Problems using gcc 2.95.2

Jordi Castro
Mon Oct 29 03:25:00 GMT 2001


My Linux system runs gcc 2.95.2. I am developing an application
using a commercial library that was compiled with 2.91.57 (egcs 1.1.0).
The application exits with a segmentation fault. Even the examples provided
by the soft vendor of the commercial library give this segmentation fault.
They told me that I should use 2.91.57 (egcs 1.1.0), since it is the
supported compiler. However I would like to avoid downgrading my current
gcc 2.95.2 release.

Can you give me some advice: is there some way to run successfully the
final application using  2.95.2 and a library compiled with 2.91.57?
Or do I  have to install from scratch gcc 2.91.5? Can both releases
2.91.57 and 2.95.2 coexist in the same system?

Thanks in advance

Best regards

  Jordi Castro
  Statistics and Operations Research Dept. Phone:  +34-93-4015854
  Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya     Fax:    +34-93-4015855
  Campus Sud, Pau Gargallo 5               E-mail:
  08028 Barcelona (Spain)        

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