[METABUG] --target=sh-elf V4SF mode metabug

tm tm@mail.kloo.net
Fri Aug 2 02:19:00 GMT 2002

The file gcc/testsuite/gcc.c-torture/compile/simd-4.c looks like:

typedef float floatvect2 __attribute__((mode(V4SF)));

typedef union
    floatvect2 vector;
    float f[2];

void tempf(floatvect2 *x, floatvect2 *y)
        floatvect2 temp= *x;
        floatvect2 temp1=*y;
        resfloatvect2 temp2;

When this is compiled with options -O2 -m4, the compiler generates code
which dereferences y via integer instructions instead of floating point

        .type   _tempf, @function
        mov.l   r8,@-r15
        mov     #0,r0
        mov.l   r9,@-r15
        mov.l   r10,@-r15
        mov.l   r14,@-r15
        add     #-48,r15
        mov.l   @r4,r1
        mov     r15,r14
        mov.l   r0,@(16,r14)
        mov.l   r0,@(20,r14)
        mov.l   r0,@(24,r14)
        mov.l   r0,@(28,r14)
        mov.l   @(4,r4),r0
        mov.l   r1,@(32,r14)
        mov.l   r0,@(36,r14)
        mov.l   @(8,r4),r1
        mov.l   @(12,r4),r0
        mov.l   r1,@(40,r14)
        mov.l   r0,@(44,r14)
        mov     #16,r0
        mov.l   .L3,r1
        lds.l   @r1+,fpscr
        mov.l   @r5,r7		<- here
        lds     r7,fpul		<- here
        mov.l   @(4,r5),r8
        mov.l   @(8,r5),r9
        fsts    fpul,fr2	<- here
        lds     r8,fpul
        fmov.s  @r4,fr1
        fadd    fr2,fr1
        mov.l   @(12,r5),r10
        fsts    fpul,fr2
        lds     r9,fpul
        fmov.s  fr1,@(r0,r14)

Kinda nasty. It should load values directly into floating point registers


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