadline_Floor,Pragma Default_Initial_Condition,Pragma CPU,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-deadline-floor}@anchor{4c}
-@section Pragma Deadline_Floor
-pragma Deadline_Floor (time_span_EXPRESSION);
-@end example
-This pragma applies only to protected types and specifies the floor
-deadline inherited by a task when the task enters a protected object.
-It is effective only when the EDF scheduling policy is used.
-@node Pragma Default_Initial_Condition,Pragma Debug,Pragma Deadline_Floor,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas id8}@anchor{4d}@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-default-initial-condition}@anchor{4e}
-@section Pragma Default_Initial_Condition
-pragma Default_Initial_Condition [ (null | boolean_EXPRESSION) ];
-@end example
-For the semantics of this pragma, see the entry for aspect
-@code{Default_Initial_Condition} in the SPARK 2014 Reference Manual, section 7.3.3.
-@node Pragma Debug,Pragma Debug_Policy,Pragma Default_Initial_Condition,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-debug}@anchor{4f}
-@section Pragma Debug
-@end example
-The procedure call argument has the syntactic form of an expression, meeting
-the syntactic requirements for pragmas.
-If debug pragmas are not enabled or if the condition is present and evaluates
-to False, this pragma has no effect. If debug pragmas are enabled, the
-semantics of the pragma is exactly equivalent to the procedure call statement
-corresponding to the argument with a terminating semicolon. Pragmas are
-permitted in sequences of declarations, so you can use pragma @code{Debug} to
-intersperse calls to debug procedures in the middle of declarations. Debug
-pragmas can be enabled either by use of the command line switch @emph{-gnata}
-or by use of the pragma @code{Check_Policy} with a first argument of
-@node Pragma Debug_Policy,Pragma Default_Scalar_Storage_Order,Pragma Debug,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-debug-policy}@anchor{50}
-@section Pragma Debug_Policy
-pragma Debug_Policy (CHECK | DISABLE | IGNORE | ON | OFF);
-@end example
-This pragma is equivalent to a corresponding @code{Check_Policy} pragma
-with a first argument of @code{Debug}. It is retained for historical
-compatibility reasons.
-@node Pragma Default_Scalar_Storage_Order,Pragma Default_Storage_Pool,Pragma Debug_Policy,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-default-scalar-storage-order}@anchor{51}
-@section Pragma Default_Scalar_Storage_Order
-@geindex Default_Scalar_Storage_Order
-@geindex Scalar_Storage_Order
-pragma Default_Scalar_Storage_Order (High_Order_First | Low_Order_First);
-@end example
-Normally if no explicit @code{Scalar_Storage_Order} is given for a record
-type or array type, then the scalar storage order defaults to the ordinary
-default for the target. But this default may be overridden using this pragma.
-The pragma may appear as a configuration pragma, or locally within a package
-spec or declarative part. In the latter case, it applies to all subsequent
-types declared within that package spec or declarative part.
-The following example shows the use of this pragma:
-pragma Default_Scalar_Storage_Order (High_Order_First);
-with System; use System;
-package DSSO1 is
- type H1 is record
- a : Integer;
- end record;
- type L2 is record
- a : Integer;
- end record;
- for L2'Scalar_Storage_Order use Low_Order_First;
- type L2a is new L2;
- package Inner is
- type H3 is record
- a : Integer;
- end record;
- pragma Default_Scalar_Storage_Order (Low_Order_First);
- type L4 is record
- a : Integer;
- end record;
- end Inner;
- type H4a is new Inner.L4;
- type H5 is record
- a : Integer;
- end record;
-end DSSO1;
-@end example
-In this example record types with names starting with @emph{L} have @cite{Low_Order_First} scalar
-storage order, and record types with names starting with @emph{H} have @code{High_Order_First}.
-Note that in the case of @code{H4a}, the order is not inherited
-from the parent type. Only an explicitly set @code{Scalar_Storage_Order}
-gets inherited on type derivation.
-If this pragma is used as a configuration pragma which appears within a
-configuration pragma file (as opposed to appearing explicitly at the start
-of a single unit), then the binder will require that all units in a partition
-be compiled in a similar manner, other than run-time units, which are not
-affected by this pragma. Note that the use of this form is discouraged because
-it may significantly degrade the run-time performance of the software, instead
-the default scalar storage order ought to be changed only on a local basis.
-@node Pragma Default_Storage_Pool,Pragma Depends,Pragma Default_Scalar_Storage_Order,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-default-storage-pool}@anchor{52}
-@section Pragma Default_Storage_Pool
-@geindex Default_Storage_Pool
-pragma Default_Storage_Pool (storage_pool_NAME | null);
-@end example
-This pragma is standard in Ada 2012, but is available in all earlier
-versions of Ada as an implementation-defined pragma.
-See Ada 2012 Reference Manual for details.
-@node Pragma Depends,Pragma Detect_Blocking,Pragma Default_Storage_Pool,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-depends}@anchor{53}@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas id9}@anchor{54}
-@section Pragma Depends
-pragma Depends (DEPENDENCY_RELATION);
- null
-INPUT_LIST ::= null | INPUT | (INPUT @{, INPUT@})
-where FUNCTION_RESULT is a function Result attribute_reference
-@end example
-For the semantics of this pragma, see the entry for aspect @code{Depends} in the
-SPARK 2014 Reference Manual, section 6.1.5.
-@node Pragma Detect_Blocking,Pragma Disable_Atomic_Synchronization,Pragma Depends,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-detect-blocking}@anchor{55}
-@section Pragma Detect_Blocking
-pragma Detect_Blocking;
-@end example
-This is a standard pragma in Ada 2005, that is available in all earlier
-versions of Ada as an implementation-defined pragma.
-This is a configuration pragma that forces the detection of potentially
-blocking operations within a protected operation, and to raise Program_Error
-if that happens.
-@node Pragma Disable_Atomic_Synchronization,Pragma Dispatching_Domain,Pragma Detect_Blocking,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-disable-atomic-synchronization}@anchor{56}
-@section Pragma Disable_Atomic_Synchronization
-@geindex Atomic Synchronization
-pragma Disable_Atomic_Synchronization [(Entity)];
-@end example
-Ada requires that accesses (reads or writes) of an atomic variable be
-regarded as synchronization points in the case of multiple tasks.
-Particularly in the case of multi-processors this may require special
-handling, e.g. the generation of memory barriers. This capability may
-be turned off using this pragma in cases where it is known not to be
-The placement and scope rules for this pragma are the same as those
-for @code{pragma Suppress}. In particular it can be used as a
-configuration pragma, or in a declaration sequence where it applies
-till the end of the scope. If an @code{Entity} argument is present,
-the action applies only to that entity.
-@node Pragma Dispatching_Domain,Pragma Effective_Reads,Pragma Disable_Atomic_Synchronization,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-dispatching-domain}@anchor{57}
-@section Pragma Dispatching_Domain
-pragma Dispatching_Domain (EXPRESSION);
-@end example
-This pragma is standard in Ada 2012, but is available in all earlier
-versions of Ada as an implementation-defined pragma.
-See Ada 2012 Reference Manual for details.
-@node Pragma Effective_Reads,Pragma Effective_Writes,Pragma Dispatching_Domain,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas id10}@anchor{58}@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-effective-reads}@anchor{59}
-@section Pragma Effective_Reads
-pragma Effective_Reads [ (boolean_EXPRESSION) ];
-@end example
-For the semantics of this pragma, see the entry for aspect @code{Effective_Reads} in
-the SPARK 2014 Reference Manual, section 7.1.2.
-@node Pragma Effective_Writes,Pragma Elaboration_Checks,Pragma Effective_Reads,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas id11}@anchor{5a}@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-effective-writes}@anchor{5b}
-@section Pragma Effective_Writes
-pragma Effective_Writes [ (boolean_EXPRESSION) ];
-@end example
-For the semantics of this pragma, see the entry for aspect @code{Effective_Writes}
-in the SPARK 2014 Reference Manual, section 7.1.2.
-@node Pragma Elaboration_Checks,Pragma Eliminate,Pragma Effective_Writes,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-elaboration-checks}@anchor{5c}
-@section Pragma Elaboration_Checks
-@geindex Elaboration control
-pragma Elaboration_Checks (Dynamic | Static);
-@end example
-This is a configuration pragma which specifies the elaboration model to be
-used during compilation. For more information on the elaboration models of
-GNAT, consult the chapter on elaboration order handling in the @emph{GNAT User's
-The pragma may appear in the following contexts:
-@itemize *
-Configuration pragmas file
-Prior to the context clauses of a compilation unit's initial declaration
-@end itemize
-Any other placement of the pragma will result in a warning and the effects of
-the offending pragma will be ignored.
-If the pragma argument is @code{Dynamic}, then the dynamic elaboration model is in
-effect. If the pragma argument is @code{Static}, then the static elaboration model
-is in effect.
-@node Pragma Eliminate,Pragma Enable_Atomic_Synchronization,Pragma Elaboration_Checks,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-eliminate}@anchor{5d}
-@section Pragma Eliminate
-@geindex Elimination of unused subprograms
-pragma Eliminate (
- [ Entity => ] IDENTIFIER |
- [, Source_Location => SOURCE_TRACE ] );
-@end example
-This pragma indicates that the given entity is not used in the program to be
-compiled and built, thus allowing the compiler to
-eliminate the code or data associated with the named entity. Any reference to
-an eliminated entity causes a compile-time or link-time error.
-The pragma has the following semantics, where @code{U} is the unit specified by
-the @code{Unit_Name} argument and @code{E} is the entity specified by the @code{Entity}
-@itemize *
-@code{E} must be a subprogram that is explicitly declared either:
-o Within @code{U}, or
-o Within a generic package that is instantiated in @code{U}, or
-o As an instance of generic subprogram instantiated in @code{U}.
-Otherwise the pragma is ignored.
-If @code{E} is overloaded within @code{U} then, in the absence of a
-@code{Source_Location} argument, all overloadings are eliminated.
-If @code{E} is overloaded within @code{U} and only some overloadings
-are to be eliminated, then each overloading to be eliminated
-must be specified in a corresponding pragma @code{Eliminate}
-with a @code{Source_Location} argument identifying the line where the
-declaration appears, as described below.
-If @code{E} is declared as the result of a generic instantiation, then
-a @code{Source_Location} argument is needed, as described below
-@end itemize
-Pragma @code{Eliminate} allows a program to be compiled in a system-independent
-manner, so that unused entities are eliminated but without
-needing to modify the source text. Normally the required set of
-@code{Eliminate} pragmas is constructed automatically using the @code{gnatelim} tool.
-Any source file change that removes, splits, or
-adds lines may make the set of @code{Eliminate} pragmas invalid because their
-@code{Source_Location} argument values may get out of date.
-Pragma @code{Eliminate} may be used where the referenced entity is a dispatching
-operation. In this case all the subprograms to which the given operation can
-dispatch are considered to be unused (are never called as a result of a direct
-or a dispatching call).
-The string literal given for the source location specifies the line number
-of the declaration of the entity, using the following syntax for @code{SOURCE_TRACE}:
-LBRACKET ::= '['
-RBRACKET ::= ']'
-@end example
-Spaces around the colon in a @code{SOURCE_REFERENCE} are optional.
-The source trace that is given as the @code{Source_Location} must obey the
-following rules (or else the pragma is ignored), where @code{U} is
-the unit @code{U} specified by the @code{Unit_Name} argument and @code{E} is the
-subprogram specified by the @code{Entity} argument:
-@itemize *
-@code{FILE_NAME} is the short name (with no directory
-information) of the Ada source file for @code{U}, using the required syntax
-for the underlying file system (e.g. case is significant if the underlying
-operating system is case sensitive).
-If @code{U} is a package and @code{E} is a subprogram declared in the package
-specification and its full declaration appears in the package body,
-then the relevant source file is the one for the package specification;
-analogously if @code{U} is a generic package.
-If @code{E} is not declared in a generic instantiation (this includes
-generic subprogram instances), the source trace includes only one source
-line reference. @code{LINE_NUMBER} gives the line number of the occurrence
-of the declaration of @code{E} within the source file (as a decimal literal
-without an exponent or point).
-If @code{E} is declared by a generic instantiation, its source trace
-(from left to right) starts with the source location of the
-declaration of @code{E} in the generic unit and ends with the source
-location of the instantiation, given in square brackets. This approach is
-applied recursively with nested instantiations: the rightmost (nested
-most deeply in square brackets) element of the source trace is the location
-of the outermost instantiation, and the leftmost element (that is, outside
-of any square brackets) is the location of the declaration of @code{E} in
-the generic unit.
-@end itemize
-pragma Eliminate (Pkg0, Proc);
--- Eliminate (all overloadings of) Proc in Pkg0
-pragma Eliminate (Pkg1, Proc,
- Source_Location => "pkg1.ads:8");
--- Eliminate overloading of Proc at line 8 in pkg1.ads
--- Assume the following file contents:
--- gen_pkg.ads
--- 1: generic
--- 2: type T is private;
--- 3: package Gen_Pkg is
--- 4: procedure Proc(N : T);
--- ... ...
--- ... end Gen_Pkg;
--- q.adb
--- 1: with Gen_Pkg;
--- 2: procedure Q is
--- 3: package Inst_Pkg is new Gen_Pkg(Integer);
--- ... -- No calls on Inst_Pkg.Proc
--- ... end Q;
--- The following pragma eliminates Inst_Pkg.Proc from Q
-pragma Eliminate (Q, Proc,
- Source_Location => "gen_pkg.ads:4[q.adb:3]");
-@end example
-@end quotation
-@node Pragma Enable_Atomic_Synchronization,Pragma Export_Function,Pragma Eliminate,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-enable-atomic-synchronization}@anchor{5e}
-@section Pragma Enable_Atomic_Synchronization
-@geindex Atomic Synchronization
-pragma Enable_Atomic_Synchronization [(Entity)];
-@end example
-Ada requires that accesses (reads or writes) of an atomic variable be
-regarded as synchronization points in the case of multiple tasks.
-Particularly in the case of multi-processors this may require special
-handling, e.g. the generation of memory barriers. This synchronization
-is performed by default, but can be turned off using
-@code{pragma Disable_Atomic_Synchronization}. The
-@code{Enable_Atomic_Synchronization} pragma can be used to turn
-it back on.
-The placement and scope rules for this pragma are the same as those
-for @code{pragma Unsuppress}. In particular it can be used as a
-configuration pragma, or in a declaration sequence where it applies
-till the end of the scope. If an @code{Entity} argument is present,
-the action applies only to that entity.
-@node Pragma Export_Function,Pragma Export_Object,Pragma Enable_Atomic_Synchronization,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-export-function}@anchor{5f}
-@section Pragma Export_Function
-@geindex Argument passing mechanisms
-pragma Export_Function (
- [Internal =>] LOCAL_NAME
- [, [External =>] EXTERNAL_SYMBOL]
- [, [Parameter_Types =>] PARAMETER_TYPES]
- [, [Result_Type =>] result_SUBTYPE_MARK]
- [, [Mechanism =>] MECHANISM]
- [, [Result_Mechanism =>] MECHANISM_NAME]);
-| static_string_EXPRESSION
-| ""
- null
- subtype_NAME
-| subtype_Name ' Access
- [formal_parameter_NAME =>] MECHANISM_NAME
-MECHANISM_NAME ::= Value | Reference
-@end example
-Use this pragma to make a function externally callable and optionally
-provide information on mechanisms to be used for passing parameter and
-result values. We recommend, for the purposes of improving portability,
-this pragma always be used in conjunction with a separate pragma
-@code{Export}, which must precede the pragma @code{Export_Function}.
-GNAT does not require a separate pragma @code{Export}, but if none is
-present, @code{Convention Ada} is assumed, which is usually
-not what is wanted, so it is usually appropriate to use this
-pragma in conjunction with a @code{Export} or @code{Convention}
-pragma that specifies the desired foreign convention.
-Pragma @code{Export_Function}
-(and @code{Export}, if present) must appear in the same declarative
-region as the function to which they apply.
-The @code{internal_name} must uniquely designate the function to which the
-pragma applies. If more than one function name exists of this name in
-the declarative part you must use the @code{Parameter_Types} and
-@code{Result_Type} parameters to achieve the required
-unique designation. The @cite{subtype_mark}s in these parameters must
-exactly match the subtypes in the corresponding function specification,
-using positional notation to match parameters with subtype marks.
-The form with an @code{'Access} attribute can be used to match an
-anonymous access parameter.
-@geindex Suppressing external name
-Special treatment is given if the EXTERNAL is an explicit null
-string or a static string expressions that evaluates to the null
-string. In this case, no external name is generated. This form
-still allows the specification of parameter mechanisms.
-@node Pragma Export_Object,Pragma Export_Procedure,Pragma Export_Function,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-export-object}@anchor{60}
-@section Pragma Export_Object
-pragma Export_Object
- [Internal =>] LOCAL_NAME
- [, [External =>] EXTERNAL_SYMBOL]
- [, [Size =>] EXTERNAL_SYMBOL]
-| static_string_EXPRESSION
-@end example
-This pragma designates an object as exported, and apart from the
-extended rules for external symbols, is identical in effect to the use of
-the normal @code{Export} pragma applied to an object. You may use a
-separate Export pragma (and you probably should from the point of view
-of portability), but it is not required. @code{Size} is syntax checked,
-but otherwise ignored by GNAT.
-@node Pragma Export_Procedure,Pragma Export_Valued_Procedure,Pragma Export_Object,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-export-procedure}@anchor{61}
-@section Pragma Export_Procedure
-pragma Export_Procedure (
- [Internal =>] LOCAL_NAME
- [, [External =>] EXTERNAL_SYMBOL]
- [, [Parameter_Types =>] PARAMETER_TYPES]
- [, [Mechanism =>] MECHANISM]);
-| static_string_EXPRESSION
-| ""
- null
- subtype_NAME
-| subtype_Name ' Access
- [formal_parameter_NAME =>] MECHANISM_NAME
-MECHANISM_NAME ::= Value | Reference
-@end example
-This pragma is identical to @code{Export_Function} except that it
-applies to a procedure rather than a function and the parameters
-@code{Result_Type} and @code{Result_Mechanism} are not permitted.
-GNAT does not require a separate pragma @code{Export}, but if none is
-present, @code{Convention Ada} is assumed, which is usually
-not what is wanted, so it is usually appropriate to use this
-pragma in conjunction with a @code{Export} or @code{Convention}
-pragma that specifies the desired foreign convention.
-@geindex Suppressing external name
-Special treatment is given if the EXTERNAL is an explicit null
-string or a static string expressions that evaluates to the null
-string. In this case, no external name is generated. This form
-still allows the specification of parameter mechanisms.
-@node Pragma Export_Valued_Procedure,Pragma Extend_System,Pragma Export_Procedure,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-export-valued-procedure}@anchor{62}
-@section Pragma Export_Valued_Procedure
-pragma Export_Valued_Procedure (
- [Internal =>] LOCAL_NAME
- [, [External =>] EXTERNAL_SYMBOL]
- [, [Parameter_Types =>] PARAMETER_TYPES]
- [, [Mechanism =>] MECHANISM]);
-| static_string_EXPRESSION
-| ""
- null
- subtype_NAME
-| subtype_Name ' Access
- [formal_parameter_NAME =>] MECHANISM_NAME
-MECHANISM_NAME ::= Value | Reference
-@end example
-This pragma is identical to @code{Export_Procedure} except that the
-first parameter of @code{LOCAL_NAME}, which must be present, must be of
-mode @code{out}, and externally the subprogram is treated as a function
-with this parameter as the result of the function. GNAT provides for
-this capability to allow the use of @code{out} and @code{in out}
-parameters in interfacing to external functions (which are not permitted
-in Ada functions).
-GNAT does not require a separate pragma @code{Export}, but if none is
-present, @code{Convention Ada} is assumed, which is almost certainly
-not what is wanted since the whole point of this pragma is to interface
-with foreign language functions, so it is usually appropriate to use this
-pragma in conjunction with a @code{Export} or @code{Convention}
-pragma that specifies the desired foreign convention.
-@geindex Suppressing external name
-Special treatment is given if the EXTERNAL is an explicit null
-string or a static string expressions that evaluates to the null
-string. In this case, no external name is generated. This form
-still allows the specification of parameter mechanisms.
-@node Pragma Extend_System,Pragma Extensions_Allowed,Pragma Export_Valued_Procedure,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-extend-system}@anchor{63}
-@section Pragma Extend_System
-@geindex System
-@geindex extending
-@geindex DEC Ada 83
-pragma Extend_System ([Name =>] IDENTIFIER);
-@end example
-This pragma is used to provide backwards compatibility with other
-implementations that extend the facilities of package @code{System}. In
-GNAT, @code{System} contains only the definitions that are present in
-the Ada RM. However, other implementations, notably the DEC Ada 83
-implementation, provide many extensions to package @code{System}.
-For each such implementation accommodated by this pragma, GNAT provides a
-package @code{Aux_@emph{xxx}}, e.g., @code{Aux_DEC} for the DEC Ada 83
-implementation, which provides the required additional definitions. You
-can use this package in two ways. You can @code{with} it in the normal
-way and access entities either by selection or using a @code{use}
-clause. In this case no special processing is required.
-However, if existing code contains references such as
-@code{System.@emph{xxx}} where @emph{xxx} is an entity in the extended
-definitions provided in package @code{System}, you may use this pragma
-to extend visibility in @code{System} in a non-standard way that
-provides greater compatibility with the existing code. Pragma
-@code{Extend_System} is a configuration pragma whose single argument is
-the name of the package containing the extended definition
-(e.g., @code{Aux_DEC} for the DEC Ada case). A unit compiled under
-control of this pragma will be processed using special visibility
-processing that looks in package @code{System.Aux_@emph{xxx}} where
-@code{Aux_@emph{xxx}} is the pragma argument for any entity referenced in
-package @code{System}, but not found in package @code{System}.
-You can use this pragma either to access a predefined @code{System}
-extension supplied with the compiler, for example @code{Aux_DEC} or
-you can construct your own extension unit following the above
-definition. Note that such a package is a child of @code{System}
-and thus is considered part of the implementation.
-To compile it you will have to use the @emph{-gnatg} switch
-for compiling System units, as explained in the
-GNAT User's Guide.
-@node Pragma Extensions_Allowed,Pragma Extensions_Visible,Pragma Extend_System,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-extensions-allowed}@anchor{64}
-@section Pragma Extensions_Allowed
-@geindex Ada Extensions
-@geindex GNAT Extensions
-pragma Extensions_Allowed (On | Off);
-@end example
-This configuration pragma enables or disables the implementation
-extension mode (the use of Off as a parameter cancels the effect
-of the @emph{-gnatX} command switch).
-In extension mode, the latest version of the Ada language is
-implemented (currently Ada 2022), and in addition a number
-of GNAT specific extensions are recognized as follows:
-@itemize *
-Constrained attribute for generic objects
-The @code{Constrained} attribute is permitted for objects of
-generic types. The result indicates if the corresponding actual
-is constrained.
-@code{Static} aspect on intrinsic functions
-The Ada 202x @code{Static} aspect can be specified on Intrinsic imported
-functions and the compiler will evaluate some of these intrinsic statically,
-in particular the @code{Shift_Left} and @code{Shift_Right} intrinsics.
-@code{'Reduce} attribute
-This attribute part of the Ada 202x language definition is provided for
-now under -gnatX to confirm and potentially refine its usage and syntax.
-@code{[]} aggregates
-This new aggregate syntax for arrays and containers is provided under -gnatX
-to experiment and confirm this new language syntax.
-Additional @code{when} constructs
-In addition to the @code{exit when CONDITION} control structure, several
-additional constructs are allowed following this format. Including
-@code{return when CONDITION}, @code{goto when CONDITION}, and
-@code{raise [with EXCEPTION_MESSAGE] when CONDITION.}
-Some examples:
-return Result when Variable > 10;
-raise Program_Error with "Element is null" when Element = null;
-goto End_Of_Subprogram when Variable = -1;
-@end example
-Casing on composite values (aka pattern matching)
-The selector for a case statement may be of a composite type, subject to
-some restrictions (described below). Aggregate syntax is used for choices
-of such a case statement; however, in cases where a "normal" aggregate would
-require a discrete value, a discrete subtype may be used instead; box
-notation can also be used to match all values (but currently only
-for discrete subcomponents).
-Consider this example:
-type Rec is record
- F1, F2 : Integer;
-end record;
-procedure Caser_1 (X : Rec) is
- case X is
- when (F1 => Positive, F2 => Positive) =>
- Do_This;
- when (F1 => Natural, F2 => <>) | (F1 => <>, F2 => Natural) =>
- Do_That;
- when others =>
- Do_The_Other_Thing;
- end case;
-end Caser_1;
-@end example
-If Caser_1 is called and both components of X are positive, then
-Do_This will be called; otherwise, if either component is nonnegative
-then Do_That will be called; otherwise, Do_The_Other_Thing will be called.
-If the set of values that match the choice(s) of an earlier alternative
-overlaps the corresponding set of a later alternative, then the first
-set shall be a proper subset of the second (and the later alternative
-will not be executed if the earlier alternative "matches"). All possible
-values of the composite type shall be covered. The composite type of the
-selector shall be a nonlimited untagged undiscriminated record type, all
-of whose subcomponent subtypes are either static discrete subtypes or
-record types that meet the same restrictions. Support for arrays is
-planned, but not yet implemented.
-In addition, pattern bindings are supported. This is a mechanism
-for binding a name to a component of a matching value for use within
-an alternative of a case statement. For a component association
-that occurs within a case choice, the expression may be followed by
-"is <identifier>". In the special case of a "box" component association,
-the identifier may instead be provided within the box. Either of these
-indicates that the given identifer denotes (a constant view of) the matching
-subcomponent of the case selector.
-Consider this example (which uses type Rec from the previous example):
-procedure Caser_2 (X : Rec) is
- case X is
- when (F1 => Positive is Abc, F2 => Positive) =>
- Do_This (Abc)
- when (F1 => Natural is N1, F2 => <N2>) |
- (F1 => <N2>, F2 => Natural is N1) =>
- Do_That (Param_1 => N1, Param_2 => N2);
- when others =>
- Do_The_Other_Thing;
- end case;
-end Caser_2;
-@end example
-This example is the same as the previous one with respect to
-determining whether Do_This, Do_That, or Do_The_Other_Thing will
-be called. But for this version, Do_This takes a parameter and Do_That
-takes two parameters. If Do_This is called, the actual parameter in the
-call will be X.F1.
-If Do_That is called, the situation is more complex because there are two
-choices for that alternative. If Do_That is called because the first choice
-matched (i.e., because X.F1 is nonnegative and either X.F1 or X.F2 is zero
-or negative), then the actual parameters of the call will be (in order)
-X.F1 and X.F2. If Do_That is called because the second choice matched (and
-the first one did not), then the actual parameters will be reversed.
-Within the choice list for single alternative, each choice must
-define the same set of bindings and the component subtypes for
-for a given identifer must all statically match. Currently, the case
-of a binding for a nondiscrete component is not implemented.
-Fixed lower bounds for array types and subtypes
-Unconstrained array types and subtypes can be specified with a lower bound
-that is fixed to a certain value, by writing an index range that uses the
-syntax "<lower-bound-expression> .. <>". This guarantees that all objects
-of the type or subtype will have the specified lower bound.
-For example, a matrix type with fixed lower bounds of zero for each
-dimension can be declared by the following:
-type Matrix is
- array (Natural range 0 .. <>, Natural range 0 .. <>) of Integer;
-@end example
-Objects of type Matrix declared with an index constraint must have index
-ranges starting at zero:
-M1 : Matrix (0 .. 9, 0 .. 19);
-M2 : Matrix (2 .. 11, 3 .. 22); -- Warning about bounds; will raise CE
-@end example
-Similarly, a subtype of String can be declared that specifies the lower
-bound of objects of that subtype to be 1:
-subtype String_1 is String (1 .. <>);
-@end example
-@end quotation
-If a string slice is passed to a formal of subtype String_1 in a call to
-a subprogram S, the slice's bounds will "slide" so that the lower bound
-is 1. Within S, the lower bound of the formal is known to be 1, so, unlike
-a normal unconstrained String formal, there is no need to worry about
-accounting for other possible lower-bound values. Sliding of bounds also
-occurs in other contexts, such as for object declarations with an
-unconstrained subtype with fixed lower bound, as well as in subtype
-Use of this feature increases safety by simplifying code, and can also
-improve the efficiency of indexing operations, since the compiler statically
-knows the lower bound of unconstrained array formals when the formal's
-subtype has index ranges with static fixed lower bounds.
-@end itemize
-@node Pragma Extensions_Visible,Pragma External,Pragma Extensions_Allowed,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas id12}@anchor{65}@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-extensions-visible}@anchor{66}
-@section Pragma Extensions_Visible
-pragma Extensions_Visible [ (boolean_EXPRESSION) ];
-@end example
-For the semantics of this pragma, see the entry for aspect @code{Extensions_Visible}
-in the SPARK 2014 Reference Manual, section 6.1.7.
-@node Pragma External,Pragma External_Name_Casing,Pragma Extensions_Visible,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-external}@anchor{67}
-@section Pragma External
-pragma External (
- [ Convention =>] convention_IDENTIFIER,
- [ Entity =>] LOCAL_NAME
- [, [External_Name =>] static_string_EXPRESSION ]
- [, [Link_Name =>] static_string_EXPRESSION ]);
-@end example
-This pragma is identical in syntax and semantics to pragma
-@code{Export} as defined in the Ada Reference Manual. It is
-provided for compatibility with some Ada 83 compilers that
-used this pragma for exactly the same purposes as pragma
-@code{Export} before the latter was standardized.
-@node Pragma External_Name_Casing,Pragma Fast_Math,Pragma External,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-external-name-casing}@anchor{68}
-@section Pragma External_Name_Casing
-@geindex Dec Ada 83 casing compatibility
-@geindex External Names
-@geindex casing
-@geindex Casing of External names
-pragma External_Name_Casing (
- Uppercase | Lowercase
- [, Uppercase | Lowercase | As_Is]);
-@end example
-This pragma provides control over the casing of external names associated
-with Import and Export pragmas. There are two cases to consider:
-@itemize *
-Implicit external names
-Implicit external names are derived from identifiers. The most common case
-arises when a standard Ada Import or Export pragma is used with only two
-arguments, as in:
-pragma Import (C, C_Routine);
-@end example
-Since Ada is a case-insensitive language, the spelling of the identifier in
-the Ada source program does not provide any information on the desired
-casing of the external name, and so a convention is needed. In GNAT the
-default treatment is that such names are converted to all lower case
-letters. This corresponds to the normal C style in many environments.
-The first argument of pragma @code{External_Name_Casing} can be used to
-control this treatment. If @code{Uppercase} is specified, then the name
-will be forced to all uppercase letters. If @code{Lowercase} is specified,
-then the normal default of all lower case letters will be used.
-This same implicit treatment is also used in the case of extended DEC Ada 83
-compatible Import and Export pragmas where an external name is explicitly
-specified using an identifier rather than a string.
-Explicit external names
-Explicit external names are given as string literals. The most common case
-arises when a standard Ada Import or Export pragma is used with three
-arguments, as in:
-pragma Import (C, C_Routine, "C_routine");
-@end example
-In this case, the string literal normally provides the exact casing required
-for the external name. The second argument of pragma
-@code{External_Name_Casing} may be used to modify this behavior.
-If @code{Uppercase} is specified, then the name
-will be forced to all uppercase letters. If @code{Lowercase} is specified,
-then the name will be forced to all lowercase letters. A specification of
-@code{As_Is} provides the normal default behavior in which the casing is
-taken from the string provided.
-@end itemize
-This pragma may appear anywhere that a pragma is valid. In particular, it
-can be used as a configuration pragma in the @code{gnat.adc} file, in which
-case it applies to all subsequent compilations, or it can be used as a program
-unit pragma, in which case it only applies to the current unit, or it can
-be used more locally to control individual Import/Export pragmas.
-It was primarily intended for use with OpenVMS systems, where many
-compilers convert all symbols to upper case by default. For interfacing to
-such compilers (e.g., the DEC C compiler), it may be convenient to use
-the pragma:
-pragma External_Name_Casing (Uppercase, Uppercase);
-@end example
-to enforce the upper casing of all external symbols.
-@node Pragma Fast_Math,Pragma Favor_Top_Level,Pragma External_Name_Casing,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-fast-math}@anchor{69}
-@section Pragma Fast_Math
-pragma Fast_Math;
-@end example
-This is a configuration pragma which activates a mode in which speed is
-considered more important for floating-point operations than absolutely
-accurate adherence to the requirements of the standard. Currently the
-following operations are affected:
-@table @asis
-@item @emph{Complex Multiplication}
-The normal simple formula for complex multiplication can result in intermediate
-overflows for numbers near the end of the range. The Ada standard requires that
-this situation be detected and corrected by scaling, but in Fast_Math mode such
-cases will simply result in overflow. Note that to take advantage of this you
-must instantiate your own version of @code{Ada.Numerics.Generic_Complex_Types}
-under control of the pragma, rather than use the preinstantiated versions.
-@end table
-@node Pragma Favor_Top_Level,Pragma Finalize_Storage_Only,Pragma Fast_Math,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas id13}@anchor{6a}@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-favor-top-level}@anchor{6b}
-@section Pragma Favor_Top_Level
-pragma Favor_Top_Level (type_NAME);
-@end example
-The argument of pragma @code{Favor_Top_Level} must be a named access-to-subprogram
-type. This pragma is an efficiency hint to the compiler, regarding the use of
-@code{'Access} or @code{'Unrestricted_Access} on nested (non-library-level) subprograms.
-The pragma means that nested subprograms are not used with this type, or are
-rare, so that the generated code should be efficient in the top-level case.
-When this pragma is used, dynamically generated trampolines may be used on some
-targets for nested subprograms. See restriction @code{No_Implicit_Dynamic_Code}.
-@node Pragma Finalize_Storage_Only,Pragma Float_Representation,Pragma Favor_Top_Level,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-finalize-storage-only}@anchor{6c}
-@section Pragma Finalize_Storage_Only
-pragma Finalize_Storage_Only (first_subtype_LOCAL_NAME);
-@end example
-The argument of pragma @code{Finalize_Storage_Only} must denote a local type which
-is derived from @code{Ada.Finalization.Controlled} or @code{Limited_Controlled}. The
-pragma suppresses the call to @code{Finalize} for declared library-level objects
-of the argument type. This is mostly useful for types where finalization is
-only used to deal with storage reclamation since in most environments it is
-not necessary to reclaim memory just before terminating execution, hence the
-name. Note that this pragma does not suppress Finalize calls for library-level
-heap-allocated objects (see pragma @code{No_Heap_Finalization}).
-@node Pragma Float_Representation,Pragma Ghost,Pragma Finalize_Storage_Only,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-float-representation}@anchor{6d}
-@section Pragma Float_Representation
-pragma Float_Representation (FLOAT_REP[, float_type_LOCAL_NAME]);
-FLOAT_REP ::= VAX_Float | IEEE_Float
-@end example
-In the one argument form, this pragma is a configuration pragma which
-allows control over the internal representation chosen for the predefined
-floating point types declared in the packages @code{Standard} and
-@code{System}. This pragma is only provided for compatibility and has no effect.
-The two argument form specifies the representation to be used for
-the specified floating-point type. The argument must
-be @code{IEEE_Float} to specify the use of IEEE format, as follows:
-@itemize *
-For a digits value of 6, 32-bit IEEE short format will be used.
-For a digits value of 15, 64-bit IEEE long format will be used.
-No other value of digits is permitted.
