V850 cross compiler produces erronous assembler code

Knopp Ingo (UC-ST/EHW1) Ingo.Knopp@de.bosch.com
Tue Jul 24 04:30:00 GMT 2001


I tried to build a (NEC) V850-elf cross compiler on cygnus gcc 2.95.3-5
(cygwin special)
from the gcc-3.0 source code. When building newlib-1.9.0 i get an error

Using the preprocessed code it looks like this

$ /tools/H-i686-pc-cygwin/v850-elf/bin/gcc.exe -g -c assert.i
/cygdrive/c/TEMP/ccuxWgEi.s: Assembler messages:
/cygdrive/c/TEMP/ccuxWgEi.s:140: Error: undefined symbol _ in operation
/cygdrive/c/TEMP/ccuxWgEi.s:140: Error: undefined symbol _impure_ptr in

this is the generated assembler code line

        ld.w sdaoff(_&_impure_ptr)[gp],r10
        .stabn 68,0,56,.LM3-___assert

the preprocessed code and the assembler code are attached.

Is there a workaround possible?

Thank you for your help

Yours sincerely

 <<assert.i>>  <<assert.s>> 
-------------- next part --------------
# 1 "/src/newlib/newlib-1.9.0/newlib/libc/stdlib/assert.c"
<<assert>>---Macro for Debugging Diagnostics


	#include <assert.h>
	void assert(int <[expression]>);

	#include <assert.h>
	int <[expression]>;

	Use this macro to embed debuggging diagnostic statements in
	your programs.  The argument <[expression]> should be an
	expression which evaluates to true (nonzero) when your program
	is working as you intended.

	When <[expression]> evaluates to false (zero), <<assert>>
	calls <<abort>>, after first printing a message showing what
	failed and where:

. Assertion failed: <[expression]>, file <[filename]>, line <[lineno]>

	The macro is defined to permit you to turn off all uses of
	<<assert>> at compile time by defining <<NDEBUG>> as a
	preprocessor variable.   If you do this, the <<assert>> macro
	expands to

. (void(0))

	<<assert>> does not return a value.

	The <<assert>> macro is required by ANSI, as is the behavior
	when <<NDEBUG>> is defined.

Supporting OS subroutines required (only if enabled): <<close>>, <<fstat>>,
<<getpid>>, <<isatty>>, <<kill>>, <<lseek>>, <<read>>, <<sbrk>>, <<write>>.

# 1 "/src/newlib/newlib-1.9.0/newlib/libc/include/assert.h" 1

# 1 "/src/newlib/newlib-1.9.0/newlib/libc/include/_ansi.h" 1
/* Provide support for both ANSI and non-ANSI environments.  */

/* Some ANSI environments are "broken" in the sense that __STDC__ cannot be
   relied upon to have it's intended meaning.  Therefore we must use our own
   concoction: _HAVE_STDC.  Always use _HAVE_STDC instead of __STDC__ in newlib

   To get a strict ANSI C environment, define macro __STRICT_ANSI__.  This will
   "comment out" the non-ANSI parts of the ANSI header files (non-ANSI header
   files aren't affected).  */

# 1 "/src/newlib/newlib-1.9.0/newlib/libc/include/sys/config.h" 1

/* exceptions first */
/* ??? Why is much of this stuff duplicated with machine/ieeefp.h?  */

/* ???  This conditional is true for the h8500 and the w65, defining H8300
   in those cases probably isn't the right thing to do.  */
# 27 "/src/newlib/newlib-1.9.0/newlib/libc/include/sys/config.h"
/* 16 bit integer machines */
# 52 "/src/newlib/newlib-1.9.0/newlib/libc/include/sys/config.h"
/* in other words, go32 */
# 62 "/src/newlib/newlib-1.9.0/newlib/libc/include/sys/config.h"
/* This is defined in machine/ieeefp.h; need to check is it redundant here? */
# 96 "/src/newlib/newlib-1.9.0/newlib/libc/include/sys/config.h"
/* For the PowerPC eabi, force the _impure_ptr to be in .sdata */
# 113 "/src/newlib/newlib-1.9.0/newlib/libc/include/sys/config.h"
typedef int __int32_t;
typedef unsigned int __uint32_t;
# 16 "/src/newlib/newlib-1.9.0/newlib/libc/include/_ansi.h" 2

/* First try to figure out whether we really are in an ANSI C environment.  */
/* FIXME: This probably needs some work.  Perhaps sys/config.h can be
   prevailed upon to give us a clue.  */
# 69 "/src/newlib/newlib-1.9.0/newlib/libc/include/_ansi.h"
/* Support gcc's __attribute__ facility.  */
# 10 "/src/newlib/newlib-1.9.0/newlib/libc/include/assert.h" 2
# 25 "/src/newlib/newlib-1.9.0/newlib/libc/include/assert.h"
void __assert (const char *, int, const char *);
# 48 "/src/newlib/newlib-1.9.0/newlib/libc/stdlib/assert.c" 2
# 1 "/src/newlib/newlib-1.9.0/newlib/libc/include/stdlib.h" 1
 * stdlib.h
 * Definitions for common types, variables, and functions.

# 1 "/src/newlib/newlib-1.9.0/newlib/libc/include/_ansi.h" 1
# 14 "/src/newlib/newlib-1.9.0/newlib/libc/include/stdlib.h" 2

# 1 "/tools/H-i686-pc-cygwin/lib/gcc-lib/v850-elf/3.0/include/stddef.h" 1 3
/* Copyright (C) 1989, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

This file is part of GNU CC.

GNU CC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.

GNU CC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with GNU CC; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.  */

/* As a special exception, if you include this header file into source
   files compiled by GCC, this header file does not by itself cause
   the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public
   License.  This exception does not however invalidate any other
   reasons why the executable file might be covered by the GNU General
   Public License.  */

 * ISO C Standard:  7.17  Common definitions  <stddef.h>

/* Any one of these symbols __need_* means that GNU libc
   wants us just to define one data type.  So don't define
   the symbols that indicate this file's entire job has been done.  */

/* snaroff@next.com says the NeXT needs this.  */

/* Irix 5.1 needs this.  */

/* This avoids lossage on SunOS but only if stdtypes.h comes first.
   There's no way to win with the other order!  Sun lossage.  */

/* On 4.3bsd-net2, make sure ansi.h is included, so we have
   one less case to deal with in the following.  */

/* In 4.3bsd-net2, machine/ansi.h defines these symbols, which are
   defined if the corresponding type is *not* defined.
   FreeBSD-2.1 defines _MACHINE_ANSI_H_ instead of _ANSI_H_ */

/* On BSD/386 1.1, at least, machine/ansi.h defines _BSD_WCHAR_T_
   instead of _WCHAR_T_. */

/* Undef _FOO_T_ if we are supposed to define foo_t.  */
# 92 "/tools/H-i686-pc-cygwin/lib/gcc-lib/v850-elf/3.0/include/stddef.h" 3
/* Sequent's header files use _PTRDIFF_T_ in some conflicting way.
   Just ignore it.  */

