[Bug fortran/16944] New: compiler segmentation fault - could not isolate fault

paulthomas2 at wanadoo dot fr gcc-bugzilla@gcc.gnu.org
Mon Aug 9 14:43:00 GMT 2004

!  $ ../bin/gfortran bug10.f90 -o test
!  bug10.f90:150: internal compiler error: Segmentation fault
!  Please submit a full bug report,
!  with preprocessed source if appropriate.
!  See <URL:http://gcc.gnu.org/bugs.html> for instructions.

!! I am sorry but I was unable to isolate this problem in a shorter bit of
sample code. 

!  copyright 1996 Loren P. Meissner -- May be distributed if this line is included. 
!  Gauss elimination with vector subscripts 
!  Example 5.17a 
  module Gauss_Elimination 
  ! specification part 
    implicit none 
    integer, parameter :: LOW = Selected_Real_Kind (6),   HIGH =
Selected_Real_Kind (12) 
    real (kind = LOW) :: R_Norm 
    real (kind = LOW), allocatable, private :: Save_A(:, :), LU(:, :), R(:), W(:) 
    integer, private :: N 
    integer, private, allocatable :: P(:) 
    logical, private :: Saved = .FALSE., Exist = .FALSE. 
    private :: Reduce   ! Private procedure in module 
! procedure part 
    subroutine Factor (A, B, X, E, X_Norm, E_Norm, Flag)   ! Module procedure
      ! This subroutine solves the system of simultaneous linear algebraic
      !   A x = b, where A is an n by n matrix and x and b are vectors of length n. 
      !   A and B are assumed-shape arrays supplied by the calling program. 
      !   X, E, X_Norm, E_Norm, and Flag are computed and returned by Factor. 
      !   E is the error vector computed as A e = r, where r = B - A x(calculated). 
      !   Factor does not change A or B. 
      ! On return from Factor, X contains the solution vector and E contains the
      !   vector.  X_Norm and E_Norm contain the (Euclidean vector) norms of X
and E, 
      !   respectively.  However, if Flag is false, the contents of X, E,
X_Norm, and 
      !   E_Norm are unpredictable, since the algorithm may have short-circuited 
      !   somewhere in the middle. 
      ! The problem size N, a copy of A, and the LU decomposition matrix (with 
      !   permutation vector P) are saved in the module as private arrays, and
are not 
      !   changed except when Factor is called. 
      ! The subroutine Solve may be called to solve additional systems with the
      !   matrix A, between successful (i.e., Flag = true) calls to Factor. 
      !   Call Solve with a new right-hand side B whose length equals the
original N. 
      !   Solve will compute the solution vector X, the corresponding error
vector E, 
      !   and the norms. 
      real (kind = LOW), intent (in) :: A(:, :), B(:) 
      real (kind = LOW), intent (out) :: X(:), E(:), X_Norm, E_Norm 
      logical, intent(out) :: Flag 
      ! LOCAL DATA 
      integer :: I, J, M, I_Temp 
      real (kind = LOW) :: Temp 
  ! start subroutine Factor 
      ! Set Flag to false for quick error exit 
      Flag = .FALSE. 
      ! Determine problem size; allocate and initialize private arrays 
      N = Size (A, dim = 1) 
      if ((Size (A, dim = 2) /= N) .or. (Size (B) /= N) .or. & 
        (Size (X) /= N) .or. (Size (E) /= N))  stop " Size incompatibility."   !
      allocate (Save_A(N, N), LU(N, N), R(N), W(N), P(N)) 
      print *, " Arrays Save_A, LU, R, W, P have been allocated: ", N 
      Exist = .TRUE. 
      Save_A = A 
      LU = A 
      P = (/ (I, I = 1, N) /) 
      ! Store row norms in W 
      W = (/ (MaxVal(Abs (LU(I, :))), I = 1, N) /) 