-@end itemize
-@node Pragma Ghost,Pragma Global,Pragma Float_Representation,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-ghost}@anchor{6e}@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas id14}@anchor{6f}
-@section Pragma Ghost
-pragma Ghost [ (boolean_EXPRESSION) ];
-@end example
-For the semantics of this pragma, see the entry for aspect @code{Ghost} in the SPARK
-2014 Reference Manual, section 6.9.
-@node Pragma Global,Pragma Ident,Pragma Ghost,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-global}@anchor{70}@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas id15}@anchor{71}
-@section Pragma Global
- null
-MODE_SELECTOR ::= In_Out | Input | Output | Proof_In
-@end example
-For the semantics of this pragma, see the entry for aspect @code{Global} in the
-SPARK 2014 Reference Manual, section 6.1.4.
-@node Pragma Ident,Pragma Ignore_Pragma,Pragma Global,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-ident}@anchor{72}
-@section Pragma Ident
-pragma Ident (static_string_EXPRESSION);
-@end example
-This pragma is identical in effect to pragma @code{Comment}. It is provided
-for compatibility with other Ada compilers providing this pragma.
-@node Pragma Ignore_Pragma,Pragma Implementation_Defined,Pragma Ident,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-ignore-pragma}@anchor{73}
-@section Pragma Ignore_Pragma
-pragma Ignore_Pragma (pragma_IDENTIFIER);
-@end example
-This is a configuration pragma
-that takes a single argument that is a simple identifier. Any subsequent
-use of a pragma whose pragma identifier matches this argument will be
-silently ignored. This may be useful when legacy code or code intended
-for compilation with some other compiler contains pragmas that match the
-name, but not the exact implementation, of a GNAT pragma. The use of this
-pragma allows such pragmas to be ignored, which may be useful in CodePeer
-mode, or during porting of legacy code.
-@node Pragma Implementation_Defined,Pragma Implemented,Pragma Ignore_Pragma,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-implementation-defined}@anchor{74}
-@section Pragma Implementation_Defined
-pragma Implementation_Defined (local_NAME);
-@end example
-This pragma marks a previously declared entity as implementation-defined.
-For an overloaded entity, applies to the most recent homonym.
-pragma Implementation_Defined;
-@end example
-The form with no arguments appears anywhere within a scope, most
-typically a package spec, and indicates that all entities that are
-defined within the package spec are Implementation_Defined.
-This pragma is used within the GNAT runtime library to identify
-implementation-defined entities introduced in language-defined units,
-for the purpose of implementing the No_Implementation_Identifiers
-@node Pragma Implemented,Pragma Implicit_Packing,Pragma Implementation_Defined,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-implemented}@anchor{75}
-@section Pragma Implemented
-pragma Implemented (procedure_LOCAL_NAME, implementation_kind);
-implementation_kind ::= By_Entry | By_Protected_Procedure | By_Any
-@end example
-This is an Ada 2012 representation pragma which applies to protected, task
-and synchronized interface primitives. The use of pragma Implemented provides
-a way to impose a static requirement on the overriding operation by adhering
-to one of the three implementation kinds: entry, protected procedure or any of
-the above. This pragma is available in all earlier versions of Ada as an
-implementation-defined pragma.
-type Synch_Iface is synchronized interface;
-procedure Prim_Op (Obj : in out Iface) is abstract;
-pragma Implemented (Prim_Op, By_Protected_Procedure);
-protected type Prot_1 is new Synch_Iface with
- procedure Prim_Op; -- Legal
-end Prot_1;
-protected type Prot_2 is new Synch_Iface with
- entry Prim_Op; -- Illegal
-end Prot_2;
-task type Task_Typ is new Synch_Iface with
- entry Prim_Op; -- Illegal
-end Task_Typ;
-@end example
-When applied to the procedure_or_entry_NAME of a requeue statement, pragma
-Implemented determines the runtime behavior of the requeue. Implementation kind
-By_Entry guarantees that the action of requeueing will proceed from an entry to
-another entry. Implementation kind By_Protected_Procedure transforms the
-requeue into a dispatching call, thus eliminating the chance of blocking. Kind
-By_Any shares the behavior of By_Entry and By_Protected_Procedure depending on
-the target's overriding subprogram kind.
-@node Pragma Implicit_Packing,Pragma Import_Function,Pragma Implemented,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-implicit-packing}@anchor{76}
-@section Pragma Implicit_Packing
-@geindex Rational Profile
-pragma Implicit_Packing;
-@end example
-This is a configuration pragma that requests implicit packing for packed
-arrays for which a size clause is given but no explicit pragma Pack or
-specification of Component_Size is present. It also applies to records
-where no record representation clause is present. Consider this example:
-type R is array (0 .. 7) of Boolean;
-for R'Size use 8;
-@end example
-In accordance with the recommendation in the RM (RM 13.3(53)), a Size clause
-does not change the layout of a composite object. So the Size clause in the
-above example is normally rejected, since the default layout of the array uses
-8-bit components, and thus the array requires a minimum of 64 bits.
-If this declaration is compiled in a region of code covered by an occurrence
-of the configuration pragma Implicit_Packing, then the Size clause in this
-and similar examples will cause implicit packing and thus be accepted. For
-this implicit packing to occur, the type in question must be an array of small
-components whose size is known at compile time, and the Size clause must
-specify the exact size that corresponds to the number of elements in the array
-multiplied by the size in bits of the component type (both single and
-multi-dimensioned arrays can be controlled with this pragma).
-@geindex Array packing
-Similarly, the following example shows the use in the record case
-type r is record
- a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h : boolean;
- chr : character;
-end record;
-for r'size use 16;
-@end example
-Without a pragma Pack, each Boolean field requires 8 bits, so the
-minimum size is 72 bits, but with a pragma Pack, 16 bits would be
-sufficient. The use of pragma Implicit_Packing allows this record
-declaration to compile without an explicit pragma Pack.
-@node Pragma Import_Function,Pragma Import_Object,Pragma Implicit_Packing,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-import-function}@anchor{77}
-@section Pragma Import_Function
-pragma Import_Function (
- [Internal =>] LOCAL_NAME,
- [, [External =>] EXTERNAL_SYMBOL]
- [, [Parameter_Types =>] PARAMETER_TYPES]
- [, [Result_Type =>] SUBTYPE_MARK]
- [, [Mechanism =>] MECHANISM]
- [, [Result_Mechanism =>] MECHANISM_NAME]);
-| static_string_EXPRESSION
- null
- subtype_NAME
-| subtype_Name ' Access
- [formal_parameter_NAME =>] MECHANISM_NAME
- Value
-| Reference
-@end example
-This pragma is used in conjunction with a pragma @code{Import} to
-specify additional information for an imported function. The pragma
-@code{Import} (or equivalent pragma @code{Interface}) must precede the
-@code{Import_Function} pragma and both must appear in the same
-declarative part as the function specification.
-The @code{Internal} argument must uniquely designate
-the function to which the
-pragma applies. If more than one function name exists of this name in
-the declarative part you must use the @code{Parameter_Types} and
-@code{Result_Type} parameters to achieve the required unique
-designation. Subtype marks in these parameters must exactly match the
-subtypes in the corresponding function specification, using positional
-notation to match parameters with subtype marks.
-The form with an @code{'Access} attribute can be used to match an
-anonymous access parameter.
-You may optionally use the @code{Mechanism} and @code{Result_Mechanism}
-parameters to specify passing mechanisms for the
-parameters and result. If you specify a single mechanism name, it
-applies to all parameters. Otherwise you may specify a mechanism on a
-parameter by parameter basis using either positional or named
-notation. If the mechanism is not specified, the default mechanism
-is used.
-@node Pragma Import_Object,Pragma Import_Procedure,Pragma Import_Function,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-import-object}@anchor{78}
-@section Pragma Import_Object
-pragma Import_Object
- [Internal =>] LOCAL_NAME
- [, [External =>] EXTERNAL_SYMBOL]
- [, [Size =>] EXTERNAL_SYMBOL]);
-| static_string_EXPRESSION
-@end example
-This pragma designates an object as imported, and apart from the
-extended rules for external symbols, is identical in effect to the use of
-the normal @code{Import} pragma applied to an object. Unlike the
-subprogram case, you need not use a separate @code{Import} pragma,
-although you may do so (and probably should do so from a portability
-point of view). @code{size} is syntax checked, but otherwise ignored by
-@node Pragma Import_Procedure,Pragma Import_Valued_Procedure,Pragma Import_Object,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-import-procedure}@anchor{79}
-@section Pragma Import_Procedure
-pragma Import_Procedure (
- [Internal =>] LOCAL_NAME
- [, [External =>] EXTERNAL_SYMBOL]
- [, [Parameter_Types =>] PARAMETER_TYPES]
- [, [Mechanism =>] MECHANISM]);
-| static_string_EXPRESSION
- null
- subtype_NAME
-| subtype_Name ' Access
- [formal_parameter_NAME =>] MECHANISM_NAME
-MECHANISM_NAME ::= Value | Reference
-@end example
-This pragma is identical to @code{Import_Function} except that it
-applies to a procedure rather than a function and the parameters
-@code{Result_Type} and @code{Result_Mechanism} are not permitted.
-@node Pragma Import_Valued_Procedure,Pragma Independent,Pragma Import_Procedure,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-import-valued-procedure}@anchor{7a}
-@section Pragma Import_Valued_Procedure
-pragma Import_Valued_Procedure (
- [Internal =>] LOCAL_NAME
- [, [External =>] EXTERNAL_SYMBOL]
- [, [Parameter_Types =>] PARAMETER_TYPES]
- [, [Mechanism =>] MECHANISM]);
-| static_string_EXPRESSION
- null
- subtype_NAME
-| subtype_Name ' Access
- [formal_parameter_NAME =>] MECHANISM_NAME
-MECHANISM_NAME ::= Value | Reference
-@end example
-This pragma is identical to @code{Import_Procedure} except that the
-first parameter of @code{LOCAL_NAME}, which must be present, must be of
-mode @code{out}, and externally the subprogram is treated as a function
-with this parameter as the result of the function. The purpose of this
-capability is to allow the use of @code{out} and @code{in out}
-parameters in interfacing to external functions (which are not permitted
-in Ada functions). You may optionally use the @code{Mechanism}
-parameters to specify passing mechanisms for the parameters.
-If you specify a single mechanism name, it applies to all parameters.
-Otherwise you may specify a mechanism on a parameter by parameter
-basis using either positional or named notation. If the mechanism is not
-specified, the default mechanism is used.
-Note that it is important to use this pragma in conjunction with a separate
-pragma Import that specifies the desired convention, since otherwise the
-default convention is Ada, which is almost certainly not what is required.
-@node Pragma Independent,Pragma Independent_Components,Pragma Import_Valued_Procedure,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-independent}@anchor{7b}
-@section Pragma Independent
-pragma Independent (Local_NAME);
-@end example
-This pragma is standard in Ada 2012 mode (which also provides an aspect
-of the same name). It is also available as an implementation-defined
-pragma in all earlier versions. It specifies that the
-designated object or all objects of the designated type must be
-independently addressable. This means that separate tasks can safely
-manipulate such objects. For example, if two components of a record are
-independent, then two separate tasks may access these two components.
-This may place
-constraints on the representation of the object (for instance prohibiting
-tight packing).
-@node Pragma Independent_Components,Pragma Initial_Condition,Pragma Independent,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-independent-components}@anchor{7c}
-@section Pragma Independent_Components
-pragma Independent_Components (Local_NAME);
-@end example
-This pragma is standard in Ada 2012 mode (which also provides an aspect
-of the same name). It is also available as an implementation-defined
-pragma in all earlier versions. It specifies that the components of the
-designated object, or the components of each object of the designated
-type, must be
-independently addressable. This means that separate tasks can safely
-manipulate separate components in the composite object. This may place
-constraints on the representation of the object (for instance prohibiting
-tight packing).
-@node Pragma Initial_Condition,Pragma Initialize_Scalars,Pragma Independent_Components,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas id16}@anchor{7d}@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-initial-condition}@anchor{7e}
-@section Pragma Initial_Condition
-pragma Initial_Condition (boolean_EXPRESSION);
-@end example
-For the semantics of this pragma, see the entry for aspect @code{Initial_Condition}
-in the SPARK 2014 Reference Manual, section 7.1.6.
-@node Pragma Initialize_Scalars,Pragma Initializes,Pragma Initial_Condition,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-initialize-scalars}@anchor{7f}
-@section Pragma Initialize_Scalars
-@geindex debugging with Initialize_Scalars
-pragma Initialize_Scalars
- Short_Float
-| Float
-| Long_Float
-| Long_Long_Flat
-| Signed_8
-| Signed_16
-| Signed_32
-| Signed_64
-| Unsigned_8
-| Unsigned_16
-| Unsigned_32
-| Unsigned_64
-@end example
-This pragma is similar to @code{Normalize_Scalars} conceptually but has two
-important differences.
-First, there is no requirement for the pragma to be used uniformly in all units
-of a partition. In particular, it is fine to use this just for some or all of
-the application units of a partition, without needing to recompile the run-time
-library. In the case where some units are compiled with the pragma, and some
-without, then a declaration of a variable where the type is defined in package
-Standard or is locally declared will always be subject to initialization, as
-will any declaration of a scalar variable. For composite variables, whether the
-variable is initialized may also depend on whether the package in which the
-type of the variable is declared is compiled with the pragma.
-The other important difference is that the programmer can control the value
-used for initializing scalar objects. This effect can be achieved in several
-different ways:
-@itemize *
-At compile time, the programmer can specify the invalid value for a
-particular family of scalar types using the optional arguments of the pragma.
-The compile-time approach is intended to optimize the generated code for the
-pragma, by possibly using fast operations such as @code{memset}. Note that such
-optimizations require using values where the bytes all have the same binary
-At bind time, the programmer has several options:
-@itemize *
-Initialization with invalid values (similar to Normalize_Scalars, though
-for Initialize_Scalars it is not always possible to determine the invalid
-values in complex cases like signed component fields with nonstandard
-Initialization with high values.
-Initialization with low values.
-Initialization with a specific bit pattern.
-@end itemize
-See the GNAT User's Guide for binder options for specifying these cases.
-The bind-time approach is intended to provide fast turnaround for testing
-with different values, without having to recompile the program.
-At execution time, the programmer can specify the invalid values using an
-environment variable. See the GNAT User's Guide for details.
-The execution-time approach is intended to provide fast turnaround for
-testing with different values, without having to recompile and rebind the
-@end itemize
-Note that pragma @code{Initialize_Scalars} is particularly useful in conjunction
-with the enhanced validity checking that is now provided in GNAT, which checks
-for invalid values under more conditions. Using this feature (see description
-of the @emph{-gnatV} flag in the GNAT User's Guide) in conjunction with pragma
-@code{Initialize_Scalars} provides a powerful new tool to assist in the detection
-of problems caused by uninitialized variables.
-Note: the use of @code{Initialize_Scalars} has a fairly extensive effect on the
-generated code. This may cause your code to be substantially larger. It may
-also cause an increase in the amount of stack required, so it is probably a
-good idea to turn on stack checking (see description of stack checking in the
-GNAT User's Guide) when using this pragma.
-@node Pragma Initializes,Pragma Inline_Always,Pragma Initialize_Scalars,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-initializes}@anchor{80}@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas id17}@anchor{81}
-@section Pragma Initializes
-pragma Initializes (INITIALIZATION_LIST);
- null
- null
- | (INPUT @{, INPUT@})
-INPUT ::= name
-@end example
-For the semantics of this pragma, see the entry for aspect @code{Initializes} in the
-SPARK 2014 Reference Manual, section 7.1.5.
-@node Pragma Inline_Always,Pragma Inline_Generic,Pragma Initializes,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas id18}@anchor{82}@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-inline-always}@anchor{83}
-@section Pragma Inline_Always
-pragma Inline_Always (NAME [, NAME]);
-@end example
-Similar to pragma @code{Inline} except that inlining is unconditional.
-Inline_Always instructs the compiler to inline every direct call to the
-subprogram or else to emit a compilation error, independently of any
-option, in particular @emph{-gnatn} or @emph{-gnatN} or the optimization level.
-It is an error to take the address or access of @code{NAME}. It is also an error to
-apply this pragma to a primitive operation of a tagged type. Thanks to such
-restrictions, the compiler is allowed to remove the out-of-line body of @code{NAME}.
-@node Pragma Inline_Generic,Pragma Interface,Pragma Inline_Always,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-inline-generic}@anchor{84}
-@section Pragma Inline_Generic
-pragma Inline_Generic (GNAME @{, GNAME@});
-GNAME ::= generic_unit_NAME | generic_instance_NAME
-@end example
-This pragma is provided for compatibility with Dec Ada 83. It has
-no effect in GNAT (which always inlines generics), other
-than to check that the given names are all names of generic units or
-generic instances.
-@node Pragma Interface,Pragma Interface_Name,Pragma Inline_Generic,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-interface}@anchor{85}
-@section Pragma Interface
-pragma Interface (
- [Convention =>] convention_identifier,
- [Entity =>] local_NAME
- [, [External_Name =>] static_string_expression]
- [, [Link_Name =>] static_string_expression]);
-@end example
-This pragma is identical in syntax and semantics to
-the standard Ada pragma @code{Import}. It is provided for compatibility
-with Ada 83. The definition is upwards compatible both with pragma
-@code{Interface} as defined in the Ada 83 Reference Manual, and also
-with some extended implementations of this pragma in certain Ada 83
-implementations. The only difference between pragma @code{Interface}
-and pragma @code{Import} is that there is special circuitry to allow
-both pragmas to appear for the same subprogram entity (normally it
-is illegal to have multiple @code{Import} pragmas. This is useful in
-maintaining Ada 83/Ada 95 compatibility and is compatible with other
-Ada 83 compilers.
-@node Pragma Interface_Name,Pragma Interrupt_Handler,Pragma Interface,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-interface-name}@anchor{86}
-@section Pragma Interface_Name
-pragma Interface_Name (
- [Entity =>] LOCAL_NAME
- [, [External_Name =>] static_string_EXPRESSION]
- [, [Link_Name =>] static_string_EXPRESSION]);
-@end example
-This pragma provides an alternative way of specifying the interface name
-for an interfaced subprogram, and is provided for compatibility with Ada
-83 compilers that use the pragma for this purpose. You must provide at
-least one of @code{External_Name} or @code{Link_Name}.
-@node Pragma Interrupt_Handler,Pragma Interrupt_State,Pragma Interface_Name,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-interrupt-handler}@anchor{87}
-@section Pragma Interrupt_Handler
-pragma Interrupt_Handler (procedure_LOCAL_NAME);
-@end example
-This program unit pragma is supported for parameterless protected procedures
-as described in Annex C of the Ada Reference Manual.
-@node Pragma Interrupt_State,Pragma Invariant,Pragma Interrupt_Handler,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-interrupt-state}@anchor{88}
-@section Pragma Interrupt_State
-pragma Interrupt_State
- ([Name =>] value,
- [State =>] SYSTEM | RUNTIME | USER);
-@end example
-Normally certain interrupts are reserved to the implementation. Any attempt
-to attach an interrupt causes Program_Error to be raised, as described in
-RM C.3.2(22). A typical example is the @code{SIGINT} interrupt used in
-many systems for an @code{Ctrl-C} interrupt. Normally this interrupt is
-reserved to the implementation, so that @code{Ctrl-C} can be used to
-interrupt execution. Additionally, signals such as @code{SIGSEGV},
-@code{SIGABRT}, @code{SIGFPE} and @code{SIGILL} are often mapped to specific
-Ada exceptions, or used to implement run-time functions such as the
-@code{abort} statement and stack overflow checking.
-Pragma @code{Interrupt_State} provides a general mechanism for overriding
-such uses of interrupts. It subsumes the functionality of pragma
-@code{Unreserve_All_Interrupts}. Pragma @code{Interrupt_State} is not
-available on Windows. On all other platforms than VxWorks,
-it applies to signals; on VxWorks, it applies to vectored hardware interrupts
-and may be used to mark interrupts required by the board support package
-as reserved.
-Interrupts can be in one of three states:
-@itemize *
-The interrupt is reserved (no Ada handler can be installed), and the
-Ada run-time may not install a handler. As a result you are guaranteed
-standard system default action if this interrupt is raised. This also allows
-installing a low level handler via C APIs such as sigaction(), outside
-of Ada control.
-The interrupt is reserved (no Ada handler can be installed). The run time
-is allowed to install a handler for internal control purposes, but is
-not required to do so.
-The interrupt is unreserved. The user may install an Ada handler via
-Ada.Interrupts and pragma Interrupt_Handler or Attach_Handler to provide
-some other action.
-@end itemize
-These states are the allowed values of the @code{State} parameter of the
-pragma. The @code{Name} parameter is a value of the type
-@code{Ada.Interrupts.Interrupt_ID}. Typically, it is a name declared in
-This is a configuration pragma, and the binder will check that there
-are no inconsistencies between different units in a partition in how a
-given interrupt is specified. It may appear anywhere a pragma is legal.
-The effect is to move the interrupt to the specified state.
-By declaring interrupts to be SYSTEM, you guarantee the standard system
-action, such as a core dump.
-By declaring interrupts to be USER, you guarantee that you can install
-a handler.
-Note that certain signals on many operating systems cannot be caught and
-handled by applications. In such cases, the pragma is ignored. See the
-operating system documentation, or the value of the array @code{Reserved}
-declared in the spec of package @code{System.OS_Interface}.
-Overriding the default state of signals used by the Ada runtime may interfere
-with an application's runtime behavior in the cases of the synchronous signals,
-and in the case of the signal used to implement the @code{abort} statement.
-@node Pragma Invariant,Pragma Keep_Names,Pragma Interrupt_State,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas id19}@anchor{89}@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-invariant}@anchor{8a}
-@section Pragma Invariant
-pragma Invariant
- ([Entity =>] private_type_LOCAL_NAME,
- [Check =>] EXPRESSION
- [,[Message =>] String_Expression]);
-@end example
-This pragma provides exactly the same capabilities as the Type_Invariant aspect
-defined in AI05-0146-1, and in the Ada 2012 Reference Manual. The
-Type_Invariant aspect is fully implemented in Ada 2012 mode, but since it
-requires the use of the aspect syntax, which is not available except in 2012
-mode, it is not possible to use the Type_Invariant aspect in earlier versions
-of Ada. However the Invariant pragma may be used in any version of Ada. Also
-note that the aspect Invariant is a synonym in GNAT for the aspect
-Type_Invariant, but there is no pragma Type_Invariant.
-The pragma must appear within the visible part of the package specification,
-after the type to which its Entity argument appears. As with the Invariant
-aspect, the Check expression is not analyzed until the end of the visible
-part of the package, so it may contain forward references. The Message
-argument, if present, provides the exception message used if the invariant
-is violated. If no Message parameter is provided, a default message that
-identifies the line on which the pragma appears is used.
-It is permissible to have multiple Invariants for the same type entity, in
-which case they are and'ed together. It is permissible to use this pragma
-in Ada 2012 mode, but you cannot have both an invariant aspect and an
-invariant pragma for the same entity.
-For further details on the use of this pragma, see the Ada 2012 documentation
-of the Type_Invariant aspect.
-@node Pragma Keep_Names,Pragma License,Pragma Invariant,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-keep-names}@anchor{8b}
-@section Pragma Keep_Names
-pragma Keep_Names ([On =>] enumeration_first_subtype_LOCAL_NAME);
-@end example
-The @code{LOCAL_NAME} argument
-must refer to an enumeration first subtype
-in the current declarative part. The effect is to retain the enumeration
-literal names for use by @code{Image} and @code{Value} even if a global
-@code{Discard_Names} pragma applies. This is useful when you want to
-generally suppress enumeration literal names and for example you therefore
-use a @code{Discard_Names} pragma in the @code{gnat.adc} file, but you
-want to retain the names for specific enumeration types.
-@node Pragma License,Pragma Link_With,Pragma Keep_Names,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-license}@anchor{8c}
-@section Pragma License
-@geindex License checking
-pragma License (Unrestricted | GPL | Modified_GPL | Restricted);
-@end example
-This pragma is provided to allow automated checking for appropriate license
-conditions with respect to the standard and modified GPL. A pragma
-@code{License}, which is a configuration pragma that typically appears at
-the start of a source file or in a separate @code{gnat.adc} file, specifies
-the licensing conditions of a unit as follows:
-@itemize *
-This is used for a unit that can be freely used with no license restrictions.
-Examples of such units are public domain units, and units from the Ada
-Reference Manual.
-This is used for a unit that is licensed under the unmodified GPL, and which
-therefore cannot be @code{with}ed by a restricted unit.
-This is used for a unit licensed under the GNAT modified GPL that includes
-a special exception paragraph that specifically permits the inclusion of
-the unit in programs without requiring the entire program to be released
-under the GPL.
-This is used for a unit that is restricted in that it is not permitted to
-depend on units that are licensed under the GPL. Typical examples are
-proprietary code that is to be released under more restrictive license
-conditions. Note that restricted units are permitted to @code{with} units
-which are licensed under the modified GPL (this is the whole point of the
-modified GPL).
-@end itemize
-Normally a unit with no @code{License} pragma is considered to have an
-unknown license, and no checking is done. However, standard GNAT headers
-are recognized, and license information is derived from them as follows.
-A GNAT license header starts with a line containing 78 hyphens. The following
-comment text is searched for the appearance of any of the following strings.
-If the string 'GNU General Public License' is found, then the unit is assumed
-to have GPL license, unless the string 'As a special exception' follows, in
-which case the license is assumed to be modified GPL.
-If one of the strings
-'This specification is adapted from the Ada Semantic Interface' or
-'This specification is derived from the Ada Reference Manual' is found
-then the unit is assumed to be unrestricted.
-These default actions means that a program with a restricted license pragma
-will automatically get warnings if a GPL unit is inappropriately
-@code{with}ed. For example, the program:
-with Sem_Ch3;
-with GNAT.Sockets;
-procedure Secret_Stuff is
- ...
-end Secret_Stuff
-@end example
-if compiled with pragma @code{License} (@code{Restricted}) in a
-@code{gnat.adc} file will generate the warning:
-1. with Sem_Ch3;
- |
- >>> license of withed unit "Sem_Ch3" is incompatible
-2. with GNAT.Sockets;
-3. procedure Secret_Stuff is
-@end example
-Here we get a warning on @code{Sem_Ch3} since it is part of the GNAT
-compiler and is licensed under the
-GPL, but no warning for @code{GNAT.Sockets} which is part of the GNAT
-run time, and is therefore licensed under the modified GPL.
-@node Pragma Link_With,Pragma Linker_Alias,Pragma License,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-link-with}@anchor{8d}
-@section Pragma Link_With
-pragma Link_With (static_string_EXPRESSION @{,static_string_EXPRESSION@});
-@end example
-This pragma is provided for compatibility with certain Ada 83 compilers.
-It has exactly the same effect as pragma @code{Linker_Options} except
-that spaces occurring within one of the string expressions are treated
-as separators. For example, in the following case:
-pragma Link_With ("-labc -ldef");
-@end example
-results in passing the strings @code{-labc} and @code{-ldef} as two
-separate arguments to the linker. In addition pragma Link_With allows
-multiple arguments, with the same effect as successive pragmas.
-@node Pragma Linker_Alias,Pragma Linker_Constructor,Pragma Link_With,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-linker-alias}@anchor{8e}
-@section Pragma Linker_Alias
-pragma Linker_Alias (
- [Entity =>] LOCAL_NAME,
- [Target =>] static_string_EXPRESSION);
-@end example
-@code{LOCAL_NAME} must refer to an object that is declared at the library
-level. This pragma establishes the given entity as a linker alias for the
-given target. It is equivalent to @code{__attribute__((alias))} in GNU C
-and causes @code{LOCAL_NAME} to be emitted as an alias for the symbol
-@code{static_string_EXPRESSION} in the object file, that is to say no space
-is reserved for @code{LOCAL_NAME} by the assembler and it will be resolved
-to the same address as @code{static_string_EXPRESSION} by the linker.
-The actual linker name for the target must be used (e.g., the fully
-encoded name with qualification in Ada, or the mangled name in C++),
-or it must be declared using the C convention with @code{pragma Import}
-or @code{pragma Export}.
-Not all target machines support this pragma. On some of them it is accepted
-only if @code{pragma Weak_External} has been applied to @code{LOCAL_NAME}.
--- Example of the use of pragma Linker_Alias
-package p is
- i : Integer := 1;
- pragma Export (C, i);
- new_name_for_i : Integer;
- pragma Linker_Alias (new_name_for_i, "i");
-end p;
-@end example
-@node Pragma Linker_Constructor,Pragma Linker_Destructor,Pragma Linker_Alias,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-linker-constructor}@anchor{8f}
-@section Pragma Linker_Constructor
-pragma Linker_Constructor (procedure_LOCAL_NAME);
-@end example
-@code{procedure_LOCAL_NAME} must refer to a parameterless procedure that
-is declared at the library level. A procedure to which this pragma is
-applied will be treated as an initialization routine by the linker.
-It is equivalent to @code{__attribute__((constructor))} in GNU C and
-causes @code{procedure_LOCAL_NAME} to be invoked before the entry point
-of the executable is called (or immediately after the shared library is
-loaded if the procedure is linked in a shared library), in particular
-before the Ada run-time environment is set up.
-Because of these specific contexts, the set of operations such a procedure
-can perform is very limited and the type of objects it can manipulate is
-essentially restricted to the elementary types. In particular, it must only
-contain code to which pragma Restrictions (No_Elaboration_Code) applies.
-This pragma is used by GNAT to implement auto-initialization of shared Stand
-Alone Libraries, which provides a related capability without the restrictions
-listed above. Where possible, the use of Stand Alone Libraries is preferable
-to the use of this pragma.
-@node Pragma Linker_Destructor,Pragma Linker_Section,Pragma Linker_Constructor,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-linker-destructor}@anchor{90}
-@section Pragma Linker_Destructor
-pragma Linker_Destructor (procedure_LOCAL_NAME);
-@end example
-@code{procedure_LOCAL_NAME} must refer to a parameterless procedure that
-is declared at the library level. A procedure to which this pragma is
-applied will be treated as a finalization routine by the linker.
-It is equivalent to @code{__attribute__((destructor))} in GNU C and
-causes @code{procedure_LOCAL_NAME} to be invoked after the entry point
-of the executable has exited (or immediately before the shared library
-is unloaded if the procedure is linked in a shared library), in particular
-after the Ada run-time environment is shut down.
-See @code{pragma Linker_Constructor} for the set of restrictions that apply
-because of these specific contexts.
-@node Pragma Linker_Section,Pragma Lock_Free,Pragma Linker_Destructor,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas id20}@anchor{91}@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-linker-section}@anchor{92}
-@section Pragma Linker_Section
-pragma Linker_Section (
- [Entity =>] LOCAL_NAME,
- [Section =>] static_string_EXPRESSION);
-@end example
-@code{LOCAL_NAME} must refer to an object, type, or subprogram that is
-declared at the library level. This pragma specifies the name of the
-linker section for the given entity. It is equivalent to
-@code{__attribute__((section))} in GNU C and causes @code{LOCAL_NAME} to
-be placed in the @code{static_string_EXPRESSION} section of the
-executable (assuming the linker doesn't rename the section).
-GNAT also provides an implementation defined aspect of the same name.
-In the case of specifying this aspect for a type, the effect is to
-specify the corresponding section for all library-level objects of
-the type that do not have an explicit linker section set. Note that
-this only applies to whole objects, not to components of composite objects.
-In the case of a subprogram, the linker section applies to all previously
-declared matching overloaded subprograms in the current declarative part
-which do not already have a linker section assigned. The linker section
-aspect is useful in this case for specifying different linker sections
-for different elements of such an overloaded set.
-Note that an empty string specifies that no linker section is specified.
-This is not quite the same as omitting the pragma or aspect, since it
-can be used to specify that one element of an overloaded set of subprograms
-has the default linker section, or that one object of a type for which a
-linker section is specified should has the default linker section.
-The compiler normally places library-level entities in standard sections
-depending on the class: procedures and functions generally go in the
-@code{.text} section, initialized variables in the @code{.data} section
-and uninitialized variables in the @code{.bss} section.
-Other, special sections may exist on given target machines to map special
-hardware, for example I/O ports or flash memory. This pragma is a means to
-defer the final layout of the executable to the linker, thus fully working
-at the symbolic level with the compiler.
-Some file formats do not support arbitrary sections so not all target
-machines support this pragma. The use of this pragma may cause a program
-execution to be erroneous if it is used to place an entity into an
-inappropriate section (e.g., a modified variable into the @code{.text}
-section). See also @code{pragma Persistent_BSS}.
--- Example of the use of pragma Linker_Section
-package IO_Card is
- Port_A : Integer;
- pragma Volatile (Port_A);
- pragma Linker_Section (Port_A, ".bss.port_a");
- Port_B : Integer;
- pragma Volatile (Port_B);
- pragma Linker_Section (Port_B, ".bss.port_b");
- type Port_Type is new Integer with Linker_Section => ".bss";
- PA : Port_Type with Linker_Section => ".bss.PA";
- PB : Port_Type; -- ends up in linker section ".bss"
- procedure Q with Linker_Section => "Qsection";
-end IO_Card;
-@end example
-@node Pragma Lock_Free,Pragma Loop_Invariant,Pragma Linker_Section,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas id21}@anchor{93}@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-lock-free}@anchor{94}
-@section Pragma Lock_Free
-This pragma may be specified for protected types or objects. It specifies that
-the implementation of protected operations must be implemented without locks.
-Compilation fails if the compiler cannot generate lock-free code for the
-The current conditions required to support this pragma are:
-@itemize *
-Protected type declarations may not contain entries
-Protected subprogram declarations may not have nonelementary parameters
-@end itemize
-In addition, each protected subprogram body must satisfy:
-@itemize *
-May reference only one protected component
-May not reference nonconstant entities outside the protected subprogram
-May not contain address representation items, allocators, or quantified
-May not contain delay, goto, loop, or procedure-call statements.
-May not contain exported and imported entities
-May not dereferenced access values
-Function calls and attribute references must be static
-@end itemize
-@node Pragma Loop_Invariant,Pragma Loop_Optimize,Pragma Lock_Free,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-loop-invariant}@anchor{95}
-@section Pragma Loop_Invariant
-pragma Loop_Invariant ( boolean_EXPRESSION );
-@end example
-The effect of this pragma is similar to that of pragma @code{Assert},
-except that in an @code{Assertion_Policy} pragma, the identifier
-@code{Loop_Invariant} is used to control whether it is ignored or checked
-(or disabled).
-@code{Loop_Invariant} can only appear as one of the items in the sequence
-of statements of a loop body, or nested inside block statements that
-appear in the sequence of statements of a loop body.
-The intention is that it be used to
-represent a "loop invariant" assertion, i.e. something that is true each
-time through the loop, and which can be used to show that the loop is
-achieving its purpose.
-Multiple @code{Loop_Invariant} and @code{Loop_Variant} pragmas that
-apply to the same loop should be grouped in the same sequence of
-To aid in writing such invariants, the special attribute @code{Loop_Entry}
-may be used to refer to the value of an expression on entry to the loop. This
-attribute can only be used within the expression of a @code{Loop_Invariant}
-pragma. For full details, see documentation of attribute @code{Loop_Entry}.
-@node Pragma Loop_Optimize,Pragma Loop_Variant,Pragma Loop_Invariant,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-loop-optimize}@anchor{96}
-@section Pragma Loop_Optimize
-OPTIMIZATION_HINT ::= Ivdep | No_Unroll | Unroll | No_Vector | Vector
-@end example
-This pragma must appear immediately within a loop statement. It allows the
-programmer to specify optimization hints for the enclosing loop. The hints
-are not mutually exclusive and can be freely mixed, but not all combinations
-will yield a sensible outcome.
