error compiling BLAS with g77

Edwin Robert Tisdale
Fri Apr 13 10:43:00 GMT 2001

zrotg.f: In subroutine `zrotg':
            norm = scale*dsqrt((cdabs(ca/dcmplx(scale,0.0d0)))**2 +
Target machine does not support complex entity of kind specified at (^)
            norm = scale*dsqrt((cdabs(ca/dcmplx(scale,0.0d0)))**2 +
Arithmetic operator at (1) must operate on two scalar (not array)
subexpressions, two function invocations returning arithmetic scalars,
or a combination of both -- but the subexpression at (2) is an array

$ uname -mprsv
Linux 2.2.16-22smp #1 SMP Tue Aug 22 16:39:21 EDT 2000 i686 unknown
$ g77 --version
GNU Fortran 0.5.25 19991024 (release)
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BLAS (Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms)

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