      if (Any (W == 0)) then                                                   !
        print *, " Row norms: ", W 
        stop " One of the row norms is zero. " 
      end if 
      ! Perform factorization A = L * U with scaled partial pivoting. 
      do M = 1, N 
        ! Reduce column M and choose Pivot 
        Temp = 0.0 
        I_Temp = 0 
        do I = M, N 
          ! LU(P(...), ...) has a Vector Subscript 
          LU(P(I), M) = Reduce (LU(P(I), M), LU(P(I), 1: M - 1), LU(P(1: M - 1),
          if (Abs (LU(P(I), M) / W(P(I))) > Temp) then 
            Temp = Abs (LU(P(I), M) / W(P(I))) 
            I_Temp = I 
          end if 
        end do 
        if (Temp <= 0.0) stop " All pivot candidates are zero. "               !
        call Permute (M, I_Temp) 
        ! Reduce row M 
        do J = M + 1, N 
          ! LU(P(...), ...) has a Vector Subscript 
          LU(P(M), J) = Reduce (LU(P(M), J), LU(P(M), 1 : M - 1), LU(P(1: M -
1), J)) / LU(P(M), M) 
        end do 
      end do 
      print *, " LU Factors" 
      do I = 1, N 
        print *, LU(I, 1: I - 1), "|", LU(I, I: N) 
      end do 
      ! Apply LU with P to right-hand side B; compute residual (private) and error. 
      Saved = .TRUE.                                  ! Module has stored the
      call Solve (B, X, E, X_Norm, E_Norm) 
      if (E_Norm < X_Norm / 2.0) Flag =.TRUE. 
      Saved = Flag                ! Module has stored the Factors ready to Solve
      subroutine Permute (I, J)       ! Internal procedure in Factor 
        integer, intent(in) :: I, J 
        integer :: Temp 
    ! start subroutine Permute 
        Temp = P(I) 
        P(I) = P(J) 
        P(J) = Temp 
      end subroutine Permute 
    end subroutine Factor 
    subroutine Unsolve ( ) 
  ! start subroutine Unsolve 
      Saved = .FALSE. 
      if (Exist) then 
        print *, " Time to deallocate Save_A, LU, R, W, P: ", N 
        deallocate (Save_A, LU, R, W, P) 
      end if 
      Exist = .FALSE. 
    end subroutine Unsolve 
    function Reduce (A, Row, Col) result (Sum)      ! Module procedure (private) 
      real (kind = LOW), intent (in) :: A, Row(:), Col(:) 
      real (kind = LOW) :: Sum 
  ! start function Reduce 
      ! Change A, Row, and Col to HIGH precision; 
      ! Compute A - Row times Col; 
      ! Change result to LOW precision. 
      Sum = Real (Real (A, Kind = HIGH) - Dot_Product (Real (Row, Kind = HIGH),
Real (Col, Kind = HIGH)), Kind = LOW) 
    end function Reduce 
    subroutine Solve (B, X, E, X_Norm, E_Norm)          ! Module procedure
      real (kind = LOW), intent (in) :: B(:) 
      real (kind = LOW), intent (out) :: X(:), X_Norm, E(:), E_Norm 
  ! start subroutine Solve 
      if ((Size (B) /= N) .or. (Size (X) /= N) .or. (Size (E) /= N) .or. .not.
Saved) then 
        print *, " B, X, or E is the wrong size. " 
        print *, Size(B), Size(X), Size(E), " ", Saved 
        X = 0.0_LOW 
        E = 0.0_LOW 
        X_Norm = 0.0_LOW 
        E_Norm = Huge (1.0_LOW) 
      end if 
      call For_Bak (B, X, X_Norm)     ! Destroys W 
      call Residual (B, R, R_Norm) 
        ! The two following print statements are optional and can be deleted: 
        print *, " Residual Norm and Residual Vector: ", R_Norm 
        print *, R 
      call For_Bak (R, E, E_Norm)     ! Destroys W 
      subroutine For_Bak (B, X, X_Norm)            ! Internal procedure in Solve 