-There are five supported optimization hints for a loop:
-@itemize *
-The programmer asserts that there are no loop-carried dependencies
-which would prevent consecutive iterations of the loop from being
-executed simultaneously.
-The loop must not be unrolled. This is a strong hint: the compiler will not
-unroll a loop marked with this hint.
-The loop should be unrolled. This is a weak hint: the compiler will try to
-apply unrolling to this loop preferably to other optimizations, notably
-vectorization, but there is no guarantee that the loop will be unrolled.
-The loop must not be vectorized. This is a strong hint: the compiler will not
-vectorize a loop marked with this hint.
-The loop should be vectorized. This is a weak hint: the compiler will try to
-apply vectorization to this loop preferably to other optimizations, notably
-unrolling, but there is no guarantee that the loop will be vectorized.
-@end itemize
-These hints do not remove the need to pass the appropriate switches to the
-compiler in order to enable the relevant optimizations, that is to say
-@emph{-funroll-loops} for unrolling and @emph{-ftree-vectorize} for
-@node Pragma Loop_Variant,Pragma Machine_Attribute,Pragma Loop_Optimize,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-loop-variant}@anchor{97}
-@section Pragma Loop_Variant
-pragma Loop_Variant ( LOOP_VARIANT_ITEM @{, LOOP_VARIANT_ITEM @} );
-CHANGE_DIRECTION ::= Increases | Decreases
-@end example
-@code{Loop_Variant} can only appear as one of the items in the sequence
-of statements of a loop body, or nested inside block statements that
-appear in the sequence of statements of a loop body.
-It allows the specification of quantities which must always
-decrease or increase in successive iterations of the loop. In its simplest
-form, just one expression is specified, whose value must increase or decrease
-on each iteration of the loop.
-In a more complex form, multiple arguments can be given which are intepreted
-in a nesting lexicographic manner. For example:
-pragma Loop_Variant (Increases => X, Decreases => Y);
-@end example
-specifies that each time through the loop either X increases, or X stays
-the same and Y decreases. A @code{Loop_Variant} pragma ensures that the
-loop is making progress. It can be useful in helping to show informally
-or prove formally that the loop always terminates.
-@code{Loop_Variant} is an assertion whose effect can be controlled using
-an @code{Assertion_Policy} with a check name of @code{Loop_Variant}. The
-policy can be @code{Check} to enable the loop variant check, @code{Ignore}
-to ignore the check (in which case the pragma has no effect on the program),
-or @code{Disable} in which case the pragma is not even checked for correct
-Multiple @code{Loop_Invariant} and @code{Loop_Variant} pragmas that
-apply to the same loop should be grouped in the same sequence of
-The @code{Loop_Entry} attribute may be used within the expressions of the
-@code{Loop_Variant} pragma to refer to values on entry to the loop.
-@node Pragma Machine_Attribute,Pragma Main,Pragma Loop_Variant,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-machine-attribute}@anchor{98}
-@section Pragma Machine_Attribute
-pragma Machine_Attribute (
- [Entity =>] LOCAL_NAME,
- [Attribute_Name =>] static_string_EXPRESSION
- [, [Info =>] static_EXPRESSION @{, static_EXPRESSION@}] );
-@end example
-Machine-dependent attributes can be specified for types and/or
-declarations. This pragma is semantically equivalent to
-@code{__attribute__((@emph{attribute_name}))} (if @code{info} is not
-specified) or @code{__attribute__((@emph{attribute_name(info})))}
-or @code{__attribute__((@emph{attribute_name(info,...})))} in GNU C,
-where @emph{attribute_name} is recognized by the compiler middle-end
-or the @code{TARGET_ATTRIBUTE_TABLE} machine specific macro. Note
-that a string literal for the optional parameter @code{info} or the
-following ones is transformed by default into an identifier,
-which may make this pragma unusable for some attributes.
-For further information see @cite{GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) Internals}.
-@node Pragma Main,Pragma Main_Storage,Pragma Machine_Attribute,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-main}@anchor{99}
-@section Pragma Main
-pragma Main
- [Stack_Size =>] static_integer_EXPRESSION
-| [Task_Stack_Size_Default =>] static_integer_EXPRESSION
-| [Time_Slicing_Enabled =>] static_boolean_EXPRESSION
-@end example
-This pragma is provided for compatibility with OpenVMS VAX Systems. It has
-no effect in GNAT, other than being syntax checked.
-@node Pragma Main_Storage,Pragma Max_Queue_Length,Pragma Main,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-main-storage}@anchor{9a}
-@section Pragma Main_Storage
-pragma Main_Storage
-@end example
-This pragma is provided for compatibility with OpenVMS VAX Systems. It has
-no effect in GNAT, other than being syntax checked.
-@node Pragma Max_Queue_Length,Pragma No_Body,Pragma Main_Storage,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas id22}@anchor{9b}@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-max-queue-length}@anchor{9c}
-@section Pragma Max_Queue_Length
-pragma Max_Entry_Queue (static_integer_EXPRESSION);
-@end example
-This pragma is used to specify the maximum callers per entry queue for
-individual protected entries and entry families. It accepts a single
-integer (-1 or more) as a parameter and must appear after the declaration of an
-A value of -1 represents no additional restriction on queue length.
-@node Pragma No_Body,Pragma No_Caching,Pragma Max_Queue_Length,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-no-body}@anchor{9d}
-@section Pragma No_Body
-pragma No_Body;
-@end example
-There are a number of cases in which a package spec does not require a body,
-and in fact a body is not permitted. GNAT will not permit the spec to be
-compiled if there is a body around. The pragma No_Body allows you to provide
-a body file, even in a case where no body is allowed. The body file must
-contain only comments and a single No_Body pragma. This is recognized by
-the compiler as indicating that no body is logically present.
-This is particularly useful during maintenance when a package is modified in
-such a way that a body needed before is no longer needed. The provision of a
-dummy body with a No_Body pragma ensures that there is no interference from
-earlier versions of the package body.
-@node Pragma No_Caching,Pragma No_Component_Reordering,Pragma No_Body,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-no-caching}@anchor{9e}@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas id23}@anchor{9f}
-@section Pragma No_Caching
-pragma No_Caching [ (boolean_EXPRESSION) ];
-@end example
-For the semantics of this pragma, see the entry for aspect @code{No_Caching} in
-the SPARK 2014 Reference Manual, section 7.1.2.
-@node Pragma No_Component_Reordering,Pragma No_Elaboration_Code_All,Pragma No_Caching,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-no-component-reordering}@anchor{a0}
-@section Pragma No_Component_Reordering
-pragma No_Component_Reordering [([Entity =>] type_LOCAL_NAME)];
-@end example
-@code{type_LOCAL_NAME} must refer to a record type declaration in the current
-declarative part. The effect is to preclude any reordering of components
-for the layout of the record, i.e. the record is laid out by the compiler
-in the order in which the components are declared textually. The form with
-no argument is a configuration pragma which applies to all record types
-declared in units to which the pragma applies and there is a requirement
-that this pragma be used consistently within a partition.
-@node Pragma No_Elaboration_Code_All,Pragma No_Heap_Finalization,Pragma No_Component_Reordering,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas id24}@anchor{a1}@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-no-elaboration-code-all}@anchor{a2}
-@section Pragma No_Elaboration_Code_All
-pragma No_Elaboration_Code_All [(program_unit_NAME)];
-@end example
-This is a program unit pragma (there is also an equivalent aspect of the
-same name) that establishes the restriction @code{No_Elaboration_Code} for
-the current unit and any extended main source units (body and subunits).
-It also has the effect of enforcing a transitive application of this
-aspect, so that if any unit is implicitly or explicitly with'ed by the
-current unit, it must also have the No_Elaboration_Code_All aspect set.
-It may be applied to package or subprogram specs or their generic versions.
-@node Pragma No_Heap_Finalization,Pragma No_Inline,Pragma No_Elaboration_Code_All,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-no-heap-finalization}@anchor{a3}
-@section Pragma No_Heap_Finalization
-pragma No_Heap_Finalization [ (first_subtype_LOCAL_NAME) ];
-@end example
-Pragma @code{No_Heap_Finalization} may be used as a configuration pragma or as a
-type-specific pragma.
-In its configuration form, the pragma must appear within a configuration file
-such as gnat.adc, without an argument. The pragma suppresses the call to
-@code{Finalize} for heap-allocated objects created through library-level named
-access-to-object types in cases where the designated type requires finalization
-In its type-specific form, the argument of the pragma must denote a
-library-level named access-to-object type. The pragma suppresses the call to
-@code{Finalize} for heap-allocated objects created through the specific access type
-in cases where the designated type requires finalization actions.
-It is still possible to finalize such heap-allocated objects by explicitly
-deallocating them.
-A library-level named access-to-object type declared within a generic unit will
-lose its @code{No_Heap_Finalization} pragma when the corresponding instance does not
-appear at the library level.
-@node Pragma No_Inline,Pragma No_Return,Pragma No_Heap_Finalization,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas id25}@anchor{a4}@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-no-inline}@anchor{a5}
-@section Pragma No_Inline
-pragma No_Inline (NAME @{, NAME@});
-@end example
-This pragma suppresses inlining for the callable entity or the instances of
-the generic subprogram designated by @code{NAME}, including inlining that
-results from the use of pragma @code{Inline}. This pragma is always active,
-in particular it is not subject to the use of option @emph{-gnatn} or
-@emph{-gnatN}. It is illegal to specify both pragma @code{No_Inline} and
-pragma @code{Inline_Always} for the same @code{NAME}.
-@node Pragma No_Return,Pragma No_Strict_Aliasing,Pragma No_Inline,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-no-return}@anchor{a6}
-@section Pragma No_Return
-pragma No_Return (procedure_LOCAL_NAME @{, procedure_LOCAL_NAME@});
-@end example
-Each @code{procedure_LOCAL_NAME} argument must refer to one or more procedure
-declarations in the current declarative part. A procedure to which this
-pragma is applied may not contain any explicit @code{return} statements.
-In addition, if the procedure contains any implicit returns from falling
-off the end of a statement sequence, then execution of that implicit
-return will cause Program_Error to be raised.
-One use of this pragma is to identify procedures whose only purpose is to raise
-an exception. Another use of this pragma is to suppress incorrect warnings
-about missing returns in functions, where the last statement of a function
-statement sequence is a call to such a procedure.
-Note that in Ada 2005 mode, this pragma is part of the language. It is
-available in all earlier versions of Ada as an implementation-defined
-@node Pragma No_Strict_Aliasing,Pragma No_Tagged_Streams,Pragma No_Return,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-no-strict-aliasing}@anchor{a7}
-@section Pragma No_Strict_Aliasing
-pragma No_Strict_Aliasing [([Entity =>] type_LOCAL_NAME)];
-@end example
-@code{type_LOCAL_NAME} must refer to an access type
-declaration in the current declarative part. The effect is to inhibit
-strict aliasing optimization for the given type. The form with no
-arguments is a configuration pragma which applies to all access types
-declared in units to which the pragma applies. For a detailed
-description of the strict aliasing optimization, and the situations
-in which it must be suppressed, see the section on Optimization and Strict Aliasing
-in the @cite{GNAT User's Guide}.
-This pragma currently has no effects on access to unconstrained array types.
-@node Pragma No_Tagged_Streams,Pragma Normalize_Scalars,Pragma No_Strict_Aliasing,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-no-tagged-streams}@anchor{a8}@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas id26}@anchor{a9}
-@section Pragma No_Tagged_Streams
-pragma No_Tagged_Streams [([Entity =>] tagged_type_LOCAL_NAME)];
-@end example
-Normally when a tagged type is introduced using a full type declaration,
-part of the processing includes generating stream access routines to be
-used by stream attributes referencing the type (or one of its subtypes
-or derived types). This can involve the generation of significant amounts
-of code which is wasted space if stream routines are not needed for the
-type in question.
-The @code{No_Tagged_Streams} pragma causes the generation of these stream
-routines to be skipped, and any attempt to use stream operations on
-types subject to this pragma will be statically rejected as illegal.
-There are two forms of the pragma. The form with no arguments must appear
-in a declarative sequence or in the declarations of a package spec. This
-pragma affects all subsequent root tagged types declared in the declaration
-sequence, and specifies that no stream routines be generated. The form with
-an argument (for which there is also a corresponding aspect) specifies a
-single root tagged type for which stream routines are not to be generated.
-Once the pragma has been given for a particular root tagged type, all subtypes
-and derived types of this type inherit the pragma automatically, so the effect
-applies to a complete hierarchy (this is necessary to deal with the class-wide
-dispatching versions of the stream routines).
-When pragmas @code{Discard_Names} and @code{No_Tagged_Streams} are simultaneously
-applied to a tagged type its Expanded_Name and External_Tag are initialized
-with empty strings. This is useful to avoid exposing entity names at binary
-level but has a negative impact on the debuggability of tagged types.
-@node Pragma Normalize_Scalars,Pragma Obsolescent,Pragma No_Tagged_Streams,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-normalize-scalars}@anchor{aa}
-@section Pragma Normalize_Scalars
-pragma Normalize_Scalars;
-@end example
-This is a language defined pragma which is fully implemented in GNAT. The
-effect is to cause all scalar objects that are not otherwise initialized
-to be initialized. The initial values are implementation dependent and
-are as follows:
-@table @asis
-@item @emph{Standard.Character}
-Objects whose root type is Standard.Character are initialized to
-Character'Last unless the subtype range excludes NUL (in which case
-NUL is used). This choice will always generate an invalid value if
-one exists.
-@item @emph{Standard.Wide_Character}
-Objects whose root type is Standard.Wide_Character are initialized to
-Wide_Character'Last unless the subtype range excludes NUL (in which case
-NUL is used). This choice will always generate an invalid value if
-one exists.
-@item @emph{Standard.Wide_Wide_Character}
-Objects whose root type is Standard.Wide_Wide_Character are initialized to
-the invalid value 16#FFFF_FFFF# unless the subtype range excludes NUL (in
-which case NUL is used). This choice will always generate an invalid value if
-one exists.
-@item @emph{Integer types}
-Objects of an integer type are treated differently depending on whether
-negative values are present in the subtype. If no negative values are
-present, then all one bits is used as the initial value except in the
-special case where zero is excluded from the subtype, in which case
-all zero bits are used. This choice will always generate an invalid
-value if one exists.
-For subtypes with negative values present, the largest negative number
-is used, except in the unusual case where this largest negative number
-is in the subtype, and the largest positive number is not, in which case
-the largest positive value is used. This choice will always generate
-an invalid value if one exists.
-@item @emph{Floating-Point Types}
-Objects of all floating-point types are initialized to all 1-bits. For
-standard IEEE format, this corresponds to a NaN (not a number) which is
-indeed an invalid value.
-@item @emph{Fixed-Point Types}
-Objects of all fixed-point types are treated as described above for integers,
-with the rules applying to the underlying integer value used to represent
-the fixed-point value.
-@item @emph{Modular types}
-Objects of a modular type are initialized to all one bits, except in
-the special case where zero is excluded from the subtype, in which
-case all zero bits are used. This choice will always generate an
-invalid value if one exists.
-@item @emph{Enumeration types}
-Objects of an enumeration type are initialized to all one-bits, i.e., to
-the value @code{2 ** typ'Size - 1} unless the subtype excludes the literal
-whose Pos value is zero, in which case a code of zero is used. This choice
-will always generate an invalid value if one exists.
-@end table
-@node Pragma Obsolescent,Pragma Optimize_Alignment,Pragma Normalize_Scalars,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-obsolescent}@anchor{ab}@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas id27}@anchor{ac}
-@section Pragma Obsolescent
-pragma Obsolescent;
-pragma Obsolescent (
- [Message =>] static_string_EXPRESSION
-[,[Version =>] Ada_05]]);
-pragma Obsolescent (
- [Entity =>] NAME
-[,[Message =>] static_string_EXPRESSION
-[,[Version =>] Ada_05]] );
-@end example
-This pragma can occur immediately following a declaration of an entity,
-including the case of a record component. If no Entity argument is present,
-then this declaration is the one to which the pragma applies. If an Entity
-parameter is present, it must either match the name of the entity in this
-declaration, or alternatively, the pragma can immediately follow an enumeration
-type declaration, where the Entity argument names one of the enumeration
-This pragma is used to indicate that the named entity
-is considered obsolescent and should not be used. Typically this is
-used when an API must be modified by eventually removing or modifying
-existing subprograms or other entities. The pragma can be used at an
-intermediate stage when the entity is still present, but will be
-removed later.
-The effect of this pragma is to output a warning message on a reference to
-an entity thus marked that the subprogram is obsolescent if the appropriate
-warning option in the compiler is activated. If the @code{Message} parameter is
-present, then a second warning message is given containing this text. In
-addition, a reference to the entity is considered to be a violation of pragma
-@code{Restrictions (No_Obsolescent_Features)}.
-This pragma can also be used as a program unit pragma for a package,
-in which case the entity name is the name of the package, and the
-pragma indicates that the entire package is considered
-obsolescent. In this case a client @code{with}ing such a package
-violates the restriction, and the @code{with} clause is
-flagged with warnings if the warning option is set.
-If the @code{Version} parameter is present (which must be exactly
-the identifier @code{Ada_05}, no other argument is allowed), then the
-indication of obsolescence applies only when compiling in Ada 2005
-mode. This is primarily intended for dealing with the situations
-in the predefined library where subprograms or packages
-have become defined as obsolescent in Ada 2005
-(e.g., in @code{Ada.Characters.Handling}), but may be used anywhere.
-The following examples show typical uses of this pragma:
-package p is
- pragma Obsolescent (p, Message => "use pp instead of p");
-end p;
-package q is
- procedure q2;
- pragma Obsolescent ("use q2new instead");
- type R is new integer;
- pragma Obsolescent
- (Entity => R,
- Message => "use RR in Ada 2005",
- Version => Ada_05);
- type M is record
- F1 : Integer;
- F2 : Integer;
- pragma Obsolescent;
- F3 : Integer;
- end record;
- type E is (a, bc, 'd', quack);
- pragma Obsolescent (Entity => bc)
- pragma Obsolescent (Entity => 'd')
- function "+"
- (a, b : character) return character;
- pragma Obsolescent (Entity => "+");
-@end example
-Note that, as for all pragmas, if you use a pragma argument identifier,
-then all subsequent parameters must also use a pragma argument identifier.
-So if you specify @code{Entity =>} for the @code{Entity} argument, and a @code{Message}
-argument is present, it must be preceded by @code{Message =>}.
-@node Pragma Optimize_Alignment,Pragma Ordered,Pragma Obsolescent,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-optimize-alignment}@anchor{ad}
-@section Pragma Optimize_Alignment
-@geindex Alignment
-@geindex default settings
-pragma Optimize_Alignment (TIME | SPACE | OFF);
-@end example
-This is a configuration pragma which affects the choice of default alignments
-for types and objects where no alignment is explicitly specified. There is a
-time/space trade-off in the selection of these values. Large alignments result
-in more efficient code, at the expense of larger data space, since sizes have
-to be increased to match these alignments. Smaller alignments save space, but
-the access code is slower. The normal choice of default alignments for types
-and individual alignment promotions for objects (which is what you get if you
-do not use this pragma, or if you use an argument of OFF), tries to balance
-these two requirements.
-Specifying SPACE causes smaller default alignments to be chosen in two cases.
-First any packed record is given an alignment of 1. Second, if a size is given
-for the type, then the alignment is chosen to avoid increasing this size. For
-example, consider:
-type R is record
- X : Integer;
- Y : Character;
-end record;
-for R'Size use 5*8;
-@end example
-In the default mode, this type gets an alignment of 4, so that access to the
-Integer field X are efficient. But this means that objects of the type end up
-with a size of 8 bytes. This is a valid choice, since sizes of objects are
-allowed to be bigger than the size of the type, but it can waste space if for
-example fields of type R appear in an enclosing record. If the above type is
-compiled in @code{Optimize_Alignment (Space)} mode, the alignment is set to 1.
-However, there is one case in which SPACE is ignored. If a variable length
-record (that is a discriminated record with a component which is an array
-whose length depends on a discriminant), has a pragma Pack, then it is not
-in general possible to set the alignment of such a record to one, so the
-pragma is ignored in this case (with a warning).
-Specifying SPACE also disables alignment promotions for standalone objects,
-which occur when the compiler increases the alignment of a specific object
-without changing the alignment of its type.
-Specifying SPACE also disables component reordering in unpacked record types,
-which can result in larger sizes in order to meet alignment requirements.
-Specifying TIME causes larger default alignments to be chosen in the case of
-small types with sizes that are not a power of 2. For example, consider:
-type R is record
- A : Character;
- B : Character;
- C : Boolean;
-end record;
-pragma Pack (R);
-for R'Size use 17;
-@end example
-The default alignment for this record is normally 1, but if this type is
-compiled in @code{Optimize_Alignment (Time)} mode, then the alignment is set
-to 4, which wastes space for objects of the type, since they are now 4 bytes
-long, but results in more efficient access when the whole record is referenced.
-As noted above, this is a configuration pragma, and there is a requirement
-that all units in a partition be compiled with a consistent setting of the
-optimization setting. This would normally be achieved by use of a configuration
-pragma file containing the appropriate setting. The exception to this rule is
-that units with an explicit configuration pragma in the same file as the source
-unit are excluded from the consistency check, as are all predefined units. The
-latter are compiled by default in pragma Optimize_Alignment (Off) mode if no
-pragma appears at the start of the file.
-@node Pragma Ordered,Pragma Overflow_Mode,Pragma Optimize_Alignment,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-ordered}@anchor{ae}
-@section Pragma Ordered
-pragma Ordered (enumeration_first_subtype_LOCAL_NAME);
-@end example
-Most enumeration types are from a conceptual point of view unordered.
-For example, consider:
-type Color is (Red, Blue, Green, Yellow);
-@end example
-By Ada semantics @code{Blue > Red} and @code{Green > Blue},
-but really these relations make no sense; the enumeration type merely
-specifies a set of possible colors, and the order is unimportant.
-For unordered enumeration types, it is generally a good idea if
-clients avoid comparisons (other than equality or inequality) and
-explicit ranges. (A @emph{client} is a unit where the type is referenced,
-other than the unit where the type is declared, its body, and its subunits.)
-For example, if code buried in some client says:
-if Current_Color < Yellow then ...
-if Current_Color in Blue .. Green then ...
-@end example
-then the client code is relying on the order, which is undesirable.
-It makes the code hard to read and creates maintenance difficulties if
-entries have to be added to the enumeration type. Instead,
-the code in the client should list the possibilities, or an
-appropriate subtype should be declared in the unit that declares
-the original enumeration type. E.g., the following subtype could
-be declared along with the type @code{Color}:
-subtype RBG is Color range Red .. Green;
-@end example
-and then the client could write:
-if Current_Color in RBG then ...
-if Current_Color = Blue or Current_Color = Green then ...
-@end example
-However, some enumeration types are legitimately ordered from a conceptual
-point of view. For example, if you declare:
-type Day is (Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun);
-@end example
-then the ordering imposed by the language is reasonable, and
-clients can depend on it, writing for example:
-if D in Mon .. Fri then ...
-if D < Wed then ...
-@end example
-The pragma @emph{Ordered} is provided to mark enumeration types that
-are conceptually ordered, alerting the reader that clients may depend
-on the ordering. GNAT provides a pragma to mark enumerations as ordered
-rather than one to mark them as unordered, since in our experience,
-the great majority of enumeration types are conceptually unordered.
-The types @code{Boolean}, @code{Character}, @code{Wide_Character},
-and @code{Wide_Wide_Character}
-are considered to be ordered types, so each is declared with a
-pragma @code{Ordered} in package @code{Standard}.
-Normally pragma @code{Ordered} serves only as documentation and a guide for
-coding standards, but GNAT provides a warning switch @emph{-gnatw.u} that
-requests warnings for inappropriate uses (comparisons and explicit
-subranges) for unordered types. If this switch is used, then any
-enumeration type not marked with pragma @code{Ordered} will be considered
-as unordered, and will generate warnings for inappropriate uses.
-Note that generic types are not considered ordered or unordered (since the
-template can be instantiated for both cases), so we never generate warnings
-for the case of generic enumerated types.
-For additional information please refer to the description of the
-@emph{-gnatw.u} switch in the GNAT User's Guide.
-@node Pragma Overflow_Mode,Pragma Overriding_Renamings,Pragma Ordered,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-overflow-mode}@anchor{af}
-@section Pragma Overflow_Mode
-pragma Overflow_Mode
- ( [General =>] MODE
- [,[Assertions =>] MODE]);
-@end example
-This pragma sets the current overflow mode to the given setting. For details
-of the meaning of these modes, please refer to the
-'Overflow Check Handling in GNAT' appendix in the
-GNAT User's Guide. If only the @code{General} parameter is present,
-the given mode applies to all expressions. If both parameters are present,
-the @code{General} mode applies to expressions outside assertions, and
-the @code{Eliminated} mode applies to expressions within assertions.
-The case of the @code{MODE} parameter is ignored,
-so @code{MINIMIZED}, @code{Minimized} and
-@code{minimized} all have the same effect.
-The @code{Overflow_Mode} pragma has the same scoping and placement
-rules as pragma @code{Suppress}, so it can occur either as a
-configuration pragma, specifying a default for the whole
-program, or in a declarative scope, where it applies to the
-remaining declarations and statements in that scope.
-The pragma @code{Suppress (Overflow_Check)} suppresses
-overflow checking, but does not affect the overflow mode.
-The pragma @code{Unsuppress (Overflow_Check)} unsuppresses (enables)
-overflow checking, but does not affect the overflow mode.
-@node Pragma Overriding_Renamings,Pragma Partition_Elaboration_Policy,Pragma Overflow_Mode,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-overriding-renamings}@anchor{b0}
-@section Pragma Overriding_Renamings
-@geindex Rational profile
-@geindex Rational compatibility
-pragma Overriding_Renamings;
-@end example
-This is a GNAT configuration pragma to simplify porting
-legacy code accepted by the Rational
-Ada compiler. In the presence of this pragma, a renaming declaration that
-renames an inherited operation declared in the same scope is legal if selected
-notation is used as in:
-pragma Overriding_Renamings;
-package R is
- function F (..);
- ...
- function F (..) renames R.F;
-end R;
-@end example
-even though
-RM 8.3 (15) stipulates that an overridden operation is not visible within the
-declaration of the overriding operation.
-@node Pragma Partition_Elaboration_Policy,Pragma Part_Of,Pragma Overriding_Renamings,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-partition-elaboration-policy}@anchor{b1}
-@section Pragma Partition_Elaboration_Policy
-pragma Partition_Elaboration_Policy (POLICY_IDENTIFIER);
-POLICY_IDENTIFIER ::= Concurrent | Sequential
-@end example
-This pragma is standard in Ada 2005, but is available in all earlier
-versions of Ada as an implementation-defined pragma.
-See Ada 2012 Reference Manual for details.
-@node Pragma Part_Of,Pragma Passive,Pragma Partition_Elaboration_Policy,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas id28}@anchor{b2}@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-part-of}@anchor{b3}
-@section Pragma Part_Of
-pragma Part_Of (ABSTRACT_STATE);
-@end example
-For the semantics of this pragma, see the entry for aspect @code{Part_Of} in the
-SPARK 2014 Reference Manual, section 7.2.6.
-@node Pragma Passive,Pragma Persistent_BSS,Pragma Part_Of,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-passive}@anchor{b4}
-@section Pragma Passive
-pragma Passive [(Semaphore | No)];
-@end example
-Syntax checked, but otherwise ignored by GNAT. This is recognized for
-compatibility with DEC Ada 83 implementations, where it is used within a
-task definition to request that a task be made passive. If the argument
-@code{Semaphore} is present, or the argument is omitted, then DEC Ada 83
-treats the pragma as an assertion that the containing task is passive
-and that optimization of context switch with this task is permitted and
-desired. If the argument @code{No} is present, the task must not be
-optimized. GNAT does not attempt to optimize any tasks in this manner
-(since protected objects are available in place of passive tasks).
-For more information on the subject of passive tasks, see the section
-'Passive Task Optimization' in the GNAT Users Guide.
-@node Pragma Persistent_BSS,Pragma Post,Pragma Passive,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas id29}@anchor{b5}@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-persistent-bss}@anchor{b6}
-@section Pragma Persistent_BSS
-pragma Persistent_BSS [(LOCAL_NAME)]
-@end example
-This pragma allows selected objects to be placed in the @code{.persistent_bss}
-section. On some targets the linker and loader provide for special
-treatment of this section, allowing a program to be reloaded without
-affecting the contents of this data (hence the name persistent).
-There are two forms of usage. If an argument is given, it must be the
-local name of a library-level object, with no explicit initialization
-and whose type is potentially persistent. If no argument is given, then
-the pragma is a configuration pragma, and applies to all library-level
-objects with no explicit initialization of potentially persistent types.
-A potentially persistent type is a scalar type, or an untagged,
-non-discriminated record, all of whose components have no explicit
-initialization and are themselves of a potentially persistent type,
-or an array, all of whose constraints are static, and whose component
-type is potentially persistent.
-If this pragma is used on a target where this feature is not supported,
-then the pragma will be ignored. See also @code{pragma Linker_Section}.
-@node Pragma Post,Pragma Postcondition,Pragma Persistent_BSS,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-post}@anchor{b7}
-@section Pragma Post
-@geindex Post
-@geindex Checks
-@geindex postconditions
-pragma Post (Boolean_Expression);
-@end example
-The @code{Post} pragma is intended to be an exact replacement for
-the language-defined
-@code{Post} aspect, and shares its restrictions and semantics.
-It must appear either immediately following the corresponding
-subprogram declaration (only other pragmas may intervene), or
-if there is no separate subprogram declaration, then it can
-appear at the start of the declarations in a subprogram body
-(preceded only by other pragmas).
-@node Pragma Postcondition,Pragma Post_Class,Pragma Post,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-postcondition}@anchor{b8}
-@section Pragma Postcondition
-@geindex Postcondition
-@geindex Checks
-@geindex postconditions
-pragma Postcondition (
- [Check =>] Boolean_Expression
- [,[Message =>] String_Expression]);
-@end example
-The @code{Postcondition} pragma allows specification of automatic
-postcondition checks for subprograms. These checks are similar to
-assertions, but are automatically inserted just prior to the return
-statements of the subprogram with which they are associated (including
-implicit returns at the end of procedure bodies and associated
-exception handlers).
-In addition, the boolean expression which is the condition which
-must be true may contain references to function'Result in the case
-of a function to refer to the returned value.
-@code{Postcondition} pragmas may appear either immediately following the
-(separate) declaration of a subprogram, or at the start of the
-declarations of a subprogram body. Only other pragmas may intervene
-(that is appear between the subprogram declaration and its
-postconditions, or appear before the postcondition in the
-declaration sequence in a subprogram body). In the case of a
-postcondition appearing after a subprogram declaration, the
-formal arguments of the subprogram are visible, and can be
-referenced in the postcondition expressions.
-The postconditions are collected and automatically tested just
-before any return (implicit or explicit) in the subprogram body.
-A postcondition is only recognized if postconditions are active
-at the time the pragma is encountered. The compiler switch @emph{gnata}
-turns on all postconditions by default, and pragma @code{Check_Policy}
-with an identifier of @code{Postcondition} can also be used to
-control whether postconditions are active.
-The general approach is that postconditions are placed in the spec
-if they represent functional aspects which make sense to the client.
-For example we might have:
-function Direction return Integer;
-pragma Postcondition
- (Direction'Result = +1
- or else
- Direction'Result = -1);
-@end example
-which serves to document that the result must be +1 or -1, and
-will test that this is the case at run time if postcondition
-checking is active.
-Postconditions within the subprogram body can be used to
-check that some internal aspect of the implementation,
-not visible to the client, is operating as expected.
-For instance if a square root routine keeps an internal
-counter of the number of times it is called, then we
-might have the following postcondition:
-Sqrt_Calls : Natural := 0;
-function Sqrt (Arg : Float) return Float is
- pragma Postcondition
- (Sqrt_Calls = Sqrt_Calls'Old + 1);
- ...
-end Sqrt
-@end example
-As this example, shows, the use of the @code{Old} attribute
-is often useful in postconditions to refer to the state on
-entry to the subprogram.
-Note that postconditions are only checked on normal returns
-from the subprogram. If an abnormal return results from
-raising an exception, then the postconditions are not checked.
-If a postcondition fails, then the exception
-@code{System.Assertions.Assert_Failure} is raised. If
-a message argument was supplied, then the given string
-will be used as the exception message. If no message
-argument was supplied, then the default message has
-the form "Postcondition failed at file_name:line". The
-exception is raised in the context of the subprogram
-body, so it is possible to catch postcondition failures
-within the subprogram body itself.
-Within a package spec, normal visibility rules
-in Ada would prevent forward references within a
-postcondition pragma to functions defined later in
-the same package. This would introduce undesirable
-ordering constraints. To avoid this problem, all
-postcondition pragmas are analyzed at the end of
-the package spec, allowing forward references.
-The following example shows that this even allows
-mutually recursive postconditions as in:
-package Parity_Functions is
- function Odd (X : Natural) return Boolean;
- pragma Postcondition
- (Odd'Result =
- (x = 1
- or else
- (x /= 0 and then Even (X - 1))));
- function Even (X : Natural) return Boolean;
- pragma Postcondition
- (Even'Result =
- (x = 0
- or else
- (x /= 1 and then Odd (X - 1))));
-end Parity_Functions;
-@end example
-There are no restrictions on the complexity or form of
-conditions used within @code{Postcondition} pragmas.
-The following example shows that it is even possible
-to verify performance behavior.
-package Sort is
- Performance : constant Float;
- -- Performance constant set by implementation
- -- to match target architecture behavior.
- procedure Treesort (Arg : String);
- -- Sorts characters of argument using N*logN sort
- pragma Postcondition
- (Float (Clock - Clock'Old) <=
- Float (Arg'Length) *
- log (Float (Arg'Length)) *
- Performance);
-end Sort;
-@end example
-Note: postcondition pragmas associated with subprograms that are
-marked as Inline_Always, or those marked as Inline with front-end
-inlining (-gnatN option set) are accepted and legality-checked
-by the compiler, but are ignored at run-time even if postcondition
-checking is enabled.
-Note that pragma @code{Postcondition} differs from the language-defined
-@code{Post} aspect (and corresponding @code{Post} pragma) in allowing
-multiple occurrences, allowing occurences in the body even if there
-is a separate spec, and allowing a second string parameter, and the
-use of the pragma identifier @code{Check}. Historically, pragma
-@code{Postcondition} was implemented prior to the development of
-Ada 2012, and has been retained in its original form for
-compatibility purposes.
-@node Pragma Post_Class,Pragma Rename_Pragma,Pragma Postcondition,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-post-class}@anchor{b9}
-@section Pragma Post_Class
-@geindex Post
-@geindex Checks
-@geindex postconditions
-pragma Post_Class (Boolean_Expression);
-@end example
-The @code{Post_Class} pragma is intended to be an exact replacement for
-the language-defined
-@code{Post'Class} aspect, and shares its restrictions and semantics.
-It must appear either immediately following the corresponding
-subprogram declaration (only other pragmas may intervene), or
-if there is no separate subprogram declaration, then it can
-appear at the start of the declarations in a subprogram body
-(preceded only by other pragmas).