/* On VxWorks, <type/vxTypesBase.h> may have defined macros like
   _TYPE_size_t which will typedef size_t.  fixincludes patched the
   vxTypesBase.h so that this macro is only defined if _GCC_SIZE_T is
   not defined, and so that defining this macro defines _GCC_SIZE_T.
   If we find that the macros are still defined at this point, we must
   invoke them so that the type is defined as expected.  */
# 117 "/tools/H-i686-pc-cygwin/lib/gcc-lib/v850-elf/3.0/include/stddef.h" 3
/* In case nobody has defined these types, but we aren't running under
   GCC 2.00, make sure that __PTRDIFF_TYPE__, __SIZE__TYPE__, and
   __WCHAR_TYPE__ have reasonable values.  This can happen if the
   parts of GCC is compiled by an older compiler, that actually
   include gstddef.h, such as collect2.  */

/* Signed type of difference of two pointers.  */

/* Define this type if we are doing the whole job,
   or if we want this type in particular.  */
# 157 "/tools/H-i686-pc-cygwin/lib/gcc-lib/v850-elf/3.0/include/stddef.h" 3
/* If this symbol has done its job, get rid of it.  */

/* Unsigned type of `sizeof' something.  */

/* Define this type if we are doing the whole job,
   or if we want this type in particular.  */
# 199 "/tools/H-i686-pc-cygwin/lib/gcc-lib/v850-elf/3.0/include/stddef.h" 3
typedef unsigned int size_t;
# 222 "/tools/H-i686-pc-cygwin/lib/gcc-lib/v850-elf/3.0/include/stddef.h" 3
/* Wide character type.
   Locale-writers should change this as necessary to
   be big enough to hold unique values not between 0 and 127,
   and not (wchar_t) -1, for each defined multibyte character.  */

/* Define this type if we are doing the whole job,
   or if we want this type in particular.  */
# 257 "/tools/H-i686-pc-cygwin/lib/gcc-lib/v850-elf/3.0/include/stddef.h" 3
/* On BSD/386 1.1, at least, machine/ansi.h defines _BSD_WCHAR_T_
   instead of _WCHAR_T_, and _BSD_RUNE_T_ (which, unlike the other
   symbols in the _FOO_T_ family, stays defined even after its
   corresponding type is defined).  If we define wchar_t, then we
   must undef _WCHAR_T_; for BSD/386 1.1 (and perhaps others), if
   we undef _WCHAR_T_, then we must also define rune_t, since 
   headers like runetype.h assume that if machine/ansi.h is included,
   and _BSD_WCHAR_T_ is not defined, then rune_t is available.
   machine/ansi.h says, "Note that _WCHAR_T_ and _RUNE_T_ must be of
   the same type." */

/* Why is this file so hard to maintain properly?  In constrast to
   the comment above regarding BSD/386 1.1, on FreeBSD for as long
   as the symbol has existed, _BSD_RUNE_T_ must not stay defined or
   redundant typedefs will occur when stdlib.h is included after this file. */
# 287 "/tools/H-i686-pc-cygwin/lib/gcc-lib/v850-elf/3.0/include/stddef.h" 3
typedef long int wchar_t;
# 317 "/tools/H-i686-pc-cygwin/lib/gcc-lib/v850-elf/3.0/include/stddef.h" 3
/*  In 4.3bsd-net2, leave these undefined to indicate that size_t, etc.
    are already defined.  */
/*  BSD/OS 3.1 and FreeBSD [23].x require the MACHINE_ANSI_H check here.  */

/*  The references to _GCC_PTRDIFF_T_, _GCC_SIZE_T_, and _GCC_WCHAR_T_
    are probably typos and should be removed before 2.8 is released.  */
# 335 "/tools/H-i686-pc-cygwin/lib/gcc-lib/v850-elf/3.0/include/stddef.h" 3
/*  The following ones are the real ones.  */
# 352 "/tools/H-i686-pc-cygwin/lib/gcc-lib/v850-elf/3.0/include/stddef.h" 3
/* A null pointer constant.  */
# 370 "/tools/H-i686-pc-cygwin/lib/gcc-lib/v850-elf/3.0/include/stddef.h" 3
/* Offset of member MEMBER in a struct of type TYPE.  */
# 18 "/src/newlib/newlib-1.9.0/newlib/libc/include/stdlib.h" 2

# 1 "/src/newlib/newlib-1.9.0/newlib/libc/include/sys/reent.h" 1
/* This header file provides the reentrancy.  */

/* WARNING: All identifiers here must begin with an underscore.  This file is
   included by stdio.h and others and we therefore must only use identifiers
   in the namespace allotted to us.  */

# 1 "/src/newlib/newlib-1.9.0/newlib/libc/include/_ansi.h" 1
# 14 "/src/newlib/newlib-1.9.0/newlib/libc/include/sys/reent.h" 2
# 1 "/src/newlib/newlib-1.9.0/newlib/libc/include/time.h" 1
 * time.h
 * Struct and function declarations for dealing with time.

# 1 "/src/newlib/newlib-1.9.0/newlib/libc/include/_ansi.h" 1
# 11 "/src/newlib/newlib-1.9.0/newlib/libc/include/time.h" 2
# 20 "/src/newlib/newlib-1.9.0/newlib/libc/include/time.h"
/* Get _CLOCKS_PER_SEC_ */
# 1 "/src/newlib/newlib-1.9.0/newlib/libc/include/machine/time.h" 1
# 22 "/src/newlib/newlib-1.9.0/newlib/libc/include/time.h" 2
# 30 "/src/newlib/newlib-1.9.0/newlib/libc/include/time.h"
# 1 "/tools/H-i686-pc-cygwin/lib/gcc-lib/v850-elf/3.0/include/stddef.h" 1 3
/* Copyright (C) 1989, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

This file is part of GNU CC.

GNU CC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.

GNU CC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with GNU CC; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.  */

/* As a special exception, if you include this header file into source
   files compiled by GCC, this header file does not by itself cause
   the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public
   License.  This exception does not however invalidate any other
   reasons why the executable file might be covered by the GNU General
   Public License.  */

 * ISO C Standard:  7.17  Common definitions  <stddef.h>

/* Any one of these symbols __need_* means that GNU libc
   wants us just to define one data type.  So don't define
   the symbols that indicate this file's entire job has been done.  */

/* snaroff@next.com says the NeXT needs this.  */

/* Irix 5.1 needs this.  */

/* This avoids lossage on SunOS but only if stdtypes.h comes first.
   There's no way to win with the other order!  Sun lossage.  */

/* On 4.3bsd-net2, make sure ansi.h is included, so we have
   one less case to deal with in the following.  */

/* In 4.3bsd-net2, machine/ansi.h defines these symbols, which are
   defined if the corresponding type is *not* defined.
   FreeBSD-2.1 defines _MACHINE_ANSI_H_ instead of _ANSI_H_ */

/* On BSD/386 1.1, at least, machine/ansi.h defines _BSD_WCHAR_T_
   instead of _WCHAR_T_. */

/* Undef _FOO_T_ if we are supposed to define foo_t.  */
# 92 "/tools/H-i686-pc-cygwin/lib/gcc-lib/v850-elf/3.0/include/stddef.h" 3
/* Sequent's header files use _PTRDIFF_T_ in some conflicting way.
   Just ignore it.  */

