c/912: 64-bit cross compiler failure on 32-bit hosts

matthew green mrg@everglades.eterna.com.au
Mon Nov 27 22:36:00 GMT 2000

>Number:         912
>Category:       c
>Synopsis:       TImode shouldn't be used on 32-bit hosts.
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       serious
>Priority:       high
>Responsible:    unassigned
>State:          open
>Class:          sw-bug
>Submitter-Id:   net
>Arrival-Date:   Mon Nov 27 22:36:00 PST 2000
>Originator:     matthew green
>Release:        2.97 20001126 (experimental)
people's front against (bozotic) www (softwar foundation)
System: NetBSD everglades.eterna.com.au 1.5K NetBSD 1.5K (EVERGLADES) #49: Sun Nov 19 10:35:27 EST 2000 mrg@everglades.eterna.com.au:/orb/j/src/sys/arch/sparc64/compile/EVERGLADES sparc64

host: sparc-unknown-netbsd
build: sparc-unknown-netbsd
target: sparc64-elf
configured with: /croc/mrg/gcc/egcs/configure --prefix=/usr/toolchain sparc64-elf

	while building a sparc64-elf compiler, the compilation of libgcc fails
	due to attempts to use TImode on a 32-bit host.  most of the system
	correctly tests for this, but libgcc2.h has regressed since GCC 2.95.2.

/croc/mrg/gcc/egcs/gcc/libgcc2.h:99: no data type for mode `TI'
/croc/mrg/gcc/egcs/gcc/libgcc2.h:100: no data type for mode `TI'


	build a compiler --target=sparc64-elf on a x86 box.


	this patch solves the problem:

2000-11-28  matthew green  <mrg@eterna.com.au>

	* libgcc2.h (TItype): Don't define on 32-bit hosts.
	(UTItype): Likewise.

Index: libgcc2.h
RCS file: /cvs/gcc/egcs/gcc/libgcc2.h,v
retrieving revision 1.10
diff -p -r1.10 libgcc2.h
*** libgcc2.h	2000/10/20 23:32:09	1.10
--- libgcc2.h	2000/11/28 06:19:38
*************** typedef unsigned int USItype	__attribute
*** 94,101 ****
  /* These typedefs are usually forbidden on archs with UNITS_PER_WORD 2 */
  typedef		 int DItype	__attribute__ ((mode (DI)));
  typedef unsigned int UDItype	__attribute__ ((mode (DI)));
! /* These typedefs are usually forbidden on archs with UNITS_PER_WORD 4 */
  typedef		 int TItype	__attribute__ ((mode (TI)));
  typedef unsigned int UTItype	__attribute__ ((mode (TI)));
--- 94,102 ----
  /* These typedefs are usually forbidden on archs with UNITS_PER_WORD 2 */
  typedef		 int DItype	__attribute__ ((mode (DI)));
  typedef unsigned int UDItype	__attribute__ ((mode (DI)));
! /* These typedefs are usually forbidden on archs with UNITS_PER_WORD 4,
!    and require host support as well.  */
  typedef		 int TItype	__attribute__ ((mode (TI)));
  typedef unsigned int UTItype	__attribute__ ((mode (TI)));
*************** typedef int word_type __attribute__ ((mo
*** 153,159 ****
  #define float bogus_type
  #define double bogus_type
  #define W_TYPE_SIZE (8 * BITS_PER_UNIT)
  #define Wtype	DItype
  #define UWtype	UDItype
--- 154,160 ----
  #define float bogus_type
  #define double bogus_type
  #define W_TYPE_SIZE (8 * BITS_PER_UNIT)
  #define Wtype	DItype
  #define UWtype	UDItype

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