-Note: This pragma is called @code{Post_Class} rather than
-@code{Post'Class} because the latter would not be strictly
-conforming to the allowed syntax for pragmas. The motivation
-for provinding pragmas equivalent to the aspects is to allow a program
-to be written using the pragmas, and then compiled if necessary
-using an Ada compiler that does not recognize the pragmas or
-aspects, but is prepared to ignore the pragmas. The assertion
-policy that controls this pragma is @code{Post'Class}, not
-@node Pragma Rename_Pragma,Pragma Pre,Pragma Post_Class,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-rename-pragma}@anchor{ba}
-@section Pragma Rename_Pragma
-@geindex Pragmas
-@geindex synonyms
-pragma Rename_Pragma (
- [New_Name =>] IDENTIFIER,
- [Renamed =>] pragma_IDENTIFIER);
-@end example
-This pragma provides a mechanism for supplying new names for existing
-pragmas. The @code{New_Name} identifier can subsequently be used as a synonym for
-the Renamed pragma. For example, suppose you have code that was originally
-developed on a compiler that supports Inline_Only as an implementation defined
-pragma. And suppose the semantics of pragma Inline_Only are identical to (or at
-least very similar to) the GNAT implementation defined pragma
-Inline_Always. You could globally replace Inline_Only with Inline_Always.
-However, to avoid that source modification, you could instead add a
-configuration pragma:
-pragma Rename_Pragma (
- New_Name => Inline_Only,
- Renamed => Inline_Always);
-@end example
-Then GNAT will treat "pragma Inline_Only ..." as if you had written
-"pragma Inline_Always ...".
-Pragma Inline_Only will not necessarily mean the same thing as the other Ada
-compiler; it's up to you to make sure the semantics are close enough.
-@node Pragma Pre,Pragma Precondition,Pragma Rename_Pragma,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-pre}@anchor{bb}
-@section Pragma Pre
-@geindex Pre
-@geindex Checks
-@geindex preconditions
-pragma Pre (Boolean_Expression);
-@end example
-The @code{Pre} pragma is intended to be an exact replacement for
-the language-defined
-@code{Pre} aspect, and shares its restrictions and semantics.
-It must appear either immediately following the corresponding
-subprogram declaration (only other pragmas may intervene), or
-if there is no separate subprogram declaration, then it can
-appear at the start of the declarations in a subprogram body
-(preceded only by other pragmas).
-@node Pragma Precondition,Pragma Predicate,Pragma Pre,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-precondition}@anchor{bc}
-@section Pragma Precondition
-@geindex Preconditions
-@geindex Checks
-@geindex preconditions
-pragma Precondition (
- [Check =>] Boolean_Expression
- [,[Message =>] String_Expression]);
-@end example
-The @code{Precondition} pragma is similar to @code{Postcondition}
-except that the corresponding checks take place immediately upon
-entry to the subprogram, and if a precondition fails, the exception
-is raised in the context of the caller, and the attribute 'Result
-cannot be used within the precondition expression.
-Otherwise, the placement and visibility rules are identical to those
-described for postconditions. The following is an example of use
-within a package spec:
-package Math_Functions is
- ...
- function Sqrt (Arg : Float) return Float;
- pragma Precondition (Arg >= 0.0)
- ...
-end Math_Functions;
-@end example
-@code{Precondition} pragmas may appear either immediately following the
-(separate) declaration of a subprogram, or at the start of the
-declarations of a subprogram body. Only other pragmas may intervene
-(that is appear between the subprogram declaration and its
-postconditions, or appear before the postcondition in the
-declaration sequence in a subprogram body).
-Note: precondition pragmas associated with subprograms that are
-marked as Inline_Always, or those marked as Inline with front-end
-inlining (-gnatN option set) are accepted and legality-checked
-by the compiler, but are ignored at run-time even if precondition
-checking is enabled.
-Note that pragma @code{Precondition} differs from the language-defined
-@code{Pre} aspect (and corresponding @code{Pre} pragma) in allowing
-multiple occurrences, allowing occurences in the body even if there
-is a separate spec, and allowing a second string parameter, and the
-use of the pragma identifier @code{Check}. Historically, pragma
-@code{Precondition} was implemented prior to the development of
-Ada 2012, and has been retained in its original form for
-compatibility purposes.
-@node Pragma Predicate,Pragma Predicate_Failure,Pragma Precondition,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-predicate}@anchor{bd}@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas id30}@anchor{be}
-@section Pragma Predicate
-pragma Predicate
- ([Entity =>] type_LOCAL_NAME,
- [Check =>] EXPRESSION);
-@end example
-This pragma (available in all versions of Ada in GNAT) encompasses both
-the @code{Static_Predicate} and @code{Dynamic_Predicate} aspects in
-Ada 2012. A predicate is regarded as static if it has an allowed form
-for @code{Static_Predicate} and is otherwise treated as a
-@code{Dynamic_Predicate}. Otherwise, predicates specified by this
-pragma behave exactly as described in the Ada 2012 reference manual.
-For example, if we have
-type R is range 1 .. 10;
-subtype S is R;
-pragma Predicate (Entity => S, Check => S not in 4 .. 6);
-subtype Q is R
-pragma Predicate (Entity => Q, Check => F(Q) or G(Q));
-@end example
-the effect is identical to the following Ada 2012 code:
-type R is range 1 .. 10;
-subtype S is R with
- Static_Predicate => S not in 4 .. 6;
-subtype Q is R with
- Dynamic_Predicate => F(Q) or G(Q);
-@end example
-Note that there are no pragmas @code{Dynamic_Predicate}
-or @code{Static_Predicate}. That is
-because these pragmas would affect legality and semantics of
-the program and thus do not have a neutral effect if ignored.
-The motivation behind providing pragmas equivalent to
-corresponding aspects is to allow a program to be written
-using the pragmas, and then compiled with a compiler that
-will ignore the pragmas. That doesn't work in the case of
-static and dynamic predicates, since if the corresponding
-pragmas are ignored, then the behavior of the program is
-fundamentally changed (for example a membership test
-@code{A in B} would not take into account a predicate
-defined for subtype B). When following this approach, the
-use of predicates should be avoided.
-@node Pragma Predicate_Failure,Pragma Preelaborable_Initialization,Pragma Predicate,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-predicate-failure}@anchor{bf}
-@section Pragma Predicate_Failure
-pragma Predicate_Failure
- ([Entity =>] type_LOCAL_NAME,
- [Message =>] String_Expression);
-@end example
-The @code{Predicate_Failure} pragma is intended to be an exact replacement for
-the language-defined
-@code{Predicate_Failure} aspect, and shares its restrictions and semantics.
-@node Pragma Preelaborable_Initialization,Pragma Prefix_Exception_Messages,Pragma Predicate_Failure,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-preelaborable-initialization}@anchor{c0}
-@section Pragma Preelaborable_Initialization
-pragma Preelaborable_Initialization (DIRECT_NAME);
-@end example
-This pragma is standard in Ada 2005, but is available in all earlier
-versions of Ada as an implementation-defined pragma.
-See Ada 2012 Reference Manual for details.
-@node Pragma Prefix_Exception_Messages,Pragma Pre_Class,Pragma Preelaborable_Initialization,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-prefix-exception-messages}@anchor{c1}
-@section Pragma Prefix_Exception_Messages
-@geindex Prefix_Exception_Messages
-@geindex exception
-@geindex Exception_Message
-pragma Prefix_Exception_Messages;
-@end example
-This is an implementation-defined configuration pragma that affects the
-behavior of raise statements with a message given as a static string
-constant (typically a string literal). In such cases, the string will
-be automatically prefixed by the name of the enclosing entity (giving
-the package and subprogram containing the raise statement). This helps
-to identify where messages are coming from, and this mode is automatic
-for the run-time library.
-The pragma has no effect if the message is computed with an expression other
-than a static string constant, since the assumption in this case is that
-the program computes exactly the string it wants. If you still want the
-prefixing in this case, you can always call
-@code{GNAT.Source_Info.Enclosing_Entity} and prepend the string manually.
-@node Pragma Pre_Class,Pragma Priority_Specific_Dispatching,Pragma Prefix_Exception_Messages,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-pre-class}@anchor{c2}
-@section Pragma Pre_Class
-@geindex Pre_Class
-@geindex Checks
-@geindex preconditions
-pragma Pre_Class (Boolean_Expression);
-@end example
-The @code{Pre_Class} pragma is intended to be an exact replacement for
-the language-defined
-@code{Pre'Class} aspect, and shares its restrictions and semantics.
-It must appear either immediately following the corresponding
-subprogram declaration (only other pragmas may intervene), or
-if there is no separate subprogram declaration, then it can
-appear at the start of the declarations in a subprogram body
-(preceded only by other pragmas).
-Note: This pragma is called @code{Pre_Class} rather than
-@code{Pre'Class} because the latter would not be strictly
-conforming to the allowed syntax for pragmas. The motivation
-for providing pragmas equivalent to the aspects is to allow a program
-to be written using the pragmas, and then compiled if necessary
-using an Ada compiler that does not recognize the pragmas or
-aspects, but is prepared to ignore the pragmas. The assertion
-policy that controls this pragma is @code{Pre'Class}, not
-@node Pragma Priority_Specific_Dispatching,Pragma Profile,Pragma Pre_Class,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-priority-specific-dispatching}@anchor{c3}
-@section Pragma Priority_Specific_Dispatching
-pragma Priority_Specific_Dispatching (
- first_priority_EXPRESSION,
- last_priority_EXPRESSION)
- EDF_Across_Priorities |
- FIFO_Within_Priorities |
- Non_Preemptive_Within_Priorities |
- Round_Robin_Within_Priorities
-@end example
-This pragma is standard in Ada 2005, but is available in all earlier
-versions of Ada as an implementation-defined pragma.
-See Ada 2012 Reference Manual for details.
-@node Pragma Profile,Pragma Profile_Warnings,Pragma Priority_Specific_Dispatching,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-profile}@anchor{c4}
-@section Pragma Profile
-pragma Profile (Ravenscar | Restricted | Rational | Jorvik |
- GNAT_Extended_Ravenscar | GNAT_Ravenscar_EDF );
-@end example
-This pragma is standard in Ada 2005, but is available in all earlier
-versions of Ada as an implementation-defined pragma. This is a
-configuration pragma that establishes a set of configuration pragmas
-that depend on the argument. @code{Ravenscar} is standard in Ada 2005.
-@code{Jorvik} is standard in Ada 202x.
-The other possibilities (@code{Restricted}, @code{Rational},
-@code{GNAT_Extended_Ravenscar}, @code{GNAT_Ravenscar_EDF})
-are implementation-defined. @code{GNAT_Extended_Ravenscar} is an alias for @code{Jorvik}.
-The set of configuration pragmas is defined in the following sections.
-@itemize *
-Pragma Profile (Ravenscar)
-The @code{Ravenscar} profile is standard in Ada 2005,
-but is available in all earlier
-versions of Ada as an implementation-defined pragma. This profile
-establishes the following set of configuration pragmas:
-@itemize *
-@code{Task_Dispatching_Policy (FIFO_Within_Priorities)}
-[RM D.2.2] Tasks are dispatched following a preemptive
-priority-ordered scheduling policy.
-@code{Locking_Policy (Ceiling_Locking)}
-[RM D.3] While tasks and interrupts execute a protected action, they inherit
-the ceiling priority of the corresponding protected object.
-This pragma forces the detection of potentially blocking operations within a
-protected operation, and to raise Program_Error if that happens.
-@end itemize
-plus the following set of restrictions:
-@itemize *
-@code{Max_Entry_Queue_Length => 1}
-No task can be queued on a protected entry.
-@code{Max_Protected_Entries => 1}
-@code{Max_Task_Entries => 0}
-No rendezvous statements are allowed.
-@end itemize
-The Ravenscar profile also includes the following restrictions that specify
-that there are no semantic dependencies on the corresponding predefined
-@itemize *
-@code{No_Dependence => Ada.Asynchronous_Task_Control}
-@code{No_Dependence => Ada.Calendar}
-@code{No_Dependence => Ada.Execution_Time.Group_Budget}
-@code{No_Dependence => Ada.Execution_Time.Timers}
-@code{No_Dependence => Ada.Task_Attributes}
-@code{No_Dependence => System.Multiprocessors.Dispatching_Domains}
-@end itemize
-This set of configuration pragmas and restrictions correspond to the
-definition of the 'Ravenscar Profile' for limited tasking, devised and
-published by the @cite{International Real-Time Ada Workshop@comma{} 1997}.
-A description is also available at
-The original definition of the profile was revised at subsequent IRTAW
-meetings. It has been included in the ISO
-@cite{Guide for the Use of the Ada Programming Language in High Integrity Systems},
-and was made part of the Ada 2005 standard.
-The formal definition given by
-the Ada Rapporteur Group (ARG) can be found in two Ada Issues (AI-249 and
-AI-305) available at
-@indicateurl{http://www.ada-auth.org/cgi-bin/cvsweb.cgi/ais/ai-00249.txt} and
-The above set is a superset of the restrictions provided by pragma
-@code{Profile (Restricted)}, it includes six additional restrictions
-(@code{Simple_Barriers}, @code{No_Select_Statements},
-@code{No_Calendar}, @code{No_Implicit_Heap_Allocations},
-@code{No_Relative_Delay} and @code{No_Task_Termination}). This means
-that pragma @code{Profile (Ravenscar)}, like the pragma
-@code{Profile (Restricted)},
-automatically causes the use of a simplified,
-more efficient version of the tasking run-time library.
-Pragma Profile (Jorvik)
-@code{Jorvik} is the new profile added to the Ada 202x draft standard,
-previously implemented under the name @code{GNAT_Extended_Ravenscar}.
-The @code{No_Implicit_Heap_Allocations} restriction has been replaced
-by @code{No_Implicit_Task_Allocations} and
-The @code{Simple_Barriers} restriction has been replaced by
-The @code{Max_Protected_Entries}, @code{Max_Entry_Queue_Length}, and
-@code{No_Relative_Delay} restrictions have been removed.
-Details on the rationale for @code{Jorvik} and implications for use may be
-found in @cite{A New Ravenscar-Based Profile} by P. Rogers, J. Ruiz,
-T. Gingold and P. Bernardi, in @cite{Reliable Software Technologies -- Ada Europe 2017}, Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
-Number 10300.
-Pragma Profile (GNAT_Ravenscar_EDF)
-This profile corresponds to the Ravenscar profile but using
-EDF_Across_Priority as the Task_Scheduling_Policy.
-Pragma Profile (Restricted)
-This profile corresponds to the GNAT restricted run time. It
-establishes the following set of restrictions:
-@itemize *
-@code{Max_Asynchronous_Select_Nesting = 0}
-@code{Max_Task_Entries = 0}
-@code{Max_Protected_Entries = 1}
-@code{Max_Select_Alternatives = 0}
-@end itemize
-This set of restrictions causes the automatic selection of a simplified
-version of the run time that provides improved performance for the
-limited set of tasking functionality permitted by this set of restrictions.
-Pragma Profile (Rational)
-The Rational profile is intended to facilitate porting legacy code that
-compiles with the Rational APEX compiler, even when the code includes non-
-conforming Ada constructs. The profile enables the following three pragmas:
-@itemize *
-@code{pragma Implicit_Packing}
-@code{pragma Overriding_Renamings}
-@code{pragma Use_VADS_Size}
-@end itemize
-@end itemize
-@node Pragma Profile_Warnings,Pragma Propagate_Exceptions,Pragma Profile,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-profile-warnings}@anchor{c5}
-@section Pragma Profile_Warnings
-pragma Profile_Warnings (Ravenscar | Restricted | Rational);
-@end example
-This is an implementation-defined pragma that is similar in
-effect to @code{pragma Profile} except that instead of
-generating @code{Restrictions} pragmas, it generates
-@code{Restriction_Warnings} pragmas. The result is that
-violations of the profile generate warning messages instead
-of error messages.
-@node Pragma Propagate_Exceptions,Pragma Provide_Shift_Operators,Pragma Profile_Warnings,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-propagate-exceptions}@anchor{c6}
-@section Pragma Propagate_Exceptions
-@geindex Interfacing to C++
-pragma Propagate_Exceptions;
-@end example
-This pragma is now obsolete and, other than generating a warning if warnings
-on obsolescent features are enabled, is ignored.
-It is retained for compatibility
-purposes. It used to be used in connection with optimization of
-a now-obsolete mechanism for implementation of exceptions.
-@node Pragma Provide_Shift_Operators,Pragma Psect_Object,Pragma Propagate_Exceptions,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-provide-shift-operators}@anchor{c7}
-@section Pragma Provide_Shift_Operators
-@geindex Shift operators
-pragma Provide_Shift_Operators (integer_first_subtype_LOCAL_NAME);
-@end example
-This pragma can be applied to a first subtype local name that specifies
-either an unsigned or signed type. It has the effect of providing the
-five shift operators (Shift_Left, Shift_Right, Shift_Right_Arithmetic,
-Rotate_Left and Rotate_Right) for the given type. It is similar to
-including the function declarations for these five operators, together
-with the pragma Import (Intrinsic, ...) statements.
-@node Pragma Psect_Object,Pragma Pure_Function,Pragma Provide_Shift_Operators,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-psect-object}@anchor{c8}
-@section Pragma Psect_Object
-pragma Psect_Object (
- [Internal =>] LOCAL_NAME,
- [, [External =>] EXTERNAL_SYMBOL]
- [, [Size =>] EXTERNAL_SYMBOL]);
-| static_string_EXPRESSION
-@end example
-This pragma is identical in effect to pragma @code{Common_Object}.
-@node Pragma Pure_Function,Pragma Rational,Pragma Psect_Object,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-pure-function}@anchor{c9}@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas id31}@anchor{ca}
-@section Pragma Pure_Function
-pragma Pure_Function ([Entity =>] function_LOCAL_NAME);
-@end example
-This pragma appears in the same declarative part as a function
-declaration (or a set of function declarations if more than one
-overloaded declaration exists, in which case the pragma applies
-to all entities). It specifies that the function @code{Entity} is
-to be considered pure for the purposes of code generation. This means
-that the compiler can assume that there are no side effects, and
-in particular that two calls with identical arguments produce the
-same result. It also means that the function can be used in an
-address clause.
-Note that, quite deliberately, there are no static checks to try
-to ensure that this promise is met, so @code{Pure_Function} can be used
-with functions that are conceptually pure, even if they do modify
-global variables. For example, a square root function that is
-instrumented to count the number of times it is called is still
-conceptually pure, and can still be optimized, even though it
-modifies a global variable (the count). Memo functions are another
-example (where a table of previous calls is kept and consulted to
-avoid re-computation).
-Note also that the normal rules excluding optimization of subprograms
-in pure units (when parameter types are descended from System.Address,
-or when the full view of a parameter type is limited), do not apply
-for the Pure_Function case. If you explicitly specify Pure_Function,
-the compiler may optimize away calls with identical arguments, and
-if that results in unexpected behavior, the proper action is not to
-use the pragma for subprograms that are not (conceptually) pure.
-Note: Most functions in a @code{Pure} package are automatically pure, and
-there is no need to use pragma @code{Pure_Function} for such functions. One
-exception is any function that has at least one formal of type
-@code{System.Address} or a type derived from it. Such functions are not
-considered pure by default, since the compiler assumes that the
-@code{Address} parameter may be functioning as a pointer and that the
-referenced data may change even if the address value does not.
-Similarly, imported functions are not considered to be pure by default,
-since there is no way of checking that they are in fact pure. The use
-of pragma @code{Pure_Function} for such a function will override these default
-assumption, and cause the compiler to treat a designated subprogram as pure
-in these cases.
-Note: If pragma @code{Pure_Function} is applied to a renamed function, it
-applies to the underlying renamed function. This can be used to
-disambiguate cases of overloading where some but not all functions
-in a set of overloaded functions are to be designated as pure.
-If pragma @code{Pure_Function} is applied to a library-level function, the
-function is also considered pure from an optimization point of view, but the
-unit is not a Pure unit in the categorization sense. So for example, a function
-thus marked is free to @code{with} non-pure units.
-@node Pragma Rational,Pragma Ravenscar,Pragma Pure_Function,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-rational}@anchor{cb}
-@section Pragma Rational
-pragma Rational;
-@end example
-This pragma is considered obsolescent, but is retained for
-compatibility purposes. It is equivalent to:
-pragma Profile (Rational);
-@end example
-@node Pragma Ravenscar,Pragma Refined_Depends,Pragma Rational,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-ravenscar}@anchor{cc}
-@section Pragma Ravenscar
-pragma Ravenscar;
-@end example
-This pragma is considered obsolescent, but is retained for
-compatibility purposes. It is equivalent to:
-pragma Profile (Ravenscar);
-@end example
-which is the preferred method of setting the @code{Ravenscar} profile.
-@node Pragma Refined_Depends,Pragma Refined_Global,Pragma Ravenscar,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-refined-depends}@anchor{cd}@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas id32}@anchor{ce}
-@section Pragma Refined_Depends
-pragma Refined_Depends (DEPENDENCY_RELATION);
- null
-INPUT_LIST ::= null | INPUT | (INPUT @{, INPUT@})
-where FUNCTION_RESULT is a function Result attribute_reference
-@end example
-For the semantics of this pragma, see the entry for aspect @code{Refined_Depends} in
-the SPARK 2014 Reference Manual, section 6.1.5.
-@node Pragma Refined_Global,Pragma Refined_Post,Pragma Refined_Depends,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-refined-global}@anchor{cf}@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas id33}@anchor{d0}
-@section Pragma Refined_Global
-pragma Refined_Global (GLOBAL_SPECIFICATION);
- null
-MODE_SELECTOR ::= In_Out | Input | Output | Proof_In
-@end example
-For the semantics of this pragma, see the entry for aspect @code{Refined_Global} in
-the SPARK 2014 Reference Manual, section 6.1.4.
-@node Pragma Refined_Post,Pragma Refined_State,Pragma Refined_Global,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-refined-post}@anchor{d1}@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas id34}@anchor{d2}
-@section Pragma Refined_Post
-pragma Refined_Post (boolean_EXPRESSION);
-@end example
-For the semantics of this pragma, see the entry for aspect @code{Refined_Post} in
-the SPARK 2014 Reference Manual, section 7.2.7.
-@node Pragma Refined_State,Pragma Relative_Deadline,Pragma Refined_Post,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-refined-state}@anchor{d3}@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas id35}@anchor{d4}
-@section Pragma Refined_State
-pragma Refined_State (REFINEMENT_LIST);
- null
-CONSTITUENT ::= object_NAME | state_NAME
-@end example
-For the semantics of this pragma, see the entry for aspect @code{Refined_State} in
-the SPARK 2014 Reference Manual, section 7.2.2.
-@node Pragma Relative_Deadline,Pragma Remote_Access_Type,Pragma Refined_State,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-relative-deadline}@anchor{d5}
-@section Pragma Relative_Deadline
-pragma Relative_Deadline (time_span_EXPRESSION);
-@end example
-This pragma is standard in Ada 2005, but is available in all earlier
-versions of Ada as an implementation-defined pragma.
-See Ada 2012 Reference Manual for details.
-@node Pragma Remote_Access_Type,Pragma Restricted_Run_Time,Pragma Relative_Deadline,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas id36}@anchor{d6}@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-remote-access-type}@anchor{d7}
-@section Pragma Remote_Access_Type
-pragma Remote_Access_Type ([Entity =>] formal_access_type_LOCAL_NAME);
-@end example
-This pragma appears in the formal part of a generic declaration.
-It specifies an exception to the RM rule from E.2.2(17/2), which forbids
-the use of a remote access to class-wide type as actual for a formal
-access type.
-When this pragma applies to a formal access type @code{Entity}, that
-type is treated as a remote access to class-wide type in the generic.
-It must be a formal general access type, and its designated type must
-be the class-wide type of a formal tagged limited private type from the
-same generic declaration.
-In the generic unit, the formal type is subject to all restrictions
-pertaining to remote access to class-wide types. At instantiation, the
-actual type must be a remote access to class-wide type.
-@node Pragma Restricted_Run_Time,Pragma Restriction_Warnings,Pragma Remote_Access_Type,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-restricted-run-time}@anchor{d8}
-@section Pragma Restricted_Run_Time
-pragma Restricted_Run_Time;
-@end example
-This pragma is considered obsolescent, but is retained for
-compatibility purposes. It is equivalent to:
-pragma Profile (Restricted);
-@end example
-which is the preferred method of setting the restricted run time
-@node Pragma Restriction_Warnings,Pragma Reviewable,Pragma Restricted_Run_Time,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-restriction-warnings}@anchor{d9}
-@section Pragma Restriction_Warnings
-pragma Restriction_Warnings
- (restriction_IDENTIFIER @{, restriction_IDENTIFIER@});
-@end example
-This pragma allows a series of restriction identifiers to be
-specified (the list of allowed identifiers is the same as for
-pragma @code{Restrictions}). For each of these identifiers
-the compiler checks for violations of the restriction, but
-generates a warning message rather than an error message
-if the restriction is violated.
-One use of this is in situations where you want to know
-about violations of a restriction, but you want to ignore some of
-these violations. Consider this example, where you want to set
-Ada_95 mode and enable style checks, but you want to know about
-any other use of implementation pragmas:
-pragma Restriction_Warnings (No_Implementation_Pragmas);
-pragma Warnings (Off, "violation of No_Implementation_Pragmas");
-pragma Ada_95;
-pragma Style_Checks ("2bfhkM160");
-pragma Warnings (On, "violation of No_Implementation_Pragmas");
-@end example
-By including the above lines in a configuration pragmas file,
-the Ada_95 and Style_Checks pragmas are accepted without
-generating a warning, but any other use of implementation
-defined pragmas will cause a warning to be generated.
-@node Pragma Reviewable,Pragma Secondary_Stack_Size,Pragma Restriction_Warnings,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-reviewable}@anchor{da}
-@section Pragma Reviewable
-pragma Reviewable;
-@end example
-This pragma is an RM-defined standard pragma, but has no effect on the
-program being compiled, or on the code generated for the program.
-To obtain the required output specified in RM H.3.1, the compiler must be
-run with various special switches as follows:
-@itemize *
-@emph{Where compiler-generated run-time checks remain}
-The switch @emph{-gnatGL}
-may be used to list the expanded code in pseudo-Ada form.
-Runtime checks show up in the listing either as explicit
-checks or operators marked with @{@} to indicate a check is present.
-@emph{An identification of known exceptions at compile time}
-If the program is compiled with @emph{-gnatwa},
-the compiler warning messages will indicate all cases where the compiler
-detects that an exception is certain to occur at run time.
-@emph{Possible reads of uninitialized variables}
-The compiler warns of many such cases, but its output is incomplete.
-@end itemize
-A supplemental static analysis tool
-may be used to obtain a comprehensive list of all
-possible points at which uninitialized data may be read.
-@itemize *
-@emph{Where run-time support routines are implicitly invoked}
-In the output from @emph{-gnatGL},
-run-time calls are explicitly listed as calls to the relevant
-run-time routine.
-@emph{Object code listing}
-This may be obtained either by using the @emph{-S} switch,
-or the objdump utility.
-@emph{Constructs known to be erroneous at compile time}
-These are identified by warnings issued by the compiler (use @emph{-gnatwa}).
-@emph{Stack usage information}
-Static stack usage data (maximum per-subprogram) can be obtained via the
-@emph{-fstack-usage} switch to the compiler.
-Dynamic stack usage data (per task) can be obtained via the @emph{-u} switch
-to gnatbind
-@end itemize
-@itemize *
-@emph{Object code listing of entire partition}
-This can be obtained by compiling the partition with @emph{-S},
-or by applying objdump
-to all the object files that are part of the partition.
-@emph{A description of the run-time model}
-The full sources of the run-time are available, and the documentation of
-these routines describes how these run-time routines interface to the
-underlying operating system facilities.
-@emph{Control and data-flow information}
-@end itemize
-A supplemental static analysis tool
-may be used to obtain complete control and data-flow information, as well as
-comprehensive messages identifying possible problems based on this
-@node Pragma Secondary_Stack_Size,Pragma Share_Generic,Pragma Reviewable,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas id37}@anchor{db}@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-secondary-stack-size}@anchor{dc}
-@section Pragma Secondary_Stack_Size
-pragma Secondary_Stack_Size (integer_EXPRESSION);
-@end example
-This pragma appears within the task definition of a single task declaration
-or a task type declaration (like pragma @code{Storage_Size}) and applies to all
-task objects of that type. The argument specifies the size of the secondary
-stack to be used by these task objects, and must be of an integer type. The
-secondary stack is used to handle functions that return a variable-sized
-result, for example a function returning an unconstrained String.
-Note this pragma only applies to targets using fixed secondary stacks, like
-VxWorks 653 and bare board targets, where a fixed block for the
-secondary stack is allocated from the primary stack of the task. By default,
-these targets assign a percentage of the primary stack for the secondary stack,
-as defined by @code{System.Parameter.Sec_Stack_Percentage}. With this pragma,
-an @code{integer_EXPRESSION} of bytes is assigned from the primary stack instead.
-For most targets, the pragma does not apply as the secondary stack grows on
-demand: allocated as a chain of blocks in the heap. The default size of these
-blocks can be modified via the @code{-D} binder option as described in
-@cite{GNAT User's Guide}.
-Note that no check is made to see if the secondary stack can fit inside the
-primary stack.
-Note the pragma cannot appear when the restriction @code{No_Secondary_Stack}
-is in effect.
-@node Pragma Share_Generic,Pragma Shared,Pragma Secondary_Stack_Size,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-share-generic}@anchor{dd}
-@section Pragma Share_Generic
-pragma Share_Generic (GNAME @{, GNAME@});
-GNAME ::= generic_unit_NAME | generic_instance_NAME
-@end example
-This pragma is provided for compatibility with Dec Ada 83. It has
-no effect in GNAT (which does not implement shared generics), other
-than to check that the given names are all names of generic units or
-generic instances.
-@node Pragma Shared,Pragma Short_Circuit_And_Or,Pragma Share_Generic,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas id38}@anchor{de}@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-shared}@anchor{df}
-@section Pragma Shared
-This pragma is provided for compatibility with Ada 83. The syntax and
-semantics are identical to pragma Atomic.
-@node Pragma Short_Circuit_And_Or,Pragma Short_Descriptors,Pragma Shared,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-short-circuit-and-or}@anchor{e0}
-@section Pragma Short_Circuit_And_Or
-pragma Short_Circuit_And_Or;
-@end example
-This configuration pragma causes any occurrence of the AND operator applied to
-operands of type Standard.Boolean to be short-circuited (i.e. the AND operator
-is treated as if it were AND THEN). Or is similarly treated as OR ELSE. This
-may be useful in the context of certification protocols requiring the use of
-short-circuited logical operators. If this configuration pragma occurs locally
-within the file being compiled, it applies only to the file being compiled.
-There is no requirement that all units in a partition use this option.
-@node Pragma Short_Descriptors,Pragma Simple_Storage_Pool_Type,Pragma Short_Circuit_And_Or,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-short-descriptors}@anchor{e1}
-@section Pragma Short_Descriptors
-pragma Short_Descriptors
-@end example
-This pragma is provided for compatibility with other Ada implementations. It
-is recognized but ignored by all current versions of GNAT.
-@node Pragma Simple_Storage_Pool_Type,Pragma Source_File_Name,Pragma Short_Descriptors,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-simple-storage-pool-type}@anchor{e2}@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas id39}@anchor{e3}
-@section Pragma Simple_Storage_Pool_Type
-@geindex Storage pool
-@geindex simple
-@geindex Simple storage pool
-pragma Simple_Storage_Pool_Type (type_LOCAL_NAME);
-@end example
-A type can be established as a 'simple storage pool type' by applying
-the representation pragma @code{Simple_Storage_Pool_Type} to the type.
-A type named in the pragma must be a library-level immutably limited record
-type or limited tagged type declared immediately within a package declaration.
-The type can also be a limited private type whose full type is allowed as
-a simple storage pool type.
-For a simple storage pool type @code{SSP}, nonabstract primitive subprograms
-@code{Allocate}, @code{Deallocate}, and @code{Storage_Size} can be declared that
-are subtype conformant with the following subprogram declarations:
-procedure Allocate
- (Pool : in out SSP;
- Storage_Address : out System.Address;
- Size_In_Storage_Elements : System.Storage_Elements.Storage_Count;
- Alignment : System.Storage_Elements.Storage_Count);
-procedure Deallocate
- (Pool : in out SSP;
- Storage_Address : System.Address;
- Size_In_Storage_Elements : System.Storage_Elements.Storage_Count;
- Alignment : System.Storage_Elements.Storage_Count);
-function Storage_Size (Pool : SSP)
- return System.Storage_Elements.Storage_Count;
-@end example
-Procedure @code{Allocate} must be declared, whereas @code{Deallocate} and
-@code{Storage_Size} are optional. If @code{Deallocate} is not declared, then
-applying an unchecked deallocation has no effect other than to set its actual
-parameter to null. If @code{Storage_Size} is not declared, then the
-@code{Storage_Size} attribute applied to an access type associated with
-a pool object of type SSP returns zero. Additional operations can be declared
-for a simple storage pool type (such as for supporting a mark/release
-storage-management discipline).
-An object of a simple storage pool type can be associated with an access
-type by specifying the attribute
-@ref{e4,,Simple_Storage_Pool}. For example:
-My_Pool : My_Simple_Storage_Pool_Type;
-type Acc is access My_Data_Type;
-for Acc'Simple_Storage_Pool use My_Pool;
-@end example
-See attribute @ref{e4,,Simple_Storage_Pool}
-for further details.
-@node Pragma Source_File_Name,Pragma Source_File_Name_Project,Pragma Simple_Storage_Pool_Type,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-source-file-name}@anchor{e5}@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas id40}@anchor{e6}
-@section Pragma Source_File_Name
-pragma Source_File_Name (
- [Unit_Name =>] unit_NAME,
- Spec_File_Name => STRING_LITERAL,
- [Index => INTEGER_LITERAL]);
-pragma Source_File_Name (
- [Unit_Name =>] unit_NAME,
- Body_File_Name => STRING_LITERAL,
- [Index => INTEGER_LITERAL]);
-@end example
-Use this to override the normal naming convention. It is a configuration
-pragma, and so has the usual applicability of configuration pragmas
-(i.e., it applies to either an entire partition, or to all units in a
-compilation, or to a single unit, depending on how it is used.
-@code{unit_name} is mapped to @code{file_name_literal}. The identifier for
-the second argument is required, and indicates whether this is the file
-name for the spec or for the body.
-The optional Index argument should be used when a file contains multiple
-units, and when you do not want to use @code{gnatchop} to separate then
-into multiple files (which is the recommended procedure to limit the
-number of recompilations that are needed when some sources change).
-For instance, if the source file @code{source.ada} contains
-package B is
-end B;
-with B;
-procedure A is
- ..
-end A;
-@end example
-you could use the following configuration pragmas:
-pragma Source_File_Name
- (B, Spec_File_Name => "source.ada", Index => 1);
-pragma Source_File_Name
- (A, Body_File_Name => "source.ada", Index => 2);
-@end example
-Note that the @code{gnatname} utility can also be used to generate those
-configuration pragmas.
-Another form of the @code{Source_File_Name} pragma allows
-the specification of patterns defining alternative file naming schemes
-to apply to all files.
-pragma Source_File_Name
- ( [Spec_File_Name =>] STRING_LITERAL
- [,[Casing =>] CASING_SPEC]
- [,[Dot_Replacement =>] STRING_LITERAL]);
-pragma Source_File_Name
- ( [Body_File_Name =>] STRING_LITERAL
- [,[Casing =>] CASING_SPEC]
- [,[Dot_Replacement =>] STRING_LITERAL]);
-pragma Source_File_Name
- ( [Subunit_File_Name =>] STRING_LITERAL
- [,[Casing =>] CASING_SPEC]
- [,[Dot_Replacement =>] STRING_LITERAL]);
-CASING_SPEC ::= Lowercase | Uppercase | Mixedcase
-@end example
-The first argument is a pattern that contains a single asterisk indicating
-the point at which the unit name is to be inserted in the pattern string
-to form the file name. The second argument is optional. If present it
-specifies the casing of the unit name in the resulting file name string.