/* On VxWorks, <type/vxTypesBase.h> may have defined macros like
   _TYPE_size_t which will typedef size_t.  fixincludes patched the
   vxTypesBase.h so that this macro is only defined if _GCC_SIZE_T is
   not defined, and so that defining this macro defines _GCC_SIZE_T.
   If we find that the macros are still defined at this point, we must
   invoke them so that the type is defined as expected.  */
# 117 "/tools/H-i686-pc-cygwin/lib/gcc-lib/v850-elf/3.0/include/stddef.h" 3
/* In case nobody has defined these types, but we aren't running under
   GCC 2.00, make sure that __PTRDIFF_TYPE__, __SIZE__TYPE__, and
   __WCHAR_TYPE__ have reasonable values.  This can happen if the
   parts of GCC is compiled by an older compiler, that actually
   include gstddef.h, such as collect2.  */

/* Signed type of difference of two pointers.  */

/* Define this type if we are doing the whole job,
   or if we want this type in particular.  */
# 157 "/tools/H-i686-pc-cygwin/lib/gcc-lib/v850-elf/3.0/include/stddef.h" 3
/* If this symbol has done its job, get rid of it.  */

/* Unsigned type of `sizeof' something.  */

/* Define this type if we are doing the whole job,
   or if we want this type in particular.  */
# 222 "/tools/H-i686-pc-cygwin/lib/gcc-lib/v850-elf/3.0/include/stddef.h" 3
/* Wide character type.
   Locale-writers should change this as necessary to
   be big enough to hold unique values not between 0 and 127,
   and not (wchar_t) -1, for each defined multibyte character.  */

/* Define this type if we are doing the whole job,
   or if we want this type in particular.  */
# 257 "/tools/H-i686-pc-cygwin/lib/gcc-lib/v850-elf/3.0/include/stddef.h" 3
/* On BSD/386 1.1, at least, machine/ansi.h defines _BSD_WCHAR_T_
   instead of _WCHAR_T_, and _BSD_RUNE_T_ (which, unlike the other
   symbols in the _FOO_T_ family, stays defined even after its
   corresponding type is defined).  If we define wchar_t, then we
   must undef _WCHAR_T_; for BSD/386 1.1 (and perhaps others), if
   we undef _WCHAR_T_, then we must also define rune_t, since 
   headers like runetype.h assume that if machine/ansi.h is included,
   and _BSD_WCHAR_T_ is not defined, then rune_t is available.
   machine/ansi.h says, "Note that _WCHAR_T_ and _RUNE_T_ must be of
   the same type." */

/* Why is this file so hard to maintain properly?  In constrast to
   the comment above regarding BSD/386 1.1, on FreeBSD for as long
   as the symbol has existed, _BSD_RUNE_T_ must not stay defined or
   redundant typedefs will occur when stdlib.h is included after this file. */
# 317 "/tools/H-i686-pc-cygwin/lib/gcc-lib/v850-elf/3.0/include/stddef.h" 3
/*  In 4.3bsd-net2, leave these undefined to indicate that size_t, etc.
    are already defined.  */
/*  BSD/OS 3.1 and FreeBSD [23].x require the MACHINE_ANSI_H check here.  */

/*  The references to _GCC_PTRDIFF_T_, _GCC_SIZE_T_, and _GCC_WCHAR_T_
    are probably typos and should be removed before 2.8 is released.  */
# 335 "/tools/H-i686-pc-cygwin/lib/gcc-lib/v850-elf/3.0/include/stddef.h" 3
/*  The following ones are the real ones.  */
# 352 "/tools/H-i686-pc-cygwin/lib/gcc-lib/v850-elf/3.0/include/stddef.h" 3
/* A null pointer constant.  */
# 370 "/tools/H-i686-pc-cygwin/lib/gcc-lib/v850-elf/3.0/include/stddef.h" 3
/* Offset of member MEMBER in a struct of type TYPE.  */
# 31 "/src/newlib/newlib-1.9.0/newlib/libc/include/time.h" 2

# 1 "/src/newlib/newlib-1.9.0/newlib/libc/include/sys/types.h" 1
/* unified sys/types.h: 
   start with sef's sysvi386 version.
   merge go32 version -- a few ifdefs.
   h8300hms, h8300xray, and sysvnecv70 disagree on the following types:

   typedef int gid_t;
   typedef int uid_t;
   typedef int dev_t;
   typedef int ino_t;
   typedef int mode_t;
   typedef int caddr_t;

   however, these aren't "reasonable" values, the sysvi386 ones make far 
   more sense, and should work sufficiently well (in particular, h8300 
   doesn't have a stat, and the necv70 doesn't matter.) -- eichin
# 31 "/src/newlib/newlib-1.9.0/newlib/libc/include/sys/types.h"
# 1 "/tools/H-i686-pc-cygwin/lib/gcc-lib/v850-elf/3.0/include/stddef.h" 1 3
/* Copyright (C) 1989, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

This file is part of GNU CC.

GNU CC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.

GNU CC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with GNU CC; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.  */

/* As a special exception, if you include this header file into source
   files compiled by GCC, this header file does not by itself cause
   the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public
   License.  This exception does not however invalidate any other
   reasons why the executable file might be covered by the GNU General
   Public License.  */

 * ISO C Standard:  7.17  Common definitions  <stddef.h>

/* Any one of these symbols __need_* means that GNU libc
   wants us just to define one data type.  So don't define
   the symbols that indicate this file's entire job has been done.  */

/* snaroff@next.com says the NeXT needs this.  */

/* Irix 5.1 needs this.  */

/* This avoids lossage on SunOS but only if stdtypes.h comes first.
   There's no way to win with the other order!  Sun lossage.  */

/* On 4.3bsd-net2, make sure ansi.h is included, so we have
   one less case to deal with in the following.  */

/* In 4.3bsd-net2, machine/ansi.h defines these symbols, which are
   defined if the corresponding type is *not* defined.
   FreeBSD-2.1 defines _MACHINE_ANSI_H_ instead of _ANSI_H_ */

/* On BSD/386 1.1, at least, machine/ansi.h defines _BSD_WCHAR_T_
   instead of _WCHAR_T_. */

/* Undef _FOO_T_ if we are supposed to define foo_t.  */
# 92 "/tools/H-i686-pc-cygwin/lib/gcc-lib/v850-elf/3.0/include/stddef.h" 3
/* Sequent's header files use _PTRDIFF_T_ in some conflicting way.
   Just ignore it.  */

/* On VxWorks, <type/vxTypesBase.h> may have defined macros like
   _TYPE_size_t which will typedef size_t.  fixincludes patched the
   vxTypesBase.h so that this macro is only defined if _GCC_SIZE_T is
   not defined, and so that defining this macro defines _GCC_SIZE_T.
   If we find that the macros are still defined at this point, we must
   invoke them so that the type is defined as expected.  */
# 117 "/tools/H-i686-pc-cygwin/lib/gcc-lib/v850-elf/3.0/include/stddef.h" 3
/* In case nobody has defined these types, but we aren't running under
   GCC 2.00, make sure that __PTRDIFF_TYPE__, __SIZE__TYPE__, and
   __WCHAR_TYPE__ have reasonable values.  This can happen if the
   parts of GCC is compiled by an older compiler, that actually
   include gstddef.h, such as collect2.  */

/* Signed type of difference of two pointers.  */

/* Define this type if we are doing the whole job,
   or if we want this type in particular.  */
# 147 "/tools/H-i686-pc-cygwin/lib/gcc-lib/v850-elf/3.0/include/stddef.h" 3
typedef int ptrdiff_t;
# 157 "/tools/H-i686-pc-cygwin/lib/gcc-lib/v850-elf/3.0/include/stddef.h" 3
/* If this symbol has done its job, get rid of it.  */