        ! This subroutine performs forward and backward substitution, 
        !   using LU and P stored at the latest call to Factor. 
        ! B is a right-hand side vector. 
        ! The result will be returned in X, and its Euclidean norm in X_Norm. 
        real (kind = LOW), intent (in) :: B(:) 
        real (kind = LOW), intent (out) :: X(:), X_Norm 
        ! LOCAL DATA 
        integer :: K 
        real (kind = LOW) :: SXX 
    ! start subroutine For_Bak 
        SXX = 0.0_LOW 
        do K = 1, N 
          W(K) = Reduce (B(P(K)), LU(P(K), 1: K - 1), W(1: K - 1)) / LU(P(K), K) 
        end do 
        do K = N, 1, -1 
          X(K) = Reduce (W(K), LU(P(K), K + 1: N), X(K + 1: N)) 
          SXX = SXX + X(K) ** 2 
        end do 
        X_Norm = SqRt (SXX) 
      end subroutine For_Bak 
      subroutine Residual (B, R, R_Norm)               ! Internal procedure in
        ! Uses Save_A from latest call to Factor 
        real (kind = LOW), intent (in) :: B(:) 
        real (kind = LOW), intent (out) :: R(:), R_Norm 
        ! LOCAL DATA 
        integer :: I 
        real (kind = LOW) :: SRR 
   !  start subroutine Residual 
        SRR = 0.0_LOW 
        do I = 1, N 
          R(I) = Reduce (B(I), Save_A(I, :), X) 
          SRR = SRR + R(I) ** 2 
        end do 
        R_Norm = SqRt (SRR) 
      end subroutine Residual 
    end subroutine Solve 
  end module Gauss_Elimination 
  program Driver 
    use Gauss_Elimination 
    implicit none 
    integer :: EoF, N 
    real (kind = LOW), allocatable :: A(:, :), B(:), X(:), E(:) 
    real (kind = LOW) :: X_Norm, E_Norm 
    integer :: I 
    logical :: Flag 
! start program Driver 
    open (11, file = "GauData.txt", position = "REWIND") 
      read (11, *, iostat = EoF) N 
      if (EoF <  0) stop " End of data file reached.  " 
      print * 
      print *, " Allocating A, B, X, E: ", N 
      print * 
      allocate (A(N, N), B(N), X(N), E(N)) 
      do I = 1, N       ! Read input matrix A by rows and echo print it. 
        read (11, *) A(I, :) 
        print *, A(I, :) 
      end do 
      do I = 1, N       ! Generate columns of Identity matrix, one at a time,
and solve. 
        print *, " Column ", I 
        B = 0.0 
        B(I) = 1.0 
        if (I == 1) then 
          call Factor (A, B, X, E, X_Norm, E_Norm, Flag) 
          if (Flag) then 
            print *, " X_Norm, E_Norm, X, E: ", X_Norm, E_Norm 
            print *, X 
            print *, E 
            print *, " OK: ", Flag 
            print *, " Factor cannot solve this one." 
          end if 
          call Solve (B, X, E, X_Norm, E_Norm) 
          print *, " X_Norm, E_Norm, X, E: ", X_Norm, E_Norm 
          print *, X 
          print *, E 
        end if 
      end do 
      call Unsolve () 
      print *, " Time to deallocate A, B, X, E: ", N 
      deallocate (A, B, X, E) 
    end do 
  end program Driver 
contents of gaudata.txt ***********

1 2 2 0
1 0 4 0
1 4 1 0
0 0 1 1

           Summary: compiler segmentation fault - could not isolate fault
           Product: gcc
           Version: 3.5.0
            Status: UNCONFIRMED
          Severity: normal
          Priority: P2
         Component: fortran
        AssignedTo: unassigned at gcc dot gnu dot org
        ReportedBy: paulthomas2 at wanadoo dot fr
                CC: bdavis at gcc dot gnu dot org,gcc-bugs at gcc dot gnu
                    dot org


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