[Bug fortran/59678] Segmentation fault on equalizing variables of a complex derived data type

dominiq at lps dot ens.fr gcc-bugzilla@gcc.gnu.org
Sun Jan 5 20:18:00 GMT 2014


--- Comment #7 from Dominique d'Humieres <dominiq at lps dot ens.fr> ---
After some trial and error steps I have been able to build an executable with
gfortran 4.8.2 on x86_64-apple-darwin13. Its output is

PERMIX 28 July 2013        

solver_init: Warning, Could not initialize an external solver; thus using
basicinternal PERMIX solver which is serial and cannot handle very big
 prx_read_input: reading the input ../verif/Test1/linearelastic_nonsolver.prx 
Adding a new PART_FEM
femcomm_init: maximum number of threads to use is 1                             
femmesh_input_elements_onmaster: Reading Elements finished
femmesh_input_nodes_onmaster2: Reading nodes finished
nonlinear_bonet : nonlinear_static analysis setup fornonlin_to_
part_fem_profile: profiling the part p1
part_fem_distrubute: Distributing the elements
femcomm_metis_partition: Doing the numbering of nodes and elements etc.
femcomm_metis_partition: Finished doing the numbering of nodes and elements
part_fem_profile: creating metis meshes.
part_fem_profile: creating element graphs.
femmesh_make_metis_graph: metis is not connected to Permix
part_fem_profile: Hisvar profiling.
part_fem_profile: Building element index.
part_fem_profile: Extra info allocation.
part_fem_profile: Surface profiling.
part_fem_profile: Initializing neighbors.
part_profile: Profiling done for all of the parts
initial_conditions_setup: Setting up initial conditions
part_number_dofs: numbering DOFs
part_number_dofs: Done, numbering DOFs
part_communication_setup: Setting up communication
part_communication_setup: setting up communication Done!
matrix_alloc_dynamic: Total DOFs of the sytem=30
initial_condition_apply: Applying initial conditions
modify_apply_initial_conditions: finished applying initial conditions! 
Dumping a paraview Down to disk at time step 0
nonlinear_bonet : nonlinear_static analysis started for nonlin_to_

nonlinear_bonet_execute: Load Step 1                                            
nonlinear_bonet_execute: Newton Iteration 1
solver_solve_serial: solving linear system of equations with solver BASIC
 IERR =        219
 2-NORM OF RESIDUAL =  0.7676777D-14
 MAX NORM OF RESIDUAL =  0.4575041D-14
nonlinear_bonet_execute: Line search iteration 2
 Step: 1 iteration: 1 residual: 0.328E-14 load factor: 1.0000
Dumping a paraview Down to disk at time step 1
Dumping a paraview Down to disk at time step 1
nonlinear_static: nonlinear_static Elastic analysis finished
   0.0000000000000000        0.0000000000000000        0.0000000000000000      
0.93525519689293113       -5.1386768226528851E-002   0.0000000000000000       
1.8704479398935832      -0.20905135365898059        0.0000000000000000       
2.8192502780015567      -0.47046146253562704        0.0000000000000000       
3.8025869994892636      -0.78100829707405917        0.0000000000000000       
0.0000000000000000        1.0038246696791657        0.0000000000000000       
1.0388142164215601       0.95227669875360443        0.0000000000000000       
2.0767135602228310       0.79822778503706648        0.0000000000000000       
3.0989617906167983       0.53888795060441641        0.0000000000000000       
4.1063496520944476       0.20190200013921400        0.0000000000000000       
0.0000000000000000        1.9766776015137038        0.0000000000000000       
1.1411034382808469        1.9253120702034390        0.0000000000000000       
2.2824067079693973        1.7732674736052365        0.0000000000000000       
3.4358274196452263        1.5248213416276999        0.0000000000000000       
4.5231752347833796        1.1721747001587519        0.0000000000000000     
permix_minimal_serial(54853,0x7fff770cb310) malloc: ***
mach_vm_map(size=18446744037562232832) failed (error code=3)
*** error: can't allocate region
*** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug

Program received signal SIGSEGV: Segmentation fault - invalid memory reference.

Backtrace for this error:
#0  0x10da38e42
#1  0x10da3960e
#2  0x7fff8d8705a9
Segmentation fault

Does it match what you get?

Trying to build with trunk yields the following ICE

../hisvar_class.f90: In function '__copy_hisvar_class_Ty_hisvar':
../hisvar_class.f90:208:0: internal compiler error: in
gfc_conv_string_parameter, at fortran/trans-expr.c:6919
    class(ty_hisvar) :: this

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