[gcc(refs/users/guojiufu/heads/personal-branch)] [Ada] Minor casing of " The " after a comma in docs and comments

Jiu Fu Guo guojiufu@gcc.gnu.org
Mon Aug 10 06:00:13 GMT 2020


commit e8bb6ff9598cd9586a4b447abfddc3b5727559f9
Author: Piotr Trojanek <trojanek@adacore.com>
Date:   Wed Apr 8 23:01:13 2020 +0200

    [Ada] Minor casing of " The " after a comma in docs and comments
    2020-06-16  Piotr Trojanek  <trojanek@adacore.com>
            * checks.adb, doc/gnat_ugn/the_gnat_compilation_model.rst,
            einfo.ads, exp_ch5.adb, exp_ch7.adb, lib-xref.ads,
            libgnat/g-spitbo.ads, make.adb, sem_aux.adb, sem_ch3.adb,
            sem_ch4.adb, sem_ch5.adb, urealp.adb: Fix wrong casing.
            * gnat_ugn.texi: Regenerate.

 gcc/ada/checks.adb                                  | 2 +-
 gcc/ada/doc/gnat_ugn/the_gnat_compilation_model.rst | 2 +-
 gcc/ada/einfo.ads                                   | 2 +-
 gcc/ada/exp_ch5.adb                                 | 2 --
 gcc/ada/exp_ch7.adb                                 | 2 +-
 gcc/ada/gnat_ugn.texi                               | 2 +-
 gcc/ada/lib-xref.ads                                | 2 +-
 gcc/ada/libgnat/g-spitbo.ads                        | 4 ++--
 gcc/ada/make.adb                                    | 2 +-
 gcc/ada/sem_aux.adb                                 | 4 ++--
 gcc/ada/sem_ch3.adb                                 | 2 +-
 gcc/ada/sem_ch4.adb                                 | 2 +-
 gcc/ada/sem_ch5.adb                                 | 6 +++---
 gcc/ada/urealp.adb                                  | 4 ++--
 14 files changed, 18 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)