/* Unsigned type of `sizeof' something.  */

/* Define this type if we are doing the whole job,
   or if we want this type in particular.  */
# 222 "/tools/H-i686-pc-cygwin/lib/gcc-lib/v850-elf/3.0/include/stddef.h" 3
/* Wide character type.
   Locale-writers should change this as necessary to
   be big enough to hold unique values not between 0 and 127,
   and not (wchar_t) -1, for each defined multibyte character.  */

/* Define this type if we are doing the whole job,
   or if we want this type in particular.  */
# 257 "/tools/H-i686-pc-cygwin/lib/gcc-lib/v850-elf/3.0/include/stddef.h" 3
/* On BSD/386 1.1, at least, machine/ansi.h defines _BSD_WCHAR_T_
   instead of _WCHAR_T_, and _BSD_RUNE_T_ (which, unlike the other
   symbols in the _FOO_T_ family, stays defined even after its
   corresponding type is defined).  If we define wchar_t, then we
   must undef _WCHAR_T_; for BSD/386 1.1 (and perhaps others), if
   we undef _WCHAR_T_, then we must also define rune_t, since 
   headers like runetype.h assume that if machine/ansi.h is included,
   and _BSD_WCHAR_T_ is not defined, then rune_t is available.
   machine/ansi.h says, "Note that _WCHAR_T_ and _RUNE_T_ must be of
   the same type." */

/* Why is this file so hard to maintain properly?  In constrast to
   the comment above regarding BSD/386 1.1, on FreeBSD for as long
   as the symbol has existed, _BSD_RUNE_T_ must not stay defined or
   redundant typedefs will occur when stdlib.h is included after this file. */
# 317 "/tools/H-i686-pc-cygwin/lib/gcc-lib/v850-elf/3.0/include/stddef.h" 3
/*  In 4.3bsd-net2, leave these undefined to indicate that size_t, etc.
    are already defined.  */
/*  BSD/OS 3.1 and FreeBSD [23].x require the MACHINE_ANSI_H check here.  */

/*  The references to _GCC_PTRDIFF_T_, _GCC_SIZE_T_, and _GCC_WCHAR_T_
    are probably typos and should be removed before 2.8 is released.  */
# 335 "/tools/H-i686-pc-cygwin/lib/gcc-lib/v850-elf/3.0/include/stddef.h" 3
/*  The following ones are the real ones.  */
# 352 "/tools/H-i686-pc-cygwin/lib/gcc-lib/v850-elf/3.0/include/stddef.h" 3
/* A null pointer constant.  */
# 370 "/tools/H-i686-pc-cygwin/lib/gcc-lib/v850-elf/3.0/include/stddef.h" 3
/* Offset of member MEMBER in a struct of type TYPE.  */
# 32 "/src/newlib/newlib-1.9.0/newlib/libc/include/sys/types.h" 2
# 1 "/src/newlib/newlib-1.9.0/newlib/libc/include/machine/types.h" 1
# 33 "/src/newlib/newlib-1.9.0/newlib/libc/include/sys/types.h" 2

/* To ensure the stat struct's layout doesn't change when sizeof(int), etc.
   changes, we assume sizeof short and long never change and have all types
   used to define struct stat use them and not int where possible.
   Where not possible, _ST_INTxx are used.  It would be preferable to not have
   such assumptions, but until the extra fluff is necessary, it's avoided.
   No 64 bit targets use stat yet.  What to do about them is postponed
   until necessary.  */
# 53 "/src/newlib/newlib-1.9.0/newlib/libc/include/sys/types.h"
typedef unsigned char u_char;
typedef unsigned short u_short;
typedef unsigned int u_int;
typedef unsigned long u_long;

typedef unsigned short ushort; /* System V compatibility */
typedef unsigned int uint; /* System V compatibility */

typedef unsigned long /* clock() */ clock_t;

typedef long /* time() */ time_t;

/* Time Value Specification Structures, P1003.1b-1993, p. 261 */

struct timespec {
  time_t tv_sec; /* Seconds */
  long tv_nsec; /* Nanoseconds */

struct itimerspec {
  struct timespec it_interval; /* Timer period */
  struct timespec it_value; /* Timer expiration */

typedef long daddr_t;
typedef char * caddr_t;

typedef unsigned short ino_t;
# 115 "/src/newlib/newlib-1.9.0/newlib/libc/include/sys/types.h"
 * All these should be machine specific - right now they are all broken.
 * However, for all of Cygnus' embedded targets, we want them to all be
 * the same.  Otherwise things like sizeof (struct stat) might depend on
 * how the file was compiled (e.g. -mint16 vs -mint32, etc.).

/* device numbers are 32-bit major and and 32-bit minor */

typedef short dev_t;

typedef long off_t;

typedef unsigned short uid_t;
typedef unsigned short gid_t;
typedef int pid_t;
typedef long key_t;
typedef long ssize_t;
# 148 "/src/newlib/newlib-1.9.0/newlib/libc/include/sys/types.h"
typedef unsigned int mode_t __attribute__ ((__mode__ (__SI__)));

typedef unsigned short nlink_t;

/* We don't define fd_set and friends if we are compiling POSIX
   source, or if we have included the Windows Sockets.h header (which
   defines Windows versions of them).  Note that a program which
   includes the Windows sockets.h header must know what it is doing;
   it must not call the cygwin32 select function.  */

 * Select uses bit masks of file descriptors in longs.
 * These macros manipulate such bit fields (the filesystem macros use chars).
 * FD_SETSIZE may be defined by the user, but the default here
 * should be >= NOFILE (param.h).

typedef long fd_mask;

/* We use a macro for fd_set so that including Sockets.h afterwards
   can work.  */
typedef struct _types_fd_set {
        fd_mask fds_bits[(((64)+(((sizeof (fd_mask) * 8 /* number of bits in a byte */) /* bits per mask */)-1))/((sizeof (fd_mask) * 8 /* number of bits in a byte */) /* bits per mask */))];
} _types_fd_set;
# 201 "/src/newlib/newlib-1.9.0/newlib/libc/include/sys/types.h"
/* The following are actually standard POSIX 1003.1b-1993 threads, mutexes,
   condition variables, and keys.  But since RTEMS is currently the only
   newlib user of these, the ifdef is just on RTEMS. */
# 223 "/src/newlib/newlib-1.9.0/newlib/libc/include/sys/types.h"
 *  2.5 Primitive System Data Types,  P1003.1c/D10, p. 19.

