c++/6814: Error in include file file_basic.h when expanding template

ger ger@musicduplication.nl
Wed May 29 03:33:00 GMT 2002

Yes it was the old installation of 3.0.4. A small program gave the same 
problem. Remarks: 
1.Couldn't clean the previous distribution with a 'make clean', gave errors. 
Removed 'by hand' 
2. Re-configure didn't work, downloaded from CVS again
3. Storing the objects and bins in an alternative directory will not work. gcc 
wants it libraries as files in /usr/local/

aRts will compile now (as does the small program), busy building rest of 

Thanks for help.

On Sunday 26 May 2002 10:50, you wrote:
> Synopsis: Error in include file file_basic.h when expanding template
> State-Changed-From-To: open->feedback
> State-Changed-By: paolo
> State-Changed-When: Sun May 26 01:50:18 2002
> State-Changed-Why:
>     Hi.
>     Perhaps even compiling a short snippet like:
>     //------------------------
>     #include <fstream>
>     int main(void)
>     {
>       std::fstream file ("fstreamtest.txt", std::ios::out);
>       file << "Test";
>     }
>     //----------------
>     Gives you the same error? In that case, I strongly suspect
>     that you installed your new gcc-3.1 over a previous
>     installation of gcc and the problem will be solved by
>     simply removing completely the old one before make install.
>     (see libstdc++/6672 for further details)
>     Thanks, Paolo.
> http://gcc.gnu.org/cgi-bin/gnatsweb.pl?cmd=view%20audit-trail&database=gcc&

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