diff --git a/gcc/ada/checks.adb b/gcc/ada/checks.adb
index 808a419ae9b..52cf61f5d7d 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/checks.adb
+++ b/gcc/ada/checks.adb
@@ -1960,7 +1960,7 @@ package body Checks is
    --      (1)  The bounds may not be known at compile time
    --      (2)  The check must take into account rounding or truncation.
    --      (3)  The range of type I may not be exactly representable in F.
-   --      (4)  For the rounding case, The end-points I'First - 0.5 and
+   --      (4)  For the rounding case, the end-points I'First - 0.5 and
    --           I'Last + 0.5 may or may not be in range, depending on the
    --           sign of  I'First and I'Last.
    --      (5)  X may be a NaN, which will fail any comparison
diff --git a/gcc/ada/doc/gnat_ugn/the_gnat_compilation_model.rst b/gcc/ada/doc/gnat_ugn/the_gnat_compilation_model.rst
index 69fc95db15d..b8729d08a06 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/doc/gnat_ugn/the_gnat_compilation_model.rst
+++ b/gcc/ada/doc/gnat_ugn/the_gnat_compilation_model.rst
@@ -3950,7 +3950,7 @@ The following example, provided as part of the GNAT examples, shows how
 to achieve procedural interfacing between Ada and C++ in both
 directions. The C++ class A has two methods. The first method is exported
 to Ada by the means of an extern C wrapper function. The second method
-calls an Ada subprogram. On the Ada side, The C++ calls are modelled by
+calls an Ada subprogram. On the Ada side, the C++ calls are modelled by
 a limited record with a layout comparable to the C++ class. The Ada
 subprogram, in turn, calls the C++ method. So, starting from the C++
 main program, the process passes back and forth between the two
diff --git a/gcc/ada/einfo.ads b/gcc/ada/einfo.ads
index 1ca0faf6d91..ba15d489a0c 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/einfo.ads
+++ b/gcc/ada/einfo.ads
@@ -538,7 +538,7 @@ package Einfo is
 --    Block_Node (Node11)
 --       Defined in block entities. Points to the identifier in the
 --       Block_Statement itself. Used when retrieving the block construct
---       for finalization purposes, The block entity has an implicit label
+--       for finalization purposes, the block entity has an implicit label
 --       declaration in the enclosing declarative part, and has otherwise
 --       no direct connection in the tree with the block statement. The
 --       link is to the identifier (which is an occurrence of the entity)
diff --git a/gcc/ada/exp_ch5.adb b/gcc/ada/exp_ch5.adb
index 3e37f153566..458b54503a2 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/exp_ch5.adb
+++ b/gcc/ada/exp_ch5.adb
@@ -3892,8 +3892,6 @@ package body Exp_Ch5 is
       Ind_Comp   : Node_Id;
       Iterator   : Entity_Id;
-   --  Start of processing for Expand_Iterator_Loop_Over_Array
       --  for Element of Array loop
diff --git a/gcc/ada/exp_ch7.adb b/gcc/ada/exp_ch7.adb
index 5eec472302a..6dfecac1f70 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/exp_ch7.adb
+++ b/gcc/ada/exp_ch7.adb
@@ -368,7 +368,7 @@ package body Exp_Ch7 is
    --  Mode such subprograms must be handled as nested inside the (implicit)
    --  elaboration procedure that executes that statement part. To handle
    --  properly uplevel references we construct that subprogram explicitly,
-   --  to contain blocks and inner subprograms, The statement part becomes
+   --  to contain blocks and inner subprograms, the statement part becomes
    --  a call to this subprogram. This is only done if blocks are present
    --  in the statement list of the body. (It would be nice to unify this
    --  procedure with Check_Unnesting_In_Decls_Or_Stmts, if possible, since
diff --git a/gcc/ada/gnat_ugn.texi b/gcc/ada/gnat_ugn.texi
index 1cbaf2f0a6a..669199aefce 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/gnat_ugn.texi
+++ b/gcc/ada/gnat_ugn.texi
@@ -6034,7 +6034,7 @@ The following example, provided as part of the GNAT examples, shows how
 to achieve procedural interfacing between Ada and C++ in both
 directions. The C++ class A has two methods. The first method is exported
 to Ada by the means of an extern C wrapper function. The second method
-calls an Ada subprogram. On the Ada side, The C++ calls are modelled by
+calls an Ada subprogram. On the Ada side, the C++ calls are modelled by
 a limited record with a layout comparable to the C++ class. The Ada
 subprogram, in turn, calls the C++ method. So, starting from the C++
 main program, the process passes back and forth between the two
diff --git a/gcc/ada/lib-xref.ads b/gcc/ada/lib-xref.ads
index bc48957e19c..cb1e57ccaf3 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/lib-xref.ads
+++ b/gcc/ada/lib-xref.ads
@@ -592,7 +592,7 @@ package Lib.Xref is
    --  What we do in such cases is to gather nodes, where we would have liked
    --  to call Generate_Reference but we couldn't because we didn't know enough
-   --  into this table, Then we deal with generating references later on when
+   --  into this table, then we deal with generating references later on when
    --  we have sufficient information to do it right.
    type Deferred_Reference_Entry is record
diff --git a/gcc/ada/libgnat/g-spitbo.ads b/gcc/ada/libgnat/g-spitbo.ads
index 4dfd647d04d..29a0606168c 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/libgnat/g-spitbo.ads
+++ b/gcc/ada/libgnat/g-spitbo.ads
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ package GNAT.Spitbol is
       Len : Natural;
       Pad : Character := ' ') return VString;
    --  If the length of Str is greater than or equal to Len, then Str is
-   --  returned unchanged. Otherwise, The value returned is obtained by
+   --  returned unchanged. Otherwise, the value returned is obtained by