                                         /* identify a thread */

/* P1003.1c/D10, p. 118-119 */

/* P1003.1c/D10, p. 111 */

                                      /*   attributes are inherited from */
                                      /*   the calling thread. */

/* P1003.1c/D10, p. 141 */
# 252 "/src/newlib/newlib-1.9.0/newlib/libc/include/sys/types.h"
  /* P1003.4b/D8, p. 54 adds cputime_clock_allowed attribute.  */

                               /* see time.h */

/* NOTE: P1003.1c/D10, p. 81 defines following values for process_shared.  */

                                  /*   the memory where the resource is */
                                  /*   located */

/* Mutexes */

/* Values for blocking protocol. */

                                         /* identify a mutex */

                         /* allow mutex to be shared amongst processes */
# 293 "/src/newlib/newlib-1.9.0/newlib/libc/include/sys/types.h"
/* Condition Variables */

                                         /* identify a condition variable */

                              /* allow this to be shared amongst processes */

                              /* a condition attribute object */

/* Keys */

                                         /* thread-specific data keys */

                         /* is this structure initialized? */
                         /* has the initialization routine been run? */
                        /* dynamic package initialization */
# 33 "/src/newlib/newlib-1.9.0/newlib/libc/include/time.h" 2

struct tm
  int tm_sec;
  int tm_min;
  int tm_hour;
  int tm_mday;
  int tm_mon;
  int tm_year;
  int tm_wday;
  int tm_yday;
  int tm_isdst;

clock_t clock (void);
double difftime (time_t _time2, time_t _time1);
time_t mktime (struct tm *_timeptr);
time_t time (time_t *_timer);

char *asctime (const struct tm *_tblock);
char *ctime (const time_t *_time);
struct tm *gmtime (const time_t *_timer);
struct tm *localtime (const time_t *_timer);

size_t strftime (char *_s, size_t _maxsize, const char *_fmt, const struct tm *_t);

char *asctime_r (const struct tm *, char *);
char *ctime_r (const time_t *, char *);
struct tm *gmtime_r (const time_t *, struct tm *);
struct tm *localtime_r (const time_t *, struct tm *);
# 75 "/src/newlib/newlib-1.9.0/newlib/libc/include/time.h"
# 1 "/src/newlib/newlib-1.9.0/newlib/libc/include/sys/features.h" 1
 *  Written by Joel Sherrill <joel@OARcorp.com>.
 *  COPYRIGHT (c) 1989-2000.
 *  On-Line Applications Research Corporation (OAR).
 *  Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any
 *  purpose without fee is hereby granted, provided that this entire notice
 *  is included in all copies of any software which is or includes a copy
 *  or modification of this software.
 *  $Id: features.h,v 1.1 2000/12/12 01:24:08 jjohnstn Exp $
# 28 "/src/newlib/newlib-1.9.0/newlib/libc/include/sys/features.h"
/* RTEMS adheres to POSIX -- 1003.1b with some features from annexes.  */
# 50 "/src/newlib/newlib-1.9.0/newlib/libc/include/sys/features.h"
/* In P1003.1b but defined by drafts at least as early as P1003.1c/D10  */
# 60 "/src/newlib/newlib-1.9.0/newlib/libc/include/sys/features.h"
/* P1003.4b/D8 defines the constants below this comment. */
# 76 "/src/newlib/newlib-1.9.0/newlib/libc/include/time.h" 2

/* Clocks, P1003.1b-1993, p. 263 */

/* Create a Per-Process Timer, P1003.1b-1993, p. 264 */

/* Delete a Per_process Timer, P1003.1b-1993, p. 266 */

/* Per-Process Timers, P1003.1b-1993, p. 267 */

/* High Resolution Sleep, P1003.1b-1993, p. 269 */

/* CPU-time Clock Attributes, P1003.4b/D8, p. 54 */

/* values for the clock enable attribute */

/* values for the pthread cputime_clock_allowed attribute */

                           /*   CPU-time clock attached to that thread */
                           /*   shall be accessible. */

                           /*   thread shall not have a CPU-time clock */
                           /*   accessible. */

/* Manifest Constants, P1003.1b-1993, p. 262 */

/* Flag indicating time is "absolute" with respect to the clock
   associated with a time.  */

/* Manifest Constants, P1003.4b/D8, p. 55 */

/* When used in a clock or timer function call, this is interpreted as
   the identifier of the CPU_time clock associated with the PROCESS
   making the function call.  */

/*  When used in a clock or timer function call, this is interpreted as
    the identifier of the CPU_time clock associated with the THREAD
    making the function call.  */

/* Accessing a Process CPU-time CLock, P1003.4b/D8, p. 55 */

/* CPU-time Clock Attribute Access, P1003.4b/D8, p. 56 */
# 15 "/src/newlib/newlib-1.9.0/newlib/libc/include/sys/reent.h" 2
# 28 "/src/newlib/newlib-1.9.0/newlib/libc/include/sys/reent.h"
typedef __uint32_t __ULong;

struct _glue
  struct _glue *_next;
  int _niobs;
  struct __sFILE *_iobs;

struct _Bigint
  struct _Bigint *_next;
  int _k, _maxwds, _sign, _wds;
  __ULong _x[1];

 * atexit() support

struct _atexit {
        struct _atexit *_next; /* next in list */
        int _ind; /* next index in this table */
        void (*_fns[32 /* must be at least 32 to guarantee ANSI conformance */])(void); /* the table itself */

 * Stdio buffers.
 * This and __sFILE are defined here because we need them for struct _reent,
 * but we don't want stdio.h included when stdlib.h is.

struct __sbuf {
        unsigned char *_base;
        int _size;

 * We need fpos_t for the following, but it doesn't have a leading "_",
 * so we use _fpos_t instead.

typedef long _fpos_t; /* XXX must match off_t in <sys/types.h> */
                                /* (and must be `long' for now) */

 * Stdio state variables.
 * The following always hold:
 *	if (_flags&(__SLBF|__SWR)) == (__SLBF|__SWR),
 *		_lbfsize is -_bf._size, else _lbfsize is 0
 *	if _flags&__SRD, _w is 0
 *	if _flags&__SWR, _r is 0
 * This ensures that the getc and putc macros (or inline functions) never
 * try to write or read from a file that is in `read' or `write' mode.
 * (Moreover, they can, and do, automatically switch from read mode to
 * write mode, and back, on "r+" and "w+" files.)
 * _lbfsize is used only to make the inline line-buffered output stream
 * code as compact as possible.
 * _ub, _up, and _ur are used when ungetc() pushes back more characters
 * than fit in the current _bf, or when ungetc() pushes back a character
 * that does not match the previous one in _bf.  When this happens,
 * _ub._base becomes non-nil (i.e., a stream has ungetc() data iff
 * _ub._base!=NULL) and _up and _ur save the current values of _p and _r.

struct __sFILE {
  unsigned char *_p; /* current position in (some) buffer */
  int _r; /* read space left for getc() */
  int _w; /* write space left for putc() */
  short _flags; /* flags, below; this FILE is free if 0 */
  short _file; /* fileno, if Unix descriptor, else -1 */
  struct __sbuf _bf; /* the buffer (at least 1 byte, if !NULL) */
  int _lbfsize; /* 0 or -_bf._size, for inline putc */

  /* operations */
  void * _cookie; /* cookie passed to io functions */

  int (*_read) (void * _cookie, char *_buf, int _n);
  int (*_write) (void * _cookie, const char *_buf, int _n);
  _fpos_t (*_seek) (void * _cookie, _fpos_t _offset, int _whence);
  int (*_close) (void * _cookie);

  /* separate buffer for long sequences of ungetc() */
  struct __sbuf _ub; /* ungetc buffer */
  unsigned char *_up; /* saved _p when _p is doing ungetc data */
  int _ur; /* saved _r when _r is counting ungetc data */

  /* tricks to meet minimum requirements even when malloc() fails */
  unsigned char _ubuf[3]; /* guarantee an ungetc() buffer */
  unsigned char _nbuf[1]; /* guarantee a getc() buffer */

