C99 structure initialization in gcc-2.95.3 vs gcc-3.3.1

Jim Wilson wilson@specifixinc.com
Fri Nov 7 00:19:00 GMT 2003

Kevin P. Fleming wrote:
> With gcc-3.3.1, this works fine. With gcc-2.95.3, it complains about a 
> "missing initializer for .value".

I tried your example with gcc-2.95, and it worked fine.  Maybe you left 
something out of your bug report?

I did notice that if I added -W, I got a nice warning.  But it was only 
a warning, not an error.

We stopped maintaining gcc-2.95 a long time ago, so if there is a 
problem, it isn't going to be fixed by us.
Jim Wilson, GNU Tools Support, http://www.SpecifixInc.com

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