[Fwd - Frm: bill@vikingasia.org, Subj: would you like a couple of old SparcStations?]

Free Software Foundation gnu@gnu.org
Mon Oct 16 22:47:00 GMT 2000

Do we have a use for these?

(I am CC'ing bug-gcc@gnu.org, as there was some talk at the ALS conference
 that the GCC team might benefit from a some varied hardware platforms for

If anyone can use his offer, please contact him directly.

----- Forwarded message from Bill_Schell_MosX <bill@vikingasia.org> -----

To: gnu@gnu.org
From: Bill_Schell_MosX <bill@vikingasia.org>
Subject: would you like a couple of old SparcStations?

Dear Gnu,

I've 'acquired' a couple of hand-me-down Sparcs - a Sparc4 and an IPC - and I have no real use for them...

r u interested?

bill schell 
==== Bill Schell's ".sig" file for Mac OS "X" - 22 September 2000 ==== ==
phones:  Motorola-voice-mail: +1 561 485 5848       home: +1 561 781 6150
e-mail:  Motorola: rhk657@email.mot.com     personal: bill@vikingasia.org
----- End forwarded message -----

Bradley M. Kuhn
Free Software Foundation     |  Phone: +1-617-542-5942
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Boston, MA 02111-1307  USA   |  Web:   http://www.gnu.org

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