  /* separate buffer for fgetline() when line crosses buffer boundary */
  struct __sbuf _lb; /* buffer for fgetline() */

  /* Unix stdio files get aligned to block boundaries on fseek() */
  int _blksize; /* stat.st_blksize (may be != _bf._size) */
  int _offset; /* current lseek offset */

  struct _reent *_data;

 * struct _reent
 * This structure contains *all* globals needed by the library.
 * It's raison d'etre is to facilitate threads by making all library routines
 * reentrant.  IE: All state information is contained here.

struct _reent
  /* local copy of errno */
  int _errno;

  /* FILE is a big struct and may change over time.  To try to achieve binary
     compatibility with future versions, put stdin,stdout,stderr here.
     These are pointers into member __sf defined below.  */
  struct __sFILE *_stdin, *_stdout, *_stderr;

  int _inc; /* used by tmpnam */
  char _emergency[25];

  int _current_category; /* used by setlocale */
  const char *_current_locale;

  int __sdidinit; /* 1 means stdio has been init'd */

  void (*__cleanup) (struct _reent *);

  /* used by mprec routines */
  struct _Bigint *_result;
  int _result_k;
  struct _Bigint *_p5s;
  struct _Bigint **_freelist;

  /* used by some fp conversion routines */
  int _cvtlen; /* should be size_t */
  char *_cvtbuf;

          unsigned int _unused_rand;
          char * _strtok_last;
          char _asctime_buf[26];
          struct tm _localtime_buf;
          int _gamma_signgam;
          __extension__ unsigned long long _rand_next;

        } _reent;
  /* Two next two fields were once used by malloc.  They are no longer
     used. They are used to preserve the space used before so as to
     allow addition of new reent fields and keep binary compatibility.   */

          unsigned char * _nextf[30];
          unsigned int _nmalloc[30];
        } _unused;
    } _new;

  /* atexit stuff */
  struct _atexit *_atexit; /* points to head of LIFO stack */
  struct _atexit _atexit0; /* one guaranteed table, required by ANSI */

  /* signal info */
  void (**(_sig_func))(int);

  /* These are here last so that __sFILE can grow without changing the offsets
     of the above members (on the off chance that future binary compatibility
     would be broken otherwise).  */
  struct _glue __sglue; /* root of glue chain */
  struct __sFILE __sf[3]; /* first three file descriptors */

 * All references to struct _reent are via this pointer.
 * Internally, newlib routines that need to reference it should use _REENT.

extern struct _reent *_impure_ptr __attribute__((__sda__));

void _reclaim_reent (struct _reent *);

/* #define _REENT_ONLY define this to get only reentrant routines */
# 20 "/src/newlib/newlib-1.9.0/newlib/libc/include/stdlib.h" 2

typedef struct
  int quot; /* quotient */
  int rem; /* remainder */
} div_t;

typedef struct
  long quot; /* quotient */
  long rem; /* remainder */
} ldiv_t;
# 42 "/src/newlib/newlib-1.9.0/newlib/libc/include/stdlib.h"
extern int __mb_cur_max;

void abort (void) __attribute__ ((noreturn));
int abs (int);
int atexit (void (*__func)(void));
double atof (const char *__nptr);

float atoff (const char *__nptr);

int atoi (const char *__nptr);
long atol (const char *__nptr);
void * bsearch (const void * __key, const void * __base, size_t __nmemb, size_t __size, int (* _compar) (const void *, const void *));

void * calloc (size_t __nmemb, size_t __size);
div_t div (int __numer, int __denom);
void exit (int __status) __attribute__ ((noreturn));
void free (void *);
char * getenv (const char *__string);
char * _getenv_r (struct _reent *, const char *__string);
char * _findenv (const char *, int *);
char * _findenv_r (struct _reent *, const char *, int *);
long labs (long);
ldiv_t ldiv (long __numer, long __denom);
void * malloc (size_t __size);
int mblen (const char *, size_t);
int _mblen_r (struct _reent *, const char *, size_t, int *);
int mbtowc (wchar_t *, const char *, size_t);
int _mbtowc_r (struct _reent *, wchar_t *, const char *, size_t, int *);
int wctomb (char *, wchar_t);
int _wctomb_r (struct _reent *, char *, wchar_t, int *);
size_t mbstowcs (wchar_t *, const char *, size_t);
size_t _mbstowcs_r (struct _reent *, wchar_t *, const char *, size_t, int *);
size_t wcstombs (char *, const wchar_t *, size_t);
size_t _wcstombs_r (struct _reent *, char *, const wchar_t *, size_t, int *);

int mkstemp (char *);
char * mktemp (char *);

void qsort (void * __base, size_t __nmemb, size_t __size, int(*_compar)(const void *, const void *));
int rand (void);
void * realloc (void * __r, size_t __size);
void srand (unsigned __seed);
double strtod (const char *__n, char **_end_PTR);

float strtodf (const char *__n, char **_end_PTR);

long strtol (const char *__n, char **_end_PTR, int __base);
unsigned long strtoul (const char *_n_PTR, char **_end_PTR, int __base);
unsigned long _strtoul_r (struct _reent *,const char *_n_PTR, char **_end_PTR, int __base);
int system (const char *__string);

int putenv (const char *__string);
int _putenv_r (struct _reent *, const char *__string);
int setenv (const char *__string, const char *__value, int __overwrite);
int _setenv_r (struct _reent *, const char *__string, const char *__value, int __overwrite);

char * gcvt (double,int,char *);
char * gcvtf (float,int,char *);
char * fcvt (double,int,int *,int *);
char * fcvtf (float,int,int *,int *);
char * ecvt (double,int,int *,int *);
char * ecvtbuf (double, int, int*, int*, char *);
char * fcvtbuf (double, int, int*, int*, char *);
char * ecvtf (float,int,int *,int *);
char * dtoa (double, int, int, int *, int*, char**);
int rand_r (unsigned *__seed);

void cfree (void *);
# 132 "/src/newlib/newlib-1.9.0/newlib/libc/include/stdlib.h"
char * _dtoa_r (struct _reent *, double, int, int, int *, int*, char**);
void * _malloc_r (struct _reent *, size_t);
void * _calloc_r (struct _reent *, size_t, size_t);
void _free_r (struct _reent *, void *);
void * _realloc_r (struct _reent *, void *, size_t);
void _mstats_r (struct _reent *, char *);
int _system_r (struct _reent *, const char *);

void __eprintf (const char *, const char *, unsigned int, const char *);
# 49 "/src/newlib/newlib-1.9.0/newlib/libc/stdlib/assert.c" 2
# 1 "/src/newlib/newlib-1.9.0/newlib/libc/include/stdio.h" 1
 * Copyright (c) 1990 The Regents of the University of California.
 * All rights reserved.
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted
 * provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are
 * duplicated in all such forms and that any documentation,
 * advertising materials, and other materials related to such
 * distribution and use acknowledge that the software was developed
 * by the University of California, Berkeley.  The name of the
 * University may not be used to endorse or promote products derived
 * from this software without specific prior written permission.
 *	@(#)stdio.h	5.3 (Berkeley) 3/15/86

 * NB: to fit things in six character monocase externals, the
 * stdio code uses the prefix `__s' for stdio objects, typically
 * followed by a three-character attempt at a mnemonic.

