other/2857: i18n, translations does not work

Zack Weinberg zackw@Stanford.EDU
Fri May 25 08:04:00 GMT 2001

On Fri, May 25, 2001 at 11:35:51AM +0200, Philipp Thomas wrote:
> The problem is, that you can't do the check unconditionally.
> As it is, POTFILES.in lists all files that contain messages, excluding only
> those files, that should not be translated because they either belong to
> tools used to create gcc (like the gen* tools) or belong to debugging
> facilities. The check as to whether POTFILES.in is current can only be made
> if you have a complete source tree. But GCC is also available in split-up
> packages, and there the check would fail.
> What would be needed for doing the check unconditionally is a mechanism to
> create POTFILES.in from language specific fragments. I've tried to come up
> with a solution but so far haven't succeeded.

This is a non-problem, because the only people who ever need to
regenerate gcc.pot can be expected to have the complete source tree.
Under normal conditions the shipped .po files are converted directly
to .mo files without reference to the source code.

And POTFILES has no purpose except to regenerate gcc.pot.

I'm presently testing patches which eliminate POTFILES entirely.
Considerable violence is done to the intl and po Makefiles, but the
result is *much* cleaner, IMO.

zw             But your argument is simply post hoc ergo ante hoc.
               	-- Umberto Eco, _Foucault's Pendulum_

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