[Bug fortran/59781] [4.9 Regression] [F03] Incorrect initialisation of derived type

janus at gcc dot gnu.org gcc-bugzilla@gcc.gnu.org
Sun Jan 12 21:56:00 GMT 2014


--- Comment #2 from janus at gcc dot gnu.org ---
Here is a reduced test case of comment 0, which shows the wrong dump with all
gfortran versions I tried (4.4, 4.6, 4.7, 4.8 and trunk):

module dSFMT_interface

  use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
  implicit none

  type dSFMT_t
    type(c_ptr) :: state = c_null_ptr
    real(c_double), allocatable :: store(:)
  end type

end module

  use dSFMT_interface
  implicit none


  subroutine dSFMT_init(rng)
    type(dSFMT_t) :: rng
  end subroutine

  subroutine test_rng()
    type(dSFMT_t) :: rng
    call dSFMT_init(rng)
  end subroutine


It is very similar to comment 1, just that the derived type is defined in a
separate module.

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