# 1 "/src/newlib/newlib-1.9.0/newlib/libc/include/_ansi.h" 1
# 33 "/src/newlib/newlib-1.9.0/newlib/libc/include/stdio.h" 2

# 1 "/tools/H-i686-pc-cygwin/lib/gcc-lib/v850-elf/3.0/include/stddef.h" 1 3
/* Copyright (C) 1989, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

This file is part of GNU CC.

GNU CC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.

GNU CC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with GNU CC; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.  */

/* As a special exception, if you include this header file into source
   files compiled by GCC, this header file does not by itself cause
   the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public
   License.  This exception does not however invalidate any other
   reasons why the executable file might be covered by the GNU General
   Public License.  */

 * ISO C Standard:  7.17  Common definitions  <stddef.h>

/* Any one of these symbols __need_* means that GNU libc
   wants us just to define one data type.  So don't define
   the symbols that indicate this file's entire job has been done.  */

/* snaroff@next.com says the NeXT needs this.  */

/* Irix 5.1 needs this.  */

/* This avoids lossage on SunOS but only if stdtypes.h comes first.
   There's no way to win with the other order!  Sun lossage.  */

/* On 4.3bsd-net2, make sure ansi.h is included, so we have
   one less case to deal with in the following.  */

/* In 4.3bsd-net2, machine/ansi.h defines these symbols, which are
   defined if the corresponding type is *not* defined.
   FreeBSD-2.1 defines _MACHINE_ANSI_H_ instead of _ANSI_H_ */

/* On BSD/386 1.1, at least, machine/ansi.h defines _BSD_WCHAR_T_
   instead of _WCHAR_T_. */

/* Undef _FOO_T_ if we are supposed to define foo_t.  */
# 92 "/tools/H-i686-pc-cygwin/lib/gcc-lib/v850-elf/3.0/include/stddef.h" 3
/* Sequent's header files use _PTRDIFF_T_ in some conflicting way.
   Just ignore it.  */

/* On VxWorks, <type/vxTypesBase.h> may have defined macros like
   _TYPE_size_t which will typedef size_t.  fixincludes patched the
   vxTypesBase.h so that this macro is only defined if _GCC_SIZE_T is
   not defined, and so that defining this macro defines _GCC_SIZE_T.
   If we find that the macros are still defined at this point, we must
   invoke them so that the type is defined as expected.  */
# 117 "/tools/H-i686-pc-cygwin/lib/gcc-lib/v850-elf/3.0/include/stddef.h" 3
/* In case nobody has defined these types, but we aren't running under
   GCC 2.00, make sure that __PTRDIFF_TYPE__, __SIZE__TYPE__, and
   __WCHAR_TYPE__ have reasonable values.  This can happen if the
   parts of GCC is compiled by an older compiler, that actually
   include gstddef.h, such as collect2.  */

/* Signed type of difference of two pointers.  */

/* Define this type if we are doing the whole job,
   or if we want this type in particular.  */
# 157 "/tools/H-i686-pc-cygwin/lib/gcc-lib/v850-elf/3.0/include/stddef.h" 3
/* If this symbol has done its job, get rid of it.  */

/* Unsigned type of `sizeof' something.  */

/* Define this type if we are doing the whole job,
   or if we want this type in particular.  */
# 222 "/tools/H-i686-pc-cygwin/lib/gcc-lib/v850-elf/3.0/include/stddef.h" 3
/* Wide character type.
   Locale-writers should change this as necessary to
   be big enough to hold unique values not between 0 and 127,
   and not (wchar_t) -1, for each defined multibyte character.  */

/* Define this type if we are doing the whole job,
   or if we want this type in particular.  */
# 257 "/tools/H-i686-pc-cygwin/lib/gcc-lib/v850-elf/3.0/include/stddef.h" 3
/* On BSD/386 1.1, at least, machine/ansi.h defines _BSD_WCHAR_T_
   instead of _WCHAR_T_, and _BSD_RUNE_T_ (which, unlike the other
   symbols in the _FOO_T_ family, stays defined even after its
   corresponding type is defined).  If we define wchar_t, then we
   must undef _WCHAR_T_; for BSD/386 1.1 (and perhaps others), if
   we undef _WCHAR_T_, then we must also define rune_t, since 
   headers like runetype.h assume that if machine/ansi.h is included,
   and _BSD_WCHAR_T_ is not defined, then rune_t is available.
   machine/ansi.h says, "Note that _WCHAR_T_ and _RUNE_T_ must be of
   the same type." */

/* Why is this file so hard to maintain properly?  In constrast to
   the comment above regarding BSD/386 1.1, on FreeBSD for as long
   as the symbol has existed, _BSD_RUNE_T_ must not stay defined or
   redundant typedefs will occur when stdlib.h is included after this file. */
# 317 "/tools/H-i686-pc-cygwin/lib/gcc-lib/v850-elf/3.0/include/stddef.h" 3
/*  In 4.3bsd-net2, leave these undefined to indicate that size_t, etc.
    are already defined.  */
/*  BSD/OS 3.1 and FreeBSD [23].x require the MACHINE_ANSI_H check here.  */

/*  The references to _GCC_PTRDIFF_T_, _GCC_SIZE_T_, and _GCC_WCHAR_T_
    are probably typos and should be removed before 2.8 is released.  */
# 335 "/tools/H-i686-pc-cygwin/lib/gcc-lib/v850-elf/3.0/include/stddef.h" 3
/*  The following ones are the real ones.  */
# 352 "/tools/H-i686-pc-cygwin/lib/gcc-lib/v850-elf/3.0/include/stddef.h" 3
/* A null pointer constant.  */
# 370 "/tools/H-i686-pc-cygwin/lib/gcc-lib/v850-elf/3.0/include/stddef.h" 3
/* Offset of member MEMBER in a struct of type TYPE.  */
# 38 "/src/newlib/newlib-1.9.0/newlib/libc/include/stdio.h" 2

# 1 "/tools/H-i686-pc-cygwin/lib/gcc-lib/v850-elf/3.0/include/stdarg.h" 1 3
/* Copyright (C) 1989, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

This file is part of GNU CC.

GNU CC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.

GNU CC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with GNU CC; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.  */

/* As a special exception, if you include this header file into source
   files compiled by GCC, this header file does not by itself cause
   the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public
   License.  This exception does not however invalidate any other
   reasons why the executable file might be covered by the GNU General
   Public License.  */

 * ISO C Standard:  7.15  Variable arguments  <stdarg.h>
# 39 "/tools/H-i686-pc-cygwin/lib/gcc-lib/v850-elf/3.0/include/stdarg.h" 3
/* Define __gnuc_va_list.  */

typedef __builtin_va_list __gnuc_va_list;

/* Define the standard macros for the user,
   if this invocation was from the user program.  */

