GCC bug report

Jim Wilson wilson@specifixinc.com
Mon Nov 17 00:10:00 GMT 2003

Yeh Hong-ming wrote:
>     *v = *(char*)&q;

Your program is broken.  This copies one (1) byte into *v.  This is 
easier to see if you put a line "x = 0;" before the call to the function 
g.  Then you will see that the result of the function g is 0x3f and not 
the expected 0x6666663f.

This program also has unsafe pointer casts.  ISO C says that accessing 
an object with a different type (other than char) is undefined.  So 
"*(float *)&x" has undefined result, and may fail to work as expected.

We prefer bugs put into bugzilla rather than emailed.  See
Jim Wilson, GNU Tools Support, http://www.SpecifixInc.com

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