    --  concatenating Length (Str) - Len instances of the Pad character to
    --  the left hand side.
@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ package GNAT.Spitbol is
       Len : Natural;
       Pad : Character := ' ') return VString;
    --  If the length of Str is greater than or equal to Len, then Str is
-   --  returned unchanged. Otherwise, The value returned is obtained by
+   --  returned unchanged. Otherwise, the value returned is obtained by
    --  concatenating Length (Str) - Len instances of the Pad character to
    --  the right hand side.
diff --git a/gcc/ada/make.adb b/gcc/ada/make.adb
index 7e4f1c0676e..0034d1ad052 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/make.adb
+++ b/gcc/ada/make.adb
@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ package body Make is
    procedure Add_Library_Search_Dir (Path : String);
    --  Call Add_Lib_Search_Dir with an absolute directory path. If Path is
-   --  relative path,, it is relative to the current working directory.
+   --  relative path, it is relative to the current working directory.
    procedure Add_Source_Search_Dir (Path : String);
    --  Call Add_Src_Search_Dir with an absolute directory path. If Path is a
diff --git a/gcc/ada/sem_aux.adb b/gcc/ada/sem_aux.adb
index dbff7d8e20c..509c6047d22 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/sem_aux.adb
+++ b/gcc/ada/sem_aux.adb
@@ -344,8 +344,8 @@ package body Sem_Aux is
       --  predefined integer types. If the type is formal, it is also a first
       --  subtype, and its base type has no freeze node. On the other hand, a
       --  subtype of a generic formal is not its own first subtype. Its base
-      --  type, if anonymous, is attached to the formal type decl. from which
-      --  the first subtype is obtained.
+      --  type, if anonymous, is attached to the formal type declaration from
+      --  which the first subtype is obtained.
       if No (F) then
          if B = Base_Type (Standard_Integer) then
diff --git a/gcc/ada/sem_ch3.adb b/gcc/ada/sem_ch3.adb
index ce9ea0af74e..facd57c4d24 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/sem_ch3.adb
+++ b/gcc/ada/sem_ch3.adb
@@ -781,7 +781,7 @@ package body Sem_Ch3 is
          --  be available in the scope that encloses the protected declaration.
          --  Otherwise the type is in the scope enclosing the subprogram.
-         --  If the function has formals, The return type of a subprogram
+         --  If the function has formals, the return type of a subprogram
          --  declaration is analyzed in the scope of the subprogram (see
          --  Process_Formals) and thus the protected type, if present, is
          --  the scope of the current function scope.
diff --git a/gcc/ada/sem_ch4.adb b/gcc/ada/sem_ch4.adb
index 54531560501..92c5a7ac636 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/sem_ch4.adb
+++ b/gcc/ada/sem_ch4.adb
@@ -3279,7 +3279,7 @@ package body Sem_Ch4 is
       --  When the type Address is a visible integer type, and the DEC
       --  system extension is visible, the predefined operator may be
       --  hidden as well, by one of the address operations in auxdec.
-      --  Finally, The abstract operations on address do not hide the
+      --  Finally, the abstract operations on address do not hide the
       --  predefined operator (this is the purpose of making them abstract).
diff --git a/gcc/ada/sem_ch5.adb b/gcc/ada/sem_ch5.adb
index 57939028869..95ada066e71 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/sem_ch5.adb
+++ b/gcc/ada/sem_ch5.adb
@@ -2241,7 +2241,7 @@ package body Sem_Ch5 is
             --  If the domain of iteration is an array component that depends
-            --  on a discriminant, create actual subtype for it. preanalysis
+            --  on a discriminant, create actual subtype for it. Preanalysis
             --  does not generate the actual subtype of a selected component.
             if Nkind (Iter_Name) = N_Selected_Component
@@ -2456,7 +2456,7 @@ package body Sem_Ch5 is
                Check_Subtype_Indication (Etype (Def_Id));
-            --  For a predefined container, The type of the loop variable is
+            --  For a predefined container, the type of the loop variable is
             --  the Iterator_Element aspect of the container type.
@@ -3885,7 +3885,7 @@ package body Sem_Ch5 is
                   Enter_Name (Id);
                end if;
-               --  In an element iterator, The loop parameter is a variable if
+               --  In an element iterator, the loop parameter is a variable if
                --  the domain of iteration (container or array) is a variable.
                if not Of_Present (I_Spec)
diff --git a/gcc/ada/urealp.adb b/gcc/ada/urealp.adb
index cd45cc0f77b..31151c5720b 100644
--- a/gcc/ada/urealp.adb
+++ b/gcc/ada/urealp.adb
@@ -109,13 +109,13 @@ package body Urealp is
    function Decimal_Exponent_Hi (V : Ureal) return Int;
    --  Returns an estimate of the exponent of Val represented as a normalized
-   --  decimal number (non-zero digit before decimal point), The estimate is
+   --  decimal number (non-zero digit before decimal point), the estimate is
    --  either correct, or high, but never low. The accuracy of the estimate
    --  affects only the efficiency of the comparison routines.
    function Decimal_Exponent_Lo (V : Ureal) return Int;
    --  Returns an estimate of the exponent of Val represented as a normalized
-   --  decimal number (non-zero digit before decimal point), The estimate is
+   --  decimal number (non-zero digit before decimal point), the estimate is
    --  either correct, or low, but never high. The accuracy of the estimate
    --  affects only the efficiency of the comparison routines.

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