-The default is lower case. Finally the third argument allows for systematic
-replacement of any dots in the unit name by the specified string literal.
-Note that Source_File_Name pragmas should not be used if you are using
-project files. The reason for this rule is that the project manager is not
-aware of these pragmas, and so other tools that use the projet file would not
-be aware of the intended naming conventions. If you are using project files,
-file naming is controlled by Source_File_Name_Project pragmas, which are
-usually supplied automatically by the project manager. A pragma
-Source_File_Name cannot appear after a @ref{e7,,Pragma Source_File_Name_Project}.
-For more details on the use of the @code{Source_File_Name} pragma, see the
-sections on @cite{Using Other File Names} and @cite{Alternative File Naming Schemes}
-in the @cite{GNAT User's Guide}.
-@node Pragma Source_File_Name_Project,Pragma Source_Reference,Pragma Source_File_Name,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-source-file-name-project}@anchor{e7}@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas id41}@anchor{e8}
-@section Pragma Source_File_Name_Project
-This pragma has the same syntax and semantics as pragma Source_File_Name.
-It is only allowed as a stand-alone configuration pragma.
-It cannot appear after a @ref{e5,,Pragma Source_File_Name}, and
-most importantly, once pragma Source_File_Name_Project appears,
-no further Source_File_Name pragmas are allowed.
-The intention is that Source_File_Name_Project pragmas are always
-generated by the Project Manager in a manner consistent with the naming
-specified in a project file, and when naming is controlled in this manner,
-it is not permissible to attempt to modify this naming scheme using
-Source_File_Name or Source_File_Name_Project pragmas (which would not be
-known to the project manager).
-@node Pragma Source_Reference,Pragma SPARK_Mode,Pragma Source_File_Name_Project,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-source-reference}@anchor{e9}
-@section Pragma Source_Reference
-pragma Source_Reference (INTEGER_LITERAL, STRING_LITERAL);
-@end example
-This pragma must appear as the first line of a source file.
-@code{integer_literal} is the logical line number of the line following
-the pragma line (for use in error messages and debugging
-information). @code{string_literal} is a static string constant that
-specifies the file name to be used in error messages and debugging
-information. This is most notably used for the output of @code{gnatchop}
-with the @emph{-r} switch, to make sure that the original unchopped
-source file is the one referred to.
-The second argument must be a string literal, it cannot be a static
-string expression other than a string literal. This is because its value
-is needed for error messages issued by all phases of the compiler.
-@node Pragma SPARK_Mode,Pragma Static_Elaboration_Desired,Pragma Source_Reference,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-spark-mode}@anchor{ea}@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas id42}@anchor{eb}
-@section Pragma SPARK_Mode
-pragma SPARK_Mode [(On | Off)] ;
-@end example
-In general a program can have some parts that are in SPARK 2014 (and
-follow all the rules in the SPARK Reference Manual), and some parts
-that are full Ada 2012.
-The SPARK_Mode pragma is used to identify which parts are in SPARK
-2014 (by default programs are in full Ada). The SPARK_Mode pragma can
-be used in the following places:
-@itemize *
-As a configuration pragma, in which case it sets the default mode for
-all units compiled with this pragma.
-Immediately following a library-level subprogram spec
-Immediately within a library-level package body
-Immediately following the @code{private} keyword of a library-level
-package spec
-Immediately following the @code{begin} keyword of a library-level
-package body
-Immediately within a library-level subprogram body
-@end itemize
-Normally a subprogram or package spec/body inherits the current mode
-that is active at the point it is declared. But this can be overridden
-by pragma within the spec or body as above.
-The basic consistency rule is that you can't turn SPARK_Mode back
-@code{On}, once you have explicitly (with a pragma) turned if
-@code{Off}. So the following rules apply:
-If a subprogram spec has SPARK_Mode @code{Off}, then the body must
-also have SPARK_Mode @code{Off}.
-For a package, we have four parts:
-@itemize *
-the package public declarations
-the package private part
-the body of the package
-the elaboration code after @code{begin}
-@end itemize
-For a package, the rule is that if you explicitly turn SPARK_Mode
-@code{Off} for any part, then all the following parts must have
-SPARK_Mode @code{Off}. Note that this may require repeating a pragma
-SPARK_Mode (@code{Off}) in the body. For example, if we have a
-configuration pragma SPARK_Mode (@code{On}) that turns the mode on by
-default everywhere, and one particular package spec has pragma
-SPARK_Mode (@code{Off}), then that pragma will need to be repeated in
-the package body.
-@node Pragma Static_Elaboration_Desired,Pragma Stream_Convert,Pragma SPARK_Mode,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-static-elaboration-desired}@anchor{ec}
-@section Pragma Static_Elaboration_Desired
-pragma Static_Elaboration_Desired;
-@end example
-This pragma is used to indicate that the compiler should attempt to initialize
-statically the objects declared in the library unit to which the pragma applies,
-when these objects are initialized (explicitly or implicitly) by an aggregate.
-In the absence of this pragma, aggregates in object declarations are expanded
-into assignments and loops, even when the aggregate components are static
-constants. When the aggregate is present the compiler builds a static expression
-that requires no run-time code, so that the initialized object can be placed in
-read-only data space. If the components are not static, or the aggregate has
-more that 100 components, the compiler emits a warning that the pragma cannot
-be obeyed. (See also the restriction No_Implicit_Loops, which supports static
-construction of larger aggregates with static components that include an others
-@node Pragma Stream_Convert,Pragma Style_Checks,Pragma Static_Elaboration_Desired,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-stream-convert}@anchor{ed}
-@section Pragma Stream_Convert
-pragma Stream_Convert (
- [Entity =>] type_LOCAL_NAME,
- [Read =>] function_NAME,
- [Write =>] function_NAME);
-@end example
-This pragma provides an efficient way of providing user-defined stream
-attributes. Not only is it simpler to use than specifying the attributes
-directly, but more importantly, it allows the specification to be made in such
-a way that the predefined unit Ada.Streams is not loaded unless it is actually
-needed (i.e. unless the stream attributes are actually used); the use of
-the Stream_Convert pragma adds no overhead at all, unless the stream
-attributes are actually used on the designated type.
-The first argument specifies the type for which stream functions are
-provided. The second parameter provides a function used to read values
-of this type. It must name a function whose argument type may be any
-subtype, and whose returned type must be the type given as the first
-argument to the pragma.
-The meaning of the @code{Read} parameter is that if a stream attribute directly
-or indirectly specifies reading of the type given as the first parameter,
-then a value of the type given as the argument to the Read function is
-read from the stream, and then the Read function is used to convert this
-to the required target type.
-Similarly the @code{Write} parameter specifies how to treat write attributes
-that directly or indirectly apply to the type given as the first parameter.
-It must have an input parameter of the type specified by the first parameter,
-and the return type must be the same as the input type of the Read function.
-The effect is to first call the Write function to convert to the given stream
-type, and then write the result type to the stream.
-The Read and Write functions must not be overloaded subprograms. If necessary
-renamings can be supplied to meet this requirement.
-The usage of this attribute is best illustrated by a simple example, taken
-from the GNAT implementation of package Ada.Strings.Unbounded:
-function To_Unbounded (S : String) return Unbounded_String
- renames To_Unbounded_String;
-pragma Stream_Convert
- (Unbounded_String, To_Unbounded, To_String);
-@end example
-The specifications of the referenced functions, as given in the Ada
-Reference Manual are:
-function To_Unbounded_String (Source : String)
- return Unbounded_String;
-function To_String (Source : Unbounded_String)
- return String;
-@end example
-The effect is that if the value of an unbounded string is written to a stream,
-then the representation of the item in the stream is in the same format that
-would be used for @code{Standard.String'Output}, and this same representation
-is expected when a value of this type is read from the stream. Note that the
-value written always includes the bounds, even for Unbounded_String'Write,
-since Unbounded_String is not an array type.
-Note that the @code{Stream_Convert} pragma is not effective in the case of
-a derived type of a non-limited tagged type. If such a type is specified then
-the pragma is silently ignored, and the default implementation of the stream
-attributes is used instead.
-@node Pragma Style_Checks,Pragma Subtitle,Pragma Stream_Convert,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-style-checks}@anchor{ee}
-@section Pragma Style_Checks
-pragma Style_Checks (string_LITERAL | ALL_CHECKS |
- On | Off [, LOCAL_NAME]);
-@end example
-This pragma is used in conjunction with compiler switches to control the
-built in style checking provided by GNAT. The compiler switches, if set,
-provide an initial setting for the switches, and this pragma may be used
-to modify these settings, or the settings may be provided entirely by
-the use of the pragma. This pragma can be used anywhere that a pragma
-is legal, including use as a configuration pragma (including use in
-the @code{gnat.adc} file).
-The form with a string literal specifies which style options are to be
-activated. These are additive, so they apply in addition to any previously
-set style check options. The codes for the options are the same as those
-used in the @emph{-gnaty} switch to @emph{gcc} or @emph{gnatmake}.
-For example the following two methods can be used to enable
-layout checking:
-@itemize *
-pragma Style_Checks ("l");
-@end example
-gcc -c -gnatyl ...
-@end example
-@end itemize
-The form @code{ALL_CHECKS} activates all standard checks (its use is equivalent
-to the use of the @code{gnaty} switch with no options.
-See the @cite{GNAT User's Guide} for details.)
-Note: the behavior is slightly different in GNAT mode (@code{-gnatg} used).
-In this case, @code{ALL_CHECKS} implies the standard set of GNAT mode style check
-options (i.e. equivalent to @code{-gnatyg}).
-The forms with @code{Off} and @code{On}
-can be used to temporarily disable style checks
-as shown in the following example:
-pragma Style_Checks ("k"); -- requires keywords in lower case
-pragma Style_Checks (Off); -- turn off style checks
-NULL; -- this will not generate an error message
-pragma Style_Checks (On); -- turn style checks back on
-NULL; -- this will generate an error message
-@end example
-Finally the two argument form is allowed only if the first argument is
-@code{On} or @code{Off}. The effect is to turn of semantic style checks
-for the specified entity, as shown in the following example:
-pragma Style_Checks ("r"); -- require consistency of identifier casing
-Arg : Integer;
-Rf1 : Integer := ARG; -- incorrect, wrong case
-pragma Style_Checks (Off, Arg);
-Rf2 : Integer := ARG; -- OK, no error
-@end example
-@node Pragma Subtitle,Pragma Suppress,Pragma Style_Checks,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-subtitle}@anchor{ef}
-@section Pragma Subtitle
-pragma Subtitle ([Subtitle =>] STRING_LITERAL);
-@end example
-This pragma is recognized for compatibility with other Ada compilers
-but is ignored by GNAT.
-@node Pragma Suppress,Pragma Suppress_All,Pragma Subtitle,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-suppress}@anchor{f0}
-@section Pragma Suppress
-pragma Suppress (Identifier [, [On =>] Name]);
-@end example
-This is a standard pragma, and supports all the check names required in
-the RM. It is included here because GNAT recognizes some additional check
-names that are implementation defined (as permitted by the RM):
-@itemize *
-@code{Alignment_Check} can be used to suppress alignment checks
-on addresses used in address clauses. Such checks can also be suppressed
-by suppressing range checks, but the specific use of @code{Alignment_Check}
-allows suppression of alignment checks without suppressing other range checks.
-Note that @code{Alignment_Check} is suppressed by default on machines (such as
-the x86) with non-strict alignment.
-@code{Atomic_Synchronization} can be used to suppress the special memory
-synchronization instructions that are normally generated for access to
-@code{Atomic} variables to ensure correct synchronization between tasks
-that use such variables for synchronization purposes.
-@code{Duplicated_Tag_Check} Can be used to suppress the check that is generated
-for a duplicated tag value when a tagged type is declared.
-@code{Container_Checks} Can be used to suppress all checks within Ada.Containers
-and instances of its children, including Tampering_Check.
-@code{Tampering_Check} Can be used to suppress tampering check in the containers.
-@code{Predicate_Check} can be used to control whether predicate checks are
-active. It is applicable only to predicates for which the policy is
-@code{Check}. Unlike @code{Assertion_Policy}, which determines if a given
-predicate is ignored or checked for the whole program, the use of
-@code{Suppress} and @code{Unsuppress} with this check name allows a given
-predicate to be turned on and off at specific points in the program.
-@code{Validity_Check} can be used specifically to control validity checks.
-If @code{Suppress} is used to suppress validity checks, then no validity
-checks are performed, including those specified by the appropriate compiler
-switch or the @code{Validity_Checks} pragma.
-Additional check names previously introduced by use of the @code{Check_Name}
-pragma are also allowed.
-@end itemize
-Note that pragma Suppress gives the compiler permission to omit
-checks, but does not require the compiler to omit checks. The compiler
-will generate checks if they are essentially free, even when they are
-suppressed. In particular, if the compiler can prove that a certain
-check will necessarily fail, it will generate code to do an
-unconditional 'raise', even if checks are suppressed. The compiler
-warns in this case.
-Of course, run-time checks are omitted whenever the compiler can prove
-that they will not fail, whether or not checks are suppressed.
-@node Pragma Suppress_All,Pragma Suppress_Debug_Info,Pragma Suppress,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-suppress-all}@anchor{f1}
-@section Pragma Suppress_All
-pragma Suppress_All;
-@end example
-This pragma can appear anywhere within a unit.
-The effect is to apply @code{Suppress (All_Checks)} to the unit
-in which it appears. This pragma is implemented for compatibility with DEC
-Ada 83 usage where it appears at the end of a unit, and for compatibility
-with Rational Ada, where it appears as a program unit pragma.
-The use of the standard Ada pragma @code{Suppress (All_Checks)}
-as a normal configuration pragma is the preferred usage in GNAT.
-@node Pragma Suppress_Debug_Info,Pragma Suppress_Exception_Locations,Pragma Suppress_All,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-suppress-debug-info}@anchor{f2}@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas id43}@anchor{f3}
-@section Pragma Suppress_Debug_Info
-pragma Suppress_Debug_Info ([Entity =>] LOCAL_NAME);
-@end example
-This pragma can be used to suppress generation of debug information
-for the specified entity. It is intended primarily for use in debugging
-the debugger, and navigating around debugger problems.
-@node Pragma Suppress_Exception_Locations,Pragma Suppress_Initialization,Pragma Suppress_Debug_Info,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-suppress-exception-locations}@anchor{f4}
-@section Pragma Suppress_Exception_Locations
-pragma Suppress_Exception_Locations;
-@end example
-In normal mode, a raise statement for an exception by default generates
-an exception message giving the file name and line number for the location
-of the raise. This is useful for debugging and logging purposes, but this
-entails extra space for the strings for the messages. The configuration
-pragma @code{Suppress_Exception_Locations} can be used to suppress the
-generation of these strings, with the result that space is saved, but the
-exception message for such raises is null. This configuration pragma may
-appear in a global configuration pragma file, or in a specific unit as
-usual. It is not required that this pragma be used consistently within
-a partition, so it is fine to have some units within a partition compiled
-with this pragma and others compiled in normal mode without it.
-@node Pragma Suppress_Initialization,Pragma Task_Name,Pragma Suppress_Exception_Locations,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas id44}@anchor{f5}@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-suppress-initialization}@anchor{f6}
-@section Pragma Suppress_Initialization
-@geindex Suppressing initialization
-@geindex Initialization
-@geindex suppression of
-pragma Suppress_Initialization ([Entity =>] variable_or_subtype_Name);
-@end example
-Here variable_or_subtype_Name is the name introduced by a type declaration
-or subtype declaration or the name of a variable introduced by an
-object declaration.
-In the case of a type or subtype
-this pragma suppresses any implicit or explicit initialization
-for all variables of the given type or subtype,
-including initialization resulting from the use of pragmas
-Normalize_Scalars or Initialize_Scalars.
-This is considered a representation item, so it cannot be given after
-the type is frozen. It applies to all subsequent object declarations,
-and also any allocator that creates objects of the type.
-If the pragma is given for the first subtype, then it is considered
-to apply to the base type and all its subtypes. If the pragma is given
-for other than a first subtype, then it applies only to the given subtype.
-The pragma may not be given after the type is frozen.
-Note that this includes eliminating initialization of discriminants
-for discriminated types, and tags for tagged types. In these cases,
-you will have to use some non-portable mechanism (e.g. address
-overlays or unchecked conversion) to achieve required initialization
-of these fields before accessing any object of the corresponding type.
-For the variable case, implicit initialization for the named variable
-is suppressed, just as though its subtype had been given in a pragma
-Suppress_Initialization, as described above.
-@node Pragma Task_Name,Pragma Task_Storage,Pragma Suppress_Initialization,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-task-name}@anchor{f7}
-@section Pragma Task_Name
-pragma Task_Name (string_EXPRESSION);
-@end example
-This pragma appears within a task definition (like pragma
-@code{Priority}) and applies to the task in which it appears. The
-argument must be of type String, and provides a name to be used for
-the task instance when the task is created. Note that this expression
-is not required to be static, and in particular, it can contain
-references to task discriminants. This facility can be used to
-provide different names for different tasks as they are created,
-as illustrated in the example below.
-The task name is recorded internally in the run-time structures
-and is accessible to tools like the debugger. In addition the
-routine @code{Ada.Task_Identification.Image} will return this
-string, with a unique task address appended.
--- Example of the use of pragma Task_Name
-with Ada.Task_Identification;
-use Ada.Task_Identification;
-with Text_IO; use Text_IO;
-procedure t3 is
- type Astring is access String;
- task type Task_Typ (Name : access String) is
- pragma Task_Name (Name.all);
- end Task_Typ;
- task body Task_Typ is
- Nam : constant String := Image (Current_Task);
- begin
- Put_Line ("-->" & Nam (1 .. 14) & "<--");
- end Task_Typ;
- type Ptr_Task is access Task_Typ;
- Task_Var : Ptr_Task;
- Task_Var :=
- new Task_Typ (new String'("This is task 1"));
- Task_Var :=
- new Task_Typ (new String'("This is task 2"));
-@end example
-@node Pragma Task_Storage,Pragma Test_Case,Pragma Task_Name,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-task-storage}@anchor{f8}
-@section Pragma Task_Storage
-pragma Task_Storage (
- [Task_Type =>] LOCAL_NAME,
- [Top_Guard =>] static_integer_EXPRESSION);
-@end example
-This pragma specifies the length of the guard area for tasks. The guard
-area is an additional storage area allocated to a task. A value of zero
-means that either no guard area is created or a minimal guard area is
-created, depending on the target. This pragma can appear anywhere a
-@code{Storage_Size} attribute definition clause is allowed for a task
-@node Pragma Test_Case,Pragma Thread_Local_Storage,Pragma Task_Storage,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-test-case}@anchor{f9}@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas id45}@anchor{fa}
-@section Pragma Test_Case
-@geindex Test cases
-pragma Test_Case (
- [Name =>] static_string_Expression
- ,[Mode =>] (Nominal | Robustness)
- [, Requires => Boolean_Expression]
- [, Ensures => Boolean_Expression]);
-@end example
-The @code{Test_Case} pragma allows defining fine-grain specifications
-for use by testing tools.
-The compiler checks the validity of the @code{Test_Case} pragma, but its
-presence does not lead to any modification of the code generated by the
-@code{Test_Case} pragmas may only appear immediately following the
-(separate) declaration of a subprogram in a package declaration, inside
-a package spec unit. Only other pragmas may intervene (that is appear
-between the subprogram declaration and a test case).
-The compiler checks that boolean expressions given in @code{Requires} and
-@code{Ensures} are valid, where the rules for @code{Requires} are the
-same as the rule for an expression in @code{Precondition} and the rules
-for @code{Ensures} are the same as the rule for an expression in
-@code{Postcondition}. In particular, attributes @code{'Old} and
-@code{'Result} can only be used within the @code{Ensures}
-expression. The following is an example of use within a package spec:
-package Math_Functions is
- ...
- function Sqrt (Arg : Float) return Float;
- pragma Test_Case (Name => "Test 1",
- Mode => Nominal,
- Requires => Arg < 10000.0,
- Ensures => Sqrt'Result < 10.0);
- ...
-end Math_Functions;
-@end example
-The meaning of a test case is that there is at least one context where
-@code{Requires} holds such that, if the associated subprogram is executed in
-that context, then @code{Ensures} holds when the subprogram returns.
-Mode @code{Nominal} indicates that the input context should also satisfy the
-precondition of the subprogram, and the output context should also satisfy its
-postcondition. Mode @code{Robustness} indicates that the precondition and
-postcondition of the subprogram should be ignored for this test case.
-@node Pragma Thread_Local_Storage,Pragma Time_Slice,Pragma Test_Case,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-thread-local-storage}@anchor{fb}@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas id46}@anchor{fc}
-@section Pragma Thread_Local_Storage
-@geindex Task specific storage
-@geindex TLS (Thread Local Storage)
-@geindex Task_Attributes
-pragma Thread_Local_Storage ([Entity =>] LOCAL_NAME);
-@end example
-This pragma specifies that the specified entity, which must be
-a variable declared in a library-level package, is to be marked as
-"Thread Local Storage" (@code{TLS}). On systems supporting this (which
-include Windows, Solaris, GNU/Linux, and VxWorks 6), this causes each
-thread (and hence each Ada task) to see a distinct copy of the variable.
-The variable must not have default initialization, and if there is
-an explicit initialization, it must be either @code{null} for an
-access variable, a static expression for a scalar variable, or a fully
-static aggregate for a composite type, that is to say, an aggregate all
-of whose components are static, and which does not include packed or
-discriminated components.
-This provides a low-level mechanism similar to that provided by
-the @code{Ada.Task_Attributes} package, but much more efficient
-and is also useful in writing interface code that will interact
-with foreign threads.
-If this pragma is used on a system where @code{TLS} is not supported,
-then an error message will be generated and the program will be rejected.
-@node Pragma Time_Slice,Pragma Title,Pragma Thread_Local_Storage,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-time-slice}@anchor{fd}
-@section Pragma Time_Slice
-pragma Time_Slice (static_duration_EXPRESSION);
-@end example
-For implementations of GNAT on operating systems where it is possible
-to supply a time slice value, this pragma may be used for this purpose.
-It is ignored if it is used in a system that does not allow this control,
-or if it appears in other than the main program unit.
-@node Pragma Title,Pragma Type_Invariant,Pragma Time_Slice,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-title}@anchor{fe}
-@section Pragma Title
- [Title =>] STRING_LITERAL,
-| [Subtitle =>] STRING_LITERAL
-@end example
-Syntax checked but otherwise ignored by GNAT. This is a listing control
-pragma used in DEC Ada 83 implementations to provide a title and/or
-subtitle for the program listing. The program listing generated by GNAT
-does not have titles or subtitles.
-Unlike other pragmas, the full flexibility of named notation is allowed
-for this pragma, i.e., the parameters may be given in any order if named
-notation is used, and named and positional notation can be mixed
-following the normal rules for procedure calls in Ada.
-@node Pragma Type_Invariant,Pragma Type_Invariant_Class,Pragma Title,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-type-invariant}@anchor{ff}
-@section Pragma Type_Invariant
-pragma Type_Invariant
- ([Entity =>] type_LOCAL_NAME,
- [Check =>] EXPRESSION);
-@end example
-The @code{Type_Invariant} pragma is intended to be an exact
-replacement for the language-defined @code{Type_Invariant}
-aspect, and shares its restrictions and semantics. It differs
-from the language defined @code{Invariant} pragma in that it
-does not permit a string parameter, and it is
-controlled by the assertion identifier @code{Type_Invariant}
-rather than @code{Invariant}.
-@node Pragma Type_Invariant_Class,Pragma Unchecked_Union,Pragma Type_Invariant,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas id47}@anchor{100}@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-type-invariant-class}@anchor{101}
-@section Pragma Type_Invariant_Class
-pragma Type_Invariant_Class
- ([Entity =>] type_LOCAL_NAME,
- [Check =>] EXPRESSION);
-@end example
-The @code{Type_Invariant_Class} pragma is intended to be an exact
-replacement for the language-defined @code{Type_Invariant'Class}
-aspect, and shares its restrictions and semantics.
-Note: This pragma is called @code{Type_Invariant_Class} rather than
-@code{Type_Invariant'Class} because the latter would not be strictly
-conforming to the allowed syntax for pragmas. The motivation
-for providing pragmas equivalent to the aspects is to allow a program
-to be written using the pragmas, and then compiled if necessary
-using an Ada compiler that does not recognize the pragmas or
-aspects, but is prepared to ignore the pragmas. The assertion
-policy that controls this pragma is @code{Type_Invariant'Class},
-not @code{Type_Invariant_Class}.
-@node Pragma Unchecked_Union,Pragma Unevaluated_Use_Of_Old,Pragma Type_Invariant_Class,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-unchecked-union}@anchor{102}
-@section Pragma Unchecked_Union
-@geindex Unions in C
-pragma Unchecked_Union (first_subtype_LOCAL_NAME);
-@end example
-This pragma is used to specify a representation of a record type that is
-equivalent to a C union. It was introduced as a GNAT implementation defined
-pragma in the GNAT Ada 95 mode. Ada 2005 includes an extended version of this
-pragma, making it language defined, and GNAT fully implements this extended
-version in all language modes (Ada 83, Ada 95, and Ada 2005). For full
-details, consult the Ada 2012 Reference Manual, section B.3.3.
-@node Pragma Unevaluated_Use_Of_Old,Pragma Unimplemented_Unit,Pragma Unchecked_Union,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-unevaluated-use-of-old}@anchor{103}
-@section Pragma Unevaluated_Use_Of_Old
-@geindex Attribute Old
-@geindex Attribute Loop_Entry
-@geindex Unevaluated_Use_Of_Old
-pragma Unevaluated_Use_Of_Old (Error | Warn | Allow);
-@end example
-This pragma controls the processing of attributes Old and Loop_Entry.
-If either of these attributes is used in a potentially unevaluated
-expression (e.g. the then or else parts of an if expression), then
-normally this usage is considered illegal if the prefix of the attribute
-is other than an entity name. The language requires this
-behavior for Old, and GNAT copies the same rule for Loop_Entry.
-The reason for this rule is that otherwise, we can have a situation
-where we save the Old value, and this results in an exception, even
-though we might not evaluate the attribute. Consider this example:
-package UnevalOld is
- K : Character;
- procedure U (A : String; C : Boolean) -- ERROR
- with Post => (if C then A(1)'Old = K else True);
-@end example
-If procedure U is called with a string with a lower bound of 2, and
-C false, then an exception would be raised trying to evaluate A(1)
-on entry even though the value would not be actually used.
-Although the rule guarantees against this possibility, it is sometimes
-too restrictive. For example if we know that the string has a lower
-bound of 1, then we will never raise an exception.
-The pragma @code{Unevaluated_Use_Of_Old} can be
-used to modify this behavior. If the argument is @code{Error} then an
-error is given (this is the default RM behavior). If the argument is
-@code{Warn} then the usage is allowed as legal but with a warning
-that an exception might be raised. If the argument is @code{Allow}
-then the usage is allowed as legal without generating a warning.
-This pragma may appear as a configuration pragma, or in a declarative
-part or package specification. In the latter case it applies to
-uses up to the end of the corresponding statement sequence or
-sequence of package declarations.
-@node Pragma Unimplemented_Unit,Pragma Universal_Aliasing,Pragma Unevaluated_Use_Of_Old,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-unimplemented-unit}@anchor{104}
-@section Pragma Unimplemented_Unit
-pragma Unimplemented_Unit;
-@end example
-If this pragma occurs in a unit that is processed by the compiler, GNAT
-aborts with the message @code{xxx not implemented}, where
-@code{xxx} is the name of the current compilation unit. This pragma is
-intended to allow the compiler to handle unimplemented library units in
-a clean manner.
-The abort only happens if code is being generated. Thus you can use
-specs of unimplemented packages in syntax or semantic checking mode.
-@node Pragma Universal_Aliasing,Pragma Unmodified,Pragma Unimplemented_Unit,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-universal-aliasing}@anchor{105}@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas id48}@anchor{106}
-@section Pragma Universal_Aliasing
-pragma Universal_Aliasing [([Entity =>] type_LOCAL_NAME)];
-@end example
-@code{type_LOCAL_NAME} must refer to a type declaration in the current
-declarative part. The effect is to inhibit strict type-based aliasing
-optimization for the given type. In other words, the effect is as though
-access types designating this type were subject to pragma No_Strict_Aliasing.
-For a detailed description of the strict aliasing optimization, and the
-situations in which it must be suppressed, see the section on
-@code{Optimization and Strict Aliasing} in the @cite{GNAT User's Guide}.
-@node Pragma Unmodified,Pragma Unreferenced,Pragma Universal_Aliasing,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-unmodified}@anchor{107}@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas id49}@anchor{108}
-@section Pragma Unmodified
-@geindex Warnings
-@geindex unmodified
-pragma Unmodified (LOCAL_NAME @{, LOCAL_NAME@});
-@end example
-This pragma signals that the assignable entities (variables,
-@code{out} parameters, @code{in out} parameters) whose names are listed are
-deliberately not assigned in the current source unit. This
-suppresses warnings about the
-entities being referenced but not assigned, and in addition a warning will be
-generated if one of these entities is in fact assigned in the
-same unit as the pragma (or in the corresponding body, or one
-of its subunits).
-This is particularly useful for clearly signaling that a particular
-parameter is not modified, even though the spec suggests that it might
-For the variable case, warnings are never given for unreferenced variables
-whose name contains one of the substrings
-@code{DISCARD, DUMMY, IGNORE, JUNK, UNUSED} in any casing. Such names
-are typically to be used in cases where such warnings are expected.
-Thus it is never necessary to use @code{pragma Unmodified} for such
-variables, though it is harmless to do so.
-@node Pragma Unreferenced,Pragma Unreferenced_Objects,Pragma Unmodified,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-unreferenced}@anchor{109}@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas id50}@anchor{10a}
-@section Pragma Unreferenced
-@geindex Warnings
-@geindex unreferenced
-pragma Unreferenced (LOCAL_NAME @{, LOCAL_NAME@});
-pragma Unreferenced (library_unit_NAME @{, library_unit_NAME@});
-@end example
-This pragma signals that the entities whose names are listed are
-deliberately not referenced in the current source unit after the
-occurrence of the pragma. This
-suppresses warnings about the
-entities being unreferenced, and in addition a warning will be
-generated if one of these entities is in fact subsequently referenced in the
-same unit as the pragma (or in the corresponding body, or one
-of its subunits).
-This is particularly useful for clearly signaling that a particular
-parameter is not referenced in some particular subprogram implementation
-and that this is deliberate. It can also be useful in the case of
-objects declared only for their initialization or finalization side
-If @code{LOCAL_NAME} identifies more than one matching homonym in the
-current scope, then the entity most recently declared is the one to which
-the pragma applies. Note that in the case of accept formals, the pragma
-Unreferenced may appear immediately after the keyword @code{do} which
-allows the indication of whether or not accept formals are referenced
-or not to be given individually for each accept statement.
-The left hand side of an assignment does not count as a reference for the
-purpose of this pragma. Thus it is fine to assign to an entity for which
-pragma Unreferenced is given.
-Note that if a warning is desired for all calls to a given subprogram,
-regardless of whether they occur in the same unit as the subprogram
-declaration, then this pragma should not be used (calls from another
-unit would not be flagged); pragma Obsolescent can be used instead
-for this purpose, see @ref{ab,,Pragma Obsolescent}.
-The second form of pragma @code{Unreferenced} is used within a context
-clause. In this case the arguments must be unit names of units previously
-mentioned in @code{with} clauses (similar to the usage of pragma
-@code{Elaborate_All}. The effect is to suppress warnings about unreferenced
-units and unreferenced entities within these units.
-For the variable case, warnings are never given for unreferenced variables
-whose name contains one of the substrings
-@code{DISCARD, DUMMY, IGNORE, JUNK, UNUSED} in any casing. Such names
-are typically to be used in cases where such warnings are expected.
-Thus it is never necessary to use @code{pragma Unreferenced} for such
-variables, though it is harmless to do so.
-@node Pragma Unreferenced_Objects,Pragma Unreserve_All_Interrupts,Pragma Unreferenced,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-unreferenced-objects}@anchor{10b}@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas id51}@anchor{10c}
-@section Pragma Unreferenced_Objects
-@geindex Warnings
-@geindex unreferenced
-pragma Unreferenced_Objects (local_subtype_NAME @{, local_subtype_NAME@});
-@end example
-This pragma signals that for the types or subtypes whose names are
-listed, objects which are declared with one of these types or subtypes may
-not be referenced, and if no references appear, no warnings are given.
-This is particularly useful for objects which are declared solely for their
-initialization and finalization effect. Such variables are sometimes referred
-to as RAII variables (Resource Acquisition Is Initialization). Using this
-pragma on the relevant type (most typically a limited controlled type), the
-compiler will automatically suppress unwanted warnings about these variables
-not being referenced.
-@node Pragma Unreserve_All_Interrupts,Pragma Unsuppress,Pragma Unreferenced_Objects,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-unreserve-all-interrupts}@anchor{10d}
-@section Pragma Unreserve_All_Interrupts
-pragma Unreserve_All_Interrupts;
-@end example
-Normally certain interrupts are reserved to the implementation. Any attempt
-to attach an interrupt causes Program_Error to be raised, as described in
-RM C.3.2(22). A typical example is the @code{SIGINT} interrupt used in
-many systems for a @code{Ctrl-C} interrupt. Normally this interrupt is
-reserved to the implementation, so that @code{Ctrl-C} can be used to
-interrupt execution.
-If the pragma @code{Unreserve_All_Interrupts} appears anywhere in any unit in
-a program, then all such interrupts are unreserved. This allows the
-program to handle these interrupts, but disables their standard
-functions. For example, if this pragma is used, then pressing
-@code{Ctrl-C} will not automatically interrupt execution. However,
-a program can then handle the @code{SIGINT} interrupt as it chooses.
-For a full list of the interrupts handled in a specific implementation,
-see the source code for the spec of @code{Ada.Interrupts.Names} in
-file @code{a-intnam.ads}. This is a target dependent file that contains the
-list of interrupts recognized for a given target. The documentation in
-this file also specifies what interrupts are affected by the use of
-the @code{Unreserve_All_Interrupts} pragma.
-For a more general facility for controlling what interrupts can be
-handled, see pragma @code{Interrupt_State}, which subsumes the functionality
-of the @code{Unreserve_All_Interrupts} pragma.
-@node Pragma Unsuppress,Pragma Use_VADS_Size,Pragma Unreserve_All_Interrupts,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-unsuppress}@anchor{10e}
-@section Pragma Unsuppress
-pragma Unsuppress (IDENTIFIER [, [On =>] NAME]);
-@end example
-This pragma undoes the effect of a previous pragma @code{Suppress}. If
-there is no corresponding pragma @code{Suppress} in effect, it has no
-effect. The range of the effect is the same as for pragma
-@code{Suppress}. The meaning of the arguments is identical to that used
-in pragma @code{Suppress}.
-One important application is to ensure that checks are on in cases where
-code depends on the checks for its correct functioning, so that the code
-will compile correctly even if the compiler switches are set to suppress
-checks. For example, in a program that depends on external names of tagged
-types and wants to ensure that the duplicated tag check occurs even if all
-run-time checks are suppressed by a compiler switch, the following
-configuration pragma will ensure this test is not suppressed:
-pragma Unsuppress (Duplicated_Tag_Check);
-@end example
-This pragma is standard in Ada 2005. It is available in all earlier versions
-of Ada as an implementation-defined pragma.
-Note that in addition to the checks defined in the Ada RM, GNAT recogizes a
-number of implementation-defined check names. See the description of pragma
-@code{Suppress} for full details.
