armv3l Linux segfault during bootstrap

Richard Earnshaw
Thu Oct 12 05:58:00 GMT 2000 said:
> I'm having a problem bootstraping GCC on armv3l Linux.  It builds fine
> on armv4l Linux.  My last successful build was from CVS around 12:30
> AM EST on October 9.  Picked up in out autobuilder http://

> The difference between the armv4l-linux and armv3l-linux build is the
> armv4l-linux one is configured with --with-cpu=strongarm.

> Richard could this failure be related to your changes for SSA support
> on ARM? 

Not the SSA stuff in particular, since that was only for Thumb (I haven't 
had time to do the fixes for ARM code yet, since they are more complex).  
It could be the conditional execution changes, but I doubt it.

The crash occurs when we start to use the stage2 compiler (the one built 
with the stage1 compiler), so it means that the stage1 compiler is buggy 

I can't be certain, but this smells a bit like the bug in bb-reorder.c 
that I've just committed a fix for.  Can you try again and let me know if 
it solves the problem.


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