/* Note that the type used in va_arg is supposed to match the
   actual type **after default promotions**.
   Thus, va_arg (..., short) is not valid.  */
# 63 "/tools/H-i686-pc-cygwin/lib/gcc-lib/v850-elf/3.0/include/stdarg.h" 3
/* Define va_list, if desired, from __gnuc_va_list. */
/* We deliberately do not define va_list when called from
   stdio.h, because ANSI C says that stdio.h is not supposed to define
   va_list.  stdio.h needs to have access to that data type, 
   but must not use that name.  It should use the name __gnuc_va_list,
   which is safe because it is reserved for the implementation.  */
# 79 "/tools/H-i686-pc-cygwin/lib/gcc-lib/v850-elf/3.0/include/stdarg.h" 3
/* SVR4.2 uses _VA_LIST for an internal alias for va_list,
   so we must avoid testing it and setting it here.
   SVR4 uses _VA_LIST as a flag in stdarg.h, but we should
   have no conflict with that.  */
# 97 "/tools/H-i686-pc-cygwin/lib/gcc-lib/v850-elf/3.0/include/stdarg.h" 3
/* The macro _VA_LIST_ is the same thing used by this file in Ultrix.
   But on BSD NET2 we must not test or define or undef it.
   (Note that the comments in NET 2's ansi.h
   are incorrect for _VA_LIST_--see stdio.h!)  */

/* The macro _VA_LIST_DEFINED is used in Windows NT 3.5  */

/* The macro _VA_LIST is used in SCO Unix 3.2.  */

/* The macro _VA_LIST_T_H is used in the Bull dpx2  */

/* The macro __va_list__ is used by BeOS.  */
# 41 "/src/newlib/newlib-1.9.0/newlib/libc/include/stdio.h" 2

 * <sys/reent.h> defines __sFILE, _fpos_t.
 * They must be defined there because struct _reent needs them (and we don't
 * want reent.h to include this file.

# 1 "/src/newlib/newlib-1.9.0/newlib/libc/include/sys/reent.h" 1
# 49 "/src/newlib/newlib-1.9.0/newlib/libc/include/stdio.h" 2

typedef _fpos_t fpos_t;

typedef struct __sFILE FILE;

        /* RD and WR are never simultaneously asserted */
# 73 "/src/newlib/newlib-1.9.0/newlib/libc/include/stdio.h"
 * The following three definitions are for ANSI C, which took them
 * from System V, which stupidly took internal interface macros and
 * made them official arguments to setvbuf(), without renaming them.
 * Hence, these ugly _IOxxx names are *supposed* to appear in user code.
 * Although these happen to match their counterparts above, the
 * implementation does not rely on that (so these could be renumbered).
# 120 "/src/newlib/newlib-1.9.0/newlib/libc/include/stdio.h"
 * Functions defined in ANSI C standard.
# 131 "/src/newlib/newlib-1.9.0/newlib/libc/include/stdio.h"
int remove (const char *);
int rename (const char *, const char *);

char * tempnam (const char *, const char *);
FILE * tmpfile (void);
char * tmpnam (char *);
int fclose (FILE *);
int fflush (FILE *);
FILE * freopen (const char *, const char *, FILE *);
void setbuf (FILE *, char *);
int setvbuf (FILE *, char *, int, size_t);
int fprintf (FILE *, const char *, ...);
int fscanf (FILE *, const char *, ...);
int printf (const char *, ...);
int scanf (const char *, ...);
int sscanf (const char *, const char *, ...);
int vfprintf (FILE *, const char *, __gnuc_va_list);
int vprintf (const char *, __gnuc_va_list);
int vsprintf (char *, const char *, __gnuc_va_list);
int vsnprintf (char *, size_t, const char *, __gnuc_va_list);
int fgetc (FILE *);
char * fgets (char *, int, FILE *);
int fputc (int, FILE *);
int fputs (const char *, FILE *);
int getc (FILE *);
int getchar (void);
char * gets (char *);
int putc (int, FILE *);
int putchar (int);
int puts (const char *);
int ungetc (int, FILE *);
size_t fread (void *, size_t _size, size_t _n, FILE *);
size_t fwrite (const void * , size_t _size, size_t _n, FILE *);
int fgetpos (FILE *, fpos_t *);
int fseek (FILE *, long, int);
int fsetpos (FILE *, const fpos_t *);
long ftell ( FILE *);
void rewind (FILE *);
void clearerr (FILE *);
int feof (FILE *);
int ferror (FILE *);
void perror (const char *);

FILE * fopen (const char *_name, const char *_type);
int sprintf (char *, const char *, ...);
int snprintf (char *, size_t, const char *, ...);

int vfiprintf (FILE *, const char *, __gnuc_va_list);
int iprintf (const char *, ...);
int fiprintf (FILE *, const char *, ...);
int siprintf (char *, const char *, ...);

 * Routines in POSIX 1003.1.

FILE * fdopen (int, const char *);

int fileno (FILE *);
int getw (FILE *);
int pclose (FILE *);
FILE * popen (const char *, const char *);
int putw (int, FILE *);
void setbuffer (FILE *, char *, int);
int setlinebuf (FILE *);

 * Recursive versions of the above.

FILE * _fdopen_r (struct _reent *, int, const char *);
FILE * _fopen_r (struct _reent *, const char *, const char *);
int _getchar_r (struct _reent *);
char * _gets_r (struct _reent *, char *);
int _iprintf_r (struct _reent *, const char *, ...);
int _mkstemp_r (struct _reent *, char *);
char * _mktemp_r (struct _reent *, char *);
void _perror_r (struct _reent *, const char *);
int _printf_r (struct _reent *, const char *, ...);
int _putchar_r (struct _reent *, int);
int _puts_r (struct _reent *, const char *);
int _remove_r (struct _reent *, const char *);
int _rename_r (struct _reent *, const char *_old, const char *_new);

int _scanf_r (struct _reent *, const char *, ...);
int _sprintf_r (struct _reent *, char *, const char *, ...);
int _snprintf_r (struct _reent *, char *, size_t, const char *, ...);
char * _tempnam_r (struct _reent *, const char *, const char *);
FILE * _tmpfile_r (struct _reent *);
char * _tmpnam_r (struct _reent *, char *);
int _vfprintf_r (struct _reent *, FILE *, const char *, __gnuc_va_list);
int _vprintf_r (struct _reent *, const char *, __gnuc_va_list);
int _vsprintf_r (struct _reent *, char *, const char *, __gnuc_va_list);
int _vsnprintf_r (struct _reent *, char *, size_t, const char *, __gnuc_va_list);

 * Routines internal to the implementation.

int __srget (FILE *);
int __swbuf (int, FILE *);

 * Stdio function-access interface.

FILE *funopen (const void * _cookie, int (*readfn)(void * _cookie, char *_buf, int _n), int (*writefn)(void * _cookie, const char *_buf, int _n), fpos_t (*seekfn)(void * _cookie, fpos_t _off, int _whence), int (*closefn)(void * _cookie));
# 253 "/src/newlib/newlib-1.9.0/newlib/libc/include/stdio.h"
 * The __sfoo macros are here so that we can 
 * define function versions in the C library.
# 278 "/src/newlib/newlib-1.9.0/newlib/libc/include/stdio.h"
/* If this inline is actually used, then systems using coff debugging
   info get hopelessly confused.  21sept93 rich@cygnus.com.  */

 * This has been tuned to generate reasonable code on the vax using pcc
# 332 "/src/newlib/newlib-1.9.0/newlib/libc/include/stdio.h"
/* fast always-buffered version, true iff error */
# 50 "/src/newlib/newlib-1.9.0/newlib/libc/stdlib/assert.c" 2

__assert(const char *file , int line , const char *failedexpr)

        "assertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d\n",
        failedexpr, file, line);
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