MIPS, profiling, and not working

Simon Gee simong@oz.agile.tv
Tue Aug 14 16:36:00 GMT 2001

>         .set    noreorder
>         .set    noat
>         move    $1,$31          # save current return address
>         jal     _mcount
>         subu    $sp,$sp,8               # _mcount pops 2 words from  stack
>         .set    reorder
>         .set    at

Given this assembler sequence, which is produced by:

/* Output assembler code to FILE to increment profiler label # LABELNO
   for profiling a function entry.  */

#define FUNCTION_PROFILER(FILE, LABELNO)                                \
{                                                                       \
  if (TARGET_MIPS16)                                                    \
    sorry ("mips16 function profiling");                                \
  fprintf (FILE, "\t.set\tnoreorder\n");                                \
  fprintf (FILE, "\t.set\tnoat\n");                                     \
  fprintf (FILE, "\tmove\t%s,%s\t\t# save current return address\n",    \
           reg_names[GP_REG_FIRST + 1], reg_names[GP_REG_FIRST + 31]);  \
  fprintf (FILE, "\tjal\t_mcount\n");                                   \
  fprintf (FILE,                                                        \
           "\t%s\t%s,%s,%d\t\t# _mcount pops 2 words from  stack\n",    \
           TARGET_64BIT ? "dsubu" : "subu",                             \
           reg_names[STACK_POINTER_REGNUM],                             \
           reg_names[STACK_POINTER_REGNUM],                             \
           Pmode == DImode ? 16 : 8);                                   \
  fprintf (FILE, "\t.set\treorder\n");                                  \
  fprintf (FILE, "\t.set\tat\n");                                       \

in mips.h, wouldn't the positioning of "subu $sp,$sp,8" imply that it was
intended to be within "jal"'s delay slot (the expansion of jal is really
annoying!) ? This being the case, the stack adjustment may have had to have
been made before the call to _mcount is made.


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