egcs/gcc ChangeLog libgcc2.c longlong.h
Wed Dec 8 17:00:00 GMT 1999

CVSROOT:	/cvs/gcc
Module name:	egcs
Changes by:	99/12/08 17:00:46

Modified files:
	gcc            : ChangeLog libgcc2.c longlong.h 

Log message:
	* longlong.h: Merge in changes from glibc.
	Also don't clobber %g2 register in 32bit SPARC assembly, so that
	-mno-app-regs libgcc can be compiled.
	* libgcc2.c: Add defines so that the updated longlong.h
	can be used in libgcc2.a. Also, make sure on most architectures
	(at least on all which have optimized code in longlong.h defined
	for) {SI,W}_TYPE_SIZE is suitable for preprocessor tests.

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