FW: statically declared static structs with constructors procueces random symbol

Jim Wilson wilson@specifixinc.com
Sun Nov 30 00:46:00 GMT 2003

Steven Seeger wrote:
> _GLOBAL__I__ZN8dastructC1Evcon.cppyOEb7c

The problem here is that we need a globally unique name.  If the file 
contains a global variable, then we use that, as that is guaranteed to 
be unique.  Otherwise, we use the file name plus a random string and 
hope for the best.

You can solve the problem by putting a global variable in the file.

You can solve the problem by using -frandom-seed=NUMBER to ensure that 
you always get the same random string for this file.
Jim Wilson, GNU Tools Support, http://www.SpecifixInc.com

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