-@node Pragma Use_VADS_Size,Pragma Unused,Pragma Unsuppress,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-use-vads-size}@anchor{10f}
-@section Pragma Use_VADS_Size
-@geindex Size
-@geindex VADS compatibility
-@geindex Rational profile
-pragma Use_VADS_Size;
-@end example
-This is a configuration pragma. In a unit to which it applies, any use
-of the 'Size attribute is automatically interpreted as a use of the
-'VADS_Size attribute. Note that this may result in incorrect semantic
-processing of valid Ada 95 or Ada 2005 programs. This is intended to aid in
-the handling of existing code which depends on the interpretation of Size
-as implemented in the VADS compiler. See description of the VADS_Size
-attribute for further details.
-@node Pragma Unused,Pragma Validity_Checks,Pragma Use_VADS_Size,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-unused}@anchor{110}@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas id52}@anchor{111}
-@section Pragma Unused
-@geindex Warnings
-@geindex unused
-pragma Unused (LOCAL_NAME @{, LOCAL_NAME@});
-@end example
-This pragma signals that the assignable entities (variables,
-@code{out} parameters, and @code{in out} parameters) whose names are listed
-deliberately do not get assigned or referenced in the current source unit
-after the occurrence of the pragma in the current source unit. This
-suppresses warnings about the entities that are unreferenced and/or not
-assigned, and, in addition, a warning will be generated if one of these
-entities gets assigned or subsequently referenced in the same unit as the
-pragma (in the corresponding body or one of its subunits).
-This is particularly useful for clearly signaling that a particular
-parameter is not modified or referenced, even though the spec suggests
-that it might be.
-For the variable case, warnings are never given for unreferenced
-variables whose name contains one of the substrings
-@code{DISCARD, DUMMY, IGNORE, JUNK, UNUSED} in any casing. Such names
-are typically to be used in cases where such warnings are expected.
-Thus it is never necessary to use @code{pragma Unmodified} for such
-variables, though it is harmless to do so.
-@node Pragma Validity_Checks,Pragma Volatile,Pragma Unused,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-validity-checks}@anchor{112}
-@section Pragma Validity_Checks
-pragma Validity_Checks (string_LITERAL | ALL_CHECKS | On | Off);
-@end example
-This pragma is used in conjunction with compiler switches to control the
-built-in validity checking provided by GNAT. The compiler switches, if set
-provide an initial setting for the switches, and this pragma may be used
-to modify these settings, or the settings may be provided entirely by
-the use of the pragma. This pragma can be used anywhere that a pragma
-is legal, including use as a configuration pragma (including use in
-the @code{gnat.adc} file).
-The form with a string literal specifies which validity options are to be
-activated. The validity checks are first set to include only the default
-reference manual settings, and then a string of letters in the string
-specifies the exact set of options required. The form of this string
-is exactly as described for the @emph{-gnatVx} compiler switch (see the
-GNAT User's Guide for details). For example the following two
-methods can be used to enable validity checking for mode @code{in} and
-@code{in out} subprogram parameters:
-@itemize *
-pragma Validity_Checks ("im");
-@end example
-$ gcc -c -gnatVim ...
-@end example
-@end itemize
-The form ALL_CHECKS activates all standard checks (its use is equivalent
-to the use of the @code{gnatVa} switch).
-The forms with @code{Off} and @code{On} can be used to temporarily disable
-validity checks as shown in the following example:
-pragma Validity_Checks ("c"); -- validity checks for copies
-pragma Validity_Checks (Off); -- turn off validity checks
-A := B; -- B will not be validity checked
-pragma Validity_Checks (On); -- turn validity checks back on
-A := C; -- C will be validity checked
-@end example
-@node Pragma Volatile,Pragma Volatile_Full_Access,Pragma Validity_Checks,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-volatile}@anchor{113}@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas id53}@anchor{114}
-@section Pragma Volatile
-pragma Volatile (LOCAL_NAME);
-@end example
-This pragma is defined by the Ada Reference Manual, and the GNAT
-implementation is fully conformant with this definition. The reason it
-is mentioned in this section is that a pragma of the same name was supplied
-in some Ada 83 compilers, including DEC Ada 83. The Ada 95 / Ada 2005
-implementation of pragma Volatile is upwards compatible with the
-implementation in DEC Ada 83.
-@node Pragma Volatile_Full_Access,Pragma Volatile_Function,Pragma Volatile,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas id54}@anchor{115}@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-volatile-full-access}@anchor{116}
-@section Pragma Volatile_Full_Access
-pragma Volatile_Full_Access (LOCAL_NAME);
-@end example
-This is similar in effect to pragma Volatile, except that any reference to the
-object is guaranteed to be done only with instructions that read or write all
-the bits of the object. Furthermore, if the object is of a composite type,
-then any reference to a subcomponent of the object is guaranteed to read
-and/or write all the bits of the object.
-The intention is that this be suitable for use with memory-mapped I/O devices
-on some machines. Note that there are two important respects in which this is
-different from @code{pragma Atomic}. First a reference to a @code{Volatile_Full_Access}
-object is not a sequential action in the RM 9.10 sense and, therefore, does
-not create a synchronization point. Second, in the case of @code{pragma Atomic},
-there is no guarantee that all the bits will be accessed if the reference
-is not to the whole object; the compiler is allowed (and generally will)
-access only part of the object in this case.
-@node Pragma Volatile_Function,Pragma Warning_As_Error,Pragma Volatile_Full_Access,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas id55}@anchor{117}@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-volatile-function}@anchor{118}
-@section Pragma Volatile_Function
-pragma Volatile_Function [ (boolean_EXPRESSION) ];
-@end example
-For the semantics of this pragma, see the entry for aspect @code{Volatile_Function}
-in the SPARK 2014 Reference Manual, section 7.1.2.
-@node Pragma Warning_As_Error,Pragma Warnings,Pragma Volatile_Function,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-warning-as-error}@anchor{119}
-@section Pragma Warning_As_Error
-pragma Warning_As_Error (static_string_EXPRESSION);
-@end example
-This configuration pragma allows the programmer to specify a set
-of warnings that will be treated as errors. Any warning that
-matches the pattern given by the pragma argument will be treated
-as an error. This gives more precise control than -gnatwe,
-which treats warnings as errors.
-This pragma can apply to regular warnings (messages enabled by -gnatw)
-and to style warnings (messages that start with "(style)",
-enabled by -gnaty).
-The pattern may contain asterisks, which match zero or more characters
-in the message. For example, you can use @code{pragma Warning_As_Error
-("bits of*unused")} to treat the warning message @code{warning: 960 bits of
-"a" unused} as an error. All characters other than asterisk are treated
-as literal characters in the match. The match is case insensitive; for
-example XYZ matches xyz.
-Note that the pattern matches if it occurs anywhere within the warning
-message string (it is not necessary to put an asterisk at the start and
-the end of the message, since this is implied).
-Another possibility for the static_string_EXPRESSION which works whether
-or not error tags are enabled (@emph{-gnatw.d}) is to use a single
-@emph{-gnatw} tag string, enclosed in brackets,
-as shown in the example below, to treat one category of warnings as errors.
-Note that if you want to treat multiple categories of warnings as errors,
-you can use multiple pragma Warning_As_Error.
-The above use of patterns to match the message applies only to warning
-messages generated by the front end. This pragma can also be applied to
-warnings provided by the back end and mentioned in @ref{11a,,Pragma Warnings}.
-By using a single full @emph{-Wxxx} switch in the pragma, such warnings
-can also be treated as errors.
-The pragma can appear either in a global configuration pragma file
-(e.g. @code{gnat.adc}), or at the start of a file. Given a global
-configuration pragma file containing:
-pragma Warning_As_Error ("[-gnatwj]");
-@end example
-which will treat all obsolescent feature warnings as errors, the
-following program compiles as shown (compile options here are
-@emph{-gnatwa.d -gnatl -gnatj55}).
- 1. pragma Warning_As_Error ("*never assigned*");
- 2. function Warnerr return String is
- 3. X : Integer;
- |
- >>> error: variable "X" is never read and
- never assigned [-gnatwv] [warning-as-error]
- 4. Y : Integer;
- |
- >>> warning: variable "Y" is assigned but
- never read [-gnatwu]
- 5. begin
- 6. Y := 0;
- 7. return %ABC%;
- |
- >>> error: use of "%" is an obsolescent
- feature (RM J.2(4)), use """ instead
- [-gnatwj] [warning-as-error]
- 8. end;
-8 lines: No errors, 3 warnings (2 treated as errors)
-@end example
-Note that this pragma does not affect the set of warnings issued in
-any way, it merely changes the effect of a matching warning if one
-is produced as a result of other warnings options. As shown in this
-example, if the pragma results in a warning being treated as an error,
-the tag is changed from "warning:" to "error:" and the string
-"[warning-as-error]" is appended to the end of the message.
-@node Pragma Warnings,Pragma Weak_External,Pragma Warning_As_Error,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas id56}@anchor{11b}@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-warnings}@anchor{11a}
-@section Pragma Warnings
-pragma Warnings ([TOOL_NAME,] DETAILS [, REASON]);
-DETAILS ::= On | Off
-DETAILS ::= On | Off, local_NAME
-DETAILS ::= static_string_EXPRESSION
-DETAILS ::= On | Off, static_string_EXPRESSION
-@end example
-Note: in Ada 83 mode, a string literal may be used in place of a static string
-expression (which does not exist in Ada 83).
-Note if the second argument of @code{DETAILS} is a @code{local_NAME} then the
-second form is always understood. If the intention is to use
-the fourth form, then you can write @code{NAME & ""} to force the
-intepretation as a @emph{static_string_EXPRESSION}.
-Note: if the first argument is a valid @code{TOOL_NAME}, it will be interpreted
-that way. The use of the @code{TOOL_NAME} argument is relevant only to users
-of SPARK and GNATprove, see last part of this section for details.
-Normally warnings are enabled, with the output being controlled by
-the command line switch. Warnings (@code{Off}) turns off generation of
-warnings until a Warnings (@code{On}) is encountered or the end of the
-current unit. If generation of warnings is turned off using this
-pragma, then some or all of the warning messages are suppressed,
-regardless of the setting of the command line switches.
-The @code{Reason} parameter may optionally appear as the last argument
-in any of the forms of this pragma. It is intended purely for the
-purposes of documenting the reason for the @code{Warnings} pragma.
-The compiler will check that the argument is a static string but
-otherwise ignore this argument. Other tools may provide specialized
-processing for this string.
-The form with a single argument (or two arguments if Reason present),
-where the first argument is @code{ON} or @code{OFF}
-may be used as a configuration pragma.
-If the @code{LOCAL_NAME} parameter is present, warnings are suppressed for
-the specified entity. This suppression is effective from the point where
-it occurs till the end of the extended scope of the variable (similar to
-the scope of @code{Suppress}). This form cannot be used as a configuration
-In the case where the first argument is other than @code{ON} or
-the third form with a single static_string_EXPRESSION argument (and possible
-reason) provides more precise
-control over which warnings are active. The string is a list of letters
-specifying which warnings are to be activated and which deactivated. The
-code for these letters is the same as the string used in the command
-line switch controlling warnings. For a brief summary, use the gnatmake
-command with no arguments, which will generate usage information containing
-the list of warnings switches supported. For
-full details see the section on @code{Warning Message Control} in the
-@cite{GNAT User's Guide}.
-This form can also be used as a configuration pragma.
-The warnings controlled by the @code{-gnatw} switch are generated by the
-front end of the compiler. The GCC back end can provide additional warnings
-and they are controlled by the @code{-W} switch. Such warnings can be
-identified by the appearance of a string of the form @code{[-W@{xxx@}]} in the
-message which designates the @code{-W@emph{xxx}} switch that controls the message.
-The form with a single @emph{static_string_EXPRESSION} argument also works for these
-warnings, but the string must be a single full @code{-W@emph{xxx}} switch in this
-case. The above reference lists a few examples of these additional warnings.
-The specified warnings will be in effect until the end of the program
-or another pragma @code{Warnings} is encountered. The effect of the pragma is
-cumulative. Initially the set of warnings is the standard default set
-as possibly modified by compiler switches. Then each pragma Warning
-modifies this set of warnings as specified. This form of the pragma may
-also be used as a configuration pragma.
-The fourth form, with an @code{On|Off} parameter and a string, is used to
-control individual messages, based on their text. The string argument
-is a pattern that is used to match against the text of individual
-warning messages (not including the initial "warning: " tag).
-The pattern may contain asterisks, which match zero or more characters in
-the message. For example, you can use
-@code{pragma Warnings (Off, "bits of*unused")} to suppress the warning
-message @code{warning: 960 bits of "a" unused}. No other regular
-expression notations are permitted. All characters other than asterisk in
-these three specific cases are treated as literal characters in the match.
-The match is case insensitive, for example XYZ matches xyz.
-Note that the pattern matches if it occurs anywhere within the warning
-message string (it is not necessary to put an asterisk at the start and
-the end of the message, since this is implied).
-The above use of patterns to match the message applies only to warning
-messages generated by the front end. This form of the pragma with a string
-argument can also be used to control warnings provided by the back end and
-mentioned above. By using a single full @code{-W@emph{xxx}} switch in the pragma,
-such warnings can be turned on and off.
-There are two ways to use the pragma in this form. The OFF form can be used
-as a configuration pragma. The effect is to suppress all warnings (if any)
-that match the pattern string throughout the compilation (or match the
--W switch in the back end case).
-The second usage is to suppress a warning locally, and in this case, two
-pragmas must appear in sequence:
-pragma Warnings (Off, Pattern);
-... code where given warning is to be suppressed
-pragma Warnings (On, Pattern);
-@end example
-In this usage, the pattern string must match in the Off and On
-pragmas, and (if @emph{-gnatw.w} is given) at least one matching
-warning must be suppressed.
-Note: if the ON form is not found, then the effect of the OFF form extends
-until the end of the file (pragma Warnings is purely textual, so its effect
-does not stop at the end of the enclosing scope).
-Note: to write a string that will match any warning, use the string
-@code{"***"}. It will not work to use a single asterisk or two
-asterisks since this looks like an operator name. This form with three
-asterisks is similar in effect to specifying @code{pragma Warnings (Off)} except (if @code{-gnatw.w} is given) that a matching
-@code{pragma Warnings (On, "***")} will be required. This can be
-helpful in avoiding forgetting to turn warnings back on.
-Note: the debug flag @code{-gnatd.i} can be
-used to cause the compiler to entirely ignore all WARNINGS pragmas. This can
-be useful in checking whether obsolete pragmas in existing programs are hiding
-real problems.
-Note: pragma Warnings does not affect the processing of style messages. See
-separate entry for pragma Style_Checks for control of style messages.
-Users of the formal verification tool GNATprove for the SPARK subset of Ada may
-use the version of the pragma with a @code{TOOL_NAME} parameter.
-If present, @code{TOOL_NAME} is the name of a tool, currently either @code{GNAT} for the
-compiler or @code{GNATprove} for the formal verification tool. A given tool only
-takes into account pragma Warnings that do not specify a tool name, or that
-specify the matching tool name. This makes it possible to disable warnings
-selectively for each tool, and as a consequence to detect useless pragma
-Warnings with switch @code{-gnatw.w}.
-@node Pragma Weak_External,Pragma Wide_Character_Encoding,Pragma Warnings,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-weak-external}@anchor{11c}
-@section Pragma Weak_External
-pragma Weak_External ([Entity =>] LOCAL_NAME);
-@end example
-@code{LOCAL_NAME} must refer to an object that is declared at the library
-level. This pragma specifies that the given entity should be marked as a
-weak symbol for the linker. It is equivalent to @code{__attribute__((weak))}
-in GNU C and causes @code{LOCAL_NAME} to be emitted as a weak symbol instead
-of a regular symbol, that is to say a symbol that does not have to be
-resolved by the linker if used in conjunction with a pragma Import.
-When a weak symbol is not resolved by the linker, its address is set to
-zero. This is useful in writing interfaces to external modules that may
-or may not be linked in the final executable, for example depending on
-configuration settings.
-If a program references at run time an entity to which this pragma has been
-applied, and the corresponding symbol was not resolved at link time, then
-the execution of the program is erroneous. It is not erroneous to take the
-Address of such an entity, for example to guard potential references,
-as shown in the example below.
-Some file formats do not support weak symbols so not all target machines
-support this pragma.
--- Example of the use of pragma Weak_External
-package External_Module is
- key : Integer;
- pragma Import (C, key);
- pragma Weak_External (key);
- function Present return boolean;
-end External_Module;
-with System; use System;
-package body External_Module is
- function Present return boolean is
- begin
- return key'Address /= System.Null_Address;
- end Present;
-end External_Module;
-@end example
-@node Pragma Wide_Character_Encoding,,Pragma Weak_External,Implementation Defined Pragmas
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_pragmas pragma-wide-character-encoding}@anchor{11d}
-@section Pragma Wide_Character_Encoding
-pragma Wide_Character_Encoding (IDENTIFIER | CHARACTER_LITERAL);
-@end example
-This pragma specifies the wide character encoding to be used in program
-source text appearing subsequently. It is a configuration pragma, but may
-also be used at any point that a pragma is allowed, and it is permissible
-to have more than one such pragma in a file, allowing multiple encodings
-to appear within the same file.
-However, note that the pragma cannot immediately precede the relevant
-wide character, because then the previous encoding will still be in
-effect, causing "illegal character" errors.
-The argument can be an identifier or a character literal. In the identifier
-case, it is one of @code{HEX}, @code{UPPER}, @code{SHIFT_JIS},
-@code{EUC}, @code{UTF8}, or @code{BRACKETS}. In the character literal
-case it is correspondingly one of the characters @code{h}, @code{u},
-@code{s}, @code{e}, @code{8}, or @code{b}.
-Note that when the pragma is used within a file, it affects only the
-encoding within that file, and does not affect withed units, specs,
-or subunits.
-@node Implementation Defined Aspects,Implementation Defined Attributes,Implementation Defined Pragmas,Top
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_aspects implementation-defined-aspects}@anchor{11e}@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_aspects doc}@anchor{11f}@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_aspects id1}@anchor{120}
-@chapter Implementation Defined Aspects
-Ada defines (throughout the Ada 2012 reference manual, summarized
-in Annex K) a set of aspects that can be specified for certain entities.
-These language defined aspects are implemented in GNAT in Ada 2012 mode
-and work as described in the Ada 2012 Reference Manual.
-In addition, Ada 2012 allows implementations to define additional aspects
-whose meaning is defined by the implementation. GNAT provides
-a number of these implementation-defined aspects which can be used
-to extend and enhance the functionality of the compiler. This section of
-the GNAT reference manual describes these additional aspects.
-Note that any program using these aspects may not be portable to
-other compilers (although GNAT implements this set of aspects on all
-platforms). Therefore if portability to other compilers is an important
-consideration, you should minimize the use of these aspects.
-Note that for many of these aspects, the effect is essentially similar
-to the use of a pragma or attribute specification with the same name
-applied to the entity. For example, if we write:
-type R is range 1 .. 100
- with Value_Size => 10;
-@end example
-then the effect is the same as:
-type R is range 1 .. 100;
-for R'Value_Size use 10;
-@end example
-and if we write:
-type R is new Integer
- with Shared => True;
-@end example
-then the effect is the same as:
-type R is new Integer;
-pragma Shared (R);
-@end example
-In the documentation below, such cases are simply marked
-as being boolean aspects equivalent to the corresponding pragma
-or attribute definition clause.
-* Aspect Abstract_State::
-* Aspect Annotate::
-* Aspect Async_Readers::
-* Aspect Async_Writers::
-* Aspect Constant_After_Elaboration::
-* Aspect Contract_Cases::
-* Aspect Depends::
-* Aspect Default_Initial_Condition::
-* Aspect Dimension::
-* Aspect Dimension_System::
-* Aspect Disable_Controlled::
-* Aspect Effective_Reads::
-* Aspect Effective_Writes::
-* Aspect Extensions_Visible::
-* Aspect Favor_Top_Level::
-* Aspect Ghost::
-* Aspect Global::
-* Aspect Initial_Condition::
-* Aspect Initializes::
-* Aspect Inline_Always::
-* Aspect Invariant::
-* Aspect Invariant'Class::
-* Aspect Iterable::
-* Aspect Linker_Section::
-* Aspect Lock_Free::
-* Aspect Max_Queue_Length::
-* Aspect No_Caching::
-* Aspect No_Elaboration_Code_All::
-* Aspect No_Inline::
-* Aspect No_Tagged_Streams::
-* Aspect No_Task_Parts::
-* Aspect Object_Size::
-* Aspect Obsolescent::
-* Aspect Part_Of::
-* Aspect Persistent_BSS::
-* Aspect Predicate::
-* Aspect Pure_Function::
-* Aspect Refined_Depends::
-* Aspect Refined_Global::
-* Aspect Refined_Post::
-* Aspect Refined_State::
-* Aspect Relaxed_Initialization::
-* Aspect Remote_Access_Type::
-* Aspect Secondary_Stack_Size::
-* Aspect Scalar_Storage_Order::
-* Aspect Shared::
-* Aspect Simple_Storage_Pool::
-* Aspect Simple_Storage_Pool_Type::
-* Aspect SPARK_Mode::
-* Aspect Suppress_Debug_Info::
-* Aspect Suppress_Initialization::
-* Aspect Test_Case::
-* Aspect Thread_Local_Storage::
-* Aspect Universal_Aliasing::
-* Aspect Unmodified::
-* Aspect Unreferenced::
-* Aspect Unreferenced_Objects::
-* Aspect Value_Size::
-* Aspect Volatile_Full_Access::
-* Aspect Volatile_Function::
-* Aspect Warnings::
-@end menu
-@node Aspect Abstract_State,Aspect Annotate,,Implementation Defined Aspects
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_aspects aspect-abstract-state}@anchor{121}
-@section Aspect Abstract_State
-@geindex Abstract_State
-This aspect is equivalent to @ref{1c,,pragma Abstract_State}.
-@node Aspect Annotate,Aspect Async_Readers,Aspect Abstract_State,Implementation Defined Aspects
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_aspects aspect-annotate}@anchor{122}
-@section Aspect Annotate
-@geindex Annotate
-There are three forms of this aspect (where ID is an identifier,
-and ARG is a general expression),
-corresponding to @ref{26,,pragma Annotate}.
-@table @asis
-@item @emph{Annotate => ID}
-Equivalent to @code{pragma Annotate (ID, Entity => Name);}
-@item @emph{Annotate => (ID)}
-Equivalent to @code{pragma Annotate (ID, Entity => Name);}
-@item @emph{Annotate => (ID ,ID @{, ARG@})}
-Equivalent to @code{pragma Annotate (ID, ID @{, ARG@}, Entity => Name);}
-@end table
-@node Aspect Async_Readers,Aspect Async_Writers,Aspect Annotate,Implementation Defined Aspects
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_aspects aspect-async-readers}@anchor{123}
-@section Aspect Async_Readers
-@geindex Async_Readers
-This boolean aspect is equivalent to @ref{2d,,pragma Async_Readers}.
-@node Aspect Async_Writers,Aspect Constant_After_Elaboration,Aspect Async_Readers,Implementation Defined Aspects
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_aspects aspect-async-writers}@anchor{124}
-@section Aspect Async_Writers
-@geindex Async_Writers
-This boolean aspect is equivalent to @ref{30,,pragma Async_Writers}.
-@node Aspect Constant_After_Elaboration,Aspect Contract_Cases,Aspect Async_Writers,Implementation Defined Aspects
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_aspects aspect-constant-after-elaboration}@anchor{125}
-@section Aspect Constant_After_Elaboration
-@geindex Constant_After_Elaboration
-This aspect is equivalent to @ref{42,,pragma Constant_After_Elaboration}.
-@node Aspect Contract_Cases,Aspect Depends,Aspect Constant_After_Elaboration,Implementation Defined Aspects
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_aspects aspect-contract-cases}@anchor{126}
-@section Aspect Contract_Cases
-@geindex Contract_Cases
-This aspect is equivalent to @ref{44,,pragma Contract_Cases}, the sequence
-of clauses being enclosed in parentheses so that syntactically it is an
-@node Aspect Depends,Aspect Default_Initial_Condition,Aspect Contract_Cases,Implementation Defined Aspects
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_aspects aspect-depends}@anchor{127}
-@section Aspect Depends
-@geindex Depends
-This aspect is equivalent to @ref{53,,pragma Depends}.
-@node Aspect Default_Initial_Condition,Aspect Dimension,Aspect Depends,Implementation Defined Aspects
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_aspects aspect-default-initial-condition}@anchor{128}
-@section Aspect Default_Initial_Condition
-@geindex Default_Initial_Condition
-This aspect is equivalent to @ref{4e,,pragma Default_Initial_Condition}.
-@node Aspect Dimension,Aspect Dimension_System,Aspect Default_Initial_Condition,Implementation Defined Aspects
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_aspects aspect-dimension}@anchor{129}
-@section Aspect Dimension
-@geindex Dimension
-The @code{Dimension} aspect is used to specify the dimensions of a given
-subtype of a dimensioned numeric type. The aspect also specifies a symbol
-used when doing formatted output of dimensioned quantities. The syntax is:
-with Dimension =>
-| others => RATIONAL
-@end example
-This aspect can only be applied to a subtype whose parent type has
-a @code{Dimension_System} aspect. The aspect must specify values for
-all dimensions of the system. The rational values are the powers of the
-corresponding dimensions that are used by the compiler to verify that
-physical (numeric) computations are dimensionally consistent. For example,
-the computation of a force must result in dimensions (L => 1, M => 1, T => -2).
-For further examples of the usage
-of this aspect, see package @code{System.Dim.Mks}.
-Note that when the dimensioned type is an integer type, then any
-dimension value must be an integer literal.
-@node Aspect Dimension_System,Aspect Disable_Controlled,Aspect Dimension,Implementation Defined Aspects
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_aspects aspect-dimension-system}@anchor{12a}
-@section Aspect Dimension_System
-@geindex Dimension_System
-The @code{Dimension_System} aspect is used to define a system of
-dimensions that will be used in subsequent subtype declarations with
-@code{Dimension} aspects that reference this system. The syntax is:
-with Dimension_System => (DIMENSION @{, DIMENSION@});
-DIMENSION ::= ([Unit_Name =>] IDENTIFIER,
- [Unit_Symbol =>] SYMBOL,
- [Dim_Symbol =>] SYMBOL)
-@end example
-This aspect is applied to a type, which must be a numeric derived type
-(typically a floating-point type), that
-will represent values within the dimension system. Each @code{DIMENSION}
-corresponds to one particular dimension. A maximum of 7 dimensions may
-be specified. @code{Unit_Name} is the name of the dimension (for example
-@code{Meter}). @code{Unit_Symbol} is the shorthand used for quantities
-of this dimension (for example @code{m} for @code{Meter}).
-@code{Dim_Symbol} gives
-the identification within the dimension system (typically this is a
-single letter, e.g. @code{L} standing for length for unit name @code{Meter}).
-The @code{Unit_Symbol} is used in formatted output of dimensioned quantities.
-The @code{Dim_Symbol} is used in error messages when numeric operations have
-inconsistent dimensions.
-GNAT provides the standard definition of the International MKS system in
-the run-time package @code{System.Dim.Mks}. You can easily define
-similar packages for cgs units or British units, and define conversion factors
-between values in different systems. The MKS system is characterized by the
-following aspect:
-type Mks_Type is new Long_Long_Float with
- Dimension_System => (
- (Unit_Name => Meter, Unit_Symbol => 'm', Dim_Symbol => 'L'),
- (Unit_Name => Kilogram, Unit_Symbol => "kg", Dim_Symbol => 'M'),
- (Unit_Name => Second, Unit_Symbol => 's', Dim_Symbol => 'T'),
- (Unit_Name => Ampere, Unit_Symbol => 'A', Dim_Symbol => 'I'),
- (Unit_Name => Kelvin, Unit_Symbol => 'K', Dim_Symbol => '@@'),
- (Unit_Name => Mole, Unit_Symbol => "mol", Dim_Symbol => 'N'),
- (Unit_Name => Candela, Unit_Symbol => "cd", Dim_Symbol => 'J'));
-@end example
-Note that in the above type definition, we use the @code{at} symbol (@code{@@}) to
-represent a theta character (avoiding the use of extended Latin-1
-characters in this context).
-See section 'Performing Dimensionality Analysis in GNAT' in the GNAT Users
-Guide for detailed examples of use of the dimension system.
-@node Aspect Disable_Controlled,Aspect Effective_Reads,Aspect Dimension_System,Implementation Defined Aspects
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_aspects aspect-disable-controlled}@anchor{12b}
-@section Aspect Disable_Controlled
-@geindex Disable_Controlled
-The aspect @code{Disable_Controlled} is defined for controlled record types. If
-active, this aspect causes suppression of all related calls to @code{Initialize},
-@code{Adjust}, and @code{Finalize}. The intended use is for conditional compilation,
-where for example you might want a record to be controlled or not depending on
-whether some run-time check is enabled or suppressed.
-@node Aspect Effective_Reads,Aspect Effective_Writes,Aspect Disable_Controlled,Implementation Defined Aspects
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_aspects aspect-effective-reads}@anchor{12c}
-@section Aspect Effective_Reads
-@geindex Effective_Reads
-This aspect is equivalent to @ref{59,,pragma Effective_Reads}.
-@node Aspect Effective_Writes,Aspect Extensions_Visible,Aspect Effective_Reads,Implementation Defined Aspects
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_aspects aspect-effective-writes}@anchor{12d}
-@section Aspect Effective_Writes
-@geindex Effective_Writes
-This aspect is equivalent to @ref{5b,,pragma Effective_Writes}.
-@node Aspect Extensions_Visible,Aspect Favor_Top_Level,Aspect Effective_Writes,Implementation Defined Aspects
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_aspects aspect-extensions-visible}@anchor{12e}
-@section Aspect Extensions_Visible
-@geindex Extensions_Visible
-This aspect is equivalent to @ref{66,,pragma Extensions_Visible}.
-@node Aspect Favor_Top_Level,Aspect Ghost,Aspect Extensions_Visible,Implementation Defined Aspects
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_aspects aspect-favor-top-level}@anchor{12f}
-@section Aspect Favor_Top_Level
-@geindex Favor_Top_Level
-This boolean aspect is equivalent to @ref{6b,,pragma Favor_Top_Level}.
-@node Aspect Ghost,Aspect Global,Aspect Favor_Top_Level,Implementation Defined Aspects
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_aspects aspect-ghost}@anchor{130}
-@section Aspect Ghost
-@geindex Ghost
-This aspect is equivalent to @ref{6e,,pragma Ghost}.
-@node Aspect Global,Aspect Initial_Condition,Aspect Ghost,Implementation Defined Aspects
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_aspects aspect-global}@anchor{131}
-@section Aspect Global
-@geindex Global
-This aspect is equivalent to @ref{70,,pragma Global}.
-@node Aspect Initial_Condition,Aspect Initializes,Aspect Global,Implementation Defined Aspects
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_aspects aspect-initial-condition}@anchor{132}
-@section Aspect Initial_Condition
-@geindex Initial_Condition
-This aspect is equivalent to @ref{7e,,pragma Initial_Condition}.
-@node Aspect Initializes,Aspect Inline_Always,Aspect Initial_Condition,Implementation Defined Aspects
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_aspects aspect-initializes}@anchor{133}
-@section Aspect Initializes
-@geindex Initializes
-This aspect is equivalent to @ref{80,,pragma Initializes}.
-@node Aspect Inline_Always,Aspect Invariant,Aspect Initializes,Implementation Defined Aspects
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_aspects aspect-inline-always}@anchor{134}
-@section Aspect Inline_Always
-@geindex Inline_Always
-This boolean aspect is equivalent to @ref{83,,pragma Inline_Always}.
-@node Aspect Invariant,Aspect Invariant'Class,Aspect Inline_Always,Implementation Defined Aspects
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_aspects aspect-invariant}@anchor{135}
-@section Aspect Invariant
-@geindex Invariant
-This aspect is equivalent to @ref{8a,,pragma Invariant}. It is a
-synonym for the language defined aspect @code{Type_Invariant} except
-that it is separately controllable using pragma @code{Assertion_Policy}.
-@node Aspect Invariant'Class,Aspect Iterable,Aspect Invariant,Implementation Defined Aspects
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_aspects aspect-invariant-class}@anchor{136}
-@section Aspect Invariant'Class
-@geindex Invariant'Class
-This aspect is equivalent to @ref{101,,pragma Type_Invariant_Class}. It is a
-synonym for the language defined aspect @code{Type_Invariant'Class} except
-that it is separately controllable using pragma @code{Assertion_Policy}.
-@node Aspect Iterable,Aspect Linker_Section,Aspect Invariant'Class,Implementation Defined Aspects
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_aspects aspect-iterable}@anchor{137}
-@section Aspect Iterable
-@geindex Iterable
-This aspect provides a light-weight mechanism for loops and quantified
-expressions over container types, without the overhead imposed by the tampering
-checks of standard Ada 2012 iterators. The value of the aspect is an aggregate
-with six named components, of which the last three are optional: @code{First},
-@code{Next}, @code{Has_Element}, @code{Element}, @code{Last}, and @code{Previous}.
-When only the first three components are specified, only the
-@code{for .. in} form of iteration over cursors is available. When @code{Element}
-is specified, both this form and the @code{for .. of} form of iteration over
-elements are available. If the last two components are specified, reverse
-iterations over the container can be specified (analogous to what can be done
-over predefined containers that support the @code{Reverse_Iterator} interface).
-The following is a typical example of use:
-type List is private with
- Iterable => (First => First_Cursor,
- Next => Advance,
- Has_Element => Cursor_Has_Element,
- [Element => Get_Element]);
-@end example
-@itemize *
-The value denoted by @code{First} must denote a primitive operation of the
-container type that returns a @code{Cursor}, which must a be a type declared in
-the container package or visible from it. For example:
-@end itemize
-function First_Cursor (Cont : Container) return Cursor;
-@end example
-@itemize *
-The value of @code{Next} is a primitive operation of the container type that takes
-both a container and a cursor and yields a cursor. For example:
-@end itemize
-function Advance (Cont : Container; Position : Cursor) return Cursor;
-@end example
-@itemize *
-The value of @code{Has_Element} is a primitive operation of the container type
-that takes both a container and a cursor and yields a boolean. For example:
-@end itemize
-function Cursor_Has_Element (Cont : Container; Position : Cursor) return Boolean;
-@end example
-@itemize *
-The value of @code{Element} is a primitive operation of the container type that
-takes both a container and a cursor and yields an @code{Element_Type}, which must
-be a type declared in the container package or visible from it. For example:
-@end itemize
-function Get_Element (Cont : Container; Position : Cursor) return Element_Type;
-@end example
-This aspect is used in the GNAT-defined formal container packages.
-@node Aspect Linker_Section,Aspect Lock_Free,Aspect Iterable,Implementation Defined Aspects
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_aspects aspect-linker-section}@anchor{138}
-@section Aspect Linker_Section
-@geindex Linker_Section
-This aspect is equivalent to @ref{92,,pragma Linker_Section}.
-@node Aspect Lock_Free,Aspect Max_Queue_Length,Aspect Linker_Section,Implementation Defined Aspects
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_aspects aspect-lock-free}@anchor{139}
-@section Aspect Lock_Free
-@geindex Lock_Free
-This boolean aspect is equivalent to @ref{94,,pragma Lock_Free}.
-@node Aspect Max_Queue_Length,Aspect No_Caching,Aspect Lock_Free,Implementation Defined Aspects
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_aspects aspect-max-queue-length}@anchor{13a}
-@section Aspect Max_Queue_Length
-@geindex Max_Queue_Length
-This aspect is equivalent to @ref{9c,,pragma Max_Queue_Length}.
