[Bug target/77346] [7 Regression] ICE in push_reload, at reload.c:1350

asolokha at gmx dot com gcc-bugzilla@gcc.gnu.org
Tue Nov 15 13:21:00 GMT 2016


--- Comment #6 from Arseny Solokha <asolokha at gmx dot com> ---
(In reply to Aldy Hernandez from comment #5)


> -fPIC -fno-stack protector

Did you copy your session verbatim in #c5? If so, -f(no-)stack-protector
apparently has nothing to do w/ the issue. Your cross-compilers most likely
default to -fPIC, and while you negated -fstack-protector, you didn't do the
same w/ -fPIC.

May I ask you to try it once again the following way:

% ./cc1 -quiet a.c  -quiet  -mno-lra  -Os -w  -I./ -fno-PIC


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