optimization/6686: IA64 GCC 3.1 Incorrect run time result at -O1
Thu May 16 16:36:00 GMT 2002
>Number: 6686
>Category: optimization
>Synopsis: IA64 GCC 3.1 Incorrect run time result at -O1
>Confidential: no
>Severity: serious
>Priority: medium
>Responsible: unassigned
>State: open
>Class: sw-bug
>Submitter-Id: net
>Arrival-Date: Thu May 16 16:36:00 PDT 2002
>Originator: jessica_han@hp.com
>Release: 3.1
IA64 Linux
Incorrect behavior at -O1
Before change, j points to: 0x80000fffffffbac0
After change, j points to: 0x6000000000000d90
Address of i (which j is supposed to equal) is: 0x6000000000000d90
value of j is: 0x80000fffffffbac0, address of i is 0x6000000000000d90
*ox.oy.j=10, expect 5
g++ -O1 bug1.C
Content-Type: text/plain; name="bug1.C"
Content-Disposition: inline; filename="bug1.C"
// failed in -O1
#include <stdio.h>
static int i = 5;
int main()
const class X
mutable int i; //mutable data-member
class Y
mutable volatile int *j; //j is a pointer to mutable volatile int
void Change_j() const
j = &::i;
Y oy;
X() : i(10) { }
ox.oy.j = (volatile int*)&ox.i;
printf("Before change, j points to: %p\n",ox.oy.j);
printf("After change, j points to: %p\n",ox.oy.j);
printf("Address of i (which j is supposed to equal) is: %p\n",&i);
printf("value of j is: %p, address of i is %p\n",ox.oy.j, &i);
if(*ox.oy.j != 5)
printf("*ox.oy.j=%d, expect 5 \n", *ox.oy.j);
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