ada/6661: gcc can't bootstrap gcc with -O3
Tue May 14 23:26:00 GMT 2002

>Number:         6661
>Category:       ada
>Synopsis:       gcc can't bootstrap gcc with -O3
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       serious
>Priority:       medium
>Responsible:    unassigned
>State:          open
>Class:          ice-on-legal-code
>Submitter-Id:   net
>Arrival-Date:   Tue May 14 23:26:01 PDT 2002
>Originator:     Lars S. Jensen
>Release:        CVS HEAD: gcc (GCC) 3.2 20020514 (experimental)
Linux 2.4.17-r5 Gentoo build AMD Athlon 
gcc -c -march=athlon -g  -pipe  -O3 -W -Wall -Wwrite-strings -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Wtraditional -pedantic -Wno-long-long      -gnatpg -gnata -I- -I. -I../../../gcc/gcc/ada ../../../gcc/gcc/ada/tree_io.adb
+===========================GNAT BUG DETECTED==============================+
| 3.1 (20020212) (i686-pc-linux-gnu) GCC error:                            |
| RTL flag check: REG_POINTER used with unexpected rtx code `mem' in       |
|    copy_rtx_and_substitute, at integrate.c:2063                          |
| Error detected at ../../../gcc/gcc/ada/tree_io.adb:612:23                |

I have try it without -march=athlon and/or a gcc build with default setup -- same problem when I tries to bootstrap with -O3 
Why is it saying 3.1 (20020212)?

The problem have be there for more that a week!
build gcc from CVS (20020513)

../gcc/configure --enable-languages='c,ada,c++,f77,java,objc' --enable-threads=posix --enable-long-long --disable-nls 

(time make bootstrap) && (cd gcc/;time make gnatlib_and_tools)
(time  make  CFLAGS='-march=athlon -pipe -O2' STAGE1_CFLAGS='-march=athlon -pipe -O2'  BOOT_CFLAGS='-march=athlon -pipe -O2' bootstrap ) && (cd gcc/;time make CFLAGS='-march=athlon -pipe -O2' STAGE1_CFLAGS='-march=athlon -pipe -O2'  GNATLIBCFLAGS='-march=athlon -pipe -O2'  BOOT_CFLAGS='-march=athlon -pipe -O2' gnatlib_and_tools)

and rebuild it with -O3

../gcc/configure --enable-languages='c,ada,c++,f77,java,objc' --enable-threads=posix --enable-long-long --disable-nls --prefix=/home/lasj/Test1 

(time make  CFLAGS='-V -O3' STAGE1_CFLAGS='-O3'  BOOT_CFLAGS='-O3' bootstrap ) && (cd gcc/;time make CFLAGS='-O3' STAGE1_CFLAGS='-O3'  GNATLIBCFLAGS='-O3'  BOOT_CFLAGS='-O3' gnatlib_and_tools)
(time make  CFLAGS='-march=athlon -g  -pipe -O3' STAGE1_CFLAGS='-march=athlon -g  -pipe  -O3'  BOOT_CFLAGS='-march=athlon -g  -pipe  -O3' bootstrap ) && (cd gcc/;time make CFLAGS='-march=athlon -g  -pipe -O3' STAGE1_CFLAGS='-march=athlon  -g  -pipe -O3'  GNATLIBCFLAGS='-march=athlon  -pipe  -g -O3'  BOOT_CFLAGS='-march=athlon  -pipe  -g -O3' gnatlib_and_tools)


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