[9602-004] Re: ada/5907: The Ada front end lacks a proper manual

Robert Dewar dewar@gnat.com
Tue Mar 12 10:19:00 GMT 2002

<<For the generic GNU version of the manual (installed by default from the
FSF tree, placed in onlinedocs, etc.) we want one that includes all the
target-specific information for all (supported by the FSF tree) systems
(but still defaults to Unix option syntax etc. where there are variations
at that level).  Is such a version available?  The version you sent (which
I haven't yet reviewed in detail) doesn't seem to support it; if you were
to define all the conditionals, it would include all the sections for
specific systems, but also include unwanted variants at the per-sentence

THat's right, the master version must currently be preprocessed using
the xgnatug program, which is currently in Spitbol, but Florian is rewriting

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