-@node Aspect No_Caching,Aspect No_Elaboration_Code_All,Aspect Max_Queue_Length,Implementation Defined Aspects
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_aspects aspect-no-caching}@anchor{13b}
-@section Aspect No_Caching
-@geindex No_Caching
-This boolean aspect is equivalent to @ref{9e,,pragma No_Caching}.
-@node Aspect No_Elaboration_Code_All,Aspect No_Inline,Aspect No_Caching,Implementation Defined Aspects
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_aspects aspect-no-elaboration-code-all}@anchor{13c}
-@section Aspect No_Elaboration_Code_All
-@geindex No_Elaboration_Code_All
-This aspect is equivalent to @ref{a2,,pragma No_Elaboration_Code_All}
-for a program unit.
-@node Aspect No_Inline,Aspect No_Tagged_Streams,Aspect No_Elaboration_Code_All,Implementation Defined Aspects
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_aspects aspect-no-inline}@anchor{13d}
-@section Aspect No_Inline
-@geindex No_Inline
-This boolean aspect is equivalent to @ref{a5,,pragma No_Inline}.
-@node Aspect No_Tagged_Streams,Aspect No_Task_Parts,Aspect No_Inline,Implementation Defined Aspects
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_aspects aspect-no-tagged-streams}@anchor{13e}
-@section Aspect No_Tagged_Streams
-@geindex No_Tagged_Streams
-This aspect is equivalent to @ref{a8,,pragma No_Tagged_Streams} with an
-argument specifying a root tagged type (thus this aspect can only be
-applied to such a type).
-@node Aspect No_Task_Parts,Aspect Object_Size,Aspect No_Tagged_Streams,Implementation Defined Aspects
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_aspects aspect-no-task-parts}@anchor{13f}
-@section Aspect No_Task_Parts
-@geindex No_Task_Parts
-Applies to a type. If True, requires that the type and any descendants
-do not have any task parts. The rules for this aspect are the same as
-for the language-defined No_Controlled_Parts aspect (see RM-H.4.1),
-replacing "controlled" with "task".
-If No_Task_Parts is True for a type T, then the compiler can optimize
-away certain tasking-related code that would otherwise be needed
-for T'Class, because descendants of T might contain tasks.
-@node Aspect Object_Size,Aspect Obsolescent,Aspect No_Task_Parts,Implementation Defined Aspects
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_aspects aspect-object-size}@anchor{140}
-@section Aspect Object_Size
-@geindex Object_Size
-This aspect is equivalent to @ref{141,,attribute Object_Size}.
-@node Aspect Obsolescent,Aspect Part_Of,Aspect Object_Size,Implementation Defined Aspects
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_aspects aspect-obsolescent}@anchor{142}
-@section Aspect Obsolescent
-@geindex Obsolsecent
-This aspect is equivalent to @ref{ab,,pragma Obsolescent}. Note that the
-evaluation of this aspect happens at the point of occurrence, it is not
-delayed until the freeze point.
-@node Aspect Part_Of,Aspect Persistent_BSS,Aspect Obsolescent,Implementation Defined Aspects
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_aspects aspect-part-of}@anchor{143}
-@section Aspect Part_Of
-@geindex Part_Of
-This aspect is equivalent to @ref{b3,,pragma Part_Of}.
-@node Aspect Persistent_BSS,Aspect Predicate,Aspect Part_Of,Implementation Defined Aspects
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_aspects aspect-persistent-bss}@anchor{144}
-@section Aspect Persistent_BSS
-@geindex Persistent_BSS
-This boolean aspect is equivalent to @ref{b6,,pragma Persistent_BSS}.
-@node Aspect Predicate,Aspect Pure_Function,Aspect Persistent_BSS,Implementation Defined Aspects
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_aspects aspect-predicate}@anchor{145}
-@section Aspect Predicate
-@geindex Predicate
-This aspect is equivalent to @ref{bd,,pragma Predicate}. It is thus
-similar to the language defined aspects @code{Dynamic_Predicate}
-and @code{Static_Predicate} except that whether the resulting
-predicate is static or dynamic is controlled by the form of the
-expression. It is also separately controllable using pragma
-@node Aspect Pure_Function,Aspect Refined_Depends,Aspect Predicate,Implementation Defined Aspects
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_aspects aspect-pure-function}@anchor{146}
-@section Aspect Pure_Function
-@geindex Pure_Function
-This boolean aspect is equivalent to @ref{c9,,pragma Pure_Function}.
-@node Aspect Refined_Depends,Aspect Refined_Global,Aspect Pure_Function,Implementation Defined Aspects
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_aspects aspect-refined-depends}@anchor{147}
-@section Aspect Refined_Depends
-@geindex Refined_Depends
-This aspect is equivalent to @ref{cd,,pragma Refined_Depends}.
-@node Aspect Refined_Global,Aspect Refined_Post,Aspect Refined_Depends,Implementation Defined Aspects
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_aspects aspect-refined-global}@anchor{148}
-@section Aspect Refined_Global
-@geindex Refined_Global
-This aspect is equivalent to @ref{cf,,pragma Refined_Global}.
-@node Aspect Refined_Post,Aspect Refined_State,Aspect Refined_Global,Implementation Defined Aspects
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_aspects aspect-refined-post}@anchor{149}
-@section Aspect Refined_Post
-@geindex Refined_Post
-This aspect is equivalent to @ref{d1,,pragma Refined_Post}.
-@node Aspect Refined_State,Aspect Relaxed_Initialization,Aspect Refined_Post,Implementation Defined Aspects
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_aspects aspect-refined-state}@anchor{14a}
-@section Aspect Refined_State
-@geindex Refined_State
-This aspect is equivalent to @ref{d3,,pragma Refined_State}.
-@node Aspect Relaxed_Initialization,Aspect Remote_Access_Type,Aspect Refined_State,Implementation Defined Aspects
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_aspects aspect-relaxed-initialization}@anchor{14b}
-@section Aspect Relaxed_Initialization
-@geindex Refined_Initialization
-For the syntax and semantics of this aspect, see the SPARK 2014 Reference
-Manual, section 6.10.
-@node Aspect Remote_Access_Type,Aspect Secondary_Stack_Size,Aspect Relaxed_Initialization,Implementation Defined Aspects
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_aspects aspect-remote-access-type}@anchor{14c}
-@section Aspect Remote_Access_Type
-@geindex Remote_Access_Type
-This aspect is equivalent to @ref{d7,,pragma Remote_Access_Type}.
-@node Aspect Secondary_Stack_Size,Aspect Scalar_Storage_Order,Aspect Remote_Access_Type,Implementation Defined Aspects
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_aspects aspect-secondary-stack-size}@anchor{14d}
-@section Aspect Secondary_Stack_Size
-@geindex Secondary_Stack_Size
-This aspect is equivalent to @ref{dc,,pragma Secondary_Stack_Size}.
-@node Aspect Scalar_Storage_Order,Aspect Shared,Aspect Secondary_Stack_Size,Implementation Defined Aspects
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_aspects aspect-scalar-storage-order}@anchor{14e}
-@section Aspect Scalar_Storage_Order
-@geindex Scalar_Storage_Order
-This aspect is equivalent to a @ref{14f,,attribute Scalar_Storage_Order}.
-@node Aspect Shared,Aspect Simple_Storage_Pool,Aspect Scalar_Storage_Order,Implementation Defined Aspects
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_aspects aspect-shared}@anchor{150}
-@section Aspect Shared
-@geindex Shared
-This boolean aspect is equivalent to @ref{df,,pragma Shared}
-and is thus a synonym for aspect @code{Atomic}.
-@node Aspect Simple_Storage_Pool,Aspect Simple_Storage_Pool_Type,Aspect Shared,Implementation Defined Aspects
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_aspects aspect-simple-storage-pool}@anchor{151}
-@section Aspect Simple_Storage_Pool
-@geindex Simple_Storage_Pool
-This aspect is equivalent to @ref{e4,,attribute Simple_Storage_Pool}.
-@node Aspect Simple_Storage_Pool_Type,Aspect SPARK_Mode,Aspect Simple_Storage_Pool,Implementation Defined Aspects
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_aspects aspect-simple-storage-pool-type}@anchor{152}
-@section Aspect Simple_Storage_Pool_Type
-@geindex Simple_Storage_Pool_Type
-This boolean aspect is equivalent to @ref{e2,,pragma Simple_Storage_Pool_Type}.
-@node Aspect SPARK_Mode,Aspect Suppress_Debug_Info,Aspect Simple_Storage_Pool_Type,Implementation Defined Aspects
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_aspects aspect-spark-mode}@anchor{153}
-@section Aspect SPARK_Mode
-@geindex SPARK_Mode
-This aspect is equivalent to @ref{ea,,pragma SPARK_Mode} and
-may be specified for either or both of the specification and body
-of a subprogram or package.
-@node Aspect Suppress_Debug_Info,Aspect Suppress_Initialization,Aspect SPARK_Mode,Implementation Defined Aspects
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_aspects aspect-suppress-debug-info}@anchor{154}
-@section Aspect Suppress_Debug_Info
-@geindex Suppress_Debug_Info
-This boolean aspect is equivalent to @ref{f2,,pragma Suppress_Debug_Info}.
-@node Aspect Suppress_Initialization,Aspect Test_Case,Aspect Suppress_Debug_Info,Implementation Defined Aspects
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_aspects aspect-suppress-initialization}@anchor{155}
-@section Aspect Suppress_Initialization
-@geindex Suppress_Initialization
-This boolean aspect is equivalent to @ref{f6,,pragma Suppress_Initialization}.
-@node Aspect Test_Case,Aspect Thread_Local_Storage,Aspect Suppress_Initialization,Implementation Defined Aspects
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_aspects aspect-test-case}@anchor{156}
-@section Aspect Test_Case
-@geindex Test_Case
-This aspect is equivalent to @ref{f9,,pragma Test_Case}.
-@node Aspect Thread_Local_Storage,Aspect Universal_Aliasing,Aspect Test_Case,Implementation Defined Aspects
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_aspects aspect-thread-local-storage}@anchor{157}
-@section Aspect Thread_Local_Storage
-@geindex Thread_Local_Storage
-This boolean aspect is equivalent to @ref{fb,,pragma Thread_Local_Storage}.
-@node Aspect Universal_Aliasing,Aspect Unmodified,Aspect Thread_Local_Storage,Implementation Defined Aspects
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_aspects aspect-universal-aliasing}@anchor{158}
-@section Aspect Universal_Aliasing
-@geindex Universal_Aliasing
-This boolean aspect is equivalent to @ref{105,,pragma Universal_Aliasing}.
-@node Aspect Unmodified,Aspect Unreferenced,Aspect Universal_Aliasing,Implementation Defined Aspects
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_aspects aspect-unmodified}@anchor{159}
-@section Aspect Unmodified
-@geindex Unmodified
-This boolean aspect is equivalent to @ref{107,,pragma Unmodified}.
-@node Aspect Unreferenced,Aspect Unreferenced_Objects,Aspect Unmodified,Implementation Defined Aspects
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_aspects aspect-unreferenced}@anchor{15a}
-@section Aspect Unreferenced
-@geindex Unreferenced
-This boolean aspect is equivalent to @ref{109,,pragma Unreferenced}.
-When using the @code{-gnat2022} switch, this aspect is also supported on formal
-parameters, which is in particular the only form possible for expression
-@node Aspect Unreferenced_Objects,Aspect Value_Size,Aspect Unreferenced,Implementation Defined Aspects
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_aspects aspect-unreferenced-objects}@anchor{15b}
-@section Aspect Unreferenced_Objects
-@geindex Unreferenced_Objects
-This boolean aspect is equivalent to @ref{10b,,pragma Unreferenced_Objects}.
-@node Aspect Value_Size,Aspect Volatile_Full_Access,Aspect Unreferenced_Objects,Implementation Defined Aspects
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_aspects aspect-value-size}@anchor{15c}
-@section Aspect Value_Size
-@geindex Value_Size
-This aspect is equivalent to @ref{15d,,attribute Value_Size}.
-@node Aspect Volatile_Full_Access,Aspect Volatile_Function,Aspect Value_Size,Implementation Defined Aspects
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_aspects aspect-volatile-full-access}@anchor{15e}
-@section Aspect Volatile_Full_Access
-@geindex Volatile_Full_Access
-This boolean aspect is equivalent to @ref{116,,pragma Volatile_Full_Access}.
-@node Aspect Volatile_Function,Aspect Warnings,Aspect Volatile_Full_Access,Implementation Defined Aspects
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_aspects aspect-volatile-function}@anchor{15f}
-@section Aspect Volatile_Function
-@geindex Volatile_Function
-This boolean aspect is equivalent to @ref{118,,pragma Volatile_Function}.
-@node Aspect Warnings,,Aspect Volatile_Function,Implementation Defined Aspects
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_aspects aspect-warnings}@anchor{160}
-@section Aspect Warnings
-@geindex Warnings
-This aspect is equivalent to the two argument form of @ref{11a,,pragma Warnings},
-where the first argument is @code{ON} or @code{OFF} and the second argument
-is the entity.
-@node Implementation Defined Attributes,Standard and Implementation Defined Restrictions,Implementation Defined Aspects,Top
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_attributes doc}@anchor{161}@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_attributes implementation-defined-attributes}@anchor{8}@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_attributes id1}@anchor{162}
-@chapter Implementation Defined Attributes
-Ada defines (throughout the Ada reference manual,
-summarized in Annex K),
-a set of attributes that provide useful additional functionality in all
-areas of the language. These language defined attributes are implemented
-in GNAT and work as described in the Ada Reference Manual.
-In addition, Ada allows implementations to define additional
-attributes whose meaning is defined by the implementation. GNAT provides
-a number of these implementation-dependent attributes which can be used
-to extend and enhance the functionality of the compiler. This section of
-the GNAT reference manual describes these additional attributes. It also
-describes additional implementation-dependent features of standard
-language-defined attributes.
-Note that any program using these attributes may not be portable to
-other compilers (although GNAT implements this set of attributes on all
-platforms). Therefore if portability to other compilers is an important
-consideration, you should minimize the use of these attributes.
-* Attribute Abort_Signal::
-* Attribute Address_Size::
-* Attribute Asm_Input::
-* Attribute Asm_Output::
-* Attribute Atomic_Always_Lock_Free::
-* Attribute Bit::
-* Attribute Bit_Position::
-* Attribute Code_Address::
-* Attribute Compiler_Version::
-* Attribute Constrained::
-* Attribute Default_Bit_Order::
-* Attribute Default_Scalar_Storage_Order::
-* Attribute Deref::
-* Attribute Descriptor_Size::
-* Attribute Elaborated::
-* Attribute Elab_Body::
-* Attribute Elab_Spec::
-* Attribute Elab_Subp_Body::
-* Attribute Emax::
-* Attribute Enabled::
-* Attribute Enum_Rep::
-* Attribute Enum_Val::
-* Attribute Epsilon::
-* Attribute Fast_Math::
-* Attribute Finalization_Size::
-* Attribute Fixed_Value::
-* Attribute From_Any::
-* Attribute Has_Access_Values::
-* Attribute Has_Discriminants::
-* Attribute Has_Tagged_Values::
-* Attribute Img::
-* Attribute Initialized::
-* Attribute Integer_Value::
-* Attribute Invalid_Value::
-* Attribute Iterable::
-* Attribute Large::
-* Attribute Library_Level::
-* Attribute Lock_Free::
-* Attribute Loop_Entry::
-* Attribute Machine_Size::
-* Attribute Mantissa::
-* Attribute Maximum_Alignment::
-* Attribute Max_Integer_Size::
-* Attribute Mechanism_Code::
-* Attribute Null_Parameter::
-* Attribute Object_Size::
-* Attribute Old::
-* Attribute Passed_By_Reference::
-* Attribute Pool_Address::
-* Attribute Range_Length::
-* Attribute Restriction_Set::
-* Attribute Result::
-* Attribute Safe_Emax::
-* Attribute Safe_Large::
-* Attribute Safe_Small::
-* Attribute Scalar_Storage_Order::
-* Attribute Simple_Storage_Pool::
-* Attribute Small::
-* Attribute Small_Denominator::
-* Attribute Small_Numerator::
-* Attribute Storage_Unit::
-* Attribute Stub_Type::
-* Attribute System_Allocator_Alignment::
-* Attribute Target_Name::
-* Attribute To_Address::
-* Attribute To_Any::
-* Attribute Type_Class::
-* Attribute Type_Key::
-* Attribute TypeCode::
-* Attribute Unconstrained_Array::
-* Attribute Universal_Literal_String::
-* Attribute Unrestricted_Access::
-* Attribute Update::
-* Attribute Valid_Image::
-* Attribute Valid_Scalars::
-* Attribute VADS_Size::
-* Attribute Value_Size::
-* Attribute Wchar_T_Size::
-* Attribute Word_Size::
-@end menu
-@node Attribute Abort_Signal,Attribute Address_Size,,Implementation Defined Attributes
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_attributes attribute-abort-signal}@anchor{163}
-@section Attribute Abort_Signal
-@geindex Abort_Signal
-@code{Standard'Abort_Signal} (@code{Standard} is the only allowed
-prefix) provides the entity for the special exception used to signal
-task abort or asynchronous transfer of control. Normally this attribute
-should only be used in the tasking runtime (it is highly peculiar, and
-completely outside the normal semantics of Ada, for a user program to
-intercept the abort exception).
-@node Attribute Address_Size,Attribute Asm_Input,Attribute Abort_Signal,Implementation Defined Attributes
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_attributes attribute-address-size}@anchor{164}
-@section Attribute Address_Size
-@geindex Size of `@w{`}Address`@w{`}
-@geindex Address_Size
-@code{Standard'Address_Size} (@code{Standard} is the only allowed
-prefix) is a static constant giving the number of bits in an
-@code{Address}. It is the same value as System.Address'Size,
-but has the advantage of being static, while a direct
-reference to System.Address'Size is nonstatic because Address
-is a private type.
-@node Attribute Asm_Input,Attribute Asm_Output,Attribute Address_Size,Implementation Defined Attributes
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_attributes attribute-asm-input}@anchor{165}
-@section Attribute Asm_Input
-@geindex Asm_Input
-The @code{Asm_Input} attribute denotes a function that takes two
-parameters. The first is a string, the second is an expression of the
-type designated by the prefix. The first (string) argument is required
-to be a static expression, and is the constraint for the parameter,
-(e.g., what kind of register is required). The second argument is the
-value to be used as the input argument. The possible values for the
-constant are the same as those used in the RTL, and are dependent on
-the configuration file used to built the GCC back end.
-@ref{166,,Machine Code Insertions}
-@node Attribute Asm_Output,Attribute Atomic_Always_Lock_Free,Attribute Asm_Input,Implementation Defined Attributes
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_attributes attribute-asm-output}@anchor{167}
-@section Attribute Asm_Output
-@geindex Asm_Output
-The @code{Asm_Output} attribute denotes a function that takes two
-parameters. The first is a string, the second is the name of a variable
-of the type designated by the attribute prefix. The first (string)
-argument is required to be a static expression and designates the
-constraint for the parameter (e.g., what kind of register is
-required). The second argument is the variable to be updated with the
-result. The possible values for constraint are the same as those used in
-the RTL, and are dependent on the configuration file used to build the
-GCC back end. If there are no output operands, then this argument may
-either be omitted, or explicitly given as @code{No_Output_Operands}.
-@ref{166,,Machine Code Insertions}
-@node Attribute Atomic_Always_Lock_Free,Attribute Bit,Attribute Asm_Output,Implementation Defined Attributes
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_attributes attribute-atomic-always-lock-free}@anchor{168}
-@section Attribute Atomic_Always_Lock_Free
-@geindex Atomic_Always_Lock_Free
-The prefix of the @code{Atomic_Always_Lock_Free} attribute is a type.
-The result is a Boolean value which is True if the type has discriminants,
-and False otherwise. The result indicate whether atomic operations are
-supported by the target for the given type.
-@node Attribute Bit,Attribute Bit_Position,Attribute Atomic_Always_Lock_Free,Implementation Defined Attributes
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_attributes attribute-bit}@anchor{169}
-@section Attribute Bit
-@geindex Bit
-@code{obj'Bit}, where @code{obj} is any object, yields the bit
-offset within the storage unit (byte) that contains the first bit of
-storage allocated for the object. The value of this attribute is of the
-type @emph{universal_integer} and is always a nonnegative number smaller
-than @code{System.Storage_Unit}.
-For an object that is a variable or a constant allocated in a register,
-the value is zero. (The use of this attribute does not force the
-allocation of a variable to memory).
-For an object that is a formal parameter, this attribute applies
-to either the matching actual parameter or to a copy of the
-matching actual parameter.
-For an access object the value is zero. Note that
-@code{obj.all'Bit} is subject to an @code{Access_Check} for the
-designated object. Similarly for a record component
-@code{X.C'Bit} is subject to a discriminant check and
-@code{X(I).Bit} and @code{X(I1..I2)'Bit}
-are subject to index checks.
-This attribute is designed to be compatible with the DEC Ada 83 definition
-and implementation of the @code{Bit} attribute.
-@node Attribute Bit_Position,Attribute Code_Address,Attribute Bit,Implementation Defined Attributes
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_attributes attribute-bit-position}@anchor{16a}
-@section Attribute Bit_Position
-@geindex Bit_Position
-@code{R.C'Bit_Position}, where @code{R} is a record object and @code{C} is one
-of the fields of the record type, yields the bit
-offset within the record contains the first bit of
-storage allocated for the object. The value of this attribute is of the
-type @emph{universal_integer}. The value depends only on the field
-@code{C} and is independent of the alignment of
-the containing record @code{R}.
-@node Attribute Code_Address,Attribute Compiler_Version,Attribute Bit_Position,Implementation Defined Attributes
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_attributes attribute-code-address}@anchor{16b}
-@section Attribute Code_Address
-@geindex Code_Address
-@geindex Subprogram address
-@geindex Address of subprogram code
-The @code{'Address}
-attribute may be applied to subprograms in Ada 95 and Ada 2005, but the
-intended effect seems to be to provide
-an address value which can be used to call the subprogram by means of
-an address clause as in the following example:
-procedure K is ...
-procedure L;
-for L'Address use K'Address;
-pragma Import (Ada, L);
-@end example
-A call to @code{L} is then expected to result in a call to @code{K}.
-In Ada 83, where there were no access-to-subprogram values, this was
-a common work-around for getting the effect of an indirect call.
-GNAT implements the above use of @code{Address} and the technique
-illustrated by the example code works correctly.
-However, for some purposes, it is useful to have the address of the start
-of the generated code for the subprogram. On some architectures, this is
-not necessarily the same as the @code{Address} value described above.
-For example, the @code{Address} value may reference a subprogram
-descriptor rather than the subprogram itself.
-The @code{'Code_Address} attribute, which can only be applied to
-subprogram entities, always returns the address of the start of the
-generated code of the specified subprogram, which may or may not be
-the same value as is returned by the corresponding @code{'Address}
-@node Attribute Compiler_Version,Attribute Constrained,Attribute Code_Address,Implementation Defined Attributes
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_attributes attribute-compiler-version}@anchor{16c}
-@section Attribute Compiler_Version
-@geindex Compiler_Version
-@code{Standard'Compiler_Version} (@code{Standard} is the only allowed
-prefix) yields a static string identifying the version of the compiler
-being used to compile the unit containing the attribute reference.
-@node Attribute Constrained,Attribute Default_Bit_Order,Attribute Compiler_Version,Implementation Defined Attributes
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_attributes attribute-constrained}@anchor{16d}
-@section Attribute Constrained
-@geindex Constrained
-In addition to the usage of this attribute in the Ada RM, GNAT
-also permits the use of the @code{'Constrained} attribute
-in a generic template
-for any type, including types without discriminants. The value of this
-attribute in the generic instance when applied to a scalar type or a
-record type without discriminants is always @code{True}. This usage is
-compatible with older Ada compilers, including notably DEC Ada.
-@node Attribute Default_Bit_Order,Attribute Default_Scalar_Storage_Order,Attribute Constrained,Implementation Defined Attributes
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_attributes attribute-default-bit-order}@anchor{16e}
-@section Attribute Default_Bit_Order
-@geindex Big endian
-@geindex Little endian
-@geindex Default_Bit_Order
-@code{Standard'Default_Bit_Order} (@code{Standard} is the only
-allowed prefix), provides the value @code{System.Default_Bit_Order}
-as a @code{Pos} value (0 for @code{High_Order_First}, 1 for
-@code{Low_Order_First}). This is used to construct the definition of
-@code{Default_Bit_Order} in package @code{System}.
-@node Attribute Default_Scalar_Storage_Order,Attribute Deref,Attribute Default_Bit_Order,Implementation Defined Attributes
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_attributes attribute-default-scalar-storage-order}@anchor{16f}
-@section Attribute Default_Scalar_Storage_Order
-@geindex Big endian
-@geindex Little endian
-@geindex Default_Scalar_Storage_Order
-@code{Standard'Default_Scalar_Storage_Order} (@code{Standard} is the only
-allowed prefix), provides the current value of the default scalar storage
-order (as specified using pragma @code{Default_Scalar_Storage_Order}, or
-equal to @code{Default_Bit_Order} if unspecified) as a
-@code{System.Bit_Order} value. This is a static attribute.
-@node Attribute Deref,Attribute Descriptor_Size,Attribute Default_Scalar_Storage_Order,Implementation Defined Attributes
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_attributes attribute-deref}@anchor{170}
-@section Attribute Deref
-@geindex Deref
-The attribute @code{typ'Deref(expr)} where @code{expr} is of type @code{System.Address} yields
-the variable of type @code{typ} that is located at the given address. It is similar
-to @code{(totyp (expr).all)}, where @code{totyp} is an unchecked conversion from address to
-a named access-to-@cite{typ} type, except that it yields a variable, so it can be
-used on the left side of an assignment.
-@node Attribute Descriptor_Size,Attribute Elaborated,Attribute Deref,Implementation Defined Attributes
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_attributes attribute-descriptor-size}@anchor{171}
-@section Attribute Descriptor_Size
-@geindex Descriptor
-@geindex Dope vector
-@geindex Descriptor_Size
-Nonstatic attribute @code{Descriptor_Size} returns the size in bits of the
-descriptor allocated for a type. The result is non-zero only for unconstrained
-array types and the returned value is of type universal integer. In GNAT, an
-array descriptor contains bounds information and is located immediately before
-the first element of the array.
-type Unconstr_Array is array (Short_Short_Integer range <>) of Positive;
-Put_Line ("Descriptor size = " & Unconstr_Array'Descriptor_Size'Img);
-@end example
-The attribute takes into account any padding due to the alignment of the
-component type. In the example above, the descriptor contains two values
-of type @code{Short_Short_Integer} representing the low and high bound. But,
-since @code{Positive} has an alignment of 4, the size of the descriptor is
-@code{2 * Short_Short_Integer'Size} rounded up to the next multiple of 32,
-which yields a size of 32 bits, i.e. including 16 bits of padding.
-@node Attribute Elaborated,Attribute Elab_Body,Attribute Descriptor_Size,Implementation Defined Attributes
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_attributes attribute-elaborated}@anchor{172}
-@section Attribute Elaborated
-@geindex Elaborated
-The prefix of the @code{'Elaborated} attribute must be a unit name. The
-value is a Boolean which indicates whether or not the given unit has been
-elaborated. This attribute is primarily intended for internal use by the
-generated code for dynamic elaboration checking, but it can also be used
-in user programs. The value will always be True once elaboration of all
-units has been completed. An exception is for units which need no
-elaboration, the value is always False for such units.
-@node Attribute Elab_Body,Attribute Elab_Spec,Attribute Elaborated,Implementation Defined Attributes
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_attributes attribute-elab-body}@anchor{173}
-@section Attribute Elab_Body
-@geindex Elab_Body
-This attribute can only be applied to a program unit name. It returns
-the entity for the corresponding elaboration procedure for elaborating
-the body of the referenced unit. This is used in the main generated
-elaboration procedure by the binder and is not normally used in any
-other context. However, there may be specialized situations in which it
-is useful to be able to call this elaboration procedure from Ada code,
-e.g., if it is necessary to do selective re-elaboration to fix some
-@node Attribute Elab_Spec,Attribute Elab_Subp_Body,Attribute Elab_Body,Implementation Defined Attributes
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_attributes attribute-elab-spec}@anchor{174}
-@section Attribute Elab_Spec
-@geindex Elab_Spec
-This attribute can only be applied to a program unit name. It returns
-the entity for the corresponding elaboration procedure for elaborating
-the spec of the referenced unit. This is used in the main
-generated elaboration procedure by the binder and is not normally used
-in any other context. However, there may be specialized situations in
-which it is useful to be able to call this elaboration procedure from
-Ada code, e.g., if it is necessary to do selective re-elaboration to fix
-some error.
-@node Attribute Elab_Subp_Body,Attribute Emax,Attribute Elab_Spec,Implementation Defined Attributes
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_attributes attribute-elab-subp-body}@anchor{175}
-@section Attribute Elab_Subp_Body
-@geindex Elab_Subp_Body
-This attribute can only be applied to a library level subprogram
-name and is only allowed in CodePeer mode. It returns the entity
-for the corresponding elaboration procedure for elaborating the body
-of the referenced subprogram unit. This is used in the main generated
-elaboration procedure by the binder in CodePeer mode only and is unrecognized
-@node Attribute Emax,Attribute Enabled,Attribute Elab_Subp_Body,Implementation Defined Attributes
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_attributes attribute-emax}@anchor{176}
-@section Attribute Emax
-@geindex Ada 83 attributes
-@geindex Emax
-The @code{Emax} attribute is provided for compatibility with Ada 83. See
-the Ada 83 reference manual for an exact description of the semantics of
-this attribute.
-@node Attribute Enabled,Attribute Enum_Rep,Attribute Emax,Implementation Defined Attributes
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_attributes attribute-enabled}@anchor{177}
-@section Attribute Enabled
-@geindex Enabled
-The @code{Enabled} attribute allows an application program to check at compile
-time to see if the designated check is currently enabled. The prefix is a
-simple identifier, referencing any predefined check name (other than
-@code{All_Checks}) or a check name introduced by pragma Check_Name. If
-no argument is given for the attribute, the check is for the general state
-of the check, if an argument is given, then it is an entity name, and the
-check indicates whether an @code{Suppress} or @code{Unsuppress} has been
-given naming the entity (if not, then the argument is ignored).
-Note that instantiations inherit the check status at the point of the
-instantiation, so a useful idiom is to have a library package that
-introduces a check name with @code{pragma Check_Name}, and then contains
-generic packages or subprograms which use the @code{Enabled} attribute
-to see if the check is enabled. A user of this package can then issue
-a @code{pragma Suppress} or @code{pragma Unsuppress} before instantiating
-the package or subprogram, controlling whether the check will be present.
-@node Attribute Enum_Rep,Attribute Enum_Val,Attribute Enabled,Implementation Defined Attributes
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_attributes attribute-enum-rep}@anchor{178}
-@section Attribute Enum_Rep
-@geindex Representation of enums
-@geindex Enum_Rep
-Note that this attribute is now standard in Ada 202x and is available
-as an implementation defined attribute for earlier Ada versions.
-For every enumeration subtype @code{S}, @code{S'Enum_Rep} denotes a
-function with the following spec:
-function S'Enum_Rep (Arg : S'Base) return <Universal_Integer>;
-@end example
-It is also allowable to apply @code{Enum_Rep} directly to an object of an
-enumeration type or to a non-overloaded enumeration
-literal. In this case @code{S'Enum_Rep} is equivalent to
-@code{typ'Enum_Rep(S)} where @code{typ} is the type of the
-enumeration literal or object.
-The function returns the representation value for the given enumeration
-value. This will be equal to value of the @code{Pos} attribute in the
-absence of an enumeration representation clause. This is a static
-attribute (i.e., the result is static if the argument is static).
-@code{S'Enum_Rep} can also be used with integer types and objects,
-in which case it simply returns the integer value. The reason for this
-is to allow it to be used for @code{(<>)} discrete formal arguments in
-a generic unit that can be instantiated with either enumeration types
-or integer types. Note that if @code{Enum_Rep} is used on a modular
-type whose upper bound exceeds the upper bound of the largest signed
-integer type, and the argument is a variable, so that the universal
-integer calculation is done at run time, then the call to @code{Enum_Rep}
-may raise @code{Constraint_Error}.
-@node Attribute Enum_Val,Attribute Epsilon,Attribute Enum_Rep,Implementation Defined Attributes
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_attributes attribute-enum-val}@anchor{179}
-@section Attribute Enum_Val
-@geindex Representation of enums
-@geindex Enum_Val
-Note that this attribute is now standard in Ada 202x and is available
-as an implementation defined attribute for earlier Ada versions.
-For every enumeration subtype @code{S}, @code{S'Enum_Val} denotes a
-function with the following spec:
-function S'Enum_Val (Arg : <Universal_Integer>) return S'Base;
-@end example
-The function returns the enumeration value whose representation matches the
-argument, or raises Constraint_Error if no enumeration literal of the type
-has the matching value.
-This will be equal to value of the @code{Val} attribute in the
-absence of an enumeration representation clause. This is a static
-attribute (i.e., the result is static if the argument is static).
-@node Attribute Epsilon,Attribute Fast_Math,Attribute Enum_Val,Implementation Defined Attributes
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_attributes attribute-epsilon}@anchor{17a}
-@section Attribute Epsilon
-@geindex Ada 83 attributes
-@geindex Epsilon
-The @code{Epsilon} attribute is provided for compatibility with Ada 83. See
-the Ada 83 reference manual for an exact description of the semantics of
-this attribute.
-@node Attribute Fast_Math,Attribute Finalization_Size,Attribute Epsilon,Implementation Defined Attributes
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_attributes attribute-fast-math}@anchor{17b}
-@section Attribute Fast_Math
-@geindex Fast_Math
-@code{Standard'Fast_Math} (@code{Standard} is the only allowed
-prefix) yields a static Boolean value that is True if pragma
-@code{Fast_Math} is active, and False otherwise.
-@node Attribute Finalization_Size,Attribute Fixed_Value,Attribute Fast_Math,Implementation Defined Attributes
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_attributes attribute-finalization-size}@anchor{17c}
-@section Attribute Finalization_Size
-@geindex Finalization_Size
-The prefix of attribute @code{Finalization_Size} must be an object or
-a non-class-wide type. This attribute returns the size of any hidden data
-reserved by the compiler to handle finalization-related actions. The type of
-the attribute is @emph{universal_integer}.
-@code{Finalization_Size} yields a value of zero for a type with no controlled
-parts, an object whose type has no controlled parts, or an object of a
-class-wide type whose tag denotes a type with no controlled parts.
-Note that only heap-allocated objects contain finalization data.
-@node Attribute Fixed_Value,Attribute From_Any,Attribute Finalization_Size,Implementation Defined Attributes
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_attributes attribute-fixed-value}@anchor{17d}
-@section Attribute Fixed_Value
-@geindex Fixed_Value
-For every fixed-point type @code{S}, @code{S'Fixed_Value} denotes a
-function with the following specification:
-function S'Fixed_Value (Arg : <Universal_Integer>) return S;
-@end example
-The value returned is the fixed-point value @code{V} such that:
-V = Arg * S'Small
-@end example
-The effect is thus similar to first converting the argument to the
-integer type used to represent @code{S}, and then doing an unchecked
-conversion to the fixed-point type. The difference is
-that there are full range checks, to ensure that the result is in range.
-This attribute is primarily intended for use in implementation of the
-input-output functions for fixed-point values.
