gcc 2.95.3 miscompiles && operation
Justin Hibbits
Sun Aug 25 20:55:00 GMT 2002
using the -O2 optimization, gcc 2.95.3 miscompiles a 'if ( (pointer != 0) && (
pointer->element == 0) )' line.
gcc 2.95.3
i686 athlonXP 1800+ running linux
gcc -ansi -pedantic -posix -O2 -g functions.i
gcc was configured according to the LFS 3.1 book.
no output from the command line.
the source file in question is part of a larger project of several files. if
required, I can send you the tarball (is a compiler I am writing).
bug is on line 189 of functions.c
Justin Hibbits
Registered Linux user 260206
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