GCC 3.2 sparc-sun-solaris2.8 bootstrap fails with ICE: SEGV in calculate_global_regs_live

Zdenek Dvorak rakdver@atrey.karlin.mff.cuni.cz
Thu May 16 13:53:00 GMT 2002


>       EXECUTE_IF_SET_IN_SBITMAP (blocks_in, 0, i,
> 	{
> 	  bb = BASIC_BLOCK (i);
> 	  *--qhead = bb;
> 	  bb->aux = bb;			<- l.1124
> 	});
> This is almost certainly due to this patch
> 2002-05-16  Zdenek Dvorak  <rakdver@atrey.karlin.mff.cuni.cz>
> 	Basic block renumbering removal:
> which was the last to touch the affected function.

This should help (but considering that there are problems even on i686 where
I tested it, it might be better to revert the patch):


Index: sched-rgn.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/gcc/gcc/gcc/sched-rgn.c,v
retrieving revision 1.38
diff -c -3 -p -r1.38 sched-rgn.c
*** sched-rgn.c	16 May 2002 17:34:53 -0000	1.38
--- sched-rgn.c	16 May 2002 20:48:59 -0000
*************** schedule_insns (dump_file)
*** 2982,2987 ****
--- 2982,2988 ----
    sbitmap large_region_blocks, blocks;
    int rgn;
    int any_large_regions;
+   basic_block bb;
    /* Taking care of this degenerate case makes the rest of
       this code simpler.  */
*************** schedule_insns (dump_file)
*** 3021,3027 ****
    any_large_regions = 0;
    large_region_blocks = sbitmap_alloc (last_basic_block);
!   sbitmap_ones (large_region_blocks);
    blocks = sbitmap_alloc (last_basic_block);
    sbitmap_zero (blocks);
--- 3022,3030 ----
    any_large_regions = 0;
    large_region_blocks = sbitmap_alloc (last_basic_block);
!   sbitmap_zero (large_region_blocks);
!   FOR_ALL_BB (bb)
!     SET_BIT (large_region_blocks, bb->sindex);
    blocks = sbitmap_alloc (last_basic_block);
    sbitmap_zero (blocks);

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