-@node Attribute From_Any,Attribute Has_Access_Values,Attribute Fixed_Value,Implementation Defined Attributes
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_attributes attribute-from-any}@anchor{17e}
-@section Attribute From_Any
-@geindex From_Any
-This internal attribute is used for the generation of remote subprogram
-stubs in the context of the Distributed Systems Annex.
-@node Attribute Has_Access_Values,Attribute Has_Discriminants,Attribute From_Any,Implementation Defined Attributes
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_attributes attribute-has-access-values}@anchor{17f}
-@section Attribute Has_Access_Values
-@geindex Access values
-@geindex testing for
-@geindex Has_Access_Values
-The prefix of the @code{Has_Access_Values} attribute is a type. The result
-is a Boolean value which is True if the is an access type, or is a composite
-type with a component (at any nesting depth) that is an access type, and is
-False otherwise.
-The intended use of this attribute is in conjunction with generic
-definitions. If the attribute is applied to a generic private type, it
-indicates whether or not the corresponding actual type has access values.
-@node Attribute Has_Discriminants,Attribute Has_Tagged_Values,Attribute Has_Access_Values,Implementation Defined Attributes
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_attributes attribute-has-discriminants}@anchor{180}
-@section Attribute Has_Discriminants
-@geindex Discriminants
-@geindex testing for
-@geindex Has_Discriminants
-The prefix of the @code{Has_Discriminants} attribute is a type. The result
-is a Boolean value which is True if the type has discriminants, and False
-otherwise. The intended use of this attribute is in conjunction with generic
-definitions. If the attribute is applied to a generic private type, it
-indicates whether or not the corresponding actual type has discriminants.
-@node Attribute Has_Tagged_Values,Attribute Img,Attribute Has_Discriminants,Implementation Defined Attributes
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_attributes attribute-has-tagged-values}@anchor{181}
-@section Attribute Has_Tagged_Values
-@geindex Tagged values
-@geindex testing for
-@geindex Has_Tagged_Values
-The prefix of the @code{Has_Tagged_Values} attribute is a type. The result is a
-Boolean value which is True if the type is a composite type (array or record)
-that is either a tagged type or has a subcomponent that is tagged, and is False
-otherwise. The intended use of this attribute is in conjunction with generic
-definitions. If the attribute is applied to a generic private type, it
-indicates whether or not the corresponding actual type has access values.
-@node Attribute Img,Attribute Initialized,Attribute Has_Tagged_Values,Implementation Defined Attributes
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_attributes attribute-img}@anchor{182}
-@section Attribute Img
-@geindex Img
-The @code{Img} attribute differs from @code{Image} in that, while both can be
-applied directly to an object, @code{Img} cannot be applied to types.
-Example usage of the attribute:
-Put_Line ("X = " & X'Img);
-@end example
-which has the same meaning as the more verbose:
-Put_Line ("X = " & T'Image (X));
-@end example
-where @code{T} is the (sub)type of the object @code{X}.
-Note that technically, in analogy to @code{Image},
-@code{X'Img} returns a parameterless function
-that returns the appropriate string when called. This means that
-@code{X'Img} can be renamed as a function-returning-string, or used
-in an instantiation as a function parameter.
-@node Attribute Initialized,Attribute Integer_Value,Attribute Img,Implementation Defined Attributes
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_attributes attribute-initialized}@anchor{183}
-@section Attribute Initialized
-@geindex Initialized
-For the syntax and semantics of this attribute, see the SPARK 2014 Reference
-Manual, section 6.10.
-@node Attribute Integer_Value,Attribute Invalid_Value,Attribute Initialized,Implementation Defined Attributes
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_attributes attribute-integer-value}@anchor{184}
-@section Attribute Integer_Value
-@geindex Integer_Value
-For every integer type @code{S}, @code{S'Integer_Value} denotes a
-function with the following spec:
-function S'Integer_Value (Arg : <Universal_Fixed>) return S;
-@end example
-The value returned is the integer value @code{V}, such that:
-Arg = V * T'Small
-@end example
-where @code{T} is the type of @code{Arg}.
-The effect is thus similar to first doing an unchecked conversion from
-the fixed-point type to its corresponding implementation type, and then
-converting the result to the target integer type. The difference is
-that there are full range checks, to ensure that the result is in range.
-This attribute is primarily intended for use in implementation of the
-standard input-output functions for fixed-point values.
-@node Attribute Invalid_Value,Attribute Iterable,Attribute Integer_Value,Implementation Defined Attributes
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_attributes attribute-invalid-value}@anchor{185}
-@section Attribute Invalid_Value
-@geindex Invalid_Value
-For every scalar type S, S'Invalid_Value returns an undefined value of the
-type. If possible this value is an invalid representation for the type. The
-value returned is identical to the value used to initialize an otherwise
-uninitialized value of the type if pragma Initialize_Scalars is used,
-including the ability to modify the value with the binder -Sxx flag and
-relevant environment variables at run time.
-@node Attribute Iterable,Attribute Large,Attribute Invalid_Value,Implementation Defined Attributes
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_attributes attribute-iterable}@anchor{186}
-@section Attribute Iterable
-@geindex Iterable
-Equivalent to Aspect Iterable.
-@node Attribute Large,Attribute Library_Level,Attribute Iterable,Implementation Defined Attributes
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_attributes attribute-large}@anchor{187}
-@section Attribute Large
-@geindex Ada 83 attributes
-@geindex Large
-The @code{Large} attribute is provided for compatibility with Ada 83. See
-the Ada 83 reference manual for an exact description of the semantics of
-this attribute.
-@node Attribute Library_Level,Attribute Lock_Free,Attribute Large,Implementation Defined Attributes
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_attributes attribute-library-level}@anchor{188}
-@section Attribute Library_Level
-@geindex Library_Level
-@code{P'Library_Level}, where P is an entity name,
-returns a Boolean value which is True if the entity is declared
-at the library level, and False otherwise. Note that within a
-generic instantition, the name of the generic unit denotes the
-instance, which means that this attribute can be used to test
-if a generic is instantiated at the library level, as shown
-in this example:
- ...
-package Gen is
- pragma Compile_Time_Error
- (not Gen'Library_Level,
- "Gen can only be instantiated at library level");
- ...
-end Gen;
-@end example
-@node Attribute Lock_Free,Attribute Loop_Entry,Attribute Library_Level,Implementation Defined Attributes
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_attributes attribute-lock-free}@anchor{189}
-@section Attribute Lock_Free
-@geindex Lock_Free
-@code{P'Lock_Free}, where P is a protected object, returns True if a
-pragma @code{Lock_Free} applies to P.
-@node Attribute Loop_Entry,Attribute Machine_Size,Attribute Lock_Free,Implementation Defined Attributes
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_attributes attribute-loop-entry}@anchor{18a}
-@section Attribute Loop_Entry
-@geindex Loop_Entry
-X'Loop_Entry [(loop_name)]
-@end example
-The @code{Loop_Entry} attribute is used to refer to the value that an
-expression had upon entry to a given loop in much the same way that the
-@code{Old} attribute in a subprogram postcondition can be used to refer
-to the value an expression had upon entry to the subprogram. The
-relevant loop is either identified by the given loop name, or it is the
-innermost enclosing loop when no loop name is given.
-A @code{Loop_Entry} attribute can only occur within a
-@code{Loop_Variant} or @code{Loop_Invariant} pragma. A common use of
-@code{Loop_Entry} is to compare the current value of objects with their
-initial value at loop entry, in a @code{Loop_Invariant} pragma.
-The effect of using @code{X'Loop_Entry} is the same as declaring
-a constant initialized with the initial value of @code{X} at loop
-entry. This copy is not performed if the loop is not entered, or if the
-corresponding pragmas are ignored or disabled.
-@node Attribute Machine_Size,Attribute Mantissa,Attribute Loop_Entry,Implementation Defined Attributes
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_attributes attribute-machine-size}@anchor{18b}
-@section Attribute Machine_Size
-@geindex Machine_Size
-This attribute is identical to the @code{Object_Size} attribute. It is
-provided for compatibility with the DEC Ada 83 attribute of this name.
-@node Attribute Mantissa,Attribute Maximum_Alignment,Attribute Machine_Size,Implementation Defined Attributes
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_attributes attribute-mantissa}@anchor{18c}
-@section Attribute Mantissa
-@geindex Ada 83 attributes
-@geindex Mantissa
-The @code{Mantissa} attribute is provided for compatibility with Ada 83. See
-the Ada 83 reference manual for an exact description of the semantics of
-this attribute.
-@node Attribute Maximum_Alignment,Attribute Max_Integer_Size,Attribute Mantissa,Implementation Defined Attributes
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_attributes attribute-maximum-alignment}@anchor{18d}@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_attributes id2}@anchor{18e}
-@section Attribute Maximum_Alignment
-@geindex Alignment
-@geindex maximum
-@geindex Maximum_Alignment
-@code{Standard'Maximum_Alignment} (@code{Standard} is the only
-allowed prefix) provides the maximum useful alignment value for the
-target. This is a static value that can be used to specify the alignment
-for an object, guaranteeing that it is properly aligned in all
-@node Attribute Max_Integer_Size,Attribute Mechanism_Code,Attribute Maximum_Alignment,Implementation Defined Attributes
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_attributes attribute-max-integer-size}@anchor{18f}
-@section Attribute Max_Integer_Size
-@geindex Max_Integer_Size
-@code{Standard'Max_Integer_Size} (@code{Standard} is the only allowed
-prefix) provides the size of the largest supported integer type for
-the target. The result is a static constant.
-@node Attribute Mechanism_Code,Attribute Null_Parameter,Attribute Max_Integer_Size,Implementation Defined Attributes
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_attributes attribute-mechanism-code}@anchor{190}
-@section Attribute Mechanism_Code
-@geindex Return values
-@geindex passing mechanism
-@geindex Parameters
-@geindex passing mechanism
-@geindex Mechanism_Code
-@code{func'Mechanism_Code} yields an integer code for the
-mechanism used for the result of function @code{func}, and
-@code{subprog'Mechanism_Code (n)} yields the mechanism
-used for formal parameter number @emph{n} (a static integer value, with 1
-meaning the first parameter) of subprogram @code{subprog}. The code returned is:
-@table @asis
-@item @emph{1}
-by copy (value)
-@item @emph{2}
-by reference
-@end table
-@node Attribute Null_Parameter,Attribute Object_Size,Attribute Mechanism_Code,Implementation Defined Attributes
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_attributes attribute-null-parameter}@anchor{191}
-@section Attribute Null_Parameter
-@geindex Zero address
-@geindex passing
-@geindex Null_Parameter
-A reference @code{T'Null_Parameter} denotes an imaginary object of
-type or subtype @code{T} allocated at machine address zero. The attribute
-is allowed only as the default expression of a formal parameter, or as
-an actual expression of a subprogram call. In either case, the
-subprogram must be imported.
-The identity of the object is represented by the address zero in the
-argument list, independent of the passing mechanism (explicit or
-This capability is needed to specify that a zero address should be
-passed for a record or other composite object passed by reference.
-There is no way of indicating this without the @code{Null_Parameter}
-@node Attribute Object_Size,Attribute Old,Attribute Null_Parameter,Implementation Defined Attributes
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_attributes attribute-object-size}@anchor{141}@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_attributes id3}@anchor{192}
-@section Attribute Object_Size
-@geindex Size
-@geindex used for objects
-@geindex Object_Size
-The size of an object is not necessarily the same as the size of the type
-of an object. This is because by default object sizes are increased to be
-a multiple of the alignment of the object. For example,
-@code{Natural'Size} is
-31, but by default objects of type @code{Natural} will have a size of 32 bits.
-Similarly, a record containing an integer and a character:
-type Rec is record
- I : Integer;
- C : Character;
-end record;
-@end example
-will have a size of 40 (that is @code{Rec'Size} will be 40). The
-alignment will be 4, because of the
-integer field, and so the default size of record objects for this type
-will be 64 (8 bytes).
-If the alignment of the above record is specified to be 1, then the
-object size will be 40 (5 bytes). This is true by default, and also
-an object size of 40 can be explicitly specified in this case.
-A consequence of this capability is that different object sizes can be
-given to subtypes that would otherwise be considered in Ada to be
-statically matching. But it makes no sense to consider such subtypes
-as statically matching. Consequently, GNAT adds a rule
-to the static matching rules that requires object sizes to match.
-Consider this example:
- 1. procedure BadAVConvert is
- 2. type R is new Integer;
- 3. subtype R1 is R range 1 .. 10;
- 4. subtype R2 is R range 1 .. 10;
- 5. for R1'Object_Size use 8;
- 6. for R2'Object_Size use 16;
- 7. type R1P is access all R1;
- 8. type R2P is access all R2;
- 9. R1PV : R1P := new R1'(4);
-10. R2PV : R2P;
-11. begin
-12. R2PV := R2P (R1PV);
- |
- >>> target designated subtype not compatible with
- type "R1" defined at line 3
-13. end;
-@end example
-In the absence of lines 5 and 6,
-types @code{R1} and @code{R2} statically match and
-hence the conversion on line 12 is legal. But since lines 5 and 6
-cause the object sizes to differ, GNAT considers that types
-@code{R1} and @code{R2} are not statically matching, and line 12
-generates the diagnostic shown above.
-Similar additional checks are performed in other contexts requiring
-statically matching subtypes.
-@node Attribute Old,Attribute Passed_By_Reference,Attribute Object_Size,Implementation Defined Attributes
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_attributes attribute-old}@anchor{193}
-@section Attribute Old
-@geindex Old
-In addition to the usage of @code{Old} defined in the Ada 2012 RM (usage
-within @code{Post} aspect), GNAT also permits the use of this attribute
-in implementation defined pragmas @code{Postcondition},
-@code{Contract_Cases} and @code{Test_Case}. Also usages of
-@code{Old} which would be illegal according to the Ada 2012 RM
-definition are allowed under control of
-implementation defined pragma @code{Unevaluated_Use_Of_Old}.
-@node Attribute Passed_By_Reference,Attribute Pool_Address,Attribute Old,Implementation Defined Attributes
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_attributes attribute-passed-by-reference}@anchor{194}
-@section Attribute Passed_By_Reference
-@geindex Parameters
-@geindex when passed by reference
-@geindex Passed_By_Reference
-@code{typ'Passed_By_Reference} for any subtype @cite{typ} returns
-a value of type @code{Boolean} value that is @code{True} if the type is
-normally passed by reference and @code{False} if the type is normally
-passed by copy in calls. For scalar types, the result is always @code{False}
-and is static. For non-scalar types, the result is nonstatic.
-@node Attribute Pool_Address,Attribute Range_Length,Attribute Passed_By_Reference,Implementation Defined Attributes
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_attributes attribute-pool-address}@anchor{195}
-@section Attribute Pool_Address
-@geindex Pool_Address
-@code{X'Pool_Address} for any object @code{X} returns the address
-of X within its storage pool. This is the same as
-@code{X'Address}, except that for an unconstrained array whose
-bounds are allocated just before the first component,
-@code{X'Pool_Address} returns the address of those bounds,
-whereas @code{X'Address} returns the address of the first
-Here, we are interpreting 'storage pool' broadly to mean
-@code{wherever the object is allocated}, which could be a
-user-defined storage pool,
-the global heap, on the stack, or in a static memory area.
-For an object created by @code{new}, @code{Ptr.all'Pool_Address} is
-what is passed to @code{Allocate} and returned from @code{Deallocate}.
-@node Attribute Range_Length,Attribute Restriction_Set,Attribute Pool_Address,Implementation Defined Attributes
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_attributes attribute-range-length}@anchor{196}
-@section Attribute Range_Length
-@geindex Range_Length
-@code{typ'Range_Length} for any discrete type @cite{typ} yields
-the number of values represented by the subtype (zero for a null
-range). The result is static for static subtypes. @code{Range_Length}
-applied to the index subtype of a one dimensional array always gives the
-same result as @code{Length} applied to the array itself.
-@node Attribute Restriction_Set,Attribute Result,Attribute Range_Length,Implementation Defined Attributes
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_attributes attribute-restriction-set}@anchor{197}
-@section Attribute Restriction_Set
-@geindex Restriction_Set
-@geindex Restrictions
-This attribute allows compile time testing of restrictions that
-are currently in effect. It is primarily intended for specializing
-code in the run-time based on restrictions that are active (e.g.
-don't need to save fpt registers if restriction No_Floating_Point
-is known to be in effect), but can be used anywhere.
-There are two forms:
-System'Restriction_Set (partition_boolean_restriction_NAME)
-System'Restriction_Set (No_Dependence => library_unit_NAME);
-@end example
-In the case of the first form, the only restriction names
-allowed are parameterless restrictions that are checked
-for consistency at bind time. For a complete list see the
-subtype @code{System.Rident.Partition_Boolean_Restrictions}.
-The result returned is True if the restriction is known to
-be in effect, and False if the restriction is known not to
-be in effect. An important guarantee is that the value of
-a Restriction_Set attribute is known to be consistent throughout
-all the code of a partition.
-This is trivially achieved if the entire partition is compiled
-with a consistent set of restriction pragmas. However, the
-compilation model does not require this. It is possible to
-compile one set of units with one set of pragmas, and another
-set of units with another set of pragmas. It is even possible
-to compile a spec with one set of pragmas, and then WITH the
-same spec with a different set of pragmas. Inconsistencies
-in the actual use of the restriction are checked at bind time.
-In order to achieve the guarantee of consistency for the
-Restriction_Set pragma, we consider that a use of the pragma
-that yields False is equivalent to a violation of the
-So for example if you write
-if System'Restriction_Set (No_Floating_Point) then
- ...
- ...
-end if;
-@end example
-And the result is False, so that the else branch is executed,
-you can assume that this restriction is not set for any unit
-in the partition. This is checked by considering this use of
-the restriction pragma to be a violation of the restriction
-No_Floating_Point. This means that no other unit can attempt
-to set this restriction (if some unit does attempt to set it,
-the binder will refuse to bind the partition).
-Technical note: The restriction name and the unit name are
-intepreted entirely syntactically, as in the corresponding
-Restrictions pragma, they are not analyzed semantically,
-so they do not have a type.
-@node Attribute Result,Attribute Safe_Emax,Attribute Restriction_Set,Implementation Defined Attributes
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_attributes attribute-result}@anchor{198}
-@section Attribute Result
-@geindex Result
-@code{function'Result} can only be used with in a Postcondition pragma
-for a function. The prefix must be the name of the corresponding function. This
-is used to refer to the result of the function in the postcondition expression.
-For a further discussion of the use of this attribute and examples of its use,
-see the description of pragma Postcondition.
-@node Attribute Safe_Emax,Attribute Safe_Large,Attribute Result,Implementation Defined Attributes
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_attributes attribute-safe-emax}@anchor{199}
-@section Attribute Safe_Emax
-@geindex Ada 83 attributes
-@geindex Safe_Emax
-The @code{Safe_Emax} attribute is provided for compatibility with Ada 83. See
-the Ada 83 reference manual for an exact description of the semantics of
-this attribute.
-@node Attribute Safe_Large,Attribute Safe_Small,Attribute Safe_Emax,Implementation Defined Attributes
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_attributes attribute-safe-large}@anchor{19a}
-@section Attribute Safe_Large
-@geindex Ada 83 attributes
-@geindex Safe_Large
-The @code{Safe_Large} attribute is provided for compatibility with Ada 83. See
-the Ada 83 reference manual for an exact description of the semantics of
-this attribute.
-@node Attribute Safe_Small,Attribute Scalar_Storage_Order,Attribute Safe_Large,Implementation Defined Attributes
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_attributes attribute-safe-small}@anchor{19b}
-@section Attribute Safe_Small
-@geindex Ada 83 attributes
-@geindex Safe_Small
-The @code{Safe_Small} attribute is provided for compatibility with Ada 83. See
-the Ada 83 reference manual for an exact description of the semantics of
-this attribute.
-@node Attribute Scalar_Storage_Order,Attribute Simple_Storage_Pool,Attribute Safe_Small,Implementation Defined Attributes
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_attributes id4}@anchor{19c}@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_attributes attribute-scalar-storage-order}@anchor{14f}
-@section Attribute Scalar_Storage_Order
-@geindex Endianness
-@geindex Scalar storage order
-@geindex Scalar_Storage_Order
-For every array or record type @code{S}, the representation attribute
-@code{Scalar_Storage_Order} denotes the order in which storage elements
-that make up scalar components are ordered within S. The value given must
-be a static expression of type System.Bit_Order. The following is an example
-of the use of this feature:
--- Component type definitions
-subtype Yr_Type is Natural range 0 .. 127;
-subtype Mo_Type is Natural range 1 .. 12;
-subtype Da_Type is Natural range 1 .. 31;
--- Record declaration
-type Date is record
- Years_Since_1980 : Yr_Type;
- Month : Mo_Type;
- Day_Of_Month : Da_Type;
-end record;
--- Record representation clause
-for Date use record
- Years_Since_1980 at 0 range 0 .. 6;
- Month at 0 range 7 .. 10;
- Day_Of_Month at 0 range 11 .. 15;
-end record;
--- Attribute definition clauses
-for Date'Bit_Order use System.High_Order_First;
-for Date'Scalar_Storage_Order use System.High_Order_First;
--- If Scalar_Storage_Order is specified, it must be consistent with
--- Bit_Order, so it's best to always define the latter explicitly if
--- the former is used.
-@end example
-Other properties are as for the standard representation attribute @code{Bit_Order}
-defined by Ada RM 13.5.3(4). The default is @code{System.Default_Bit_Order}.
-For a record type @code{T}, if @code{T'Scalar_Storage_Order} is
-specified explicitly, it shall be equal to @code{T'Bit_Order}. Note:
-this means that if a @code{Scalar_Storage_Order} attribute definition
-clause is not confirming, then the type's @code{Bit_Order} shall be
-specified explicitly and set to the same value.
-Derived types inherit an explicitly set scalar storage order from their parent
-types. This may be overridden for the derived type by giving an explicit scalar
-storage order for it. However, for a record extension, the derived type must
-have the same scalar storage order as the parent type.
-A component of a record type that is itself a record or an array and that does
-not start and end on a byte boundary must have have the same scalar storage
-order as the record type. A component of a bit-packed array type that is itself
-a record or an array must have the same scalar storage order as the array type.
-No component of a type that has an explicit @code{Scalar_Storage_Order}
-attribute definition may be aliased.
-A confirming @code{Scalar_Storage_Order} attribute definition clause (i.e.
-with a value equal to @code{System.Default_Bit_Order}) has no effect.
-If the opposite storage order is specified, then whenever the value of
-a scalar component of an object of type @code{S} is read, the storage
-elements of the enclosing machine scalar are first reversed (before
-retrieving the component value, possibly applying some shift and mask
-operatings on the enclosing machine scalar), and the opposite operation
-is done for writes.
-In that case, the restrictions set forth in 13.5.1(10.3/2) for scalar components
-are relaxed. Instead, the following rules apply:
-@itemize *
-the underlying storage elements are those at positions
-@code{(position + first_bit / storage_element_size) .. (position + (last_bit + storage_element_size - 1) / storage_element_size)}
-the sequence of underlying storage elements shall have
-a size no greater than the largest machine scalar
-the enclosing machine scalar is defined as the smallest machine
-scalar starting at a position no greater than
-@code{position + first_bit / storage_element_size} and covering
-storage elements at least up to @code{position + (last_bit + storage_element_size - 1) / storage_element_size`}
-the position of the component is interpreted relative to that machine
-@end itemize
-If no scalar storage order is specified for a type (either directly, or by
-inheritance in the case of a derived type), then the default is normally
-the native ordering of the target, but this default can be overridden using
-pragma @code{Default_Scalar_Storage_Order}.
-If a component of @code{T} is itself of a record or array type, the specfied
-@code{Scalar_Storage_Order} does @emph{not} apply to that nested type: an explicit
-attribute definition clause must be provided for the component type as well
-if desired.
-Note that the scalar storage order only affects the in-memory data
-representation. It has no effect on the representation used by stream
-Note that debuggers may be unable to display the correct value of scalar
-components of a type for which the opposite storage order is specified.
-@node Attribute Simple_Storage_Pool,Attribute Small,Attribute Scalar_Storage_Order,Implementation Defined Attributes
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_attributes attribute-simple-storage-pool}@anchor{e4}@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_attributes id5}@anchor{19d}
-@section Attribute Simple_Storage_Pool
-@geindex Storage pool
-@geindex simple
-@geindex Simple storage pool
-@geindex Simple_Storage_Pool
-For every nonformal, nonderived access-to-object type @code{Acc}, the
-representation attribute @code{Simple_Storage_Pool} may be specified
-via an attribute_definition_clause (or by specifying the equivalent aspect):
-My_Pool : My_Simple_Storage_Pool_Type;
-type Acc is access My_Data_Type;
-for Acc'Simple_Storage_Pool use My_Pool;
-@end example
-The name given in an attribute_definition_clause for the
-@code{Simple_Storage_Pool} attribute shall denote a variable of
-a 'simple storage pool type' (see pragma @cite{Simple_Storage_Pool_Type}).
-The use of this attribute is only allowed for a prefix denoting a type
-for which it has been specified. The type of the attribute is the type
-of the variable specified as the simple storage pool of the access type,
-and the attribute denotes that variable.
-It is illegal to specify both @code{Storage_Pool} and @code{Simple_Storage_Pool}
-for the same access type.
-If the @code{Simple_Storage_Pool} attribute has been specified for an access
-type, then applying the @code{Storage_Pool} attribute to the type is flagged
-with a warning and its evaluation raises the exception @code{Program_Error}.
-If the Simple_Storage_Pool attribute has been specified for an access
-type @code{S}, then the evaluation of the attribute @code{S'Storage_Size}
-returns the result of calling @code{Storage_Size (S'Simple_Storage_Pool)},
-which is intended to indicate the number of storage elements reserved for
-the simple storage pool. If the Storage_Size function has not been defined
-for the simple storage pool type, then this attribute returns zero.
-If an access type @code{S} has a specified simple storage pool of type
-@code{SSP}, then the evaluation of an allocator for that access type calls
-the primitive @code{Allocate} procedure for type @code{SSP}, passing
-@code{S'Simple_Storage_Pool} as the pool parameter. The detailed
-semantics of such allocators is the same as those defined for allocators
-in section 13.11 of the @cite{Ada Reference Manual}, with the term
-@emph{simple storage pool} substituted for @emph{storage pool}.
-If an access type @code{S} has a specified simple storage pool of type
-@code{SSP}, then a call to an instance of the @code{Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation}
-for that access type invokes the primitive @code{Deallocate} procedure
-for type @code{SSP}, passing @code{S'Simple_Storage_Pool} as the pool
-parameter. The detailed semantics of such unchecked deallocations is the same
-as defined in section 13.11.2 of the Ada Reference Manual, except that the
-term @emph{simple storage pool} is substituted for @emph{storage pool}.
-@node Attribute Small,Attribute Small_Denominator,Attribute Simple_Storage_Pool,Implementation Defined Attributes
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_attributes attribute-small}@anchor{19e}
-@section Attribute Small
-@geindex Ada 83 attributes
-@geindex Small
-The @code{Small} attribute is defined in Ada 95 (and Ada 2005) only for
-fixed-point types.
-GNAT also allows this attribute to be applied to floating-point types
-for compatibility with Ada 83. See
-the Ada 83 reference manual for an exact description of the semantics of
-this attribute when applied to floating-point types.
-@node Attribute Small_Denominator,Attribute Small_Numerator,Attribute Small,Implementation Defined Attributes
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_attributes attribute-small-denominator}@anchor{19f}
-@section Attribute Small_Denominator
-@geindex Small
-@geindex Small_Denominator
-@code{typ'Small_Denominator} for any fixed-point subtype @cite{typ} yields the
-denominator in the representation of @code{typ'Small} as a rational number
-with coprime factors (i.e. as an irreducible fraction).
-@node Attribute Small_Numerator,Attribute Storage_Unit,Attribute Small_Denominator,Implementation Defined Attributes
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_attributes attribute-small-numerator}@anchor{1a0}
-@section Attribute Small_Numerator
-@geindex Small
-@geindex Small_Numerator
-@code{typ'Small_Numerator} for any fixed-point subtype @cite{typ} yields the
-numerator in the representation of @code{typ'Small} as a rational number
-with coprime factors (i.e. as an irreducible fraction).
-@node Attribute Storage_Unit,Attribute Stub_Type,Attribute Small_Numerator,Implementation Defined Attributes
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_attributes attribute-storage-unit}@anchor{1a1}
-@section Attribute Storage_Unit
-@geindex Storage_Unit
-@code{Standard'Storage_Unit} (@code{Standard} is the only allowed
-prefix) provides the same value as @code{System.Storage_Unit}.
-@node Attribute Stub_Type,Attribute System_Allocator_Alignment,Attribute Storage_Unit,Implementation Defined Attributes
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_attributes attribute-stub-type}@anchor{1a2}
-@section Attribute Stub_Type
-@geindex Stub_Type
-The GNAT implementation of remote access-to-classwide types is
-organized as described in AARM section E.4 (20.t): a value of an RACW type
-(designating a remote object) is represented as a normal access
-value, pointing to a "stub" object which in turn contains the
-necessary information to contact the designated remote object. A
-call on any dispatching operation of such a stub object does the
-remote call, if necessary, using the information in the stub object
-to locate the target partition, etc.
-For a prefix @code{T} that denotes a remote access-to-classwide type,
-@code{T'Stub_Type} denotes the type of the corresponding stub objects.
-By construction, the layout of @code{T'Stub_Type} is identical to that of
-type @code{RACW_Stub_Type} declared in the internal implementation-defined
-unit @code{System.Partition_Interface}. Use of this attribute will create
-an implicit dependency on this unit.
-@node Attribute System_Allocator_Alignment,Attribute Target_Name,Attribute Stub_Type,Implementation Defined Attributes
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_attributes attribute-system-allocator-alignment}@anchor{1a3}
-@section Attribute System_Allocator_Alignment
-@geindex Alignment
-@geindex allocator
-@geindex System_Allocator_Alignment
-@code{Standard'System_Allocator_Alignment} (@code{Standard} is the only
-allowed prefix) provides the observable guaranted to be honored by
-the system allocator (malloc). This is a static value that can be used
-in user storage pools based on malloc either to reject allocation
-with alignment too large or to enable a realignment circuitry if the
-alignment request is larger than this value.
-@node Attribute Target_Name,Attribute To_Address,Attribute System_Allocator_Alignment,Implementation Defined Attributes
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_attributes attribute-target-name}@anchor{1a4}
-@section Attribute Target_Name
-@geindex Target_Name
-@code{Standard'Target_Name} (@code{Standard} is the only allowed
-prefix) provides a static string value that identifies the target
-for the current compilation. For GCC implementations, this is the
-standard gcc target name without the terminating slash (for
-example, GNAT 5.0 on windows yields "i586-pc-mingw32msv").
-@node Attribute To_Address,Attribute To_Any,Attribute Target_Name,Implementation Defined Attributes
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_attributes attribute-to-address}@anchor{1a5}
-@section Attribute To_Address
-@geindex To_Address
-The @code{System'To_Address}
-(@code{System} is the only allowed prefix)
-denotes a function identical to
-@code{System.Storage_Elements.To_Address} except that
-it is a static attribute. This means that if its argument is
-a static expression, then the result of the attribute is a
-static expression. This means that such an expression can be
-used in contexts (e.g., preelaborable packages) which require a
-static expression and where the function call could not be used
-(since the function call is always nonstatic, even if its
-argument is static). The argument must be in the range
--(2**(m-1)) .. 2**m-1, where m is the memory size
-(typically 32 or 64). Negative values are intepreted in a
-modular manner (e.g., -1 means the same as 16#FFFF_FFFF# on
-a 32 bits machine).
-@node Attribute To_Any,Attribute Type_Class,Attribute To_Address,Implementation Defined Attributes
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_attributes attribute-to-any}@anchor{1a6}
-@section Attribute To_Any
-@geindex To_Any
-This internal attribute is used for the generation of remote subprogram
-stubs in the context of the Distributed Systems Annex.
-@node Attribute Type_Class,Attribute Type_Key,Attribute To_Any,Implementation Defined Attributes
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_attributes attribute-type-class}@anchor{1a7}
-@section Attribute Type_Class
-@geindex Type_Class
-@code{typ'Type_Class} for any type or subtype @cite{typ} yields
-the value of the type class for the full type of @cite{typ}. If
-@cite{typ} is a generic formal type, the value is the value for the
-corresponding actual subtype. The value of this attribute is of type
-@code{System.Aux_DEC.Type_Class}, which has the following definition:
-type Type_Class is
- (Type_Class_Enumeration,
- Type_Class_Integer,
- Type_Class_Fixed_Point,
- Type_Class_Floating_Point,
- Type_Class_Array,
- Type_Class_Record,
- Type_Class_Access,
- Type_Class_Task,
- Type_Class_Address);
-@end example
-Protected types yield the value @code{Type_Class_Task}, which thus
-applies to all concurrent types. This attribute is designed to
-be compatible with the DEC Ada 83 attribute of the same name.
-@node Attribute Type_Key,Attribute TypeCode,Attribute Type_Class,Implementation Defined Attributes
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_attributes attribute-type-key}@anchor{1a8}
-@section Attribute Type_Key
-@geindex Type_Key
-The @code{Type_Key} attribute is applicable to a type or subtype and
-yields a value of type Standard.String containing encoded information
-about the type or subtype. This provides improved compatibility with
-other implementations that support this attribute.
-@node Attribute TypeCode,Attribute Unconstrained_Array,Attribute Type_Key,Implementation Defined Attributes
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_attributes attribute-typecode}@anchor{1a9}
-@section Attribute TypeCode
-@geindex TypeCode
-This internal attribute is used for the generation of remote subprogram
-stubs in the context of the Distributed Systems Annex.
-@node Attribute Unconstrained_Array,Attribute Universal_Literal_String,Attribute TypeCode,Implementation Defined Attributes
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_attributes attribute-unconstrained-array}@anchor{1aa}
-@section Attribute Unconstrained_Array
-@geindex Unconstrained_Array
-The @code{Unconstrained_Array} attribute can be used with a prefix that
-denotes any type or subtype. It is a static attribute that yields
-@code{True} if the prefix designates an unconstrained array,
-and @code{False} otherwise. In a generic instance, the result is
-still static, and yields the result of applying this test to the
-generic actual.
-@node Attribute Universal_Literal_String,Attribute Unrestricted_Access,Attribute Unconstrained_Array,Implementation Defined Attributes
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_attributes attribute-universal-literal-string}@anchor{1ab}
-@section Attribute Universal_Literal_String
-@geindex Named numbers
-@geindex representation of
-@geindex Universal_Literal_String
-The prefix of @code{Universal_Literal_String} must be a named
-number. The static result is the string consisting of the characters of
-the number as defined in the original source. This allows the user
-program to access the actual text of named numbers without intermediate
-conversions and without the need to enclose the strings in quotes (which
-would preclude their use as numbers).
-For example, the following program prints the first 50 digits of pi:
-with Text_IO; use Text_IO;
-with Ada.Numerics;
-procedure Pi is
- Put (Ada.Numerics.Pi'Universal_Literal_String);
-@end example
-@node Attribute Unrestricted_Access,Attribute Update,Attribute Universal_Literal_String,Implementation Defined Attributes
-@anchor{gnat_rm/implementation_defined_attributes attribute-unrestricted-access}@anchor{1ac}
-@section Attribute Unrestricted_Access
-@geindex Access
-@geindex unrestricted
-@geindex Unrestricted_Access
-The @code{Unrestricted_Access} attribute is similar to @code{Access}
-except that all accessibility and aliased view checks are omitted. This
-is a user-beware attribute.
-For objects, it is similar to @code{Add[...]
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