libstdc++/6776: Build 3.1 Source - Build directory on another file system fails due to hard link creation.
Wed May 22 18:06:00 GMT 2002

>Number:         6776
>Category:       libstdc++
>Synopsis:       Build 3.1 Source - Build directory on another file system fails due to hard link creation.
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       non-critical
>Priority:       medium
>Responsible:    unassigned
>State:          open
>Class:          sw-bug
>Submitter-Id:   net
>Arrival-Date:   Wed May 22 18:06:00 PDT 2002
>Release:        3.1
Linux, Redhat 7.0. GCC 3.0. Ext2 (/) file system. FAT 16 (/mnt/data) file system.
Building LibSTDC++ fails if the build directory is not in the same file system as the source directory.
Install source code on one file system, or file system that doesn't support hard links, and create the build directory on another file system, or the same one if it doesn't support hard links.
Configure and 'make bootstrap'. The build progresses fine until the LibSTDC++ make where it attempts to create a hard link from a header in /usr/local/include on Ext2 to LibSTDC++'s "src/base_stdio.h" in build directory on FAT16.
Change the make file to handle the linking failure and do a copy instead.
I tried to copy the file manually but the make file still tries to create the hard link.

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